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Your Pokemon Typing

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I got Rock type, staring at my profile which i put that banner on as a constant reminder how bad i am as the one of worst types(I still fancy rock types, but still truth be told, it has bad accuracy like my clumsiness and bad defensive capability with multiple weaknesses much like my incompactibility with people)

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The quiz is actually really inconsistent with me, but the first time I did it it gave me a typing that I honestly agree with a lot. Normal/Psychic.

Normal: Normal Types are usually light-hearted and easy-going people. Like everyone else, they have their flaws and insecurities, but perhaps uniquely, they're able to accept themselves and others in spite of their flaws and always make the best of it.

Psychic: Psychic Types are the intellectuals. They value intelligence, creativity and thoughtfulness. They prefer to look at the reasons behind things rather than the things themselves, and accordingly thrive both independently and socially. Often times, they are extraordinarily unique individuals, but they seldom seem to mind this.

And I think I really am that mix of accepting and intelligent.

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Pure Flying here apparently.

Flying Types are free-spirited and big dreamers! They're always looking for bigger and better things, and aren't necessarily bound to what they 'should' be doing. Sometimes this gets them in trouble... but they also have the unique ability to narrowly avoid any dire consequences.

Seems fair enough. I think I get into trouble more often than "sometimes," but at least the last point is still true. >_>

Edited by Quickslip
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Took the Test again, and got Water. I'd say it really fits me, as no matter what I do, I (usually) get it as either the only Type or one of the two Types in my Result.

Water Types are a level-headed bunch. They balance rationality with their emotions, and are adept at understanding either side. Water Types are able to adapt to any sort of scenario- even if it isn't necessarily their favorite- and make it their own.

So what would a Fairy-Type Personality be like, and when will the Type quiz get updated to include it?

Edited by K_H
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I've taken the quiz twice; the above result is my most recent, and previously, I got pure water.

Does this mean I'm a Dewgong?


Could be a Cloyster either, but I'll take Dewgong over it. Not especially fond of Cloyster's design.

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When I first took the test, I got Water/Flying.

I retook it recently and got pure Flying.

Both make sense, and I've always thought of myself as a Flying type anyway. I do get Water related results often, too, though.

So maybe Water/Flying is the more fitting one.

I like to think that makes me a Swanna. Admittedly not much of a Gyarados fan, and Mantine somehow doesn't seem fitting. (Also neither of them are birds, which immediately makes me like Swanna better even if we put aside my fondness for swans.)

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Zephy, you were right. This is indeed the beginning of a wondrous new friendship.

would you take that back if i said that i was actually hoping for dark type as a result-

jokes aside, i'm honestly not quite sure if any of the results i've gotten fit me, so... please pardon me as i reflect and hopefully get in touch with my self all the more.

i'll just be putting my thoughts in spoilers within an entire general spoiler so that folks can skim my introspecting easy peasy.


Steel types don't let things get to them, plain and simple. Steadfast in their opinions, everything else is generally just 'wrong.' They're very direct about what they want and how they want it, and one way or another, they always get it.

the part where i don't let things get to me's subjective and depends on exactly -what- the thing trying to get to me is... but, yeah, i guess, in general, i make it a point to not allow stuff to just rattle and faze me. otherwise, i'm quite quick to react, a bit hot-tempered, though i'll -try- to control myself before reacting (more on this point later, when we get to water).

i'm not the most steadfast in my opinion, either. not proud of it, but my opinions are often easily affected and molded in some way by other people, though i'd like to think that that's because others show me a different perspective that i can agree with and thus incorporate with my thoughts.

being direct about what i want is something i do make sure of doing just ask my boyfriend. i don't have time to be vague or be a mere guessing game, specially if i'm trying to communicate something to you. you wanna get shit done, you get straight to the point or say it outright; just provide details along the way. as for getting what i want, though... i'm a lot more pliable, so to speak, about whether i get what i want or not. i'd like to think i'm content with what i have, and more often than not, i give way to what others (specially those close to me) prefer (not applicable for things like my ideals, etc.).


Flying types are free-spirited and big dreamers! They're always looking for bigger and better things, and aren't necessarily bound to what they 'should' be doing. Sometimes this gets them in trouble... but they also have the unique ability to narrowly avoid any dire consequences.

free-spirited, huh? i have always liked to be different in some way, and never really fancied or could agree with concepts or things associated with or that represent oppression and the like. i don't like when people attempt to silence me or think they're obligated to shut me up. as for being a big dreamer... well... i've never actually been ambitious or anything .-. if it counts, i've just got this goal of making a difference within my country and helping improve its rather deplorable condition somehow, being a heroine of sorts in the process. it's a dream i share with my SO, who himself aspires to be a hero and to serve the Philippines.

i suppose the thing about bigger and better things can apply... sort of. things can always be better, i believe. and not being bound to what i "should" be doing... well, i may be a college student, but that doesn't really mean i like to study or enjoy academics, so... does that count? XD

and it's true, i tend to be able to squeeze out of tight spots and problems either by sheer luck or actually managing to save my ass at the last moment or so.


Water Types are a level-headed bunch. They balance rationality with their emotions, and are adept at understanding either side. Water Types are able to adapt to any sort of scenario- even if it isn't necessarily their favorite- and make it their own.

in a particular circle- rather, triangle, since we're a trio- of friends, i sometimes compare us to the lake trio bbs Mesprit, Uxie, and Azelf. my SO's Azelf for willpower, our friend's Uxie for knowledge, and i'm Mesprit for emotion. this can, i guess, apply with Freud's trio, too, with us being the Ego, Superego, and the Id, respectively.

long story short, i tend to act based on how i feel, and i tend to feel pretty easily, too. but, returning to that bit i mentioned up in the section for steel, i'm actually capable of being rational about what to do, how to act and feel (given that i'm not triggered to a dire extent, i guess). i've been a firm believer that there're always more than one side, sometimes even more than two sides, to a story. as much as possible, i'd like to get all perspectives before forming a verdict, saying and/or doing something about the situation.

as to adapting... i'm not really sure about this? XD if it means anything, if i'm stuck in a situation (be it favorable or shitty af), i do my best to stick it out and make the most out of it.

actually, y'know what, in hindsight, these type descriptions actually -do- fit me. i think i've gained newfound appreciation for these types, even if they're not among my favorites.

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