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End of Ep 15 Team


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I have defeated Ciel! That means it's the obligatory 'check out my sweet team' thread. I have a bunch of mons and they've all been useful so I'll be using a spoiler tag for all but one.


Nature: Modest

Ability: Analytic

EVs: 252 Sp.Atk, 252 Speed, 4 HP

Since it was because of all of Viridescent's posts about how amazing this pokemon was that made me get one and yes, I've been enjoying the zone very much since I got it. Kronos really shined against Blake on the mountain top, where it took all the attacks, LAUGHED as it tanked like a beast and returned fire with powerful Flash Cannons back. It brought a tear to my eyes.

So onto the others! Only two of these pokemon are bred. Besides that they are fully EV trained, they are all shiny and they are all female. Think of it as my self imposed challenge.


Nature: Modest

Ability: Solar Power

EVs: 252 Sp.Atk, 252 Speed, 4 HP

My beautiful starter, my partner through out the game and she needs better attacks. I should go get Air Slash for a STAB flying move that's not wing attack. Switching out Flamethrower for Heat Wave might also be an idea but I'll worry about that later. Hopefully we get the Move Tutor for Dragon Pulse as some point as well(Ame plz). Besides that Dragon Rage is good for weakening pokemon I want to catch so it's not all bad. She's pulled her own and even helped in Charlotte's gym battle because adding Solar Power to an already heavily fire boosted situation spells fun times for all.


Nature: Timid

Ability: Natural Cure

EVs: 252 Sp.Atk, 252 Speed, 4 HP

I really really really like Roserade's shiny sprite. It's so pretty. Rosetta is quiet frail but she gets the job done. If I don't know what I'm against I set out two layers of Toxic Spikes and go from there. If I remember right she just about sweeped Aya by setting up Growths and going from there. Plus I like to shove it in Fern's face that my Roserade is better than his.


Nature: Modest

Ability: Download

EVs: 252 Sp.Atk, 252 Speed, 4 HP

What is there to say about cyber birb beyond it's awesome? Download is amazing, Tri Attack can really hurt, Discharge is great and so is Signal Beam and Recover because living forever is great. Guess my thing is when should I evolve it? It's been pretty frail lately but if we get Evolite well I hope my enemies can run really fast.


Nature: Modest

Ability: Trace

EVs: 252 Sp.Atk, 252 Speed, 4 HP

Everyone knows how great this pokemon is so I won't talk about her much. Set up some Calm Minds and Psychic and Moonblast everything away. Can't wait for Pixilated Hyper Voices.


Nature: Timid

Ability: Thick Fat

EVs: 252 Sp.Atk, 252 Speed, 4 HP

MEHHHHHH I needed a water pokemon back in the early game. Little did I know Dewgong only really learned physical STAB moves through leveling up. Perish Song has helped me out with boss battles and Headbutt is good for tree pokemon. Surf has made it better.


Nature: Modest

Ability: Pixilate

EVs: 252 Sp.Atk, 252 Speed, 4 HP

Moonblast everything! I should switch Baby-Doll Eyes out for Reflect. Another 'I can't wait for Hyper Voice' Pokemon. I needed a fairy and Sylveon is good for what it does. Plus it's cute.


Nature: Impish(I DIDN'T FIX IT'S NATURE?)

Ability: Flash Fire

EVs: 252 Sp.Atk, 252 Speed, 4 HP

What's there to say? Flamethrower and Shadow Ball on this glass cannon means most things are dead if they get hit. More so when I get a modest nature on it. Sia helped me with Charlotte which is always good. Flash Fire ftw.


Nature: Modest

Ability: Static

EVs: 252 Sp.Atk, 252 Speed, 4 HP

Slow, but gets the job done. I love the move Discharge, can you tell? Confuse Ray is just awesome and Power Gem and Dragon Pulse are strong moves on their own. Still over all a good pokemon to carry around.


Nature: Jolly

Ability: Moxie

EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Speed, 4 HP

One of my two bred pokemon and another shiny I really love. Sucker Punch and Brave Bird make short work of anything that crosses it's path and then Moxie kicks it. It can get scary. Perish Song is a nice niche to have in case I find myself banging my head against a wall.


Nature: Adamant

Ability: Dry Skin

EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Speed, 4 HP

Why are the shines so cool? I get so much mileage out of this pokemon that I never thought I would. Sucker Punch to hit first, Drain Punch to keep her alive, Poison Jab as a STAB and Mud Bomb....As a filler. I'm not too sure what to put there.


Nature: Adamant

Ability: Clear Body

EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Speed, 4 HP

There's nothing to talk about. Such a good pokemon. Get it while you can because I heard Ame is taking it away for a later part.


Nature: Adamant

Ability: Rock Head

EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Speed, 4 HP

Beautiful shiny, amazing in battle. One of my 'smack it until it's dead' pokemon. She does her job well.


Nature: Adamant

Ability: Moxie

EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Speed, 4 HP

I won't lie, I wasn't even going to use Scraggy. I was just going to reset until it was shiny then throw it in the box. Then the game gave me it with natural 31 IVs in attack and speed....Ok, I'm using Scraggy. No DDance sadly but Moxie kinda makes up for it. Chip Away is filler and Fire Punch was the Egg Move it came with...I mostly just Hi Jump Kick until things are dead though with Crunch being a nice drak STAB.


Nature: Adamant

Ability: Inner Focus

EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Speed, 4 HP

My second bred pokemon to put Brave Bird on it. Amazing shiny, Hypnosis is good...When it lands...Cross Poison is a great STAB and Zen Headbutt because flinching is great.


