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What pokemon for what Type?


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[quote]What pokemon would you be if you had to be one of a specific type?

Ie, choose one pokemon from each type you'd be if could choose.

[code][b]Bug- [/b]
[b]Dark- [/b]
[b]Dragon- [/b]
[b]Electric- [/b]
[b]Flying- [/b]
[b]Fire- [/b]
[b]Fighting- [/b]
[b]Ghost- [/b]
[b]Grass- [/b]
[b]Ground- [/b]
[b]Ice- [/b]
[b]Normal- [/b]
[b]Poison- [/b]
[b]Psychic- [/b]
[b]Rock- [/b]
[b]Steel- [/b]
[b]Water- [/b][/code][/quote]

So basically he wants to know what pokemon you would wanna be for what type why not lol simple no?
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I edited that first post into a quick copy paste post.

[b]Bug- [/b]Ehhhh. Ledian.
[b]Dark- [/b]ABSOL.
[b]Dragon- [/b]Dragonair
[b]Electric- [/b]Luxray
[b]Flying- [/b]...I try to avoid legendaries. But Articuno is so pretty...
[b]Fire- [/b]Ninetales~
[b]Fighting- [/b]Lucario. Or Gallade.
[b]Ghost- [/b]Mismagius. Duh.
[b]Grass- [/b]Roserade... Shiny?
[b]Ground- [/b]Nidoking
[b]Ice- [/b]Articuno..?
[b]Normal- [/b]Hm. Zangoose.
[b]Poison- [/b]shinyRoserade
[b]Psychic- [/b]Gardevoir. Yes, I'd be a creepy trap Gardevoir. But it's still pretty.
[b]Rock- [/b]...Corsola.
[b]Steel- [/b]Lucario
[b]Water- [/b]Vaporeon
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[b]Bug- Scizor[/b]
[b]Dark- Umbreon[/b]
[b]Dragon- Salamence[/b]
[b]Electric- Raikou[/b]
[b]Flying- Salamence again why not[/b]
[b]Fire- Heatran[/b]
[b]Fighting- Breloom[/b]
[b]Ghost- Dusknoir[/b]
[b]Grass- Celebi[/b]
[b]Ground- Garchomp[/b]
[b]Ice- Weavile[/b]
[b]Normal- Togekiss[/b]
[b]Poison- Gengar[/b]
[b]Psychic- Gallade[/b]
[b]Rock- Cradily[/b]
[b]Steel- Skarmory[/b]
[b]Water- Vaporeon[/b]
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[b]Bug- [/b]Scizor
[b]Dark- [/b]Sneasel
[b]Dragon- [/b]Flygon
[b]Electric- [/b]Electivire
[b]Flying- [/b]Articuno
[b]Fire- [/b]Ho-oh
[b]Fighting- [/b]Lucario
[b]Ghost- [/b]Dusknoir
[b]Grass- [/b]Leafeon
[b]Ground- [/b]Sandslash
[b]Ice- [/b]Sneasel
[b]Normal- [/b]Aipom
[b]Poison- [/b]Nidoking
[b]Psychic- [/b]Jirachi
[b]Rock- [/b]Aggron
[b]Steel- [/b]Lucario
[b]Water- [/b]Floatzel
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[b]Bug- [/b] Butterfree!
[b]Dark- [/b] Umbreon
[b]Dragon- [/b] Dratini
[b]Electric- [/b] Minun
[b]Flying- [/b] Pidgiotto
[b]Fire- [/b] Ninetails
[b]Fighting- [/b] Mankey
[b]Ghost- [/b] Sableye
[b]Grass- [/b] Leafeon
[b]Ground- [/b] Sandslash
[b]Ice- [/b] Dewgong
[b]Normal- [/b] Skitty
[b]Poison- [/b] Nidoqueen
[b]Psychic- [/b] Mew
[b]Rock- [/b] Kabutops
[b]Steel- [/b] Scizor
[b]Water- [/b] Mudkip
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[b]Bug- [/b] Scizor
[b]Dark- [/b] Umbreon
[b]Dragon- [/b] Garchomp
[b]Electric- [/b] Jolteon
[b]Flying- [/b] Charizard
[b]Fire- [/b] Grimolt (Is this one cheating?)
[b]Fighting- [/b] Lucario
[b]Ghost- [/b] Grimolt (Is it?)
[b]Grass- [/b] Sceptile
[b]Ground- [/b] Garchomp
[b]Ice- [/b] Weavile
[b]Normal- [/b] Chatot
[b]Poison- [/b] Nidoking
[b]Psychic- [/b] Gallade
[b]Rock- [/b] Aerodactyl
[b]Steel- [/b] Lucario
[b]Water- [/b] Suicune

And, Ame:

