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[Resolved] Arceus is the true god.


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I'm stuck at the level 75 arceus at the ruins with radamous.

I know I can just skip it by choosing el, But that's the easy way out. Bleep that.

I know I need to confuse him and bring down his special defense,or use sand attack etc. Which pokemon know these and can take a hit or 2?

His Move Pool is, Dark Pulse, Focus Blast, Recover, Judgement ftr.

https://www.mediafire.com/?4fb05u2c5ljczch < Game Save LInk,

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I don't remember the specifics, but from memory I paralyzed him with sturdy magneton and then did massive damage with gallade's close combat. not sure if this helps, but the paralyze letting you outspeed is lovely

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You can always just bash it with fighting moves from a thing with good Spdef, like a Hitmon or something. There's also always Curse Cofagrigus (should be able to take ONE dark pulse) and Aron.

But, to answer your specific question...


Seriously, Sturdy Magneton (since no zone yet, rip) is beautiful versus Arceus; it can Paralyse that overgrown goat with Thunder Wave and lower its defenses with Screech and Metal Sound, your choice. And Sturdy ensures it can always survive Arceus's hits and potion back up. After paralysing it, wait for a focus miss or a full para until you start lowering its defenses as you like. And all those moves (TWave, Screech, Metal Sound) are learned by Magneton naturally, so just level it up and you're set.

I keep telling you ignorant lot to accept Magnezone as your Lord and Saviour, it's your only chance!

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I hope this doesn't bring back another meme storm about the true god of reborn tbh, tho they're kinda funny

Anyway, try using a Perish Song Murkrow or a FEAR non (basically something equipped with a Focus Sasha able to use Endeavor and a priority move), usually they work

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I was gonna give one of my ghost pokemon a focus sash, I apparently lost it or sold it.


Using: level 59 Arcanine, Level 48 Magenton, (with sturdy) Scraggy level 45, Arbok level 51, Yamask level 32, Duskclops level 32.

Well that didn't work.

Edited by PokeFailure
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"Using: level 59 Arcanine, Level 48 Magenton, (with sturdy) Scraggy level 45, Arbok level 51, Yamask level 32, Duskclops level 32. Well that didn't work."

Viri, your god is shit, face it. He even admitted it, having a shitty Magnet sucks

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Tch. Try again, and if it didn't work, then something is wrong somewhere other than with Magneton. Try pairing it with something that can actually capitalize on the stat rebuffs that Magneton causes.

I also have no idea why you haven't evolved your scraggy into a Scrafty. Use a powerful Fighting type along with Magneton, it alone can't deal with Arceus indefinitely.

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Here is a plan.

Level up the Yamask and don't evolve, it wil learn Destiny Bond at 49.Start with Mangneton and paralyze..then send out Yamask and USe Destiny Bond..

Arceus will no longer be a god.

While this is bloody brilliant, I can't use EXP share and The whatever stone to keep it from evolving.

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While this is bloody brilliant, I can't use EXP share and The whatever stone to keep it from evolving.

You don't need the Everstone to stop a Pokémon from evolving. You can just press "x" and it will stop evolving.

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While this is bloody brilliant, I can't use EXP share and The whatever stone to keep it from evolving.

Well you can press 'x' key (I think) while its evolving to stop the evolution.And you can level it up to 50( after it learns destiny bond) to evolve it.Cause I am nor sure that Yamask can outspeed a Level 75 Arceus even if it is paralyzed. So, going with Level 50 Cofagrigus will be better.

Edit:Oops sorry, speed remains same even after evolving .

Edited by Debojit97
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I keep telling you ignorant lot to accept Magnezone as your Lord and Saviour, it's your only chance!

Well for starters my dear fellow, this title is 100% wrong, as ARCEUS IS FUCKING SHIT! QUAGSIRE IS OUR TRUE LORD! And secondly, go for Prankster T-Wave and go for a fighting move :)

You are both ignorant asinines, as HELIX is the one true lord and savior.

And you could try using Spiritomb (you can catch it in the grotto at the wasteland) to lower Arceus's HP with Pain Split, and then you couid use Sucker Punch and finish it with priority from any other of your pokemon.

Edited by HYCROX
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Confargius has it and is level 49.

Now I just need a pokemon with enough speed to outspeed arceus and swagger.

< Ten Commandements of pokemon, Watch it, it's hilarious.

ALSO THE LLAMA GOD IS BEATEN, All hail lord helix.

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Confargius has it and is level 49.

Now I just need a pokemon with enough speed to outspeed arceus and swagger.

Outspeed???? A level 75 Arceus, which has 120 base speed?? I don't see a chance(without paralyzing), not at this momemt with pokemons of Level 60.

See this http://pokemondb.net/pokedex/all it may help. you can sort the list according to speed of Pokemons.

Edited by Debojit97
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Outspeed???? A level 75 Arceus, which has 120 base speed?? I don't see a chance(without paralyzing), not at this momemt with pokemons of Level 60.

See this http://pokemondb.net/pokedex/all it may help. you can sort the list according to speed of Pokemons.


Yeah that wasn't going to work XD.

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I beat it with the power of Flash! OOOOAHHHH!!!!!

But yeah, sent out a Porygon-2 with Flash, and just hope he doesn't hit the inital Focus Blast, keep Flashing until you either go down or he can't get any less accurate, then sent out mon's to do damage to him

(I did try a Reversal tactic with Arcanine where I stuck a Sash on him and then waited for him to get hit, but funnily enough, my Arcanine was the only thing that didn't get OHKO by the thing, living with around 60HP :< )

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i beat arceus with a level 6 onix because we get an onix from that guy who needs to find a house and it is level 15, throw common candies on it till it has 20 or less health and BAM as long as you have enough potions the pokemon "god" can't beat you since he has no status moves :D

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i beat arceus with a level 6 onix because we get an onix from that guy who needs to find a house and it is level 15, throw common candies on it till it has 20 or less health and BAM as long as you have enough potions the pokemon "god" can't beat you since he has no status moves :D

Guy who needs to find a house? where is he because I haven't done that one yet <.< .>.>


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