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if you are able to steal the mistery item from the kecleon merchant thanks to spawning next to the ladder the guy that requested it will give you a blue moon ice cream since you "probably went through hell to get it"

thank god for soft reset.

you can also find the near death xen grunt talking about how they are too strong and that he will never steal again while lying in a puddle of his own blood.

rip in peace xen grunt.

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UPDATE: My exams will be over next week and the next part is already in the works. : )) I also edited in the things you guys added. Plus, I also added a Changelog here in the Discussion Thread so you can check if I left out anything without having to scour through the guide itself.

Now onto regularly scheduled fanmail session:

  On 8/21/2016 at 11:22 PM, Tao said:

Just wanted to say thanks for making the guide! It's really helpful, and I'm excited to see more :)

Thanks, this really brightened my day. : DD

The next one will be next week (as I mentioned above) and I'll try my best to keep to a once-a-week schedule.

  On 8/22/2016 at 9:35 PM, colers25 said:

Wait, people read this thing for its educational value?!

Trust me, I'm surprised too.

  On 8/29/2016 at 12:26 AM, provita said:

if you are able to steal the mistery item from the kecleon merchant thanks to spawning next to the ladder the guy that requested it will give you a blue moon ice cream since you "probably went through hell to get it"

thank god for soft reset.

you can also find the near death xen grunt talking about how they are too strong and that he will never steal again while lying in a puddle of his own blood.

rip in peace xen grunt.

Ok thanks! Will add.

Will also try to soft-reset (which is really the true hell) to try and get a screenshot.

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  On 8/29/2016 at 7:27 AM, Despair Syndrome said:

Ok thanks! Will add.

Will also try to soft-reset (which is really the true hell) to try and get a screenshot.

You know, at one time i actually was near the ladder, but i saw the near dead grunt and was like "Ooh, imma check this out. I can handle this!" and turned back.

Mistakes were made, hours were lost

  On 8/29/2016 at 7:27 AM, Despair Syndrome said:

The next one will be next week (as I mentioned above) and I'll try my best to keep to a once-a-week schedule.

I'll reserve my cynicism

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  • 2 weeks later...

My exams are over and Part 6 is out woooo.

A small checklist of info I'm missing if anyone cares to provide:

- Carotos Mountain encounters

- Amethyst Grotto encounters

- Real Keta's boss data

*Everything I have currently is based on my experience alone. :c

Enjoy and be sure to point out stuff I missed. : DD

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  On 9/8/2016 at 1:36 PM, IntSys said:

If I recall correctly, you can find Dunsparce and Tyrogue in Amethyst Grotto as well.

  On 9/8/2016 at 2:49 PM, Neco said:

I can confirm Dunsparce, but am not entirely sure aboutTyroque.

If my memory serves me right, you can find Nosepass in Caratos.


Adding it in right now.

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I read up that to beat Madame X, some guys made a team specifically to take on OP bosses, but they also joked Phanpy would get axed after that.

They bred up Rattata and Walrein to have a Phanpy inherit Endeavor and that ice priority move. Since Donphan already has sturdy, there would be no need for Focus Sash.

So, basically, they used a Boldore to nullify the hail with Sandstorm and after it died...

Yveltal hits Donphan, he survives, Endeavor, Berry Juice fully heals the lvl 1 Donphan (they underleveled it with Common Candies), Ice prio and Yveltal down.

Garchomp attacks, Endeavor, rough skin kills it but they send a Medicham with a prio move and Garchomp goes down.

Volcarona is killed by Donphan Yveltal-style and he heals up.

Same Donphan downs her Hydreigon.

Last donphan kills the two other team members.

I have to say it was an impressive strategy when I read about it.

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  On 9/9/2016 at 4:15 PM, Lord C said:

I read up that to beat Madame X, some guys made a team specifically to take on OP bosses, but they also joked Phanpy would get axed after that.

