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Member Appreciation Thread: 2016 Edition


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This thread is a great idea so thanks Pyrrhon. It's always a great moment when you can stop, think for a while and be able to give thanks for the people you have met and who have changed you for the better. :) My list is going to be long so brace yourself lol. I might actually take this spot and just edit this post as I go over time or just sit down and do it all at once. ;) We'll see which I decide to do.

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Sure, why not. I've not been too active, but there is one shoutout I want to give personally.

Quinn: If you thought you weren't gonna be first on this list, you're an idiot and a fool. But you're my idiot and fool. xD It's been what, 4 or 5 years since we met? Hard to believe we barely talked back then and now I can defacto say you're the best friend I've made from this place. I know in the past year we've barely gotten to talk, especially since my life got hectic post-grad. But make no mistake, you're my best mate, and the cofounder of the room I keep forgetting to set to autojoin on server resets. xD It's been one wild and crazy ride, and heres to another 5 more of it, yeah? We'll make it out of Bronze someday.

Did I say list? That's it atm. xD He's not the only one I'd like to say good words to, but I've been gone for so long I wouldn't know where to start with anyone else. I guess I'll update this later then.

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Sure, why not. I've not been too active, but there is one shoutout I want to give personally.

Quinn: If you thought you weren't gonna be first on this list, you're an idiot and a fool. But you're my idiot and fool. xD It's been what, 4 or 5 years since we met? Hard to believe we barely talked back then and now I can defacto say you're the best friend I've made from this place. I know in the past year we've barely gotten to talk, especially since my life got hectic post-grad. But make no mistake, you're my best mate, and the cofounder of the room I keep forgetting to set to autojoin on server resets. xD It's been one wild and crazy ride, and heres to another 5 more of it, yeah? We'll make it out of Bronze someday.

Did I say list? That's it atm. xD He's not the only one I'd like to say good words to, but I've been gone for so long I wouldn't know where to start with anyone else. I guess I'll update this later then.

Now I feel bad for not mentioning you this year. :/ Though I have in all the others so maybe it balances out. :P

For real, the best part of me coming here was meeting great people like you. You're one of the few people online I value just as much as my close irl friends and its been an honor to meet someone so down to earth. And yeah, on my honor as the best Yasuo of Reborn, I will carry us both out. Though technically I probably could have been out already had I not taken that 2-3 week break. <<

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Dan - One of the first people I got really close to on here to the point we even dated. We're still close even after breaking up, and I like that I can come to you to complain and vent and just cuddle if I want. I also like that you let me randomly call you in the middle of the night until I fall asleep. Cuddling is fun. Anyway I've already said stuff in your birthday thread, so uh, love you :3

Scarlet - We have been getting closer recently and I appreciate that you've been giving me your time, even if I can be quite forward and silly. You can trust me with your rants and feelings and stuff and honestly that means a lot to me, that you'll tell me how you feel and open up to me; it makes me feel important to you. On the flipside, you're quite open to listening to me and appreciating what I have to say. We also share some interests and cuddles every now and again :3

Ikaru - Why are you ruining reborn ://// But seriously, you need to be less self deprecating to yourself because you're pretty great, even if you don't think so yourself. We started interacting when I watched Hyouka and I thought I was being annoying when I talked to you about it, but I guess that wasn't the case. Since then we haven't talked as much but I guess we interact a fair bit through group chat/server.

Ame - I'm glad that you're supportive and how accepting you are, and that I can talk to you about who I am, and I know I want be judged and that you'll have some level of understanding. I still need to continue watching Rozen Maiden, maybe I'll get on that soon. Probably. Anyway, please don't die from trying to live and pay attention to what you're doing; Dan needs you alive to adopt you. Unless he's a necromancer. Then he could probably revive the BIRD YOU DIDN'T FEED.

Jan - I really enjoy making those shinies for Rejuv, and being able to contribute and help with something. We talked a bit in the past but we haven't done as much recently but I want to! So uh, hmu? Maybe I need to be less forward. Oh well~ You're a silly and funny and have an army of cardboard cutouts.

Zumi - I think my getting a crush on you in a very short time of meeting each other is telling of how I think of you. I enjoy your silliness, your cuteness, and I like that you won't hesitate to tell me if I'm doing something bad or wrong. The art you do is amazing and is very telling of how much work you've put into it. Keep it up <3

Morgan - I stopped playing AK rip sorry :( I just stopped feeling like playing it after the main story was finished. Anyway you're great and have an unfortunate timezone so we don't get to do the talking often :( but it's okay!!!

