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What's the best place to grind up to the 70s


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I'm taking some time to train my reserve mons, but grinding up is a bitch just using the clown in Agate (Brown color team is BS and Yellow gives like 3000 exp across all 3 mons) is there anywhere better to grind mons up into the 70s?

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I'd say the clowns in the circus, they give you a shard for each win, so multitasking.

Also, they have high level mons with fair exp output

Edited by Honchy
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If you've beaten Ciel you can return to Reborn City (although you'll need to make sure you start Episode 16 from a save file in the Agate Circus due to changes). You can use the Fly TM to get to Reborn City, and trying to get back into Agate City will automatically teleport you to the Circus (and vice versa). The Grand Hall will offer the best XP and cash rewards, but the circus does give bonus shards. It's up to you.

Ironically, my mono-bug team finds the Brown team at the circus to be one of the easier ones; Dragonite usually favors Extremspeed against my Crustle and is Choiced up so he gets destroyed by Rock Slide.

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The grand hall is the best for EXP grinding, Depending on the day I remember getting a trainer with 5 pokemon that were at least level 60.

EXP share on the pokemon you wanna level up, Not to mention training your main team.

Clowns are good for Shard hoarding but it takes longer to run back to the recovery machine so \_(o.o)_/

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