They bred up Rattata and Walrein to have a Phanpy inherit Endeavor and that ice priority move. Since Donphan already has sturdy, there would be no need for Focus Sash.

So, basically, they used a Boldore to nullify the hail with Sandstorm and after it died...

Yveltal hits Donphan, he survives, Endeavor, Berry Juice fully heals the lvl 1 Donphan (they underleveled it with Common Candies), Ice prio and Yveltal down.

Garchomp attacks, Endeavor, rough skin kills it but they send a Medicham with a prio move and Garchomp goes down.

Volcarona is killed by Donphan Yveltal-style and he heals up.

Same Donphan downs her Hydreigon.

Last donphan kills the two other team members.

I have to say it was an impressive strategy when I read about it.

Not needed anymore when Madame X now only has Yveltal.

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Fairy types are a hard counter to Shadow types. I recommend that you catch at least one. Dedenne can be found in Route 2, and since they pack Nuzzle, they can win you a lot of battles. Dedenne with Nuzzle, Parabolic Charge and a health restoring Berry is an utter beast.

Other than that, great work on the guide. It's great to finally have a guide written by a person who's going through this trouble themself, unlike some other fangames I've played. Like a slice of life, y'know?

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A small detail I remembered after starting a new run of Rejuvenation. In Route 2 is a hidden Rose Incense in a rock (picture in spoilers, taken after I gathered the item, though).

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Might be worth to note, as it can be rather usefull and is easy to miss (in case you want to document some hidden items)..

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  On 9/14/2016 at 1:34 AM, OneSockThief said:

I ran into a Happiny in Amethyst Cavern as well :)

Added a few days ago, but forgot to reply, whoops~

  On 9/14/2016 at 4:10 PM, Futility4ever said:

Fairy types are a hard counter to Shadow types. I recommend that you catch at least one. Dedenne can be found in Route 2, and since they pack Nuzzle, they can win you a lot of battles. Dedenne with Nuzzle, Parabolic Charge and a health restoring Berry is an utter beast.

Other than that, great work on the guide. It's great to finally have a guide written by a person who's going through this trouble themself, unlike some other fangames I've played. Like a slice of life, y'know?

Are there actually people who write guides without playing the game? o.o

I guess my guide kinda hits close to home since I judge the characters (even if I try to avoid it for guide purposes, can't help it >w<)

Also, I'll be adding your tip~

  On 9/15/2016 at 4:51 PM, Neco said:

A small detail I remembered after starting a new run of Rejuvenation. In Route 2 is a hidden Rose Incense in a rock (picture in spoilers, taken after I gathered the item, though).

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Might be worth to note, as it can be rather usefull and is easy to miss (in case you want to document some hidden items)..

Added your picture, thanks!

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I started a mono-fairy run and checked some of the encounters/data. It's not really accurate without the FPS file, but I say what I found atm.

In Sheridan Village, you have Spearow as a wild enocunter, but don't you mean Pidgeotto? Spearow is usually obtained via the help center quest and I can't remember ever seeing a wild one in Sheridan. Other than that, I found no different monsters.

In the missing boyfriend event, I only encountered Lunatone in multiple safe files and never a Solrock. This might be a coincidence, but if I take a look in RPG Maker, the only thing there is Lunatone (however, I'm not yet really into RPG Maker, so I might be mistaking).

About Happiny: I found them in Amethyst Grotto and not Cave. About the different Encounters in Ametyhst Grotto, I'd say the list is pretty accurate. I found every one listed excluding Tyrogue, but this may be bad luck.

In the first Keta battle some moves I found:

Hawlucha has Brick Break

Pignite has Rock Tomb and Flame Charge

Machoke has Counter

Gurdurr has Low Kick and Drain Punch

Medicham has Gale Strike

Lucario has Circle Throw

That's what I found so far. I'll say if I find something else while continuing the game~


A new encounter: Sandshrew in Carotos (nothing too spectacular, as they are already in Amethyst Cave).

