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Farewell, Reborn.


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Goodness, Viri, this is unusually sentimental for you. Cut out the redundancies and just go already!

It's surprising to reflect I've been a member here for, what, a year and a half? Although that's nothing compared to relics of Reborn, and I wasn't even active for all the time. Anyhow, in recent times, I've begun to wonder what it is that I am actually doing here in this community. I've realized that it's unfortunately boiling down to almost the same story all the time: puns, taunting a few friends, Magnezoning, the occasional philosophy or serious talk, a few battles and then back again, ad infinitum. Why, I've become a mere meme, and a rather dead one at that. I myself have gotten bored of the same regular charade, and that got the gears into motion, really. So while I've been excusing the time I spent here as relaxation, the truth is that I've been tiring of myself here, not to mention the mounting pressure from my real-life obligations and studies.

So I've come to the conclusion that it's a good idea to take a break. I don't doubt that that's the best course for me alone; I daresay public tolerance won't be floating my boat for much longer, really. Overexposure and stagnation don't do any good for anyone, so I'd say good riddance to Viri for a solid few months or more, if I were you.

I'd like to clarify that I'm not leaving because of anyone or anything on this Community. "It's not Staryu, it's Starmie", if I can make one last cringeworthy pun. But yes, I do think it'll be in the best of interests for all parties, and for myself in particular.

Of course, I know that I'll be leaving a few loose ends, so I'll address them here and now:

First, my art thread, as stated there, will unfortunately have to die with me. I genuinely regret this, but I can no longer continue that endeavour for the time being, so I shall consider it suspended for now. Comments and criticism are always welcome, even if they are accumulative and historical, as they now shall be. I have great gratitude and respect for those who have supported me in this endeavour, and I take this opportunity to thank them again.

The philosophy thread and others that I've initiated or have an interest in can always remain open, and anyone and everyone is free to continue them if they so choose in whatever manner they deem fit.

To the Amazon Nation, I express my sincere thanks for having me on board; I apologize equally sincerely for having to leave, and I cry your pardon for the fact. It's a small mercy that I've not done any active battling.

To all my friends in this community, whom I've already mentioned in various other places, this departure will not be very surprising, I wager. I don't even need to tell you all how much respect and affection I have for you. I thank you all for your support to me, and I commit myself to reconnecting with you all in the future.

And that is all, in its fullness. I'll probably not be posting for a long while, and I will likely not keep popping in from time to time as I had during my other 'hiatuses'. Here's to the future, and fare thee well, Reborn.


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I understand where you're coming from. Actually, I took a break from this place early 2014, as being on the server daily was straining and I soon became bored of it. Taking breaks from anything is needed sometime anyway, so have a nice one! Can't wait to see ya back soon o/

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Uh oh, time to be long-winded and sentimental. How you must despise this.

As you may remember, you had mentioned this to me before, in the Showdown PMs at one point. Nevertheless, I didn't think it would be coming quite so suddenly.

I may have only been active here for less than five months, but certainly, you quickly stuck out to me as someone that I would enjoy conversing with. And true to my hunch, you came across as someone friendlier and more approachable than many. Alongside this, you radiated a certain air of intelligence and eloquence that was almost unmatched, and this, in my opinion, was very much deserving of my respect. Even then, you maintained a more casual, quirky side to you, what with your unending love for Magnezone (who I still can't picture having three eyes, by the way), and even smaller things like your, uh, interactions with Wendel at times (Wedelelelelelewooooop!).

To put it concisely, I found you to be a wonderful person to get along with. Perhaps it was lucky that I decided to involve myself in the Predict thread, since you frequented it yourself, and it let me get to know you in a sort of little-but-often arrangement. Of course, I don't know how well any of this might reflect your opinion of our relationship, but that's how I saw it, at least.

Um... anything I wanted to clear up... oh yes. I'm sorry for perhaps not commenting as much on your art thread as I should have. There are many, many artworks on which I never got around to giving my opinion, and I suppose that's a small regret of mine. I know you'll probably say, 'it's fine, it's okay, you didn't need to spend all your time there (or at least as much as Halloween)' but it doesn't really stop me feeling that I should have. But anyway. Not much can be done about that now. In any case, know that you're exceptionally talented as an artist. Keep this up, and you'll go far some day.

Well, that's pretty much all I had to say. It's been a great run with you, Viri. I've enjoyed every time I had the pleasure of talking to you. I know you said you'll "probably" return at a point, but in case you change your mind... Well, let's put it like this. Should you come back, of course I'll be ecstatic. Should you not, well, more power to you. Time will tell.

