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Member Appreciation Thread: 2016 Edition


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For the original thread, look no further than here (thanks Ark)

So I was going about today as normal when I remembered a certain thread that had appeared on this very day last year, that being the member appreciation thread 2k15 edition (ty for making that Bibs). I feel quite a few new people have sprung up since the 2015 edition, so a thread like this was in order. The idea is the same as the last two threads, to show appreciation to your fellow Reborn friends and family.

Same rules as all before:

-No sarcasm unless it is clearly intended as a joke (Strikethrough is recommended for Sarcasm)

-If someone compliments you, don't deny it.

With that out of the way, here are some people I want to show some Appreciation to:

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Edit: how could I forget, my main mans:

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Worth a shot, since I'm likely never going to create an "anniversary" or "post count anniversary" thread.


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The people who I may have missed or did not mention that I've spoken to:

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Just saying Scar... you might be able to talk to me on a more regular basis if I was added to things. ((Passive agressiveness aaaactivate.)) seriously though... love ya man~

((but really though you need to stop babying me bro, I'm a grown man and while I do have issues at times... trust me, I'm a lot stronger than I used to be. I've found quite a few of my pieces and fit them back together. I'm not as fragile as I've been. I'm probably in the best place I've been in... all my life. I know a lot of people are hesitant to throw stuff at me, and they tend to step around me or walk on eggshells around me, trust me, I'm not like I was back then. I migth still have down spirals, but who doesn't?))

And it will be awhile until I get to this. I'd like to keep my for the end of the year since I might get to know some new folks in that time and they will deserve to have a shoutout. So I'll going to refrain for now.

Actually there's one person I wanna do one for now. Because this one can't wait imo. and that is for none other than Bibs/Morshu/whatever thing he changed to this week.

I don't if you knew just how much you helped me those two days a little back when I was at... an all time low ((okay not all time but recent time?)), I felt myself slipping back into that very real place of depression a place I didn't want to be again. And, while quite a few people did help in that regard and did get me through... I think it was the things you said that really stuck with me... really dug deep into my heart.

lol, I was incredibly flattered by some of those words you said. When you told me just how much you looked up to me, and what I was at first to you. I never ever thought I was a person someone could ever think of in that way. At least... it's nothing anyone ever admitted to me before or told me. So... it felt... strange when you were telling me that. Honestly, I still don't think I entirely deserve that, but... nonetheless, those words meant a lot to me. Further, as far as you went for me that day... was crazy. I won't say what you did here, that's your business but, to the point you made someone irl get just a bit livid with you for me... means a lot.

You're a good dude, and a person I'm glad I had that much of a heart to heart with. It was because it was so unexpected so outta of left field... so much of something I never thought would happen that... it really struck me. I still dunno if you'd consider me a close friend or... even a friend after that but... even if not... I'll always remember that you did that for me. It really does mean the world... just a small gesture like that. So, thanks for that Bibs, and thanks for being the wildly positive guy I know you can be.

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yay it's totally a thing

Telos: You're my best friend. I know my world would turn upside-down if I lost you, since you've made such a rippling impact on my life. Odds are you won't read this unless/until I link it to you, since you're a bit far gone from Reborn, but I like to think everyone can be a little jealous of the friendship we've got. You're one of a kind and I wholeheartedly love you.

Jericho: If Telos is first, you're second. The shit we've gone through man, some of that I'd steer clear of, but I wouldn't mind another serving if it means we can work together. You're an older brother to me and I look up to you frequently, though I may not show it. You've got an incredible head on your shoulders and I'm still taking notes on how that works. Thanks for everything.

Cowtao: hae bae, how's your dae, omg we're so gae. But that's fine. I know that fallout a year back made some friction, but before that, we had something great. I'm glad you recently reached out- I really do want to get to know you and chill with you again. I really like the vibes you put out, dude, and I want to know how you do it. You're a rad person and I gotta get more of you in my life.

Vinny: \o Man, I can't recount the hours of music we've shared, and I don't care to count, because I know there's more to be shared. I ain't got the fingers for that kind of job. A shoutout to you for being a super duper rad user 24/7- you always seem to be bustling with positive energy and it really latches on to me, I absolutely love that.

