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A New Challenger Appears! *A Big Hello From a Noobie*


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Greetings all!

It is my upmost pleasure to meet all of you. My name's CodeCass and I'm brand new around this wonderful-looking community!

What can I say about myself? I'm new to Reborn. I work two jobs currently and am having a blast playing through the game in my spare time. I'm based out of the state of KY IRL, and have a wonderful wife and a morbidly obese cat that would make Purugly look slim.

Been a fan of all Pokémon games since I was 10 when I started with Pokémon Red. I've been fortunate enough to keep my fandom alive for as long as I can remember and have played both casually and competitively in all the core games.

One of the things I pride myself on is I like basically all Pokémon. I tend to gravitate to the more obscure mons, but honestly, there hasn't been a Pokémon released yet that I've hated.

I also play frequently on PS4, WiiU, PC, and of course my 3DS. Mostly RPGS, but also plenty of other genres!

And that's about it! I'm more or less a workaholic who's trying to be the best like no one ever was in his spare time! I'm excited to make the acquaintance of all of you kind people and be a part of this community whilst I go through my adventures in Reborn!

Edited by CodeCass
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Hey, welcome to Reborn!

I too live with a morbidly obese cat XD RPGs are great, and Steam Summer Sale is going on now if you want to pick up some new ones. Just got Ys I and II for about $4.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy your stay!

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