Today, I'm pretty much done with Carotos and did not encounter a Nosepass, so I'm not entirely sure if they are still in game (but I do remember encountering them in olders versions and they are still in the Location guide, so it might just be my bad luck).


Some mon I found in Purity Forest. Oddish, Bellsprout, Volbeat and Zigzagoon.

Second Keta:

Primeape has Thrash

Hitmontop has Tripple Kick and Dig

Hawlucha has Brick Break

Pangoro has Brick Break and Feint Attack

Scrafty has Sand Attack and Knock Off


Yay, this post is getting growded for the sake of reducing the amount of posts! A small detail I just realized (if you feel like including it): In the hidden library, above the bad-prophecy-statue (or however you call that thing) is TM77 (for Psych up)

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  On 9/17/2016 at 1:40 PM, Despair Syndrome said:

Added a few days ago, but forgot to reply, whoops~

Are there actually people who write guides without playing the game? o.o

I guess my guide kinda hits close to home since I judge the characters (even if I try to avoid it for guide purposes, can't help it >w<)

Also, I'll be adding your tip~

Added your picture, thanks!

"A little close to home" may be a bit of an understatement. If Bennett had seen what you wrote about him in the Reborn guide, he would have tried to get Ame to remove him from the game. I think this way because I would like to believe that Bennett still has some dignity left in him.

Also, for the next two gyms, you should try to get a Natu. Natu can learn Flash by TM and Ominous Wind at Level 20. It also evolves way within the level cap at Level 25. See where I'm going with this? If not, read the spoiler.

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EDIT: In the Haunted Field, my Xatu's Ominous Wind did not hit Marianette's Slaking for 2x damage. It just hit Slaking for normal damage. I'm not sure if this is just for Ominous Wind or for all Ghost moves in this field, but prepare accordingly.

Also, the presence of Slaking on her team, in my opinion, gives Marianette the status of a DemonTM Gym Leader. Be warned, the details in the spoiler are not for the faint of heart.

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To add onto Futility4Ever's tips in the spoiler:

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  On 9/18/2016 at 10:30 PM, Neco said:
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I'll be adding your finds in. Thanks!

  On 9/19/2016 at 7:08 AM, Futility4ever said:
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Damn, I keep forgetting Reborn characters are actually based on real people. I feel like a douchewad now. Sorry, Bennett.

I'll be sure to add your Natu tip during the relevant battles! c:

  On 9/19/2016 at 10:40 AM, IntSys said:
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And your tip too~

Next part will probably come out tomorrow, so someone reply to me saying you found something so I don't have to doublepost : D

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If you're looking for additions to the Pokemon Suicide Squad, then why not try Weezing? Koffing can be found in the Abandoned Sewers. It learns SelfDestruct at Level 23, Sludge Bomb at Level 34 and evolves at Level 35. Weezing learns Explosion at Level 40, Destiny Bond at Level 46 and Memento at Level 57. If you have an Electrode with Static and Discharge to land paralysis and a Weezing with Destiny Bond, you can cheese most of the late game solo legendaries or dimensional rift battles with the exception of Cera's Groudon, where a Perish Song Altaria works just as well.

EDIT: Also, Koffing and Weezing are in the Amorphous Egg Group, which conveniently is one of the Egg Groups of Phantump and Trevenant.

You can use a male Weezing to breed for the Phantump egg to ultimately get the Mystery Egg. Just saying.

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Pokemon in Purity Forest are nothing too special. Well, maybe other than Volbeat and its Tail Glow (+3 Sp. Atk) and free Flash for the Zubat event.

The mons are: Oddish, Paras, Bellsprout, Zigzagoon, Volbeat, Illumise. With the fishing rod, Goldeen.

Anyway, here's Keta teams. I suggest putting a big, flashy neon sign that says "REBORN STYLE WALKTHROUGH" or something. Because Keta's difficulty changes are more noticeable than Venam's. (On Casual, Venam just dropped 2 mons and had their levels lowered; while on Intense she swapped 3 of her mons for new ones. Keta's a bit more complicated on Casual and somewhat different on Intense.)