Rose: Hellooooo, you flower, you. No denying the incoming compliments, they're all true- you're incredible \o/ The Flower Garden still thrives and there's good times continuing to be had there. Thanks for that. Pre-moderation, we were still on good terms, but we're put on the same team and WHAM! Now there's a fun time. We've got that synchronicity, and being with you and Mike puts out this vibe of either the Three Musketeers or troublemakers in crime. Now THAT is fun. You're a fun gal and I enjoy being as able-bodied and helpful to you as you are to me. Thanks friend!

Dobby: HOOOOO BOY, let's DTR. Now that I think about it, we go all the ways back during our time in Reborn. Those early days were a blast and looking back, I realize the good-ass choice I made to RP alongside you. That was that good shit, and though that's in the past, I'm enjoying this present we're in. What conversations we've had really makes me want to get to know you more. Yeah, you're a fun dude. I want to know what else you've got going, because I know there's some tricks up your sleeve.

Zephyr: \o/ Hihi, how's it swinging,you? Thanks for being an outlet for all my music and math and Atok Niiro fan appreciation. You're an incredibly fun person and I've had fun getting to know over x months. Glad to see you're back too, so here's to hoping many many many many many many more opportunities.

Tacos: Uh-oh, here comes Tacos, wink wonk, fun times incoming, watch out everyone. We don't much converse anymore. What times we did, I had fun. I appreciate your help in the transition from Member to Moderator, and your insight is valuable. Thanks friendo.

Etesian: So I got this PM in my inbox asking for music and that was the best start to getting to know you. I'm glad to see you and read a greeting most times when I go onto the server. It's much appreciated. Also, thanks for showing me DCSS. Next time you see, get on my butt to continue that. I really ought to.

Autumn: My #3 music plug, thank you for listening to all the music I throw at you \o/ It feels outstanding knowing you've enjoyed some of what I've shared with you. Also, I love doge and cute pictures you send me like twice a month, that's superneat. Also also, the teambuilding you've helped me with (read: making my teams) is very much appreciated. Your contributions ought to go acknowledged, so I'm glad to be helping with that \o/


Bibs/Morshu/Radmin Joe: I knew you before you becoming overwhelmingly popular and neat and super amazing (not that you weren't before) :3c You liven up main a lot and Reborn is super duper stupor scooper cool with you around. Also, I can secretly plug away hilarious things at you (hint, hint, creme story) and that's always a blast. I'm glad I've gotten to know you and hope to see more in the future because you're an MVP in Reborn.

Edited by Arkhi
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I would write something extensive but I feel like I've contributed so little to the actual community feel of the place since the last one that I may as well copy and paste what I wrote a year ago. So instead of retreading old ground I'll just say this, I've got some fantastic friends here, they all know what I think of them, and I'm really grateful to them for just being themselves.

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Hukuna--Thanks for kicking the Reborn Roleplayers in the pants and devoting so much time to the roleplay community!

DerogatoryTrainer--Thanks for the reactionlockes, they cheer me up on my down days.

Nickaboo92--Thanks for introducing me to this game via your youtube channel. ^_^

and...that's all I can think of right now. :| I'm not really that active in the community anymore, so...yeah...:T

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if youre not in it thats 2 bad my dude im bad at writing these

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  • Veterans
  On 6/9/2016 at 2:55 AM, TheScarletSword said:

Zumi - You're a rad girl whose most notable trait to me right now how much presence you exhibit in conversations, when you are active. I'd like to consider you a friend who I'd love to talk to more. Not to mention your art is fantastic - but this isn't the only thing to define you, and from what I've seen, you're a great person.

AAAA thank you so much Scarlet!! i agree that we should talk more but i've just been really occupied with a lot of things lately so i hope you can forgive me oiudfogisdjf

thank you so much though!!

  On 6/9/2016 at 8:53 AM, Skeleton said:


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tbf i don't even blame you but ye my dude we can still be friends :]

also i'll probably post my own list of appreciation stuff later this week

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A bit busy right now, so just names. I'll add detail later.


Blind Guardian








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Sigh...well I got two years worth of people to list, but I doubt I'm going to list everybody. I'm going to try and categorize this a little bit so that I can remember more people. Let's get this show on the road. If you don't see me in three days then this post killed me.