Inuki - tfw I used to think you were an elitist when I first heard of your existence and I was scared of being wrong and acting dumb and silly around you then it turned out you're just a big cuddly teddy bear :]

Aika - You're smol and your typos give me life. You're pretty fun to hang around because of your silliness and happy disposition, with a mix of typos, hence why a lot of people like you! You just need to exist more tbh.

Dmetri - We should talk more tbh I guess I just need to throw more Tanaka and Akaashi or ass at you, or maybe play Fates but I need to get a 3DS and the game for that and that's not happening any time soon :(

jasmiininja - Your art is great kid and I will be your demon until you post it on the thread! You're also pretty silly and cute and great, and how you get flustered when someone likes you art is adorable. Also you enjoy my lewds so that's always a plus :3

Ama - Birbs. They're cute and fluffy. I enjoy your rants on things don't stop them tbh, and you're great to talk to. Also your taste in hot guys is great too we should share more, not to mention your love for reborn characters, especially ZEL.

Bibs - Butt of many jokes and big butt in general. We've become close recently and quickly and I'm enjoying the time we talk to each other, even if it's literally just memes or watching videos. Watch out for the manbutts though. Anyway, I hope you manage to approach her soon <3

Azery - We don't really talk in private at all, but I do enjoy talking to you in the mainchat, and that you're seeing how great Meganium is! I also commend your work that you put into Se7en, good job :3

Inno - You're not as innocent as you lead people on to believe - I saw what you did.

Kyoyo - I give you yaoi you give me yaoi, I give you hot men you give me hot men. Perfect friendship.

Viridescent - We're rivals.

Edited by Nyalicirno
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Viridiscent: You make amazing art and you're nice to talk with.

Why, thanks, Frappy! I enjoy our talks very much, as well.

Viridescent - We're rivals.

I have never thought of you as a rival, Alice. Now, is that a compliment or an insult? Certainly, you seem always to be watching, and so am I...

To get to this thread, again, there are several people I would like to mention, which I deliberately did not do in my millenial post, since I don't care to run the risk of forgetting people, and nor do I think that those whom I appreciate truly need any receipt of that to know of the fact. Nevertheless, to publicly advertise, and in no specific order:
















Michael (mde)









Ben (breakfast)






























Sean (derogatorytrainer)










Special mention to Kuro. Not all lessons may be learned willingly or even consciously, but you certainly did help me learn something valuable.

That should be sufficient. I'm not adding any words after each name, because that is definitely redundant. If I've missed someone, then I have either forgotten, which I genuinely regret, or we have not interacted enough for me to have an opinion. Of course, there's also another explanation as to why certain persons do not feature in this list, but that's not worth discussing, is it?

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okay so I was going to make a sentimental post or something but i'm bad at that so i'll just list a bunch of people here I would've put in the post (no particular order):





























All auth and Swims

Ame and the devs

Redemption and Nations staff

Gaia and Ravenholts

Oris, BBD, Zim, Eterna, and the other older Arcade-frequents

And everyone else~

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okay so I was going to make a sentimental post or something but i'm bad at that so i'll just list a bunch of people here I would've put in the post (no particular order):






























All auth and Swims

Ame and the devs

Redemption and Nations staff

Gaia and Ravenholts

Oris, BBD, Zim, Eterna, and the other older Arcade-frequents

And everyone else~

For a moment I was like "Yes! I'm everyone else!" But then I was like "Oh, my name's actually on the list ;-;"

I'm touched, truly T-T

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First off, mad props to Pyrr for making the trend live again.

