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How many Reborn runs have you done?


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5 runs, 2 for Hardcore testing, 1 from old reborn (not complete), 1 to run through regular reborn, and 1 weird challenge I never completed. So in total that'd be about 2.75 runs.

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Three. One "normal" playthrough, one Fire-mono, and one HC Bug-mono.

Let's just say I have too much luck and got Volcarona in all three, which erases everything past opening the gates, even in HC. (Badge fights 8-13 (not PULSE or rock-spam Doubles Meteors))

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Ehhh, maybe 2 or 3 runs. I don't really play the cannon games that much any more (I still am planning to play through Sun/Moon at least once), so Reborn and Rejuv are my main fixes if I want to play a Pokemon game.

Edited by Personthing
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I too have done around 20-25 runs (for every starter + 2 more times with charmander, 2 times w/ mudkip to find best 6 pokemons to complete Reborn without any ragequits (ehm) impossible.. :D but found interesting pokemons with good set ups to acomplish that and now im doing MOno Fire run with Empleon in my team.. (mono fire run...)

I found interesting that so many peoples do only 1 or 2 runs i cant do that there are 800? mons in there from every Gen and u can only use 6 of them i think me and others do the same and dont train new pokemons with type advantages for defeating each Gym leader as others thats why we do more runs than 3 :! but only my opinion

Sorry for english im bad ;-;

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I've done three runs of Reborn, picking different type of starters. First one was fire (Delphox), second was water (Samurott) and third was grass (Chesnaught).

In most of my runs of any Pokémon, I try to use different Pokémon I might never have thought of trying before. Like in my first, I trained the Lillipup you recieve from that old man. I also evolves my eevees into different kind. (1. Run: Glaceon, 2. Run: Leafeon and 3. Run: Sylveon)

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I've done 3. My 1st time was first trying out reborn after seeing a little bit of shofus video about it and thought it looked interesting and ever since then i've considered it my favourite rom to date. The 2nd time was quite a while after the 1st and I wasnt finding many other roms fun so decided to try playing through reborn again. 3rd time was wanting to do a monotype run on a game but have it be somewhat challenging so reborn seemed like the right game to do it on.

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