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[b]Bug- [/b] Shedinja, cuz I'm so damn ninja.
[b]Dark- [/b] Sharpedo. [url="http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://4chanmemeandmotivational.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/im_a_shark.jpg&imgrefurl=http://forums.comicbookresources.com/showthread.php%3Ft%3D303924&usg=__VEmUpNm27R2Re9fu-NZw8lFG900=&h=589&w=629&sz=121&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=On4E3nrknVXYEM:&tbnh=125&tbnw=134&prev=/images%3Fq%3Di%27m%2Ba%2Bshark%2Bcomic%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1276%26bih%3D551%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=156&ei=H1-RTOfNIcL58AazuN2jBQ&oei=H1-RTOfNIcL58AazuN2jBQ&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0&tx=82&ty=90"]"I'm a shark."[/url]
[b]Dragon- [/b] Garchop. Like a shark, but on land, and a dragon somehow.
[b]Electric- [/b] Luxray. I'm Sonic the Hedgehog, but with electric powers.
[b]Flying- [/b] Wow, so many choices... but I guess I'll say Aerodactyl... no, Charizard... wait... oh yeah, Charizard.
[b]Fire- [/b] Torkoal, fo sho! This little dude is a BEAST.
[b]Fighting- [/b] Machamp.
[b]Ghost- [/b] Gengar
[b]Grass- [/b] Torterra. What can I say, turtles are my thing.
[b]Ground- [/b] Nidoking
[b]Ice- [/b] Articuno. My favorite pokemon of all the legendary trios, aside from Suicune.
[b]Normal- [/b] Ditto. I'd be whatever the hell I felt like being at the moment.
[b]Poison- [/b] Toxicroak, the fighting frog with poisonous fists. Hellz yeah!
[b]Psychic- [/b] Mewtwo. Pure badass.
[b]Rock- [/b] Kabutops
[b]Steel- [/b] Aggron. or Lucario.
[b]Water- [/b] Blastoise, no question. My favorite of all time.
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[b]Bug - [/b]Heracross
[b]Dark - [/b]Weavile
[b]Dragon - [/b]Flygon
[b]Electric - [/b]Raichu
[b]Flying - [/b]Charizard
[b]Fire - [/b]Typhlosion
[b]Fighting - [/b]Hitmonlee
[b]Ghost - [/b]Dusknoir
[b]Grass - [/b]Nuzleaf
[b]Ground - [/b]Marowak
[b]Ice - [/b]Regice
[b]Normal - [/b]Snorlax
[b]Poison - [/b]Nidoking
[b]Psychic - [/b]Galade
[b]Rock - [/b]Tyranitar
[b]Steel - [/b]Scizor
[b]Water - [/b]Feraligatr

Had to keep reminding myself this wasn't my favorite Pokemon of each type, but which Pokemon I would want to be. Also changed Scizor from Bug to Steel when I realized there weren't any other Steel I would like to be.
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[color="#008080"][b]Bug- Shedinja[/b]
[b]Dark- Cacturne[/b]
[b]Dragon- Flygon[/b]
[b]Electric- Rotom[/b]
[b]Flying- Altaria[/b]
[b]Fire- Urugamosu[/b]
[b]Fighting- Kojondo[/b]
[b]Ghost- Spiritomb[/b]
[b]Grass- Sceptile[/b]
[b]Ground- Garchomp[/b]
[b]Ice- Froslass [/b]
[b]Normal- Eevee[/b]
[b]Poison- Dasutodasu[/b]
[b]Psychic- Mew[/b]
[b]Rock- Cradily[/b]
[b]Steel- Nattori[/b]
[b]Water- Floatzel[/b][/color]
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  • 4 years later...

Here's my list.


Bug - Heracross (Volcarona a close second)

Dark - Sableye (though Darkrai and Absol were close)

Dragon - Garchomp (or all of them)

Electric - Ampharos

Flying - Crobat

Fire - Magmortar (Mega Houndoom after that)

Fighting - Lucario

Ghost - Giratina (Gengar always a good choice though)

Grass - Sceptile

Ground - Golem

Ice - Walrein

Normal - Ditto (Wynaut?)

Poison - Dragalge

Psychic - Metagross (Not the mega)

Rock - Cradilly

Steel - Mega Aggron (Only because Metagross is already used)

Water - Swampert

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Bug - Scizor 

Dark - Absol 

Dragon - Gabite :D 

Electric - Luxray 

Flying - Salamence 

Fire - Arcanine 

Fighting - Lucario duh 

Ghost - Gengar

Grass - Whimsicott 

Ground - Gabite/Garchomp

Ice - Lapras  

Normal - Eeeve 

Poison - Crobat 

Psychic - Jirachi 

Rock - Tyranitar

Steel - Jirachi / Scizor / Metagross / Lucario

Water - Greninja

Fairy - Mawile

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