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Issues with Backchannels and Discussion Transfer


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So it's a common theme around here that a topic becomes popular, overwhelms main, and those who are not interested in the topic become frustrated. The solution proposed is to move these discussions to a backchannel. My knowledge of this is primarily related to the ever-present League of Legends. Which, despite its popularity, has a backchannel which is oft unused

The reason for this is fairly simple: These discussions tend to be spontaneous, and attempting to move them slows them down and kills them off

Now I'm not here to decide whether or not discussions about things such as League belong in main. I want to try to brainstorm ways to encourage people to be in their respective backchannels already so we don't have to worry about it in the first place. I've spent a good bit of time trying to coax people to joining the LoL channel, but League discussion is still primarily held in main. If somehow I could convince people to join the channel (something I myself confess to no longer bothering with) then perhaps spontaneous discussion could begin in the channel already and not be killed off by the move

With Hope,


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If a single topic of discussion that could be discussed in another channel dominates main for 10 minutes or more, then the discussion should be moved elsewhere. At that point, auth members ought to intervene and tell users to take the topic into a new room. If the topic is some current event or relates to Pokemon or Pokemon Reborn, then it may remain in main. Any user may ask some discussion in main to be relocated, and any auth may tell users to move their discussion elsewhere.

EDIT: The above applies to spam. With regards to non-flooding or non-spam discussion in main, the topic may remain in main without need to shift the discussion elsewhere. That said, please do make use of backchannels that relate to the topic in main should it dominate the server at that time.

Edited by Arkhi
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