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What I Think Each Member Looks Like


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You're an otaku. In your veins flows all things form the internet and your brain is dedicated to processing internet culture. You probably own a maid café somewhere in Japan. You're Faris from Steins;Gate:


kinda curious as to how you think im a fucking otaku

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Oh boy, they just keep coming! Here comes the ULTRA MEGA SUPER EDITION!


You're cheerful and entergetic and inspire confidence in everyone around you. You're sometimes overeager and get ahead of yourself, despite this you never give up no matter what life throws at you. You're Hinata Shoyo from Haikyuu:


I have had so many weeb avatars. You cannot constrain me to one character, mortal.

Your whole life has never been static, you as well as your avatars have been ever changing. You're quite carefree, even flamboyant at times, though despite this you can also easily get serious and determined if the moment calls for it. Having seen everything that life has to offer, and embodied many different personas you sometimes see yourself as a divine figure, superior to those around you. You're also quite possibly a bishounen. You're Kise Ryouta from Kuroko No Basket.


What do ice cream sand witches look like?

You're bright, energetic, and an incredible optimist. Meanwhile you're also incredibly stubborn, childish and eccentric at times, being both an adult and a child simultaneously. Your personality can be quite overpowering, but it also attracts people to you. You're Haruhi Suzumiya from... The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya


This looks interesting. I'm curious to know.

You have a very kind and friendly personality. You value friendship and camaraderie above all else, and would do anything for your friends or to help those in need. Despite your kindness you're capable mustering great strength in times of need. You're Tatsumi from Akame Ga Kill.


I started memes

You have a great love of life and everything in it, you always try to have as much fun as possible and often goof around while showing no restraint. Despite this you are also ready to fight and protect in what you believe in at a moments notice, and you also possess intelligence despite this not being always apparent. You also have a tendency to yell "It's all useless" over and over again... You're Battler Ushiromiya from Umineko: When They Cry.


I'm indulging you. I hardly think an anime character would befit me, but go on anyways, it's interesting to see what another would associate me with.

You're a hopeless romantic who believes in the strength of humanity and adores quoting philosophical works whenever it's possible. You're very intelligent to the point where few people can keep up with your thoughts at times, but all the while you keep a calm and charismatic demeanor which attracts people to you. You may also secretly be planning to overthrow the goverment and throw the world into anarchy... You're Shogo Makishima from Psycho Pass:


Edit: @Skeleton Sorry if I offended you in any way. I in no way meant to use the word Otaku as anything derogatory or demeaning, if anything I meant it as a positive thing. I should've probably checked the definition of the word before using it, as I didn't know it had a negative connotation associated with it. I went back and changed it.
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I-I hope I'm cute!

You're is cheerful,outgoing, upbeat and generally exhibits a positive attitude. You're Illyasviel von Einzbern from Fate/Stay; Night


Who am I?

You're hardworking, talented, and a natural genius at drawing... You may also be trying to achieve godhood while eating potato chips... You're Light Yagami from Death Note!


oh shit who am i this is so fun wtf

You're an easygoing and optimistic person who loves having fun with everything you do. You're Lubbock from Akame ga Kiru:



You love ridding on horses, protecting the weak and innocent and your greatest desire in life is to become a prince!? You're Utena Tenjou from Revolutionary Girl Utena:


Interesting.....hook me up!

You're dedicated, incredibly talented at alchemy and despises milk! You're Edward Elric!


Show me the light.

Ever since the day your home village was massacred by a Rogue Cyborg you have striven to become the strongest hero in the world to achieve vengeance. During your quest you got augmented with robotic parts and started training under a certain "Mr. Onepunch Man"... You're Genos from well.. you know...


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