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Others (this'll be a work in progress):

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  • Support Squad
  On 6/9/2016 at 5:05 AM, Arkhi said:

Dobby: HOOOOO BOY, let's DTR. Now that I think about it, we go all the ways back during our time in Reborn. Those early days were a blast and looking back, I realize the good-ass choice I made to RP alongside you. That was that good shit, and though that's in the past, I'm enjoying this present we're in. What conversations we've had really makes me want to get to know you more. Yeah, you're a fun dude. I want to know what else you've got going, because I know there's some tricks up your sleeve.

You've activated my trap card!

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  On 6/9/2016 at 1:59 PM, Commander said:
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I take great offense. We must duel in one on one apple combat. First to the golden core gets rabbit priority.

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As for my own appreciation, I said it first in the other threads (maybe threads ngl don't recall) that there's so many people to list it'd be so difficult and if I missed anybody I'd feel terrible. I did try it in my most recent thread but that's like plugging so i'mma just say no more.

Do you know who needs some real appreciation though? The post button. Otherwise I couldn't say any of this.

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finally my chance to be sappy

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I didn't know if I was gonna make this or not but I am, so here we go.

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I don't feel like I've missed anyone, but if I did then I'm sorry. I'm only a human despite how robotic I can be at times :c

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I wrote more on last year's one.

Kinda wish I didn't because there's people missing there. So this time I'll be more direct:

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And a shoutout out of the spoiler for [member=Marcello] because he's the bug exterminator. The problem solver. The man with a plan~

Should be everyone. If not...



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@phyrron: Your pretty fun to troll and make fun of as well. It is all for the lolz anyways. I am glad i met you too brah and tbh you are really good at mons as well.

@jelly: rurall <: ly 2. also i was joking about not knowing you when you came back for fun, i always knew who you were ~

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You know last time this existed I didn't really appreciate the peeps. There are some people who do deserve a little post telling them they are pretty cool so:

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  On 6/9/2016 at 2:55 AM, TheScarletSword said:

Ama - Ice chose a fantastic person. From all of my conversations with you, you've given off positive vibes and is someone who can usually keep discussion going on a topic that you're well versed in, and I respect that about you. Perhaps it's because we're both well versed in writing, heheh. I hope we can get the opportunity to talk more this summer.

I already mentioned that to you, but just so you know, I feel flattered as hell to be listed there. You're a very interesting person to talk to and definitely someone who I feel at ease around, even if we don't know each other that well yet.

Thank you~

I already talked about many people when I made my anniversary thread, but I also left out names of a lot of people back then.

I thought I would rather stick to naming my friends and a couple special cases, but I feel this here might be a good opportunity to at least give a small shout-out to people who I may not consider best buddies, but who are still enjoyable to be around on the server.

It's a lot of people, actually. In no particular order, there's Chubb, Sparky, Rose, Edge, ICSW, Zumi, Aika, Jacze, Spine. And let's add Hoehe to the list as well, because while you're still quite new, I already think you're cool.

None of you made it onto my anniversary thread because we don't talk that much (and I certainly talk to some of you more than others, too), compared to others, but you're all great company. If the lobby was a party and I was there without my friends, you'd be the group I'd awkwardly shuffle towards and stick close to. And hopefully you'd not have me kicked out of the club for being a creep.

Also, Alice and jasminininja get a special mention despite being on my thread, because I am getting to know both of you a lot better lately, and it's been fun so far!

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Special mention to Jasmiinininja for being Reborn OC trash with me, and also cuz she has a rly good music taste

And even if she doesn't rly go on here anymore Prettyboy-Cain, not only cuz I'm her gf, but also cuz her art kept me making fanart for Reborn and that's a huge plus in my book

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Might as well update some things since the last one(if I even posted in it I don't remember).

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Ugh, is it me or is it too damn sappy in here.

Well here goes.

Dan - Can't start with anyone else. This gentleman right here is to blame for my being here for the long haul in the first place, so if you have grievances, you know just the man to seek. Dan, if you're out there - thank you for being a good steward to me and so many others. It truly means a lot.

Rose - You're the best person to elope with and subsequently have send me to the doghouse multiple times. (The rest of you - I WAS FIRST. Deal with it.) ....thank you for allowing me the grace of your friendship and your patience - as well as being a great friend. Someday, I will make good on that visit.

