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Juuzou's Trash music thread. [ Music / Feedback ]


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So, I decided to throw some of my music on here (well, rather, it was suggested to me and I thought it was an excellent idea)

I won't link my old stuff for now because I HAVE CRIPPLING CONFIDENCE ISSUES WHEN IT COMES TO MY MUSIC,

But from now on if I make something that I think is half decent and upload it to youtube, I'll add it to my collection here I guess.

This way I can stop taking up valuable Status update space with my self-advertisement (woooh...)

I guess, here's a link to my Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/juuzou-72353936

and my YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX-rRfgODq54EgjgNJzr0KA

I try to upload stuff every now and then but I get busy sometimes o.o (Often)

Also, there's a lot of stuff on the YT channel that isn't on Soundcloud and vice versa, that's because I'm terribly unorganised and only recently started uploading to both (I started using Soundcloud for Videogame BGMs)

WELL, THAT'S ENOUGH OF MY LIFE STORY, how about some music.

I'll update this list when I add new stuff and if I make enough stuff I can be super neat and divide it into little categories but for now it's a messy list, bare with me.

Without further ado:

Undyne's (Non-Genocide) theme, SPEAR OF JUSTICE from undertale (Orchestral/traditional remix):

Spider Dance remix:

Spooky Scary Skeletons Remix:

Edited by Juuzou
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I have to say, I really dig your Spear of Justice Remix. It kind of had a Scandinavian feeling to it at the beginning, which gets major points from me. I'd me interested to see what you have planned, so keep up the good work. Critique wise (and this is coming from someone who has little experience in making music) but I feel like it was a little soft, so to speak. Perhaps being a little louder would help? I can't really say for sure, and that is just my personal opinion.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Spider Dance Remix.

Do I do too much undertale?

Yes, quite likely.

This one might come out a little quiet, I had problems with clipping because my PC literally could not run this song properly by Midi.

Which sucks.

so I recommend blasting up whatever speaker-like devices you have.

BUT ANYWHO, Without further ado:

Edited by Juuzou
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Your music isn't trash, but you know it can be better. Why are you even downplaying yourself? You're great at it to begin with anyway.

Your Spear of Justice Remix sounds kickass and awesome, as if you are on an adventure, travelling far and wide. Yet it does sound a little soft.

The Spider Dance Remix (Arachnophobia) gave me mixed feelings because my favorite part of the original was a little too mellow in the remix. It sounded good though overall.

I look forward to hearing more of the songs you compose and remix in the future.

Keep up the good work. :3

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Your music isn't trash, but you know it can be better. Why are you even downplaying yourself? You're great at it to begin with anyway.

Your Spear of Justice Remix sounds kickass and awesome, as if you are on an adventure, travelling far and wide. Yet it does sound a little soft.

The Spider Dance Remix (Arachnophobia) gave me mixed feelings because my favorite part of the original was a little too mellow in the remix. It sounded good though overall.

I look forward to hearing more of the songs you compose and remix in the future.

Keep up the good work. :3

My music isn't trash? ;-;

You don't have to lie to me to spare my feelings AAAAAAAAAA

(thanks though c:)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have created a monstrosity.

Behold in all its memeness, a garbage remix of spooky scary skeletons.

There are way better versions, this one is just for fun.

Edited by Juuzou
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