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Hardest Gym Leader in your opinion?


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Noel was the easiest for me because of how much I cheesed him. I had so many bad experiences with him in previous episodes that when it came time to face him, I was like, nope. Blaziken + 4 or 5 Bulk Ups = wreck everything. It was total overkill and the only fight where I ever used such a 'strategy,' but I did NOT want to take any chances with that guy.

The hardest for me was probably Ciel. I just so happened to have an Eelektross, Ampharos, and Walrein to do most of the work, but her Altaria was an utter nightmare. I had to grind up my Espeon to Moonblast it, and that was only after my Donphan with Sturdy used Earthquake to do some preliminary damage. Her opening lead with Togekiss was also frustrating due to how you're almost guaranteed to get flinched.

But that's only in the current episode. In previous episodes, the hardest were always what I called the 'Big Three': Florinia, Aya, and Noel. They were always huge stall points for me. But after some nerfs and me getting a bit better at Pokeymanz (or in Noel's case, being totally cheap in Pokeymanz), they're much more manageable.

define "cheesing" the gym battle it can't be as bad as me where i spammed common candies on that free onyx till it had 20 hp and then bought like 150 potions and would just potion up every attack because sturdy is total cancer

it is how i beat Ciel and how i beat the Garchomp, Mewtwo trainer battle, and the Arceus


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I expected Ciel to put up a challenge honestly. But as soon as I actually managed to set up Lunar, it was GG. Altaria was one hit ko'd by a psychic.

Also, Shelly, I literally only had out of my main team just Jaws (Feraligatr) and Noisy (Noibat) , and then extra fillers just for swap healing and Emolga for paralyzing just for the gym battle, I'd always only run around with the Pokemon I'm actually using on my team. I legit had to use all these X items on Jaws and had to use my ability capsule for Sheer Force Ice Fang. It was hell.

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Back when I was not so smart, I stopped playing because I couldn't get past Florinia. Turns out that I was too stubborn to use a common candy on my lv26 Charmeleon. Dragon rage was broken back then.

Typlosion's energy ball was the only thing that was hard about Charlotte but otherwise spamming earthquake with swampert made it not hard at all.

The hardest for me was Noel back in episode 11 (not sure if team changed since). Swellow's facade OHKOs almost everything and I had no counters for the Cosmic Powered Clefable. I still have no idea how I managed to beat him.

Everything else most likely took several attempts at most but nothing challenging to get past.

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Julia was meh, not so difficult

Florina has been relatively easy

I hated Corey deeply

Shelly took some tries

Shade too but it wasn't too difficult, hax was crucial

Kiki meh, Charizard and Meowstic MVP

I hated Aya deeply

Serra has been easy, but i hated Froslass because it was too fast for my team and required some time

I hated Noel deeply mostly for his Cinccino of doom

Radomus took some tries but it was nor difficult or easy

Luna has been kinda easy

I struggled a bit on Samson because his Hawlucha was a pain in the A*s

Charlotte was without any doubt the easiest, EQ Donphan paired with Noivern too OP

Terra got rekt

I struggled on Ciel, Mega Altaria was the most difficult to bring down but Donphan destroyed even it

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Hardest boss battle for me was Noel, when the episode made its debut and I had to fight him I had no idea the Cinccino had Skill Link and it rekt me. Seriously killed 3 of my mons each time. Eight tries later I beat him and it was glorious. Easy for me was Charlotte simply because I was prepared for the worst in that battle also after El nothing would surprise me. Also Onix with Stealth Rocks and Sturdy made the match trivial.

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I'm surprised people struggled with Noel. For me, he was a breeze (I'm pretty sure.)

My memory is foggy, but I don't remember struggling with him what so ever.

I honestly enjoy how we all struggled differently because of how our teams were built and what not. How we all have different Pokemon and different playing styles/strategies.

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Aside from the fact that almost every single leader in both of my files took more than one attempt, a few stick out as being particularly difficult.

In my first playthrough...

I remember having to try a few approaches with Shade, but I breezed through him once I made a few swaps in my lineup.

I got hung up on Noel due to his Cinccino, not sure how I got past it, but I managed it without burning the field.

Radomus was a lot of fun, but I know I failed a lot. I think eventulaly the exp from getting 4 or 5 of his team down pushed me over the hump and I could deal or take the little bit of damage to tip the balance in my favor.

