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Who doesn't love ethical dilemmas?
- If you saw someone slowly and painfully being crushed by a rock in the wilderness and you knew you could in no way move the rock or save the person otherwise and the person asked you to end his life, would you do it?
- Is it ethical to grow fully formed, brainless clones for harvesting organs?
* Is it ethical to grow fully formed clones with developed brains for harvesting organs?
- There is a button and if you push it there is a 60% chance all suffering on earth will instantly cease and we would live in a utopian world but there is a 40% chance everyone in earth will die painfully? Do you hit the button?
- Would you rather kill 999,999 people by shooting them individually or 1,000,000 with a button press to drop bomb?
- You are a medical doctor and 5 people around you are slowly dying from blood loss.You know that they all have matching blood types. Would you drain blood from one of them to save the other 4?
* Furthermore, in case you do so, how would you chose the one to sacrifice?

Edited by Tartar
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  1. Your biological cousin is madly in love with you and has confessed 3,909 times. What is it going to take for you to finally start thinking about them romantically?
  2. A trolley speeds down a rail with a person you like, and all of the people you hate most, tied to it. You have access only to a lever which shifts the trolley onto a second rail with an equivalent number of people, none of whom you know. In regards to the person you like, for what kind of person would you -not- pull the lever?
  3. A drug is made publically available that, without adverse effects, lets people feel happy and content at all times as they go about their daily lives. It is highly addictive, but people are still functional on it. Do you take it? How frequently?
  4. You've gotten stuck in the Reborn region. Where do you want to make a home?
  5. After being trapped in a building for a much longer amount of time than you expected, you step outside only to find out the apocalypse occurred while you were trapped. There are still scattered human survivors but the world is now largely toxic and dangerous. What will you most miss about your life before?
  1. How close is said "biological cousin"? If we're talking my aunt/uncles kid sorry but I can't. If it's a further away then that then I'd consider it if she was like at least an 8.5 as a whole package, not just appearance.
  2. It depends, how many people are one rail 1 and 2 respectively. If the number of people on rail 1 is significantly greater than rail 2, the more important the person I liked would have to be. I'm not the kind of person to hold grudges, I value human life as a whole. It's not about the people I hate, but about the person I like. Is saving them worth allowing more to die than would be if I chose to let them go?
  3. Do I take it, easy, no. It's not genuine happiness. And I've always been paranoid of the unforeseen side effects of drugs. I always remain skeptical. I don't want anything to do with something that I can't just put down and say "No, I think I've had enough, thanks." The lack of control is not something I can knowingly partake in. It's fine if others want to take it, but I wouldn't be me anymore, however much I wish me was someone better at times.
  4. Can I just bunk with Ciel? The town where Hardy lives the one where we first meet the ground gym leader who shall not be named, as the mountains and the forrest are not too far near by. But there is still a town to get necessities. Oh also an entertaining circus nearby.
  5. Easy access to clean food and water as well as indoor plumbing.

Who doesn't love ethical dilemmas?

- If you saw someone slowly and painfully being crushed by a rock in the wilderness and you knew you could in no way move the rock or save the person otherwise and the person asked you to end his life, would you do it?

- Is it ethical to grow fully formed, brainless clones for harvesting organs?

* Is it ethical to grow fully formed clones with developed brains for harvesting organs?

- There is a button and if you push it there is a 60% chance all suffering on earth will instantly cease and we would live in a utopian world but there is a 40% chance everyone in earth will die painfully? Do you hit the button?

- Would you rather kill 999,999 people by shooting them individually or 1,000,000 with a button press to drop bomb?

- You are a medical doctor and 5 people around you are slowly dying from blood loss.You know that they all have matching blood types. Would you drain blood from one of them to save the other 4?

* Furthermore, in case you do so, how would you chose the one to sacrifice?

  1. Without hesitation.
  2. No, I don't think it's ethical.
  3. Nope, I don't like them odds. Hell Focus Miss has better odds than that.
  4. I'd rather not kill any of them. Though between the two choices, dropping a bomb would be much quicker.
  5. Yes I do, and the less likely the individual is to survive I'm taking their blood first. I can be compassionate for others, but at the same time one must be realistic.
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How do you feel about drumpf?

How do you feel about hillary? why? I can look at and listen to drumpf and know why he is considered Satan's left hand (if you believe that sort of thing). But I'm kinda in the dark why a person would not be neutral to hillary. I asked MP and got... less than satisfactory answers.

