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It's been a long year around here.

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Heh, amazing, right? An entire year since I first got here. I'd say this is an anniversary thread, but... It's more just a confession thread. A confession that's not needed, and really was unwarranted. But, really, I'd prefer admitting to it, but only because it'd mean talking about myself. What would that mean? Well, it'll be obvious soon.

I'm sure you might know what narcissism is. Basically, it means you think a bit too highly of yourself. Generally, I find people see narcissism as a negative trait. Maybe I'm wrong, but really, it's up to you.

That's what I'd like say to you: I consider myself a narcissist. I love myself more than I feel others think is necessary. Not to say that I have small bits of modesty, but I feel my narcissism is stronger than the modesty. In my mind, I feel above quite a few others, but not everyone. I feel like I deserve to be treated highly, but I will accept being treated as your equal.

Admittedly, I feel that I don't need to feel in any way bad about being a narcissist. Although, I guess that's par for the course when you love yourself, and your own thoughts. But I also feel like it has some good reasoning behind it.

I... wasn't always as confident and extroverted as I am now. I used to self-deprecate myself. But, one day, I decided that I didn't want to self-deprecate myself, for whatever. So, to deal with that issue, I decided to tell myself that I wasn't as inferior as I call myself. I told myself that I was better than others. With that mindset, I started to feel more confident in myself. In other words, I used my narcissism to strengthen my self-esteem.

Heh, well, a year certainly passed quickly. In a few days, I'll even be 18. Feels like so long since I first came here, and made the friends I have now. Why don't I list out the notable ones?

Raymond - Remember? When we used to play with our friends? When we used to play Minecraft together? I miss those days, back when I felt so carefree. I'm glad I met you back then, because I definitely consider you one of my most important friends ever.

Scarlet - Scar-scar! One of the closest friends I've made in 2016. Hard to believe I thought I wouldn't really fully appreciate hanging out with you back when I first met you. Pfffttt. My gosh, how my tune has changed since then. Thanks for becoming my friend, and let's always be friends, no matter what!

Ama - MAma! My precious mother, who seems to act younger than me, at times. Let me just say, I'm glad to have a friend that's willing to listen to me. You've listened to some confessions of mine that certainly have helped me get over some stuff. Thanks, MAma! I'll be your friend for as long as you need!

Honorable mentions - Some of the people I've talked to. I've shared quite a few conversations with a lot of you, and I do hope that I've left a good impression on all of you.
Shanco - Thank you for talking to learning-to-be-extroverted Inno.
Rose - Thank you for being a good friend.
Lost Lore - Lewd can be funny, so thanks for that.
Captain Breakfast - I hope you appreciate my friendship, because I do.
Sparky - Thanks for being a cool guy.
Zetaark - Thanks for helping me out back then.
Hukuna Fulmine - I appreciate your offers of help for my writing.
Roxas - You're a pretty cool person. We should talk more.
Juuzou - Cute ghost.
Sinikuro - Thanks for introducing me to some of the friends I've made.
Shia - We should really talk more, friend.
mde - Thanks for being such a nice guy to talk to.
Narckarth - Yay for fire!
Solarance/Jamaka2001 - I hope I've been able to help you, friend.
KosherKoneko - You make some pretty fun conversations, that's for sure.
King Murdoc - Utsuho isn't as good as Cirno(Nah, just kidding), but you're definitely pretty cool.
Alicirno - Thanks for your time, friend. I appreciate it.
Ice - Thanks for being such an ice guy.
EternalEdge - Thank you for the times we've talked
Personthing - Thanks for being such a cool Nations mate.
Krim - Nations wouldn't be as fun without your fun ideas.
Cyanna Cyril - Cyan is a cool color, just like you are a cool person.
Xiri - Thanks for being such a strong Leader

Everyone around Reborn - Some of you, I've made good impressions, and some others, I've made bad impressions. Despite what I've told you today, I guarantee you, while I hold myself in the highest regards, I would never abandon a friend. If I've shown you kindness, it was real, so don't let any misconceptions take that away from you.

Edited by InnocentBoy
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Congratulations on one year Inno! I'm glad to have been in the Atlantis Nation with you because I really get to see how great a person you are. Thanks for being great, and I hope you find a comfortable place in life where you're happy simply being you! Again, congratulations Inno!

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"I'm sure you might know what narcissism is"


For realsies, I appreciate your appreciation of me I think it's pretty evident that I'm clearly very important due to the fact that I'm a cute ghost.

You've always been a swell guy, a real neat chap

the world should have more dweebs like you.

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tfw I was mostly absent from this place when you joined last year

You already know I'm thankful that you consider me someone close to you, and I can honestly say I consider you someone close to me. Congratulations on 365 days around these parts! I'll probably wait to say more on your birthday.

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One year, huh? Once you've been here for that long it starts to set in that you'll never leave without coming back XD. Anyways, you're a really cool guy and I'm glad to be in Atlantis with you. You really make the chat more optimistic even amidst the losing streak we had (It seems to be coming to an end though. Long live Nation Sea!).

Knowing that you like my ideas makes me pretty happy. I went into Nations looking to have fun, and almost all of the teams Ive made have been gimmicky and from the heart. That's my preferred way to play Pokemon. If you don't like your team, what's the point of using it? Finding someone like you, who appreciates that and can adapt things into their own strategies from it is just a really good sight to see, and one of my favorite things about this game.

I hope we continue to talk, even after Nations is over. I consider us friends, and I'd hate to lose that.

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Congrats on being around a year!

You're truly one of the nicest people on the server, and a great influence on this community. You're on of the members that represents Reborn the best, so good on you!

Here's to many more!

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who seems to act younger than me

I'm not edgy enough to give up my silly humor yet, don't worry.

I'm glad to know you, Inno. You're easily one of the most lovable people around here, very energetic. It's always fun talking to you, so what can I say? I'm happy you stuck around, and hope you'll be with us for even longer.

Happy anniversary, my murderous son. (Well... one of my murderous sons, anyway.)

I could throw you off a cliff here, y'know, to show my affection.

But I won't. You can have a virtual hug instead.

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