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Information on Reborn's roots in the Reborn League?


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Yes. According to the interview with Sigmund, normally his patients aren't allowed internet access but he let Charlotte, Noel, and Anna on as a privilege under the condition he keeps watch over them also as a leader in the league. I think Laura and Saphira might have been adults by that time, but I'm not sure.

In a 2014 thread Ame said Sigmund had his psychology license suspended and was fighting a legal battle. I wonder what became of that.

Caregiver by day, mad doctor by night, and Pokemon gamer during snack time? That's an interesting combination. I get the feeling Sigmund's practice was a small, privately-owned thing, because I doubt the head of a larger place would find the time (and honestly, the inclination) to be one of the bigwigs at an online Pokermons thing.

By chance can anyone link me that thread if they can find it? And are these interviews archived, or is it information we'd need to bug the ancient folks for?

The Sigmund story is kind of amazing, and also incredibly horrifying. It's kind of incredible that the Reborn League attracted such a bunch of (pardon my words) misfits in one place, hopefully they're all doing well (or at least better now)

On a sidenote, what's the story behind Gossip Gardevoir and Randomus?

I'm surprised too at how many, like you said, 'misfits' managed to congregate here and become part of the league. And going by the presence of Sigmund, Corey, and El, some league members were adults with their own children (biologically or otherwise).

Honestly, I'm torn between my desire to let those guys keep their privacy, and my own morbid curiosity. While it seems unfair to dig into their histories -- which obviously have issues -- I also want to know more about them.

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So you have a Gardevoir existing IRL ? And a kind of ghost or whatever Shade is ? I would rather say the members of the league were characters created for it. Their story may be inspired from the story of the people behind but even without GG and Shade it's far too unlikely they really exist. I even tried to look for Sigmund on internet once. A psychologist sued for ECT experiments on children would surely appear in the news somewhere, but I found no reference to him outside of Reborn

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I remember reading that Radomus was arrested once, but had his name cleared.

@Timber Dragon: I tried to search for Sigmund's interview thread, but I can't find it. It might have been deleted recently.

Here's Saphira's account of the events, though: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=5709#entry94701

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Something like an orphanage director being arrested for ECT/child abuse would make the news, thankfully this story is most likely fake as nothing turned up when i searched news archives for 2013 involving orphanages, nor court cases for 2014 involving child abuse with ECT. But hey, it's the internet, no one would make stuff up on the internet right?

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This is a bit confusing to me. In the interview with Sigmund by Gardevoir (which I presume was on Skype or something?) he admits to researching ECT, and this was released on the 10th September 2013. Then suddenly 25. October 2013 Sapphira said that Sigmund was caught and was in the middle of being prosecuted, and the on November 10 2013 Amethyst confirms the events and announces the new electric Gym Leader. This all seems to happen so quickly. And the in-game events with Heather and the orphanage children being electrocuted were back in Episode 5 which was released around a year previously in November 2012. Did Ame just happen to guess that Sigmund was torturing the children at that point, or was at already known by then?

Can somebody explain how Ame incorporated the events into the game at this point in time?

And the whole Gardevoir interviewing people seems strange to me, how did those happen?

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This is a bit confusing to me. In the interview with Sigmund by Gardevoir (which I presume was on Skype or something?) he admits to researching ECT, and this was released on the 10th September 2013. Then suddenly 25. October 2013 Sapphira said that Sigmund was caught and was in the middle of being prosecuted, and the on November 10 2013 Amethyst confirms the events and announces the new electric Gym Leader. This all seems to happen so quickly. And the in-game events with Heather and the orphanage children being electrocuted were back in Episode 5 which was released around a year previously in November 2012. Did Ame just happen to guess that Sigmund was torturing the children at that point, or was at already known by then?

Can somebody explain how Ame incorporated the events into the game at this point in time?

And the whole Gardevoir interviewing people seems strange to me, how did those happen?

Probably just based on actual people, but ame (and perhaps they themselves) created lore around the characters. This can be quite common when creating a game, basing it upon actual people you've known but fleshing out and giving more backstory to characters you're creating.

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Probably just based on actual people, but ame (and perhaps they themselves) created lore around the characters. This can be quite common when creating a game, basing it upon actual people you've known but fleshing out and giving more backstory to characters you're creating.

I'd actually like some confirmation of this instead of wild mass guessing, your interpretation is a bit too black and white.

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I'm sure that if 100 people on different parts of the world, tried to make their own league in the style of reborn league, none of them would gather so many special cases of people.

I mean, you have to try really effin' hard to even gather half the amount of those people, considering they must be interested in Pokemon, be competent battlers, and being mixed up in variety of very unusual situations (which usually does not leave much space for the first two).

