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Hi guys.

So, in preparation for Episode 16, I've been going through and trying to build up a team that's going to be a good all-round team to tackle most (if not all) situations.

So, the current list of Mons that I have in my Rotation Box:






















Meowstic (F)








Halp plz.

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Here's what I would do:

Well first of all, a physical Lucario with Shadow claw and Close Combat has perfect neutral coverage.

Since Lucario is weak to ground and fire, you might want a flying type, and a type that resists fire. Milotic makes a good wall if you give it the ability marvel scale. Or you could use a sniper kingdra.

If you want a flying type, togekiss hax is always good.

Ninetales is great power, with the equivalent of a choice specs when it enters the field. It also gets nasty plot.

This slot is open, maybe a meowstic, for dual screens?

My final choice would be gourgeist, because it's got good defense, but can still hit hard

My choices:







This completes a fire-water-grass core along with a fairy-dragon-steel core.

These would be my choices.

However, things might be easier if you chose a few extra pokemon to rotate in when they have an advantage over a gym or boss.

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Usually I like to just go all out offensive to try and just sweep through battles... But obviously, Reborn is a different game than the official games. So, I'd probably try to go for a more balanced style of play. Offense would be my main style, but then I thought about using Leech Seed + Will-O-Wisp to try to whittle down HP on difficult battles, plus Reflect & Light Screen.

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Well this is the current party I have at the moment:


Cross Poison


Dark Pulse

Shadow Ball


Dark Pulse

Dragon Pulse

Aura Sphere


Brick Break

Metal Claw

Ice Punch

Night Slash








Fire Punch

Light Screen


Psycho Cut

Leaf Blade

Brick Break

False Swipe

I gotta keep my Crobat... Love my baby that I've had from when I started playing, haha.

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I will tell you how to build a succesful team for story mode. Please don't use this on showdown, as it's quite based on exploiting the AI. It's also thought for gyms and that sort of boss fights, you don't play this way against regular trainers. Basically, you will have two types of mons, supports and setup sweepers.

These would be examples of supports I use in my game:



Basically your objective is to bring a support in front of the enemy pokemon, and create a good situation for a sweep. For example, bring Pachirisu against a physical attacker, paralize it and give it -6 attack with charm, or Roserade can set seeds and use the recovery from Black sludge and Leech seeds to survive long enough to set the entry hazards. This is only possible because the AI hardly ever switches.

Then you bring a setup sweeper. I use these:


This is a funny combination of support and setup sweeper. Basically the idea is that you setup swords dances, speed boosts and a substitute and then baton pass everything to a powerful pokemon like Metagross.


This always works.

From the pokemon you have, Lucario can be a powerful sweeper with swords dance, close combat, bullet punch / extrme speed..., although notice that you might be outsped by faster pokemon as you don't get any speed boost, and prority moves are not too strong. I like Dragon dance Moxie Scrafty a lot as a setup sweeper, and it definitely is a very good one. Nice natural bulk and powerful stab in HJK. I would definitely use it. Curse Snorlax can also be an opton, but you need to breed curse because it's an egg move. If you want a special attacker, Gardevoir can be a good bulky sweeper with Calm mind.

For supporting, Trevenant learns both Will-o-Wisp and Leech seed naturally, which is awesome. Leavanny can set Sticky web, which turns slower pokemon like Metagross and Lucario into awesome sweepers. That should give you enough to start with.

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Crobat is fine, but you have a lot of dark moves on your pokemon. Maybe you want to make crobat physically offensive, and give it acrobatics?

Gallade is good, but it probably won't help much against the next gym which i think is fairy. Same with weavile.

Overall, this seems reasonable, are they ev trained?

Edit: as said above, pachirisu is surprisingly good. I haven't used it in reborn, but it has helped to conquer many a boss in rejuvenation

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Do you have sticky web on leavanny? you could set up leech seed and will-o-wisp a physical attacker with trevenant. Then use lucario. Do you want physical or special lucario? I think they would both require some breeding, if you want bullet punch or vacuum wave.

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I like the nasty plot set (don't have to worry about intimidate), with vacuum wave, but it takes some work. You can forego the vacuum wave, if you want extra coverage (for adrienn).


Nasty Plot

Vacuum Wave/Flash Cannon

Aura Sphere

Dark Pulse (wish we had shadow ball tm)

For vacuum wave you need a tyrogue to evolve into a hitmonchan (get from the nature center) then teach it vacuum wave, and breed with lucario.

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Well its 75% accuracy. I'm not playing nuzlocke so if the sleep powder i miss is CRUCIAL and costs me the battle, there is always soft-reset.
I was running Wide Lens for a period though. I noticed quite an improvement.

Timid nature with MaX speed will prolly outspeed almost everything in the game. (except Indra's scarfed flygon)

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For trevenant, harvest might be the better ability, because harvest +lum berry=natural cure without switching, and it can be taylored to each battle.

Assist on Meowstic may be a bit unpredictable, so you might want to get trick, heal bell, or signal beam from a move tutor

I know this sounds like a lot of ability capsules, but motor drive is a better ability on electivire, so it can switch into any electric moves aimed at lapras

You have a few minor weaknesses to ghost and fire, but because youve beaten those gyms, you're probably good,

Lastly, you don't have anything to hit dark types super-effective (unless you get signal beam on meowstic).

Otherwise, this is a solid team.

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