Now on to my own list of appreciation. I'll mostly list the people that I have been talking to this year, since last year's post was...a little full. Oops. Anyway. There's no particular order to the people in the list, so don't go crazy if you're not on top of it. Except for the first three. They're the highest up the list for a reason.

also I made this as short as I could but its still ass long so you being in here doesnt mean I dont appreciate you cuz I appreciate like 90% of the people on reborn currently because reborn is awesome and the people are the ones that make it awesome BREATHE


Zumi: In-fucking-credibly awesome. A little backtracking first. I don't believe we really started talking until someone (Shing? Chubb? Azery? I don't remember) made us battle Hackmons against each other, and god, remind me to go thank that person like 15 times later. I think we started out as people who did nothing but kick each other's asses well we still do tbh but I've also been talking quite a lot to you recently, and I'm glad that I can call you a friend of mine. I also have mad respect for you because you're talented, funny and a hard worker, and STILL MANAGE TO DRAG YOURSELF DOWN HOW. Small note: needs more karaoke streams. Even smaller note: really looking forward to the Flower Parade in September :]

Ama: You know, I'd be a goddamn fucking criminal if I didn't include you into this list. How did we even start talking. Hunger Games Simulator? Yeah, then I should be thanking Zumi now cuz she's the one that got me into Hunger Games hell. Oh wait I just did that. Anyway. Ama. God damn it. I can't even count the amount of times I went to you with my problems, be them real life or emotional what are emotions and how do they work. I really admire your sense of humor as well. Not laughing at trash memes for a change of pace can be healthy as well. Thanks for always being there for me, Ama.

Zephy: Guuuuurrrrrrrrlllllllllll!!! It's kinda sad that college keeps you as busy as it does, but yeah. Real life always takes priority. Because of this we haven't really talked that much this year, but you can be sure as hell that you're still on top of here because of sheer awesomeness. Be it trash memes, nuzlocke comics, or about anything else, there's nobody that I've had this few trouble talking to in my life ever before. I literally mean nobody. When I'm talking to people, it usually feels like I'm walking on a minefield while Mussolini is firing at me with a gatling gun, but with you, it feels more like I'm walking through a field of flowers. Thanks, Zephy. You're awesome, and don't forget it.

Alice: Okay. I kind of lied. The first four are on top of the list for a reason. We've only really started talking this month, but h-o-l-y s-h-i-t. I've had so much fun doing so. So hi, welcome to my super secret list of really important people on Reborn. Hope you enjoy your stay because you're never gonna leave. Inb4 you regret starting to talk to me now I'm glad I got to talk to you, though. Kind of wondering rn why I didn't really talk to you before, to be honest.

Hukuna/Sensai: Yes I'm going to be calling you Sensai of eternity now, you better get used to it. Huk my man. I think the first time I really got to know you was in my brief time in the Flower Garden? I already knew you from before, from the RP forum, but you seemed to be way too popular and awesome there for me. This is a fact, btw. I've really grown to appreciate you a lot, and I absolutely hate how you drag yourself down at times. You're an awesome guy, and don't forget it. Or else the trout will have to put in work. And by god, if you ever want to talk about whatever, grab me on Skype or something.

Aika: GOD. FINALLY SOMEONE WHO ACTUALLY LIKES MORSHU AS MUCH AS I DO. I'M OVERJOYED. Ahem. I mean. You're a really chill girl to be around though you gotta cool down on the typos though though they make for nice memes and I'm glad I got to talk to you. You're kind, understanding and funny. I absolutely love kicking your ass duking it out in Hackmons with you. As with other people, real life is being evil to you, which kind of sucks because you can't be here a lot. Thanks for being a living meme you, Aika. Such strikethrough, much wow

Ody: Bruh. I feel kind of bad for having put you up with as much shit as I did in the Hunger Games simulator highdays, especially considering you're a really rad person and one of my closer friends on Reborn these days. I really enjoy talking to you though I sometimes don't even understand what you're saying because I'm stupid. Nah, jk, it's just because of my inability to understand English well. Don't use sentence structures that are too difficult pls. I don't know how you still put up with my shit when I'm talking to you, but I'm glad you do. Don't change, Odysseus.

Lost: Bet you're surprised that you made it to this list, huh? Lost, you honestly liven up main a lot, and just you coming online makes main 20% better of a place. I know what I'm talking about, I'm usually only active in main. I sometimes see you dragging yourself down and I absolutely fucking hate it when that happens because you're a really chill person and you apparently refuse to believe it. All I can say is that I really appreciate seeing you around in main on a daily basis, and that you're a good person, kay? Don't go around forgetting it.