I only joined the community some months ago so anything i know is bits and bytes mentioned around the community. But, I assume the knowledge that has been gathered about the real people behind the reborn league is mostly the truth, mainly because i don't see the point of creating "spectacular" false backgrounds of people in a server/site whose purpose was for people to have some unique online challenge around the theme of pokemon battling, and not much else.

According to the announcements archive, Episode V: Escape came out at 2012. Obviously, most of us, know that this is the episode where orphans escape from the mad doc' and try to get out of the city.

The incident that saphira wrote, of sigmund being visited by the police, happened a whole year after the release of that episode, which means that the league was being continued normally. Which raises a few question marks i guess.

I don't believe in coincidences, so its safe to say that a good impression of what was happening inside the orphanage was known by Ame and part of the community by the time Ep.V was released.

It is kinda disturbing that even though it was known, No big legal moves had been made agaisnt that man. Instead, he continued to be accepted as the electric leader until October of 2013, and the whole situation was also incorporated into a game during the time it was happening in real.

Though i can guess that some moves had been made, and failed, and the only reason Sigmund was begrudgingly tolerated to still be present in the league, was so that the rest of the orphans would be allowed to take part in it too under his watch, since normally they are not allowed internet access. In that case the incorporation into the game can be considered (outside of a cool plot point) an attempt to make the situation more known to the outside, so that it would be tackled more effectively in the future.

Another question mark is though, since orphans have no internet access, how did they get into the reborn league in the first place. Only guess is, they became orphans after they had already been mixed up with the league and sigmund was persuaded from an outside source to allow them to continue being part of it.

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Yeah one would think the sigmund thing got a news story or something yet didn't which does raise a red flag for me. I asked before if it was made-up yet ame acted like it was real so idk.

That one seems a little farfetch'd, it's possible that Real life sigmund was a psychologist dude who supervised some orphans RP on some site but otherwise didn't do the other and just went with the role to better bond with his patients. The ECT stuff seems so bizarre and like you mentioned, it should be mentioned somewhere on the internet. Though admittedly there's plenty of messed up stuff that doesn't get recorded or reported by authorities.

It just seems too weird otherwise.

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Maybe there was never created an article on the internet about what Sigmund did. I know that it does sound like something that should have made the news and whatnot, but I have expirenced "big" cases that have never made the news for whatever reason.

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Indeed, not everything gets covered by the news, even incidents that would otherwise be newsworthy.

The disturbing part is that I don't think anyone is lying. But if it's all true, then it means there was an almost unreal amount of drama and baggage going on among the league. I don't know if there was anything in particular about the league that would draw so many characters like that into one place, but if it's a coincidence, then there were prominent members who died from illness, orphans getting ECT'd by their caretaker, a giant custody battle, amnesia from a car accident, and Fern. It's so surreal that all that could be contained in a place for online Pokemon stuff, of all things.

And what's more, did everyone pick their types, or were they assigned to the roster and were told to form a personality/lore around it? That interview with Sigmund probably shouldn't be taken at face value, because clearly at least some parts of it were written 'In Character' (otherwise Gardevoir wouldn't be a Gardevoir, and I don't think people talk like Sigmund does in real life). That's why I'm not sure how much to believe, because I don't know which is fabrication made for the sake of Reborn's lore.

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And what's more, did everyone pick their types, or were they assigned to the roster and were told to form a personality/lore around it? That interview with Sigmund probably shouldn't be taken at face value, because clearly at least some parts of it were written 'In Character' (otherwise Gardevoir wouldn't be a Gardevoir, and I don't think people talk like Sigmund does in real life). That's why I'm not sure how much to believe, because I don't know which is fabrication made for the sake of Reborn's lore.

well the extent to which people want to expose themselves on the internet varies per person. Obviously Gardevoir preferred to keep her unknown identity, and portray herself as she did. though its possible radomus and gardevoir were the same person and he/she knew how to act as two completely different personalities. Shade.. well.. obviously he just wanted to do his/her thing without revealing pretty much anything,

Other people of course have no qualms about self-exposure, to varying extents, so their backgrounds became known over the community one way or another.

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Some users here could easily have people IRL jailed considering their experiences, so the whole drama on ReBorn is actually a bit true. idk what it is about pokemon but it frankly attracts some rather diverse people with colorful experiences in both good and bad ways. Let's not forget the kiddie porn scandal with bulbapedia(or was it garden?)a while back. When you get crazy stuff like that happening there, the stuff mentioned on Reborn just seems a little less unbelievable. Just a tad.

It's one of those cases where reality can seem stranger than fiction. But lol what was Radomus arrested for? That's kind of funny. Probably drugs if his mad hatter basis is anything to go by.

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