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What is your overall favorite type?And Why

Type's popularity pool  

67 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your favorite type :)?

    • Fire
    • Water
    • Grass
    • Ice
    • Ground
    • Flying
    • Normal
    • Fighting
    • Poison
    • Ghost
    • Dark
    • Psychic
    • Bug
    • Steel
    • Rock
    • Dragon
    • Fairy
    • Electric

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Dear me, can't get away without being tempted to post...

In any case, I stand by Steel, followed by Water and Psychic. If you get to know me, you'll know why, but here's a casual glance:

Steel is to me the most superior type, both competitively and by virtue of embodying certain qualities that I view to be the mark of good character: Loyalty, willpower, moral uprightness, unshakability and an unyielding rigidity in thought, action and discipline. Such attributes I seek to see in myself, and that is likely already well known here.

I am a believer of moderation; any one attribute, overarched, offers but a blinkered and limited scope. Water, then, is the flexibility, transparence, clarity and calm that tempers the harsh nature of Steel. Together, the combination is fluid and yet substantive, brilliant and yet understated, kind and yet firm. Steel, in turn, grants permanence and solidity to Water, countering its inherent indecision and capricious nature: the swift shifts from a dank, limpid pool to a rushing, raging rapid is prevented, and a graceful balance is achieved.

By now you'd see that I'm of a philosophical turn of mind. I also base my assertions with logic and reason; I do not just say "I love steels cuz they're awesome" (even though that's true); I have a definite sequence of thought that gives a backbone to all my actions. This is where Psychic comes in: The elements of creativity, temperance, logic, mental acuity and analysis- these are the attributes of the Psychic type that I seek in myself.

I tend to have a preference for alien, inorganic, mechanical or otherwise non-bionic Pokémon, such as Metagross, Deoxys, Starmie, Magnezone, Porygon-Z, and so on. I draw a parallel with the idea of unconventional life forms, especially such as these, which to me are the manifestation of advanced intelligence and pure thought without the encumbrances of emotional or sentimental appeals. Consequently, I also like the abilities Analytic, Download, Technician and so on. These also fit well with my rather rarefied, dry demeanour, and reflect a piece of my personality that has already become apparent to many.

And there is your answer.

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/points at signature

#2edgy4u and #aesthetic. no deeper reason, really... aside from the stereotype that dark types are evil, etc.

i don't like bright lights, too

also, umbreon.

other favorites (in no particular order) include: dragon, ice, fire, psychic.

i used to be a huge fan of the grass type though, when i was a kid; bulbasaur was always my first pick, i loved it for all the status spam, and that it made getting past gyms in the early part of LeafGreen really easy

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Steel, Ice and Dragon.

The moment I saw Skarmory, I knew steel would be a really cool type. Hasn't let me down much *cough* Wormdam Trash *cough* yet aesthetically and in gameplay.

I have a bit of a weird relationship with ice. Ive liked Ice in pretty much every game where it's available for use. Currently running a Cryomancer (Fancy Ice Mage) in modded Skyrim and having a blast. Glaceon is also one of my favorite pokemon, yet I never really liked a lot of the others with the typing. It's not a very good type competitively either. So what changed? I began mono-typing it. Arguably, ice is the worst type for mono-typing, but that's what makes it great imo. It feels really good to win with a team that others don't care for or look down upon. It also has some really nice aesthetics to it like Froslass and the aforementioned Glaceon.

*Looks at name* Dragons are by far my favorite mythical creatures, and Ive liked them for as long as I can remember. Oddly enough, I don't really tend to use dragon types in battle, but they're some of my favorites design-wise. They also usually have strong connections to the lore of the pokemon world, which I like following to maybe see what the world was like in ages past.

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When I tried to vote it said I had already voted, I checked and it was in fire. Either lucky or some shenanigans.

As you can tell from my flair, signature, profile, trainer card and any interactions you've had with me I love fire and so fire types.

For as long as I can remember I've had a strong affinity with flame. It's pretty much the pillar I've built my identity around. Why I hold such strong opinions on fire I'm not sure but I can try to describe it.

Fire is passion, love, rage, hatred, destruction and creation. It is both the small flame that cooks your food and the all consuming inferno that claims entire cities. It does not care for your background, status or wealth if you don't show it respect it'll destroy everything you hold dear. We gather around it and celebrate with family, friends and strangers alike. It is one of the ultimate primordial forces of nature and it's just awesome!

Edited by Narckarth
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Rock. A big reason for this is because fossil pokemon are savage."A slim and fast swimmer. It slices its prey with its sharp sickles and drinks the body fluids" (Kabutops' pokedex entry). A lot of them are quite menacing and not something you would expect in a children's game. I love the idea of impaling my foes with a giant stone via stone edge. The rock type is full of prehistoric looking creatures that I think are very well designed. I like the idea of fighting with a prehistoric team during a sandstorm.

My favorite rock mons are: Cradily, Omastar, Archeops, Kabutops, Tyranitar, Diancie, Terrakion, Tyrantrum, Armaldo and Aerodactyl.