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  On 9/24/2016 at 10:29 AM, Futility4ever said:

If you're looking for additions to the Pokemon Suicide Squad, then why not try Weezing? Koffing can be found in the Abandoned Sewers. It learns SelfDestruct at Level 23, Sludge Bomb at Level 34 and evolves at Level 35. Weezing learns Explosion at Level 40, Destiny Bond at Level 46 and Memento at Level 57. If you have an Electrode with Thunder Wave and a Weezing with Destiny Bond, you can cheese most of the late game solo legendaries or dimensional rift battles with the exception of Cera's Groudon, where a Perish Song Altaria works just as well.

Will do. I'm still looking for the perfect opportunity to add in the Literal Suicide Squad. I'm just not sure where to add it.

  On 9/24/2016 at 9:02 PM, SansTheSkeleton said:

Pokemon in Purity Forest are nothing too special. Well, maybe other than Volbeat and its Tail Glow (+3 Sp. Atk) and free Flash for the Zubat event.

The mons are: Oddish, Paras, Bellsprout, Zigzagoon, Volbeat, Illumise. With the fishing rod, Goldeen.

Anyway, here's Keta teams. I suggest putting a big, flashy neon sign that says "REBORN STYLE WALKTHROUGH" or something. Because Keta's difficulty changes are more noticeable than Venam's. (On Casual, Venam just dropped 2 mons and had their levels lowered; while on Intense she swapped 3 of her mons for new ones. Keta's a bit more complicated on Casual and somewhat different on Intense.)

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Thanks for the help man! Your info helps a lot! I am considering adding that flashy neon sign, since I'm pretty sure not everyone will read the disclaimers on the first part RIP.

Also I completely forgot that Volbeat learns Flash and I skipped through the Zubat quest in Part 8. Whoops.

Aaaanyways, Part 8 is out~

Again missing quite a bit of info on wild encounters and Pokemon battles.

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Route 3's pretty interesting, as it's actually two maps.

The green part has Butterfree, Pidgeotto, Doduo, Pansage, Pansear and Venipede in the grass. If you fish, you can get Wooper (Old Rod), Quagsire (Good Rod) or Finneon (both Rods).

The golden part has Buterfree, Pidgey, Dodu, Slakoth (very rarely, though; good fucking luck getting it for Advanced Dex), Chingling, Pansear and Venipede.

Corta Forest has Oddish, Weepinbell, Bibarel, Kricketot, Budew (very rarely) and Tranquil. Fishing gives you Goldeen and Finneon.

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  On 9/25/2016 at 5:40 AM, IntSys said:

Just in case if you missed it: Rorrim B. appears if you take the road on the left too (Which has Cut trees, UGH).

Yeah, I was aware of that. I just find it a lot easier to go from the right path and then working my way up the left path. uwu

Also CUT trees.

  On 9/25/2016 at 9:40 AM, SansTheSkeleton said:

Route 3's pretty interesting, as it's actually two maps.

The green part has Butterfree, Pidgeotto, Doduo, Pansage, Pansear and Venipede in the grass. If you fish, you can get Wooper (Old Rod), Quagsire (Good Rod) or Finneon (both Rods).

The golden part has Buterfree, Pidgey, Dodu, Slakoth (very rarely, though; good fucking luck getting it for Advanced Dex), Chingling, Pansear and Venipede.

Corta Forest has Oddish, Weepinbell, Bibarel, Kricketot, Budew (very rarely) and Tranquil. Fishing gives you Goldeen and Finneon.

Damn, I had no idea Rorrim B. was actually a reference to something. From what I can see through google images, Miror B. is way more badass. Look at that 'fro!

Also, thanks for your Wild Pokemon List, I'll add the golden Route 3 bits in the next part.

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