Jericho - Mike, thanks for being my partner in crime. It was an honor serving along side you as a part of Team @, fighting with you for the Cerulean Alliance until the bitter end, raising hell in auth meetings as if were agents of justice, then turning around and apparently "abusing" our power against the rest of the community. (Love you guys.) Talking about various topics such as politics to college football to deeper subjects like theism, personal betterment and ....women?....is women a deeper subject?....I guess it's still all Greek to me.

EternalEdge - [insert string of insults here] -................thanks for being as much of a hothead as I am and at the same time having thick skin. I appreciated being challenged and challenging you in return and hopefully people see our spats as enjoyable rounds of jest now instead of some of our monstrous bouts. You're a good guy, Andreas, and thanks for being the hero Reborn doesn't deserve, but desperately needed - even when I thought I could be that hero myself.

Silver - Thanks for being a brave soul. For being a youngster, you're aggressive strides for recognition are tempered by respect around these parts. While you were pushing the envelopes, I was a coward - and even if you never speak to me in a friendly manner again, I will always admire you as a person and for exhibiting everything I hope to even come close to. Whatever your endeavors are - godspeed.

Ikaru - I think I always manage to find some way to get off on the wrong foot with you just when the going gets good. The honest truth is, you are one of the few people - when we do set aside our differences - that isn't totally a foil to someone like me. We have a similar taste in music. We currently or semi recently were into the same video game, and what have you. Despite our spats and our friendship (if you choose to call it one - that balls in your court) equating to the strength of a Jenga tower in terms of stability, I will always treasure the times we do and have had a chat. I don't need to look very hard to see why people like you - despite being someone who threw up reasons every chance he got in the past. I was wrong - and I hope you can forgive me for that.

Mael - Mael, it's very clear that we don't think on the same track - and while that's been the cause of some seriously bruising discourse it's also been insightful and helped me see the kind of person you are. You are someone that is a strong leader - and it's not hard to understand why you held your title back then. You also have the eye for art and a heart for games, and that's something that we both share to an extent. Thanks for helping me look good around these parts more than a few times.

Sheep - My brother, from down under. Our discourses weren't necessarily heated, but you were still a great conservation partner. Come around more often. Get Fates already too. I need more people to talk to about the game anyway.

Sparky - Howdy, Son. Thanks for allowing me to be your tutor that one winter. It's been amazing to see how much you have improved as a battler - despite not having such a great teacher at all. Of course, others pitched in too and they are equally to thank for that. Thanks for being you, kid.

SHIA - Shia....talking to you is always, ALWAYS fun for me. It's not in your case, and I understand that and should be more considerate of your feelings. I promise I'll continue to work on that.

Ame - I'm always caught off guard that after all the two of us went through you still put up with my crap with open palms and a kind heart. I've earned clenched fists and a heart of stone ten times over. Thank you for being my friend - and hopefully I can make it pay off for you.

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Thanking people by their first name. Figure things out for yourselfs. :P Only making exceptions to people that I don't know name or want secrecy.

Rosesong - Very motherly and caring. Always had time to listen to me and my problems.

Cameron - Very caring friend and musical partner in crime. Also guys, I swear we aren't gae.

Autumn - For actually being the only AO member that was legitimately better than Kamina. Also cute and intelligent.

Mike - Renegade. Also very intellectual, honest, and thinks outside normal boundaries.

Erick - People to need to see your speeches, because you are the most intelligent individual in hip hop.

Miguel - Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock Cute Things Rock Rock Rock Rock Rock

Jelly - Got me into lower tier comp for like a day. Then I realized I hate NU

Vinny - Dude stop posting so much. Jesus Christ. You're gonna break Reborn.

Jacob - Quit whining about being old you old ass man. Also visit me sometime.

Dan - You still act like a Robot. But I guess overtime you became a Robot with a heart.

Kurotsune - For giving me compassion when it comes to programming. Also for Dark Humor.

Ame - For this inescapable hell.

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I'll get this done one day. It's not in any real order sooo

Wendel: Y'know, we probably got off on the wrong foot but that doesn't matter anymore. Because aside from the squabbling, I consider you a pretty good friend of mine and I'm pretty sure you were one if not my first actual friend on reborn. So thank you, both for dealing with me for the last 2~ years and for being an awesome person.

Dobby: Another person I got off the wrong foot with, even more so than with Wendel(I think?). I think you actually put me on ignore quite a few times back in the day simply because of how annoying I used to be, and thanks for that I guess. Either way, the few conversations we have here and there now a days are always great and you're an amazing person yourself. Keep being you dude.