Nature: Adamant

Ability: Speed Boost

EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Speed, 4 HP

This...This one was a bit of a pain to level. Aqua Jet wasn't that strong of a water STAB, Ice Fang missed 8 times out of 10 or it wasn't strong enough to kill. I should switch Night Slash for Crunch again. Luckily I have Waterfall now so that should help it and when it does live through the first turn and Speed Boost kicks in it can get really scary.


Nature: Adamant

Ability: Rock Head

EVs: 202 HP, 252 Atk, 56 Speed

Another amazing shiny, another pokemon I didn't think I'd get as much out of that I did. Stealth Rocks helped with Ciel, Earthquake is a great move, Double-Edge no recoil and Stone Edge is great!...When it hits...Sadly, Golem is slow and has so many weaknesses. Still enjoy it though.


Nature: Adamant

Ability: Flash Fire

EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Speed, 4 HP

I really did enjoy the Growlithe you get being female. Saved me some time. Outrage is just flat strong, Flare Blitz is as well. I should switch out Crunch for Extremespeed since I have enough dark coverage and Morning Sun heals the damage Flare Blitz does. I know Close Combat would be better but I have enough fighting coverage as well.


Nature: Adamant

Ability: Defeatist

EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Speed, 4 HP

Acrobatics everything. Don't like the next opponent? U-turn out. I don't even think I use Rock Slide or Dragon Claw but they are there if I need them. Great pokemon with a bad ability but who cares if your just Acrobatics-ing them away before they can do anything to you?

Quiet proud of them though I know some of them need work/moves changed. I'm open to suggestions. I also know I could use a dragon type(thinking Flygon or Altaria...Or both. Having two would be good) and I could use some more ice types. (Froslass comes to mind for an ice and another ghost type and everyone suggests Mamoswine though that one needs breeding.) I need to train my pick up meowths anyways.

Bonus: My PC!

These are all shiny, and all female(unless they are only male)






And this is my dirty cheat box, pokemon I've hacked in for one reason or another.


The eevee evolutions because it takes on average 2 to 3 hours to get a shiny female with the 12% rate and I really didn't want to do that...Turtwig? I suck at those kinda puzzles...Hard...I'm sorry. Timburr should be in here too but I haven't moved it. To be fair I won it and then just switched gender and shininess. That puzzle gave me headaches.

Fun Fact! Chikorita and Tyrunt took the longest to get female shiny, both at three days on and off. The shortest was Shieldon at five resets.

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So YOU'RE the one who took all my shiny luck. On my main playthrough which has also reached the end of E15, I've only found ONE shiny Pokemon.

It was a Bidoof.

It didn't even have good IVs.

But enough of me whining, That's a very impressive team. I would consider leveling up that Sewaddle before E16 drops, because I've found Leavanny is a hand physical attacker with decent speed (Leaf Blade/X-Scissor for STAB and a wide variety of coverage moves or buffs like Swords Dance).

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It's not luck. It's HOURS of sitting there pressing f12. I've clocked in 132h and 52 minutes on Reborn and that's not counting the...Probably over a week total of soft resetting I've done. I'm no stranger to bad IVs either. Lileep and Iggybuff? Both had two 0s for IVs. It happens. You get angry at your luck, throw them in the box and move to the next target.

Oooo I can do that. I do need more grass and bug coverage as well and Leavanny's shiny sprite is amazing.

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Well, technically it is luck, but not necessarily better than average. I admire your commitment, and I'm slightly amazed. I know it would take a while, but if E16 takes much longer, will you consider IV breeding any mons?

On a similar note, after about 12 hours of work, I finally have a shiny abra. IVs: 25/21/31/31/31/30

Edited by Strider
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Grats on the Abra!

I suppose it would depend on the mon,what I have and are we going to really need it in the long run. I've seen many people say that the IVs shouldn't matter and I know they do help ei my Archeops.


The 21s in Attack and Speed are all I really care about. They are above average and the extra points help her outspeed her opponents. Do I want to breed better? With the 12% female chance and even with the shiny charm, not really. If it was my Roserade and I was breeding Extrasensory or HP Fire onto it? Sure. I'd do my best to get better Sp.Atk and Speed IVs.

Let's say I was going for that Swinb for more ice and ground coverage, would I IV breed? Yes. Why? I have this godly Teddiursa. Look at this thing.


Since it has a 31 attack, two 30s and a 25 Sp.Atk I'd just have to get better HP and Speed and being in the Field egg group there is a large selection of mons to choose from and I could move the IVs to other groups like Grass to help with getting that Roserade with HP Fire.

Really it just depends if I want to put in the effort, even with the shiny charm it can take awhile to get what I want.

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I truly admire all your dedication, I know I wouldn't have the patience to breed some of the pokemon because of the stupid gender ratio (looking at you, Charizard), let alone being all shiny. I feel like punching my computer every time I get IV's where I don't want them to, and getting all the desired egg moves

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Well, technically it is luck, but not necessarily better than average. I admire your commitment, and I'm slightly amazed. I know it would take a while, but if E16 takes much longer, will you consider IV breeding any mons?

On a similar note, after about 12 hours of work, I finally have a shiny abra. IVs: 25/21/31/31/31/30

Ok so here's a follow up to your question. I decided to go for a Sp.Attaker Swablu but I forgot the cardinal rule of Reborn, the game hates you. After two hours of hatching eggs, I got this.


Both parents have 30s in Sp.Atk IVs. Every one of the eggs I checked had decent IVs so I thought I didn't have to worry about it....But Reborn hates you and you and specially you. I'm going to cry for a bit then slap the Power Lens(Because I clearly made the mistake of trusting the destiny knot) on one of the parents and try again.

Edited by Twitchapher
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