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So I've been seeing footage of this Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE for the Wii U. I was curious if any of you nice people have gotten a change to give this game a try yet? No one I know personally has had hands-on time with it, and I'm curious to learn some opinions before I commit to purchasing it.

I'm a big SMT fan (Can't get enough of Nocturne, P3, P4, and SMT4), and I've enjoyed the latest entries in the Fire Emblem franchise (Only have really played Awakening and Birthright casually), so it stands to reason I'd enjoy TMS#FE.

Thanks for any feedback!

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I already played it and have completed Prologue and Chapter 1 and I'm having a great time with it. (in between major chapter startint with Chapter 1 into Chapter 2 there is an Intermission where you can do side quests and stuff)

It has a nice Combat mechanic called "Session" (I don't know if SMT has something similar) - essentially enabling combo-attacks of your entire party if executed right:

If you hit an enemy on it's weakness - let's say Lightning - and a Partymember has a Session-skill that triggers of Lightning, that Party member will use that skill and attack the enemy right after, and if the next Party member has a skill that triggers of THAT kind of attack, he will attack aswell

So lets' say:

Lightning hits weakness

- PM 1 has a wind attack that triggers of Lightning - uses Wind

- PM 2 has a physical Lance attack that triggers of wind - attacks with Lance

also using these Session-Attacks will grant you valuable crafting materials and money - and fill your Special Gauge with which you can unleash REALLY HEAVY HITTING Attacks!

also the monsters have Fire-Emblem type classes, like Pegasus-knight, Cavalier, Myrmidon, Dark Mage etc. ... just like your character.

It has the typical Weapon triangle from FE (Sword > Axe > Lance > Sword)

The only thing I could complain about is the learning curve of the skills... it's sometimes way to fast...

I went out of the Dungeon in Chapter 1 like 5 times just to go back to craft a new weapon because my characters mastered all the skills they could learn... :P

also All major "Mirage"-characters are based of Fire Emblem (but I haven't encountered any of Fates yet... maybe they aren't in there because time reasons... *shrug*)

but yeah, if you like turn based JRPGs and the "Entertainment/Japanese-Idol"-Theme intrigues you - give it a shot! - I'm having a blast with it.

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I'm only on chapter 1. So far, it's been pretty good. The battle system is Persona styled and very crisp, and FE is only very tangentally related, since they're only really known as the mirages ( think personas, but turn into a weapon form during battle). The only gripe I have so far is no english VA's ( Which I don't have THAT much of a gripe with at all, I just am curious how they'd all sound in english) and the fact that I have to keep looking down at my gamepad to look at the dungeon map... which is only an inconvinence to my neck. So far it's been good, but I'm also not that far in.

Also, no english subtitles during battle makes me sad.

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I'm only on chapter 1. So far, it's been pretty good. The battle system is Persona styled and very crisp, and FE is only very tangentally related, since they're only really known as the mirages ( think personas, but turn into a weapon form during battle). The only gripe I have so far is no english VA's ( Which I don't have THAT much of a gripe with at all, I just am curious how they'd all sound in english) and the fact that I have to keep looking down at my gamepad to look at the dungeon map... which is only an inconvinence to my neck. So far it's been good, but I'm also not that far in.

Also, no english subtitles during battle makes me sad.

I believe the reason that there aren't any English VAs is due to it selling very poorly in Japan. They likely weren't expecting it to be more well received here which is why they tried to cut some costs. I was upset with that at first but then I forgave them. Though I'd rather here zero sound over Japanese Voices imo. There's no point in a voice if I can't understand it.

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I believe the reason that there aren't any English VAs is due to it selling very poorly in Japan. They likely weren't expecting it to be more well received here which is why they tried to cut some costs. I was upset with that at first but then I forgave them. Though I'd rather here zero sound over Japanese Voices imo. There's no point in a voice if I can't understand it.

Oh no, I know the reason about it: it sold like shit in japan and I'm thankful we got it at all. I'd just like the little quality of life improvements. And I don't mind the japanese soundtrack, it at least gives you a base on how they sound at all, and adds emotion to the game. Still wish we had battle subs though.

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- Good Animation and Atmosphere

- Persona Style Battle System

- Characters can be customized while leveling up to benifit your own style. Though Losing Skills is kinda annoying. But that is a SMT quirk.

- Certain FE themed enemy types fit the Fire Emblem Tropes just like how you would expect them to. Sword Users are weak to lances but good against axes. Flyers are weak to bows and wind spells, ect.

- Characters are all fun and pretty likable.

- Music is pretty decent and catchy.... outside the battle music.

- Kiria and Touma are awesome.

- Boss and enemy design is really cool, Pennywise makes me laugh. I love that name.


- Battle Theme is not very... hype. The battles feel slow since the music is slow and meh. It really makes me miss themes like Id (Purpose), Mass Destruction, and Searching for the Truth.

- Japanese voice acting sounds good... but I don't know what the hell they are saying half the time. Subtitles in some areas would be nice, but we don't get them and it makes me sad.

- Waifus are nice and all... but there are so many of them... that annoys me sometimes.

- Tsubasa and the axe girl are annoying...


- some of the music and acting scenes are okay, they could have been incorporated better.

- Eleonora and the Sword guy are okay.

- Not a huge fan of the game only including FE1 and Awakening characters.

- Can't Switch Itsuki out... that annoys me when a JRPG does that.

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I'm curious, why didn't it sell well in Japan? Were they just not interested in the entertainment industry setting?

I haven't played the game myself (I'm interested in it tho), but I'm guessing it has something to do with Fire Emblem not having a larger representation/impact in the game than it perhaps had? From what I've read, the references to FE are minimal and you could have swapped in just about any series and still made it work. Of course, I'm not sure if the two series tied into this game are comparable just because I'm not entirely sure on the popularity of either of them in Japan. I'd venture a guess that FE, at least, is very popular especially as of recent with them revitalizing the series. Can't really drop my two cents for the other one though, as I have no past experience with the series' history.

Edited by DiLimiter
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I haven't played the game myself (I'm interested in it tho), but I'm guessing it has something to do with Fire Emblem not having a larger representation/impact in the game than it perhaps had? From what I've read, the references to FE are minimal and you could have swapped in just about any series and still made it work. Of course, I'm not sure if the two series tied into this game are comparable just because I'm not entirely sure on the popularity of either of them in Japan. I'd venture a guess that FE, at least, is very popular especially as of recent with them revitalizing the series. Can't really drop my two cents for the other one though, as I have no past experience with the series' history.

Yeah the FE influence is rather minimal - only used for "Mirages" (the equivalent to "Personas" from SMT), and some of the combat in form of Enemy types and the weaknesses (FE Weapon Triangle)

The Player Characters Mirages are heroes from FE while the big Bosses are recognizable Enemy FE Characters like Aversa and Gangrel.

The Enemy have Classes from FE - like Cavalier and Pegasus Knight - and have weaknesses according to these classes from FE - Pegasus knights are vulnerable to Bows and Wind Magic.

Cavaliers are espacially weak to "Horse-killer"-abilities

Axe-wielding enemies are weak to swords ... and so on.

the only FE Character that is not a Mirage [i have encountered so far] is Anna - as the 'unnamed' sales-clerk at the Hee-Ho Mart (even though she has no name... you can easily recognize her as Anna)

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