Uncle Jer:



















Special mentions

These are for the people I haven't really talked a lot to the past year, something that I should have done though. You two are still really important to me, kay?



yes this list is not finished yet BUT CALM THE FUCK DOWN IT SOON WILL BE

current progress: 8/32

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*ahem* settle down kids, it is time for me to write dat appreciation list and forget a lot of people in progress

Ama the Amazing listener: For putting up with my reacting on stuff like Sakura Swim Club from friends and for being an Amazing ha the same pun twice person to talk with in general. \o/

Bibs the Butthurt hue Dutch puns: My southern neighbour who's sister once told me to die back on PO, Bibs is another great person that even after all the teasing I did to him I won't apologize for the Bibs quotes just so you know :3 he still has the patience or insanity to keep talking with me, And me being the guy who came up with your nickname n all that you better appreciate me :3

Azery the 10 year old: So like, your closet is mine and mine alone, I keep the rats from shitting all over your place and you're 10 but you're still pretty cool n all that so yea.

Zumi the Zumi: idrk what to put here I just like you :P

Sparky and #PushRyder: From all the WWE talk we did in PM I can tell one thing: #PushRyder tho

Babiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiriboopboopboop: No need for a nickname here because it already is so damn long. For pretty much being an awesome guy and wtf are those drawing skills?

Murdoc the not so King King: For introducing me to F/GO tho I don't really play it atm and for giving me the UMU! I needed

Dhanush the Butt: He be the cool dude that you joke around with on Avalon Skype and all o that stuffs.

Seccy: To be honest, I really disliked you in the beginning but you proved that impression wrong with the current part of Nations and all that

Aika the 3ft tall smolly: For all the teasing with Smolka and the general fun it is \o/

Zephy the Zephyr: For being awesome and all that kinda good stuff \o/

Because I can't think of anyone else anymore and the following people aren't really on Reborn anymore Imma end it with the following peoples:

Reevee: For all the fun stuff that happened

Req: GateKeeper tho! And things that we talked about I can't disclose here cause r7

Sorry in advance for all those I forgot rip

Spoiler because otherwise I'd break the thread

Edited by Wendel
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Alright. I'll bite.

I guess I'll just list people and see where my mind goes for each of them.

And since I'm a jackass I'm going to list something I don't like about you either c:

Also I might add to this later but odds are I'll forget

Pyon: Where to start? I love you more than anything else. You're an amazingly great guy and you've put up with way more shit than you should have for me. There are times where I legitimately feel you're someone who'd have my back no matter what situation, and honestly, I'm pretty sure you really would. Just remember you matter too. Sometimes I feel like you just let me take the focus every time. I worry about you too.


Cowtao: Get your ass back into the server, goddamn it. Everytime I talk to you I feel like I'm just getting to know you and yet I've known you for over a year. You keep vanishing.


Arkhidon: Play us a song, piano man! You're a great guy, but you overcomplicate shit a lot. You'd improve leaps and bounds if you'd just start taking a breath and thinking of the simpler solution as opposed to the smarter one. Sometimes it's the way to go.


LidaRose: You're no wallflower. I don't chase mindlessly after you and I don't talk to you nearly as much as I'd like, but we used to talk a lot. I've always liked you, and I think your only problem is you like to wait and see in the backlines to see if people solve their problems themselves. Sometimes it's better to be proactive and call someone out rather than wait for them to realize it themselves - You're already the voice of reason for most people within this community, you just need to use that to your advantage.


AmethystBlack: Does this count as pulling your hair? Fuck off. You know how I feel about you, and if you've really come to this thread just to read this then you're leaving disappointed. You have a great mind, but the way you choose to apply it gets lost in translation sometimes. I think you search for the path of least resistance way more often than you should - But let's be honest, that's mostly from indifference than anything else. I'd love to see what kind of things you could accomplish if you truly applied yourself.


Odybld: It's not often I have a situation where I don't really know what I write. I feel like Bilbo Bagging's famous quote applies to you more than it does to anyone else, when it comes to me, at least. You're clever, sharp enough that I often wonder if you know more than you should and is just smart enough to keep your mouth shut about it. You've also just asked me if I had sex with a cricket, so apparently that's where our relationship is at right now.

That said, I think you let others hog the spotlight more often than you should. It's not a bad thing to show you're smart when you know you are. You know you could do better than most here, so maybe it's high time you started to.


IkaruKazuna: Honestly, I have no idea if you dislike me or not, but I think you can be a funny guy when you want to. Your low self-esteem throws these huge goggles in front of your eyes, though, and I've seen what kind of damage these can do to you and others. If you truly sought out a way to fix that, you'd probably be the most impressive person around here - But then, you're not about to believe me, are you?