So long, Viri. All the best, in all your endeavours. (Just don't pull off a crappy Quick Attack after, that sucks.)

Edited by Spineblade
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  • Veterans

Take care, Viri! Taking breaks is very important, so make sure to rest, catch up with real life, or whatever goal you're aiming for. Whenever you're ready to come back, we'll be waiting, so feel free to return anytime.

See you around!

also if you return you better show me all of your art you've made in the meantime or i'll fight you

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Goodbye, and never return! We will NOT miss you, and will definitely not cry bitter tears over someone like YOU leaving. Because really, who cares about philosophy, eloquent speaking, and godlike puns? No one, that's who. Hopefully you will do better without us, because you have made no contribution to this community, or had any impact on a single person on here whatsoever! So I bid thee a farewell oh Moose on the aurora backdrop. Take your knowledge and your nonsense Magnezone heresy elsewhere! You are no longer welcome here! Goodbye... No really... Goodbye... You are no longer welcome here... *Sniff*

[Cue sad music]

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viri mboi

we couldnt be more different from each other and yet I had really grown fond of seeing you in main on a daily basis. its kinda sad to see you go like this, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

seeya around, viri.

also return or ill kick your ass into oblivion

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I'm honestly really sad to see you go Viri. You've been a great friend, and were always a pleasure to be around on the server and forums. I remember when I first read your introduction thread I hoped you'd stick around, and I'm glad you did.

I have nothing but respect for you, and wish you will in all that life has to offer.

If you ever do decide to return, don't feel pressured into returning to the meme that it appears you feel like you are stuck in. You're a wonderfully varied person who has a lot to offer, and I hope that one day when you're under less pressure you'll come back and be able to extend yourself.

Goodbye, and in case you never return, have a nice life.

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Farewell, Viri. This forum will definitely not be the same without you. We might have not talked much, because I'm not the best person at breaking the ice and talking to other people, but from the very beginning you standed out for me. Your sometimes close to pedantic eloquence, the fact that you opened a philosophy thread, your recommendations in the book thread... everything. Your puns with ICSW were able to make me laugh even in my worst days. You are also a good competitive pokemon player, and your advice ahs been valuable when improving my teams. In general, I admire you for what you've done in this community and I'll sure miss not having you around. Good luck with whatever you do, and may the Magnezone be with you.

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Shoot man, this just hit me right in the feels. Viri, you've been one of the friendliest members here, and were quick to become my friend. Really, I'm not very good at goodbyes, so I'll just cut this short. I hope you enjoy whatever future is ahead of you, and maybe one day we'll see you again.


I was legally obliged to post an Undertale meme. I'm not sorry.

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Hey, Viri.

The first time you caught my attention, at least as far as my memory serves me, you've been talking about... bugs. I was intrigued to see someone with an interest in entomology, and quickly found that you are a very intelligent, knowledgeable and eloquent person.

I enjoyed reading along, sometimes throwing my two cents in, when you went on to talk about science-y things you are passionate about. It was never boring to me, especially as it grew apparent just how varied your interests are.

You know how to carry a conversation and to take initiative, as can be seen all over the forums too.

Though you certainly are a somewhat excentric personality, sometimes showing fleeting moments of being unreasonable despite your best efforts, and I do not always agree with your opinions or the assertions you make about things, I respect you.

Without wanting to diminish anything about the feelngs you've expressed, I hope you don't mind if I offer my perspective on you as well.

I suppose I can see why you are not satisfied or happy with the image people here may or may not have of you, so don't see this as me trying to invalidate any of what you said.

But I think that to many, certainly most of the active users here, you are far more than a stagnant meme.

Of course you had your funny moments. You possess a distinct sense of humor, and yes, I'm sure we all have come to associate you with puns and a fondness for a certain Steel/Electric type pokemon. But humor, in every facet and variation, is something that adds to a personality, rather than detract from it.

Just because you're associated with something that's become memetic on here doesn't mean that this is now all people see in you, or that it hinders us from seeing everything else about you.

Lighthearted humor and maturity are not mutually exclusive, and I doubt that people here ever thought that about you.

I did not.

I hope you'll find your way in life and achieve what you're setting out to do. Sometimes parting ways with people and places is necessary. Perhaps you're right and your time here has come to an end. Perhaps it hasn't and you will visit us again some time. Whichever is the case, just do know that many, many of us appreciate having met you.

I wish you the best, Viri.

...Even if you still don't appreciate Noctowl. No hard feelings, man.

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When you come bak adn sEE THIS

this is so sudden???????? but oh well. you've been good to me. so thank you for that.

someone once told me you can never really leave Reborn. i've been hoping that was true and I still am.

you're gonna come back, alright?

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