Bibs: m8, IT'S DAT BOI, top t13r scrUB RIGHT HERE. The amount of fun I have talking or playing hackmons or whatever with you is unreal. You're easily one of the most trustworthy and popular people around here and there's a reason for that. I've got very few words to describe how amazing you are. BAAAAARRRRKUUUUUSSSS!

Tomas: So I first met you through the Yu-Gi-Oh RP you did last year, though it died rather quickly due to IRL troubles you were having. Soon after, I joined Se7en and it was easily one of the greatest experiences I had in a very long time. Despite the fact that I burned out at the end and had to leave, it'll always hold a spot in my heart. Even if you're(Probably)not going to read this, you'll always be a person I respect and hold dear. Take care mate

Pyrrhon: My dude, you're amazing to clown around with, your memes are out of this realm and you're waaayyy better at mons than I am at the moment. But who cares, mons is a shit game anyways. Love it regardless of that. That latest shit post prntscrn thing was baller yo. Rock on m8.

Zumi: What a NERD. next please. You went from a person I talk from time to time with to someone I can enjoy talking trash with and playing hackmons; one of my favorite things to do. Hope things work out well for you and if I could, I'd definetly be coming over to see that Flower Parade. Please kick Bibs' ass for me whenever he goes there :]

Chubb: Resseti > Wigglytuff. You're cool and kind and a bunch of other different things at the same time man. I remember first talking with you and I think it was Shing about rejuvenation and stuff back in those days was rad as fuck, especially that early into the game's lifespan.

Dash: Working with you guys on Redemption was easily one of the funnest things ever. The shenanigans and memes that popped up in the chat as a result of this will never be forgotten. I know you're busy as fuck dude but we really need to mess around again, shit's fun.

There's a bunch of others I'll add whenever I've got time but for now, know that Reborn has changed my life a lot and I'll cherish it forever because of that. Y'all are cool as fuck.

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Oh I got 2 mentions :) Thanks.

Forgive me if I forget to mention some people.

They may be short posts but here are a few of mine:

Sensei Godot: You're a fun dude to talk to about different games and play with in smash bros. You're a true senpai!

Pyrrhon: Good Pokémon player which was nice to have around in Redemption, one fun Theme Tournament, great fighter in smash bros and a person with an enjoyable sense of humour.

Maelstrom: Another good opponent in smash bros. Cool guy, always good to see on showdown server.

Azery: Fun guy to play against in Random Battles or just generally.

Amethyst: Someone who created a place for many people to hang out in, and a person I like to talk about Zero Escape or Danganronpa series with. You need to bring back Nonary, though!!!

Viridiscent: You make amazing art and you're nice to talk with.

DashingStorm: Thanks for hosting the Redemption League. It was a good run and I was happy to be part of the staff.

Secundum: Some people give you some drama sometimes and so on, but I think you're a decent person. I enjoyed our co operation in Nations 1 and PZA. (Even though I betrayed Viridian Alliance, I just wanted to make the event a little bit more eventful.)

Redemption Staff: A group I really enjoyed working with. Thanks for being there to run it!

Auth: Thanks for keeping Reborn an enjoyable place.

Everyone else: Thanks for being there!

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  On 6/9/2016 at 2:55 AM, TheScarletSword said:

Coraline - The raddest girl on the corner. She, like, totes taught us all the value of valley talk! Like, ohmygos--

Rosesong - One of the definitive reasons why I continued to hang around in Reborn after the summer of 2014, even if that annoyed you a ton. You're also the first - and so far only person that I met in real life from the Internet. We've had a very rocky ride that lasted roughly 10 months, but despite all that's transpired, I still consider you one of my closest friends. Events like those should've made two people absolutely despise one another, yet we can still talk. It's weird as fuck putting you in the 2013 list. Most of your Reborn exploits came from the following year, but we'll go by join date. But seriously, thanks for putting up with me even when I was at my lowest states.

Like omg, totes mah gotes you are just like such a rad peep-- *shot*

You're a fabulous person and a wonderful friend Scarlet. Never forget that, and thank you for being such a fantastic person to talk to; things have indeed been rough, but I'd like to think that they've improved a great deal since. Know that I don't take your friendship for granted, and that it means a lot to me that I can talk to you about anything.