ScarletSword: Way to befriend me and then disappear zz


Vinny: Honestly I don't know why you'd mention me. We aren't that close - Yet you seem to take a liking to me for whatever reason. Eu também gosto de você, companheiro brasileiro! But I feel like we aren't at a point where I can point out your good and bad sides that well. Maybe we oughta fix that, hm?


Pineapple: You're a fruit. Fuck off.

You're actually one of the first people I've befriended in Reborn. You're a cool guy, but sometimes you go too much with the flow. People love picking on you though, so maybe that's a good thing.


Marcello: Ah, bug fixer extraordinaire! I have no reason to tell you your shortcomings when I spend day after day telling you anyway. I feel like I don't praise you often enough, but I've always found your dedication commendable. You're the only person here I'd give a real job to if the opportunity ever arose. I'd be happy to work by your side outside the game. I'd probably be way harder on your ass, though.


And there's one last person, though I don't really know how to approach them. I didn't think much of you when I first met you, but my heart has grown very fond of you for who you are. I think you play too many games and wear too many masks, and maybe it's high time you noticed that the person below is just as beautiful, if not more, than the faces they put on. I won't really add your name here because I feel like doing so would need me to take a stand that I'm not sure I want to take, but know that I care deeply for you, no matter what.

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Pyrrhon - You're probably one of the first acquaintances I met on Reborn. Survivor Reborn would not have been as fun as without you, and although we did have to go up against each other for survival, I had a lot of fun. Working with you in Redemption was also a blast, and I really love battling with you myself. Hope we can work together on something else in the future!

Kaito - You have a special place in my heart (god that sounds cheesy) for being the organizer of Survivor Reborn, the first Reborn event I took part in. I had an amazing time there (Season 2 when?), and I really appreciate your efforts for making the event successful. You're a really cool dude, and I hope to get to know you more (Atlantis will beat your Nation next time D:)

Chimchain - Ah, good old Seviper. You were an awesome buddy back in Survivor. It was a pity that our alliance came to an end (sorta) when I got eliminated, but it was a good experience nevertheless. I was really happy when you took the crown, and hopefully both of us can participate in Season 2 if we can. It's a shame I don't do RPing though - we could have maintained contact after Survivor finished.

Sparky - Ever since I found out you were Kecleon, I thought of you as a partially cold and cunning person with little warmth - but whoa man, you're totally chill. Working with you in Redemption was awesome, and the random conversations we had were pretty memorable. Oh, and you should bring that Hamtaro team again. I loved it.

Ody - It won't be an exaggeration to say you are my best bud in Reborn. You're a really cool dude, and from Pokemon to every other random things we blab about, you are a wonderful person to talk to. I'll admit, I did envy your social skills and how you got along with everyone else really well at one point, but I'm trying myself xD. And when do I get promoted in AR gdi > :(

Viri - Ah, my friendly genius artist. You are a very fun person to be around, and although our type preferences are very different, I like having daily conversations with you. Mono randbats and Hackmon battles are the most fun when I'm up against you too. Thanks for those :DBut still Wormadam > Magnezone :P

EternalLight95 - We only started to talk recently, but you are a wonderful person to talk to. Your positive and friendly nature cheers me up when I'm feeling down, and you've got potential to become a really good battler too! I hope we can talk more as the days come (apparently you talk kinda differently in the AR chat but too bad I don't really participate in those cuz of timezones xD)

Skitty - I'll be honest - I was a little bit intimidated by you at first, but wow you are one of, if not the coolest girl in Reborn I ever knew! I really appreciated all the help you gave me with teambuilding - for Redemption and normal OU, and you are a really awesome person to talk to. I loved having practice sessions with you, and hopefully I can reach your level of skill one day :D Good luck with university!

Kamina - Ah Kam Kam. Everyone seems to be biting at you for hax at what-not, but that proves that you are a good-natured person who is loved by a ton of people. Redemption would not have been the same without you, and I appreciate all the support you gave me with testing and whatnot. I wish we can have some more personal conversations outside mons tho - you seem like a pretty funny and cool guy to talk to xD

Dashie -

mde -

FraRPetO -

Personthing -

Jeri -

Bibs -

Rose -

Redemption League Staff -

Atlantis Nation -

Oops. I'll fill this completely later on.