Pretty much every leader post agate gave me trouble. I don't remember how for Samson, but I remember Charlotte kicking my ass a lot, stealth rock and somehow getting her to switch out her volcarona helped, and prankster light clay meowstic to set both screens and then die helped, but I don't remember any further details. M3G4 T3RR4 stonewalled me until I remembered that it was a fight about gen 1 bullshit, and raised the Abra I had lying around to alakazam, burned through several episodes of Archer grinding on Indra until I twerked him up to a good level, then getting a few dozen Speed and SpAtk EVs for good measure. Then he basically RAWR'd all over Terra's first few 'mons, then I figured out how far Alakazam would get on its own, and set up the rest of my team accordingly so that RAWRCHOMP would go down like a RAWRCHUMP. Ciel however, was a looong grind as I leveled my sneasel (sadly not from the mystery egg) and swinub (sadly not bred for icicle crash) up so that I could ice shard through half her bullshit. I still had to get lucky with sturdy donphan and bounce against togekiss or risk getting shrekt by it.

In my second playthrough, I feel like I've done worse so far, as Florina, Kiki, Serra, and Noel -- the worst of them all since his porygon-Z also got in on the action -- were basically walls I had to climb via defeat-grinding and luck with statuses and ancient power. I'm at Radomus now, but I have a good-ish feeling even if he lays down trick room on my speedy team.

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Hardest was easily Shade and Noel. I battled Noel at least 9 times and each time with different teams and after extensive training. In the end I finally resigned to training a magneton with sturdy. Noel is my nightmare

Easiest is less memorable. I beat the chessboard guy only in 2 tries. And that too because I forgot to bench my HM slave

Please don't name your kids Noel :unsure:

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I think Flobot was actually a little challenging for me, not extremely, but one of the more challenging gym leaders. Solely because Jaw's could only ice fang and get a lot of damage taken.

I had Noisy, but she was only a Noibat. I never caught Pokemon just to battle gym leaders. I only ever caught and had on my team Pokemon that were gonna stay. xD So a bit of a struggle there, but I'm a very stubborn person so I managed.

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My team made some of the typically hard battles like Serra be very easy, and other typically easy ones super difficult.

I found Charlotte, Luna, and Shade to be super amazingly hard. And I usually only won by teaching some specific tm, using battle items, or getting lucky with Rng.

Serra was really easy. I swept her whole team with just my Delphox and Lopunny. Terra was also incredibly easy. My Roserade, almost swept her.

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In my opinion Charlotte and Noel are equally eligible for the place of the hardest leader.

If you don't have a good and effective team considering the opponents mons and feild effects, they will just make your life hell.

Corey will be tough without a Psychic mon..

But here's my vote for NOEL and CHARLOTTE.

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I think the hardest for me was Shade since his pokemon were fast and hit hard. Beyond that it only really took me a few resets to get most of the gyms down since I had a large number of pokemon trained up. Easiest had to be Samson, Luna or Noel.

Edited by Twitchapher
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Lets see, its been a while since I've done a completely normal run of the game.

Serra was certainly the easiest. My Arcanine ran through most of her pokes with Flamethrower and Flare Blitz. There wasn't much challenge.

I may have had a harder time with Noel or someone, but all I can remember for sure is Charolette was a nightmare. I was just so mad at her field. Usually the fields have a weakness, but Charolette's weakness seems to be use Fire as well. Sadly I don't usually use fire unless it is my fire. I ended finally winning by destroying the field with a Walrien Blizzard. (Which was also very helpful in the next few battles vs Swalot, Terra, and Ciel).

Honorable mention to Shelly for being the most consistently difficult but fair leader (if you don't set the field on fire >_>)

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Charlotte was burned to a cinder pretty quickly by me. Pretty sure Lunar, Noisy, and Midnight put in the most work. She was probably one of the easiest gym leaders apart from the ones I mentioned.

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Hardest for me were Ciel, Kiki, and Shelly (in that order) were the hardest for me. Ciel was a NIGHTMARE to deal with. I had to add a permanent addition to my team, and resort to some highly unorthodox tactics to finally beat her.

Easiest were Rhadomus and probably Luna. The Rhadomus fight was such a let down. I went in expecting him to put up a fight and then ... nothing. The hardest part of Luna's fight was trying to predict her pokemon based on nicknames.

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Changed my mind, I now think that Serra is the hardest battle. She has too many advantages from the field. And the Pokemon I had put me at a disadvantage.

Also, her Froslass always managed to bring down my Houndoom.

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I'm glad to be seeing that people did struggle with Serra. I'm pretty sure she was a bit of a pain, but not too hard for me. My team was well rounded at that point. But her field effects are like EXTREMELY unfair. xD

But that's okay, Ice tends to be fragile. I took her on before I got Junior (Junior came into my team because it was my little bundle of hope for beating Arceus) so like, at that point I had 4 Pokemon and they shattered her.

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