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Do you guys IV breed?


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Not for perfect IVs. I hatch a bunch of eggs and keep the best one, and I always get 31 in defense because my Ditto has it, but I don't try to get 6 31s or anything.

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Did you say I breeding?HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...hahahahaha...haha..ha...ha..ugh...*cries*

Ahem, yes, I do IV breed. I'm rather a notorious perfectionist. It gives me pleasure to see my trophy boxes full of perfectly bred, EV trained Pokémon with as close to perfectly competitive movesets as Reborn currently allows.

I'm rather an extreme case, though. I reject anything less than perfect. In fact, I'm the guy who bred over 200 Magnemites in Reborn to get myself a perfect 30/12/31/30/31/30 HP Fire Modest Magnezone. Genderless Hidden Power breeding is a nightmare, I tell you, since we get only one Ditto. Thank goodness for the Psychologist who lets you change the Nature, at least. Else I'd probably had to have bred over a thousand Magnemites before getting the perfect one.

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I personally never spent too much time breeding for IV's in reborn, though I do breed for moves on some occasions. Having most of my 16 main members being around level 74 makes the prospect of grinding...less pleasant.

Edit: @lastdragon yeah I think there is only one ditto. If you get bad IV's on it, you'll probably have to reset and try again.

Edited by Zetaark
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I don't bother with IV breeding, only move breeding. IV's don't nearly do enough for me to bother. Though I have been lucky on a few of my Pokémon to get naturally great IV ^_^ (I'm looking at you Blaziken with 26 atk and 29 spd!)

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I don't really IV breed all that much. I just breed for egg moves as I don't have that much patience. Though if a certain Pokemon I want has a bad nature and bad ivs in stats it needs like attack then I do breed for another acceptable one. I'm usually not overly crazy about perfection.

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I have never IV bred a single thing in my life, but I occasionally reset for event 'mons to have decent IVs, and if a Pokémon I catch has truly awful ones, I may attempt to catch a better one. But that's usually just if it has no stats above 20, or if a stat I really want to have high IVs in scores too low.

I never felt like my team's imperfect IVs put me at any sort of disadvantage, so I don't go out of my way to have them all be superb.

The one thing I was adamant about was to get Espeon with high SpA IVs (30 and 31 respectively), but that's admittedly more because I really, really enjoy seeing this 'mon deal as much damage as it can. Kinda satisfying.

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I do not IV breed in game. I have in the main series and I may later in this one. But I have played through several times and monotype runs as well. You do not need it to beat the game. It definitely helps. You will definitely see the difference if you go for perfect IV EV and nature. But if that isn't fun for you then don't feel obligated to do it.

That being said, I will check the IVs. If I caught multiple of a mon I will train the one with the best IVs. And I'll usually correct the nature in 7th if it's bad

Edited by Zane0144
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i do.

normally i would just settle for some important stats having over 20 IVs. like i do in every other game.

But since in reborn you get 1) event Ditto that you can reset until you get one with near perfect IVs 2) destiny knot 3) power bracer/lens/anklet/etcetc 4)psychologist. 5)a good amount of standby between episodes

It motivated me to try and get mons of over 27 IVs on almost every stat. I even improved my old team this way and im now very satisfied about it.

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I don't personally like competitive Pokémon, so I really don't care for getting good IVs. Now I will go for decent natures, and yes I do have a few shiny Pokémon that I hatched, but you really don't need good IVs to do good in Reborn.

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I breed in Reborn, yes. I found that having options to answer for many situations is a preferrable way to approach the rest of the game. That, and I found myself super invested in Reborn's story that breeding Pokemon somehow made me feel like I was progressing in my own way.

I've bred 37 Pokemon, each of which can be found here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=20865#entry514570

Personally, I never really IV bred my Pokemon to perfection. I've ensured the correct nature and ability have appeared onto each of them, and each of them do have respectable IVs, however perfecting the IVs with a Ditto with horrible IVs proved to be too time consuming.

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I never really tried IV breeding even in Reborn until my current playthrough where i'm constrained to only use 9 pokemon species (eeveelutions). After about 200 eggs my latest Eevees have 2 perfect IVs and most of the others IVs at 25+. Especially my Espeon (Despair) is really scary - it's fully EV trained too!

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I never really tried IV breeding even in Reborn until my current playthrough where i'm constrained to only use 9 pokemon species (eeveelutions). After about 200 eggs my latest Eevees have 2 perfect IVs and most of the others IVs at 25+. Especially my Espeon (Despair) is really scary - it's fully EV trained too!

In what part of the game are you?

After you get to the point where you get ditto, (and you soft-reset it until it has at least 27 in every stat) and you get access to destiny knot and the Power items at the dept. store, you can pretty much get full 27+ IV pokemon with maybe even less than 50 eggs.

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In what part of the game are you?

After you get to the point where you get ditto, (and you soft-reset it until it has at least 27 in every stat) and you get access to destiny knot and the Power items at the dept. store, you can pretty much get full 27+ IV pokemon with maybe even less than 50 eggs.

I didn't soft-reset for good Ditto and also it took longer because I needed some egg moves and good natures too - each eeveelution needs different nature so it took a while. Also breeding females was to get multiple egg moves was a pain - only 12.5% of Eevees are females. I do use Destiny Knot and Power items.

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