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I do remember playing the EBF series from start to completion, but honestly a lot of them haven't aged well. Maybe 4 is still likable, but honestly the games aren't as visually appealing as I remember them to be. Perhaps it's just me, but the creator's art style looks too cartoonish and bubbly. Don't get me wrong, I like that kind of art style, but it gets painful to look at after a while. And this is an RPG, so chances are you're going to be looking at it for long periods of time. I just can't bring myself to do that anymore.

Speaking of RPGs, there was a game recently released on Steam (not so sure about other platforms) called "I am Setsuna." Now apparently it pays homage to some of the older-style JRPGs such as Chrono Trigger; we're supposed to think of it as a spiritual successor to those kind of games. From what I've read, the game is fantastic. I'm very interested in it, but the $40 price tag is keeping me away for now. I'll be more open to purchasing it whenever funds become available.

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I kind of wish Nintendo would stop relying on whatever gimmick of the month they've pulled out of a hat for their consoles and just do...y'know...normal things. People don't buy their consoles for the gimmicks; they buy them for the games. You're not going to find Smash Bros., Mario, LoZ, etc. games on any other systems short of emulating them on PC, so I don't know why they have it in their heads that they need to find something new and inventive to sell the consoles.

And as for this particular gimmick (for those who didn't read the supposed 'leak' about the NX in the article), I don't think Nintendo really knows how to resonate with buyers of today. Sure, a lot of people are looking for more portable options, but that doesn't mean that they want to drop their home system entirely. Playing games like Fire Emblem and Pokemon on the go is nice and all, but I really do prefer just sitting back on a couch and just playing home console games every now and then.

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I still think Nintendo is still trying to ride off of the idea that a gimmick is what'll bring them revenue in the console market and when you think about it, it kind of makes since. PS4 and XB1 both are going to have stronger hardware and have been out which will be hard to compete with. If Nintendo didn't have their AAA games and fanbase, then they'd be down and out of the market before you know it. The problem isn't the hardware though, but the lack of games PEOPLE WANT TO BUY! I'm a die hard nintendo fan, but I've been slowly moving away from it due to the lack of games.

Anyways, I've been playing Fairy Fencer F Advent Dark Force and while it's not the greatest game in the world, it's still a lot of fun. What I'm really surprised is the low amount of fan service coming from a Compile Heart game aka the makers of Hyperdimension. Also there is a canadian speaking villager in this game who wields a scythe.

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Supposedly the lack of games lately is because they've focused on making games for the NX, so they basically already killed the wiiU

In other news, turned out all I needed were a few easy to get fragments to finally hit all 50 in Destiny, and thus complete the Year Two Triumphs. :feelsgd:

Now to just sit back and wait for the dlc to drop.



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With all the 'next gen' hardware out they probably felt pressured to do it. I'm just waiting for that sandbox Salsa game to come out... And FFVII remake cause once those are out, I'm probably never leaving the spot in front of my TV ever again.


Now to just sit back and wait for the dlc to drop.

Just mentioning DLC makes my wallet feel 50 times lighter....

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Getting back into New Leaf because sometime this fall it'll be updated for amiibo compatibility.

So now I'm looking for a few things and wondering if you guys can help me out.

Chess Pieces:



I have all the other chess pieces and I'm looking to make a gold and silver set.

Also looking for pieces for the Exotic theme.

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