  On 6/9/2016 at 5:05 AM, Arkhi said:

Rose: Hellooooo, you flower, you. No denying the incoming compliments, they're all true- you're incredible \o/ The Flower Garden still thrives and there's good times continuing to be had there. Thanks for that. Pre-moderation, we were still on good terms, but we're put on the same team and WHAM! Now there's a fun time. We've got that synchronicity, and being with you and Mike puts out this vibe of either the Three Musketeers or troublemakers in crime. Now THAT is fun. You're a fun gal and I enjoy being as able-bodied and helpful to you as you are to me. Thanks friend!

You are without a doubt one of my saving graces since I joined the auth team. If I have a question or am unsure of myself, you're always there to give me a reality check and assist me in puzzling things through and come to a solid answer. Your allusion to the Three Musketeers is spot on as well; you, Mike, and I generally have so much fun. Plus, your taste in music is so fantastic, and I adore listening to the links you send me. I'm really glad we've become such good friends.

  On 6/10/2016 at 2:38 AM, Shadow Roxas said:

Rose: Much like Scarlet and Kuna, I'm glad we got to be good friends. You've given me some great advice when I really needed it and was at a loss at what to do. Plus, discussing Poketheories with you in FG is a right fun thing to do and it's really enjoyable, and we've got a similar taste in music and that's really fuckin' cool yo.

I enjoy talking with you Roxie. You're so chill to talk to, and I like that you're such a great listener. We have a ton in common, and I must say; I hope you and C are able to move to New Orleans soon, because you and I have to have some major hang out time ahead of us not to mention I could potentially witness Roxie-rage in first person!

  On 6/10/2016 at 3:51 AM, Vinny said:

Special mentions to [member=Rosesong] (Because she's the best of the best. And even better than that.)

I'm so glad I've slowly gotten to know you (even though you had to leave for awhile, cri). You're a really awesome person and I hope that when you can be around more (which tentatively seems to be now) we can continue to get to know one another.

  On 6/11/2016 at 1:03 PM, Ama said:

It's a lot of people, actually. In no particular order, there's Chubb, Sparky, Rose, Edge, ICSW, Zumi, Aika, Jacze, Spine. And let's add Hoehe to the list as well, because while you're still quite new, I already think you're cool.

None of you made it onto my anniversary thread because we don't talk that much (and I certainly talk to some of you more than others, too), compared to others, but you're all great company. If the lobby was a party and I was there without my friends, you'd be the group I'd awkwardly shuffle towards and stick close to. And hopefully you'd not have me kicked out of the club for being a creep.

Ama, you're a really cool person. I know we don't really talk, but seeing you in the lobby already confirms my suspicions that you're a really kindhearted person whom I would love to get to know a lot better.

  On 6/12/2016 at 1:27 AM, Quinn said:

Rose- It's only fair I mention you first because you listened to a lot of bitching and helped me get through one of my weaker and more vulnerable moments. It would have been a real bitch to deal with if I didn't have you and Mike to talk to. You also put up with my horrible jokes too which is a great accomplishment in and of itself. You're a great person and one of the best I've gotten to know here.

Admittedly, our conversations weren't something that either of us had foreseen, I think. But honestly, I'm glad that we kept talking and continued to get to know one another, because your humor is so fantastic (I really don't think that your jokes are that horrible, they always keep me laughing). If you keep stabbing clowns, I'll keep smacking butts and we'll keep the server amused for months to come.

  On 6/12/2016 at 2:01 AM, Chase said:

Rose - You're the best person to elope with and subsequently have send me to the doghouse multiple times. (The rest of you - I WAS FIRST. Deal with it.) ....thank you for allowing me the grace of your friendship and your patience - as well as being a great friend. Someday, I will make good on that visit.

Over my nearly 3 years of being here, you without a shadow of a doubt are the cause of at least half of my fond memories of Reborn. The banter we have has always been something that keeps me laughing, and though I can tend to screw up and make you angry at times, you never hold it against me. I appreciate your friendship so much, as well as your bluntness and willingness to tell me when I've been stupid.

  On 6/12/2016 at 2:28 AM, Cowtao said:

Rosesong - Very motherly and caring. Always had time to listen to me and my problems.

We might not talk as much anymore, but you're a great person with a really kind heart and a really loud fan. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend; one that I know I can count on time and time again.

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