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Last Words


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So the creator of red bull died the other day and the guys were making jokes that "red bull gives you wings" should have been his last words.

So it got me thinking- what would you want to be your last words? What would be awesome/hilarious last words?

What should they write on your gravestone?

"Challenge accepted." Wouldn't be too shabby, but I'm sure you can come up with better ones.

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Final words: "Trust me on this", "OH SHIT", or "Save me, Jebus (Simpsons refrence ftw!)"

Epitaph (the words on my tombstone): "Let me out, I'm not dead yet"

And speaking of Red Bull, has anyone seen the newest commercial, the Jesus one that has been banned in some places?

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Epitaph; I finished before you in the human race.

Last words? Awesome ones anyway.

"Someone once told me...there's people who do all the work, and people who take all the credit...and to try and be in the first group...there's less competition...now I know why."

"There's a board game, called life. There's a distinct start, and a distinct finish. The path along the way changes, based on your choices. Have you decided yet?"

"I was never a hero."

"Some people argue that choices are made by decisive people. I decisively let life take me where it wanted...now it's my turn to act."

"This is for you, kid."

"They always called me the underdog, but I always called them the next day for lunch. Who's hungry?!"

This actually entertains me moreso than I would have thought. I might be back to this thread.

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Hmm, I think my dying words would be something related to complex numbers. Or perhaps iterations.

I wouldn't opt for last words as my epitaph, per say, but would rather opt for a symbol of some sort.


See that circle with the dot in it at the bottom of the gravestone? In bushcraft, this symbol means 'Going home' or 'I have gone home'.

I think that's meaningful enough for me :')

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Last Words:

Bitch Please

{Insert son's name here} you must go to the dagobah system

U mad?


I'm outie 5000

Don't touch my stuff



lol that was fun

mmm Doritos

Now I'm dead (Like a boss)

Look behind you

Go away

Return the slab

All I can think of for now. I'll be back.

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