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[Resolved] EV Training a Spritzee/Aromatisse


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I recently set about trying to create a pokemon team based around the Misty Terrain field effect (link), and FairFamily said that an Aromatisse would be a good fit. So, I set about trying bring the perfect specimen into being. This is the result:

Now he just needs proper EV training, but I have no experience stating out more defensive characters. Due to the effects of misty terrain (X1.5 Sp. Def for Fairies) and access to Calm Mind, I'm fairly confident that he needs 252 EVs in Sp.Defense. I have no idea where to put the rest of them, though.

Planned move set is as follows:

  • Moonblast
  • Psychic
  • Calm Mind
  • Misty Terrain

He also needs a nickname. I'm pretty sure there's a joke in there somewhere, but for the life o me I just can't think one up.

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I'd actually do 252 HP/252 DEF/6 speed or SDEF. Reason being is the 1.5x buff to SDEF, natural SDEF stat is higher than DEF, and if you're set on Calm Mind, why do you need to raise SDEF even more?

Edited by Jiggle
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I took your advice on this, and it seems to be working out very well. Even without the to-be-implemented Sp. Def. boost, he's able to tank through pokemon 20 levels above him. Thanks a bunch.

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