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The dragon pokes their head from the lurkrealm....finally OwO


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Tai-Yoh to everyone on here. My names Kannato as you can see but I mostly prefer Kai and Kanna, Takumi or Duran at times as a sub to Kai. So yeah, I'm a long time lurker who actually came onto the forum a really long time ago-it was about....5 years ago I believe, I remember being in high school still at the time and downloaded the game so really I'm just coming back. This time however I hope to stay and at least be semi-active(as I am terrible with staying on forums and such)but I'll make the effort. Below I'mma go into (semi)gret detail about the mind behind this account or whatever the right phrase is here; if you want to read the full thing then go right ahead and if not then I'll have a TL;dr above the wall of text. Hope to get to know some people here soon.


I'm just a happy-go-lucky writer with a weird case of 10 year old writers block. I pretty much live on the mmo Elsword and love the idea of the 'synergy evolution' Ash and his Greninja have going. I play Yugioh and vanguard as my main cardgames and I'm pretty much a cynical, pessimist who sees the good in things. I'm joining this site/forum for a second time to get into the sense of community for once and also hope-like many-to make a fangame of my own despite my...shortcomings so don't expect anything from me at all. Anyway hope to get to know some people here. Gonna try and flesh out my profile in the next week or so~

Few things about me:

I like to pride myself as a writer of sorts; ideas come to me all the time and I get a clear, vivid picture of said image and even an animation. However when it comes time to write...I just clam up and end up getting no where....kinda weak tbh really but what can you do? So yeah, I'm a writer who has had a weird case of writers block for about....10 years or so and although I love to write, I can't put down more than 1000 words or less before scrapping/shelfing the document. Let's see....oya, I love the name Kai...don't know when or how that originated but during middle school I just came up with a universal Oc whose original name I cannot remember for the life of me that I 'killed off' and made into Kai. I tend to kinda...rant on as you can see with this intro topic but that comes from a firm belief that some information about a person can say alot about them in the long run...besides, I'm a really boring open book anyway. Last thing I guess would fit here is that I am hopelessly addicted to Elsword so if theres anyone else that plays then I'll already say you're far better than me at that game already; but in all seriousness, no matter how 'bad' the game may get in the coming months, years or so...I'm sticking by it to it's last day if I can as I have so much time, money and memories invested in that game to just up and quit.


I'm....weird? Like just oddly out of balance I guess depending on the day and how it's gone. Most of the time I'll be what my friends have described as 'a cute, submissive puppy.' But I'm pretty much a happy-go-lucky relaxed kind of guy who likes to waste his intellect. I'm somewhat cynical and kinda pessimistic but pretty much that's when I'm going into a complex of mine or whatever. I'm also somewhat indecisive on certain things-the best example being fire emblem fates in which I just bought both games along with the 3rd path. I'm also very sentimental, I can find a meaning in most things around me and hold them near and dear, it's a bad trait but it's something that I like to do, makes me feel slightly good inside.


Typical nerd stuff I guess? I enjoy a good round of Cardfight Vanguard(go GC and GP) and Yugioh(Odd-eyes is love, Odd-eyes is life) amongdt other things. I am a fan of anime but I don't really have too much interest in watching too many at the current moment except a few at a time depending, although I'll say I hate really fanservicey anime or harem in general unless I'm convinced otherwise. As I mentioned before one of the things I love is Elsword....don't know why tbh, it's something I play everyday or just about most of the week just because I can be it before or after work or just when I can. Also Pokemon is a thing-so is Digimon-which is of course one reason I came on this site for a second time. It's something I grew up with and don't get bored with like everyone else in my life seems to. Last thing to add, I am someone who likes the 'synergy evolution' going on between Ash and Greninja and pretty much use that as a sort of reference point for my characters in whatever story I write so if you ever see something like that pop in the off chance posting fanfics is allowed here-and I actually finish to the point I introduce it...be warned.

Reasons for joining(again):

Other than my tendancies to get jealous of online communities, I'm telling myself to finally hunker down and be apart of some forums and stay on them for once and make a name for myself. I've even bookmarked this site as one of my important so I can remember to come on at least once or twice a day. Another reason is...well the same as most recent people...just seeing the work, the quality just everything about Reborn and the various fan games it inspired made me want to make one too...however I feel as though that won't be something I'll ever accomplish but I'll try or at least try to try. Knowing me though, I'll give up after a while but if I can stick to it, then I want to be able to make something that people can play and have fun with, to be able to know that people are actually waiting for something that I made and once an update is made then people can play that and see how I've improved. That still is a far off dream for now as I have to get back into spriting, figure out the tools that I need and then figure them out as well and just overall a really long process that a person like me probably won't get past step one of.

Well anyway if you read through all of that then I sincerely thank you for sticking through that cringefest wall of text that is me and really hope I get to know some great people here and hope that I can make something that can at least be mentioned by fangame fans for a long while..

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Welcome to Reborn, Kai!


eat these sprinkles

I actually managed to read through that wall of text! Seldom do we get such a well thought of introduction~

And I'm not the only one here who plays Vanguard~ Woooo

Hopefully, for the sake of future hobbies, you did not spend as much money as I did on this blasted card game. ; )

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ew vanguard pls go away

welcome to reborn! dragons are cool and awesome. but the prettiest and bestest kinds are the ones with blue scales so. wololo \o/ you are now best dragon

bet you'd make a great customer are the Creative Works forum, where writers and artists of all kinds gather to display or simply seek help in developing their skills ~ and, if you want to make it more fun, there's also the roleplaying thread! o/

don't be intimidated by the incredibly talented folk there we have incredibly talented folk in other fields too, so there's really no point in being scared of being with our artists it's okay we can be intimidated together i also have writer's block a lot; we'd be incredibly glad to have you on board c:

expressive folks are gr8, as well as the less wordy folk. don't feel bad about the text walls <3

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You put the TL;DR before the huge wall of text? Bless your heart.

Kidding, I read everything, and like Zephy said, check out the CW section, I think you'll really enjoy it!

And if you ever decide to sit down and actually make that fan game, you got some beta testers here who can't wait to play some new pokemon.

Anyways, Welcome to Reborn!!!

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A fan of Fire Emblem and Yugioh? I think we're going to be good friends. PM me if you ever want to have a duel on Dueling Network or just want to talk or something. Anyways, welcome to Reborn (again). I hope you enjoy your stay!

(Also one of your nicknames reminded me of this video and I always get a good laugh out of it)

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Hi there! Welcome to Reborn!

Writing is pretty cool, and if you wish to share it, you can do so in our Creative Works subforum!

Don't worry about sentimentality! We don't judge your personality around here and everyone is welcome :D

If you could check out the Community Rules to the left, that'd be amazing as well, as we don't want you to accidentally break any of them!

Hope to see you around!

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