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I feel like this kind of topic has existed before but oh well

I like many types, but my top 3 (in no particular order) are Fire, Dark and Poison

I like the fierceness and burning destruction that fire embodies, and I feel sad not having seen a fire type I really like for a long while (well, there was the chandelier and Braixen and all but.. it's nothing super special that is among my favorite fire types)

Favorite Fire pokemanz include Charmander evo line(mostly charmeleon and zard X) , Cyndaquil evo line, Houndoom

Dark and Poison together are symbolic of edgyness. I like that, mostly. And well, it happens so that the biggest number of my favorite pokemon bear the dark type. There are very few dark type designs that I outright dislike. The poisons are a bit more of a wild card design-wise , but I do love the type and I'm sad it hardly has any strengths. I wish they'd give it at least one more type to be SE against.

Favorite Dark pokemanz include Absol, Sneasel evo line, Honchkrow, Yveltal (and I do like many others)

Favorite Poison pokemanz include Dragalge, Skuntank, Roserade and Scolipede (Special mentions to Drapion and Crobat)

Other than those three types, I do find myself being fond of ghosts and electric types, sometimes grass and water as well

What I can say is that I really don't like steel, fairy and rock types. Fighting type is a disliked-neutral type for me. (there are still pokemon of those types that I like but yeah, in general). Anything else is either among my liked, very liked, or favorite types

Edited by Masquerain
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To put it simply, Dark types are my favorite type. My favourite Pokemon's a Dark type, they're generally great offensively and have an immunity to the OP typing that was Psychic in Gen 1. My name is Noir which means Black/Dark in French so there's that, and I'm generally a very edgy guy as well.

Close seconds are Ghost and Ice, because before Bisharp was my favorite Pokemon, Dusknoir and Banette were on that throne. Ghost and Dark are closely related in itself, whereas Ice is well...generally a cool aesthetic type in general.

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Dark. Although my favourite pokemon is lucario alot of my other favorite Pokemons are dark types like absol and hydreigon. Black is my favorite color and I like most of their designs and feel that each of them has a good deal of character like absol being the misunderstood hero.

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I have soft spots for Fairy, Psychic and Ghost in that order. Mystical Pokemon get to me to be honest, so it's pretty much the biggest reason why they're on my list. There's also the aesthetic that they have, it's mysterious and I like that.

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My favorite types have to be Dragon and Water.

Dragons are badasses hands down. Rayquaza (essentially the strongest mon in the game) was needed to stop Groudon and Kyogre. Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina are rulers of their own dimensions. Shit, don't forget Kyurem, Zekrom and Reshiram were originally ONE pokemon, but that savage was lost in time for the better it seems.

Water is probably the second best type. But how could not love water? If you enjoy the rain, swimming, drinking water or any type of aquatic animal, you should love water types. Also, the contrast from Dragon's exclusiveness is the abundance of Water types. We got very good walls and wallbreakers and their movesets are things to truly worry about. Also I believe all the water starters are the best starters so I'm truly biased.

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1)Psychic first favourite, I am always impressed by how great Alakazam and Gothitelle look, now many people might be taken aback by human shape mind but I won't be bothered with the humanoid part.

2)Ice despite everyone say about ice still love it for the characteristics of ice being cold and distant, wished the ice type actually reflected that and not be a such poor defensive type in competitive, also Mega Walrein when?

3)Dragon versatile type with fearsome look, also have different mons in for each roles in a team

4)Grass awesome stall and setup for sweepers, most of them have gorgeous designs

5)Poison may have a thing or two for menacing looking mons and a lot of poison types fit the description, namely scolipede, muk, dragalge and toxicroak

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steel, electric, ghost, and fire, tell me what you most desire...

ok, hamfisted reference to a dead game aside, I love fire out of the starter types for being fast, strong, and usually has an advantage over the other 2 (typhlosion in silver/gold, Infernape in sinnoh)

electric is my first favorite type, since preteen me loved luxray/jolteon/electavire with a burning passion. Lighting is also the element I use the most in video games when I can't get a metal mage of some sort.

steel is my favorite type overall. All the designs are so cool (METAGROSS! AEGISLASH! SKARMORY! LUCARIO!), and they have generally great bulk and hefty attacking stats (*side-eyes wormadissapointment*).

In addition, tech stuff in general is really cool to me, I love robots and cyborgs and AIs and I guarantee you that if a game lets me be a metal mage of any description (decker, technomancer, engineer) I am going to LOVE THE HELL out of it. Also dialga got me into time stuff soooo...

ghost is my current second-favorite for being 3spooky5me

also their dex entries are really effed up.

and Giratina...Giratina is Hormajestic and Terriblawesome and Uncannybrutal and all those other things you call Nether Gods of Darkness that travel across dimensions

sidenote: challenge(-ish?) run: use only the types you voted here.

Edited by doombotmecha
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I'm a bug kind of guy. Dunno why I like that type so much to be honest, but when I count up the number of pokes from each type that I like Bug comes out well in front. There are actually very few bug types that I don't like, and my all time favorite pokemon, Heracross, is a bug type. It's a surprisingly good type, with really bad type interactions but a slew of good pokemon and dual typings.

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