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New to LoL and tired of playing with Randoms. James Yakumo same as my Reborn server name.

I play as Wukong, Zed, Veigar, Riven,Graves, and Ashe .

Level 12 so far.

Huehuehue. Another joins the Dark Side. Take that, Xiph!
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Fair enough.

Anyway, I'm on a fair amount, my name is Mr Ryan C (add me incase I forget to add you :P). If you need help, you can ask anyone of us but I'd recommend Ame or that elusive Milly person.

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I have an updated list.

Amethyst - AmethystV (Nami)

Eternal Edge - Turaiel (Nocturne)

Ikaru - IkaruKazuna (Quinn)

Inuki - ThunderInuki (Hecarim)

Hark - Ketamine King (Teemo)

Mashew - Sorciere Meredy (Miss Fortune)

Gray - Sorciere Ultear (Draven?)

Allan - BUCWEED1 (Olaf)

Kiozo - Batl Skard

Maelstrom - ?

Shanco - Mr Ryan C (Mordekaiser)

Will - SupahFish

Tony - Key2Destiny (Wukong)

Jory - EpicPossum (Poppy)

Dark Desire - MrFameMonsta (Vi)

Dana - Cpt Dana KS (Riven)

The Rock / Sir Flash - iSir Flash (Darius)

Neo / Propaganda - DurtyHyena (Teemo)

Blast - TheProxyMoron (Nunu)

Palutena - Crescent Cascade

A.M. James - James Yakumo (Graves)

Owen - tkaa57 (Shyvana)

Cyrus - Mizunashi Akari (Miss Fortune)

Vega - Killer Sothe (Volibear)

Sunshine - Rainy Dream (Master Yi)

Libra - nightlibra1202 (Nidalee)

Roo the Fush - WurmpleHeaded (Veigar)

JellyMan - HamstaJelleh (Nasus)

Lyralei - yangZhou, BR

Kamina - ?

Tenshi/Bullet - GoldenLucifer

Hedron - NuzzleMyBosom (Kayle)

Argent Bishop - ? (Heimerdinger)

Ruin - DarkPainite (Rammus)

Flipsie - Flipsiee (< level 5)

Let me know if you wanna be added, or I screwed up your name

EDIT: just added people's mains for fun, but can also be useful for arranging teams. Again, let me know if I messed up

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Dana is Sekaii Saionji now; Mael's name iirc is Azure Memories but I can't remember the last time he's played and pretty sure he's not going to. I think Roo has an NA account but I don't remember the name. Everything else looks good

Do you want me to edit that into the original post?

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mmm I wouldn't say I main Quinn, just that she's my favorite. I don't have a particular main tbh, regardless of how many times I've decided that I should. At this point I'm just nitpicking, though, so I'll go ahead and edit the first post.

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Meh, you can say either Jayce, Orianna, or MF are my mains since those are the ones I really frequent as. So you got it right there. Then again I'd probably be shit since lolnot30.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Edited my own post with new mains and another entry. If you don't have a well-known main it was mainly picked based on your last few games on LolKing.

Example: I'm going ahead with Libra's main being Nidalee as this week he's won five games and lost two as her, and I remember him using Nid before.

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did you guys hear of the guy that got arrested for making a comment on league of legends? i thought this was america but i was sadly mistaken. i hope it wont happen to you guys!

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If you are going off that, Ryan. You could just say that Draven is my main. Since I got 10/2 with the week he was free. Though you could just replace MF with Cait right now. Since I've actually figured her out and have been using her quite effective. Or you can just put it in as Jayce since he is the champion that I just absolutely love and we can have a nice day. :3

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My name's Cpt Dana KS, a friend of mine changed the name and promised to buy me my name back as well as a bonus skin for the trouble,

Also, I'd have to say my main is Lulu now.

though I'm still known for my Riven, I don't play her much anymore now that I main jungle.

Edited by Cpt.DanaKS
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My name on League is Mitternatch. I tend to play whatever, but I do love playing Sona when I can; though lately I've been having a lot of Kayle and Morgana moments~

I like learning new champs so tips are always happy to be offered! >W< I guess the champs I have the most confidence in are Soraka and Sona.. but I kinda like playing too many :P

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We have a tips and advice thread, It's not much but I try to update it whenever I can.

Also have you tried out Lulu, she's a pretty fun champion but takes practice to learn her. c:

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Yeah I have, she's fun. >w< I love turning people into cupcakes 8D I've generally tried almost every support; apart from Thresh really. >W< I refuse to buy champs with nothing but IP; so I only have a measly 26 owned I believe. So.. it's a slowly growing collection.. pretty damn slow ;.;

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