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Odybld: Speaking of people who are fun to talk to, you're a pretty cool guy yourself, and I know you like to say you aren't the best at this game, but I think you're pretty good. I always got excited to see you battle in Redemption too, you're a really great guy.

First that's the best colour ever cause we used it as the colour for suspects in an old series of play-by-post rp-mafia games in a local forum I once was. Other than that, thanks an awful lot man. Tbh, I believe I'm ok. I'm good. Just not really good, not good enough. And well, better aknowledge my shortcomings before I hax the fuck out of a poor soul :P

finally my chance to be sappy

You mean, your chance to be sappy before the big chance to be really sappy in your anniversastone threat :]

Shoutout to [member=Odybld] because of all people that I've noticed, you might not get the appreciation you deserve. Or perhaps my head is playing tricks with me. You're a welcome addition around these parts, mate.

Thanks a lot, perpetually disappearing Weavile, although we pretty much never talk :/ Anyway, thanks for your feelings, I sometimes feel the same too :P

That said: Lost, Ody, Inno, Bibs, Wendel, Dan and DW are the raddest of the rad. And Ice is still the coolest cutest ok

Tch tch! Yes, I am!!!

Ody- We've only recently interacted but its always fun talking to you about manga we read and generally just clowning around. Hopefully our friendship only deepens and we can expect the clowning to reach new heights.

Thanks man, been really great so far! Love doing shit with you and abusing Azery and arcanarushing and whatnot! (I blame myself for 80% of the weird things that happen there thank you very much)

Well here goes nothing for Ody.

Was I too soft with you or something? Spr_4h_084_m.png





Ody: Bruh. I feel kind of bad for having put you up with as much shit as I did in the Hunger Games simulator highdays, especially considering you're a really rad person and one of my closer friends on Reborn these days. I really enjoy talking to you though I sometimes don't even understand what you're saying because I'm stupid. Nah, jk, it's just because of my inability to understand English well. Don't use sentence structures that are too difficult pls. I don't know how you still put up with my shit when I'm talking to you, but I'm glad you do. Don't change, Odysseus.

Well man, I'm sorry but I'd say I rode your ass much harder than you did mine (no pun intended). Thanks an awful lot man, you're one of the kindest and most sympathetic (read: likeable) guys around, you're always a good guy. And no worries, I just tend to be confusing for various people around, ask Etesian and he'll know :P

Odybld: It's not often I have a situation where I don't really know what I write. I feel like Bilbo Baggins' famous quote applies to you more than it does to anyone else, when it comes to me, at least. You're clever, sharp enough that I often wonder if you know more than you should and is just smart enough to keep your mouth shut about it. You've also just asked me if I had sex with a cricket, so apparently that's where our relationship is at right now.

That said, I think you let others hog the spotlight more often than you should. It's not a bad thing to show you're smart when you know you are. You know you could do better than most here, so maybe it's high time you started to.

First, vandal, you come talk to me after I've written my entry in my thread, pretty much making it obsolete, and before I had even managed to post it. Second, brute, you use a Bilbo Baggins quote I've forgotten it exists. Third... you appreciating me means a whole lot to me. You're pretty much one of the smartest people around and also one of the most privy and selective, so the honour is even greater. And well, if you feel that I should come a little more out... then here will I come.

Fifth, I asked you if you had sex with many crickets, not just one.

Ody - It won't be an exaggeration to say you are my best bud in Reborn. You're a really cool dude, and from Pokemon to every other random things we blab about, you are a wonderful person to talk to. I'll admit, I did envy your social skills and how you got along with everyone else really well at one point, but I'm trying myself xD. And when do I get promoted in AR gdi > :(

Thanks a lot man! I was peeved with you for quite a while for a multitude of reasons feat. propably inaccurate assumptions and high levels of sodium chloride, but we've come along really well! Really enjoy talking to you too man, take good care of yourself however! Also... what's a social skill? You better tell me fast, I took care of your promotion already :P

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Sweet music to my ears, thanks, Ody!

Viri - Ah, my friendly genius artist. You are a very fun person to be around, and although our type preferences are very different, I like having daily conversations with you. Mono randbats and Hackmon battles are the most fun when I'm up against you too. Thanks for those :D But still Wormadam > Magnezone :P

You'll be waking up to find a severed Glaceon head, impaled on a magnet, in your bed one day.

but thanks a lot man

Babiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribboopboopboop: No need for a nickname here because it already is so damn long. For pretty much being an awesome guy and wtf are those drawing skills?

