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A Transcript of the Best Pokémon scene, Period!


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The Pokémon anime isn't one that's typically philosophical, or has much depth to its characters, though this one scene at the end of episode 20 of XY&Z has somehow stuck with me ever since I saw it. Perhaps I'm crazy, but somehow I really adore these 3 scenes which happen right at the end of the episode, after Serena has just lost to Elle/Aria and Yashio/Palermo is scolding her, and offering to take her as a student:


Serena: You're right... As you said, Yashio-San, I wasn't able to win against Elle-San. When I watched Elle perform earlier I think I realized something: What Elle has and I don't – I'm inexperienced and I have to ask for help and get saved by others all the time... But Elle makes people smile and gave advice to me, who was to her a complete stranger to her at the time. She's a person who can give. Until now, I've done nothing but receive from others, but I want to become strong and give something back to the people who've helped so far. I want to give them strength, make them smile and give them advice and sometimes scold them too. That's why I need to work much harder still in order to achieve my dreams.


Later that night as Serena is pondering whether to accept Yashio's offer:

Ash: What's the matter? Are you hurt?
Serena: No there was just something I had to think about.
Ash: Oh I see. Your next performance, perhaps?
Serena: Yeah, something like that...
Ash: I get it. It's the same with me: When I lose a battle, I think about how I'll battle next time, and think ”I'll win next time!”, getting all excited.
Serena: Ash, it's amazing how you're always so optimistic.
Ash: You think so?
Serena: You'd never feel unsure about what to do, Ash.
Ash: I feel unsure sometimes too. But you see? If you have time to feel unsure, you should instead just try and move forward. If that ends in failure too, you'll still be left with something for your efforts. Because in the end, there's nothing you could do that'd be pointless.
Serena: Ash...
Ash: Come on, let's get some sleep. We have to wake up early tomorrow.


Next immediate scene
Yashio: I see you're up early, I hope your answer is positive?
Serena: Uhm... I'm very glad you invited me. But right now, I can't come with you. I'm sorry!
Yashio: May I ask why? I don't think my offer is a bad one.
Serena: I know it's an extremely gracious offer. But I don't think it'd be good for me if I left my journey with Ash and the others unfinished and went with you, Yashio.
Yashio: Are these friends of yours?
Serena: At first I only started a journey because I wanted to leave the house, but then I discovered the path of being a Performer, and I met many people whom I hold so dear... And even Elle. I want to discover what lies ahead with my own eyes. I want to follow through with my journey till the end, and when I find an answer I'm satisfied with, on that day... *is interupted*

Yashio: I understand. Press forward until you're satisfied with yourself. And once that day comes, come to me.

To me this scene exemplifies everything that the XY anime is doing right. The focus on character development and interpersonal relationships between people and how said relationships gradually change people. Perhaps I'm just crazy, but I think this scene is wonderful, and in general episode 20 of the XY&Z season is to me the best episode of Pokemon ever made.

The episode can be found here if you want to watch it, and the scene starts at 15:21.


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Sigh, I'm gonna miss Citron and Eureka... (I wonder whether the Lilia will return?)

I'm really sad that XY&Z is coming to an end, it was by far the best season of Pokemon, ever. And we haven't even finished with the league yet, which has been the highlight of many past seasons. Hopefully Serena will go along with Ash to Alola next season, or we'll get an additional season of XY after this one which ties up the Team Plasma, Zygarde, Alan and Serena plots.

~ Anyone else beside me who're wondering what happened to Serena wanting to tell Ash that they had met as children?

It'll probably end with Ash saying he knew it all along...

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