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Reborn's favorite Pokémon

Ojama Yellow

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So I was casually looking around the internet today, when I came across an article about people's favorite Pokémon in Japan and the poll that was organized around it. Poor Simisear.

Anyway, I got the idea of doing something 'alike' on Reborn. Idk why, it seemed fun. So I'd like to ask of everyone to put their top 10 of favorite Pokémon in here. Not your number 11, and not shared places. Decisions will have to be made. But don't worry! There's a nifty little site that can really help you to pick your favorite Pokémon! You can use it for this. Or not. Your choice. I know that it really helped for me.

Anyway, here comes my top 10.

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How will the list be calculated? First Pokémon on someone's list gets 10 points, second one 9...until the tenth one, who gets 1 point. I will keep a list below to keep track of all the points for our mons too. Since we have a quite active community, the list will be very prone to changes, and I'm actually kind of interested as well to see which 'mon the favorite of our community is.

Though I will have to put up a few rules. Sorry guys.

1. May not include more than one Pokémon of every evolutionary line in your top 10. I'm sorry. I wanted to put in both Bulbasaur and Venusaur and both Bidoof and Bibarel, but gotta draw the list somewhere. Choose your favorite Pokémon from every evolutionary line and put that one in.

1a. Exception for branched evolutions. You are allowed to put in both Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee, since one can't evolve into another in any way or something. In this way, Eeveelutions, Gardevoir/Gallade, Vileplume/Bellossom and idk what else are all permitted too. However, if you decide to put in, for example, Tyrogue, you do prohibit yourself from choosing Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan and Hitmontop. If you put in Hitmonchan, you only prohibit yourself from choosing Tyrogue, since Hitmonchan evolves out of Tyrogue but can't change into Hitmonlee or Hitmontop that way. Welp. I'm afraid I lost everyone with this one.

2. Formes count for one Pokémon. No Aria Meloetta and Pirouette Meloetta, or Blue-Striped Basculin and Red-Striped Basculin. A Pokémon with the same Pokédex number counts as one Pokémon.

3. The evolved form you choose matters. If you put Venusaur in your list, Bulbasaur and Ivysaur won't gain points, but Venusaur will.

4. Please refrain from using gen VII Pokémon for now. As soon as Sun/Moon becomes a thing, you'll be allowed to. But now yet please.

And to end, the current favorites of Reborn. (Up until post #60)

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Huh, this is a pretty interesting concept. Here, let me give you a quick list.

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No time for an explanation, but here we go.

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This is favorite to least favorite.

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  On 6/23/2016 at 12:41 PM, Dobby The Elf said:
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There you go, ten things top 10

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Couldn't remember other 4 ones by lack of memories, so here is top 6.

Dang pine said i need top 10. So ok then huh

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Well here we go!

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Interesting topic, here is my list, from my favorite to my 10th favorite!

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A short explanation for everyone:

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Bibs why didn't you let me put in ten Magnezones, you monster.

Ahem, anyways, Here We Go:

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And there you go. You'll notice that most of these are Steel, Water or Psychic, and that they have a general trend going. I'm sure those who know me won't be surprised at all.

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Sense any recurring traits among them? >.>

aka all feline/canine/vulpine

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Here ya go

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EDIT: Neglected to see the one member from an evolutionary line rule, my bad. Added the initial number 11 as number 10 and bumped up the original numbers 10 and 9 up a rank each.

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