Thanks so much wendelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelewhooooooooooooop!


You're a great guy, bibs, even if the whole lobby makes a joke out of you most of the time occasionally. I'm glad to have you as a pal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, this post has been long due. There are LOTS of people that I do really appreciate for things, but this list is probably gonna only be a select few people, maybe. I might just continue on and on...

Anyway, here's the song that I've been listening to while writing this!

Appreciation List

Kamina- He's going to be #1 on this list, just because he's the first person I really interacted with when I joined Reborn, as well as my best friend on Reborn. I used to give this guy shit for haxing me, which I still do, but I try to just get over it anyway, since it's just a silly game. Also, one of the few people on Reborn that helped me out with Math in my senior year of high school (Void and Arkhi for math trio). Anyway, Kamina is the kind of dude who will always have your back through whatever. Really smart and cool dude, as well as a fantastic banter buddy!

Rukia- I don't think anybody really knows who this person is, but she's been on Reborn for a while. Anyway, she was the person who I faced on PO ladder that made me want to teambuild more often. I don't think she remember's me, but if it wasn't for her, I probably wouldn't be teambuilding as much as I did now.

Void- Another math buddy if I ever needed help when Kamina wasn't available. He helped me edit quite a few teams and gave me advice for them. We don't talk much, but when we do, sometimes the conversation drags on to something that happens on smogon, which is usually entertaining for me to listen to.

Jelly- When I first met you, I thought you were really interesting! I love reading the posts you make in the wasteland, because I know it'll be something funny that I can enjoy looking/reading, even if it's not much content. You're the most funniest person I've met on Reborn! It was really fun to know you!

Rupe- I don't think I liked you when I met you on PO. I don't remember the exact reason why, I just didn't. Probably cause you didn't like me, so I didn't like you, or something. You're another grant person who I can talk to if I want to simply relax. You and Jelly are simply amazing, due to similar way of talking and funny remarks about anything (IMO). Also, your one team you made in ORAS OU with Abomasnow and Salamence recently... love them!

Moony- Cool teambuilder and battler. I think we had a rough meeting, but in the end, thanks to moony, I learned how to play aggressive. Although sometimes it bites me in the butt, I do love having that skill in competitive pokemon.

Dark Desire- I think you're one of the most chillest auth on Reborn. It was really having you in the Reborn League in 2014!

Lexii- Another friend of mine. Although we haven't talked until recently, it was nice to engage in conversations when I was still in nations! Lexii also knows how to make and take a joke, which is what few can do! I'm glad I have someone like Lexii as a friend!

Renzo- One of the few people on reborn who got me around the reborn community, around 2014's Christmas Party? After that, we started talking for a bit about various things like Anime (which he has great choices of). Of course, lots of... things happened between then and now, so I'm not sure where we're at now, although, I, too, wish the best for you.

Arkhi- Again, another person who also helped me in math during senior year of high school! We also trade each other music! (mostly he passes me stuff to listen to, but I think I gave him some nice songs before (IMO))

Andreas- Talking with me about OUAT when the season comes back!

Tempest- Letting me in on Spear Pillar with the crew, as well as being one of the smarter individuals I've met on Reborn!

Rose- Although we don't talk as much now, I do enjoy talking about our future careers/jobs that we want to engage in!

Pyrrhon- Fun dude and an alright battler. His teams are packs a lot of, what a lot of people say, 'heat'. I can vouch for that!

Simon- One of my other cool friends I've met here. Really really really (x100) chillest auth ever. If I ever find something funny, chances are, he will, too.

Spade- Again, another chill friend that I've been talking to recently. He's pretty much like simon. except spade is cooler

Jericho- Making many of the reborn tours possible. He seems like a really caring dude, so he's someone who's underappreciated who deserves a bit better.

Ikaru- Thanks to him for dropping dan laughing at my jokes. Also has great music taste and really friendly.

Dan- [14:45:00] ~Blιnd gυardιan: wenk >> That's all we need to appreciate about dan, lol.

Ame- For giving me advice a long time ago as well as keeping this community together!

Of course, there are also other people who I do like to thank! I just couldn't continue to write a bunch of decent things about everyone I appreciate. However, I do love each and every single one of you guys and girls! Reborn has been a big happy family for me!

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