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How do you feel about drumpf?

How do you feel about hillary? why? I can look at and listen to drumpf and know why he is considered Satan's left hand (if you believe that sort of thing). But I'm kinda in the dark why a person would not be neutral to hillary. I asked MP and got... less than satisfactory answers.

Already answered this in private, but long story short. She's corruption incarnate, and she's awful about hiding it, but people still continue to support her because "The alternative is Trump".

Trump I feel is ignorant and very likely xenophobic. However his stances on a variety of things that don't get much coverage by the media at all, I do agree with.

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Was your mother a hamster?

Did your father smell of elderberries?

If you could teleport to anywhere, where would you go first and why?

Have you heard about the bird?

Do you know that the bird is the word?

If you were not reading this, then what would you be doing right now?

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Was your mother a hamster?

Did your father smell of elderberries?

If you could teleport to anywhere, where would you go first and why?

Have you heard about the bird?

Do you know that the bird is the word?

If you were not reading this, then what would you be doing right now?

Talk about outdated memes...

  • What makes you happy on a daily basis?
  • What kind of present would you give to a person you dislike?
  • Was there a decision you didn't agree with, but said nothing not to come to bad terms with others?

Dilemma no1

You and your family are going on holiday. Your daughter and niece are both 7 years old. They ask for permission to play on the beach, but you forbid them from swimming. When you leave for 5 minutes you hear screams from the sea, and apparently they have not listened to you. Both girls are struggling to stay afloat. You have enough energy to save them both, but you have to do it one at a time. You look at the two girls, and your niece is really struggling to hold her head above water and you know if you take your daughter back first, there will be little or no chance that she will survive. Your daughter is much stronger in the water and you estimate that if you take your niece back to shore first, there’s probably a 50% chance that your daughter will be able to stay afloat long enough for you return, but you simply don’t know how long she will hold on for. Which girl do you rescue first?

Dilemma no2

You are an inmate in a concentration camp. A sadistic guard is about to hang your son who tried to escape and wants you to pull the chair from underneath him. He says that if you don’t he will not only kill your son but some other innocent inmate as well. You don’t have any doubt that he means what he says. What should you do?

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Why are you a wall?

Am I, Wendy?

Why are you so smelly?

I was hoping that I could think of something else to ask by the time I got around to this, but I failed.

Because it makes for a good joke.

Was your mother a hamster?

Did your father smell of elderberries?

If you could teleport to anywhere, where would you go first and why?

Have you heard about the bird?

Do you know that the bird is the word?

If you were not reading this, then what would you be doing right now?

I don't think so?

I don't go around smelling my dad.

Wherever my friends are at.

Yes I've heard about said bird.


Probably eating.

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Talk about outdated memes...

  • What makes you happy on a daily basis?
  • What kind of present would you give to a person you dislike?
  • Was there a decision you didn't agree with, but said nothing not to come to bad terms with others?

Dilemma no1

You and your family are going on holiday. Your daughter and niece are both 7 years old. They ask for permission to play on the beach, but you forbid them from swimming. When you leave for 5 minutes you hear screams from the sea, and apparently they have not listened to you. Both girls are struggling to stay afloat. You have enough energy to save them both, but you have to do it one at a time. You look at the two girls, and your niece is really struggling to hold her head above water and you know if you take your daughter back first, there will be little or no chance that she will survive. Your daughter is much stronger in the water and you estimate that if you take your niece back to shore first, there’s probably a 50% chance that your daughter will be able to stay afloat long enough for you return, but you simply don’t know how long she will hold on for. Which girl do you rescue first?

Dilemma no2

You are an inmate in a concentration camp. A sadistic guard is about to hang your son who tried to escape and wants you to pull the chair from underneath him. He says that if you don’t he will not only kill your son but some other innocent inmate as well. You don’t have any doubt that he means what he says. What should you do?

  • Having the opportunity to make those around me happy. Being alive, even if I feel I could be doing more with my life.
  • This is a hard question for me to answer, I'm not good at staying upset or resentful at people, nor am I good at acting like I am. It'd be something symbolic, not something that would genuinely cause them harm, it'd vary depending on the specific person, something I feel would hit home. Generic humorous answer would be "A bag of dicks" you can look that up, it's not overt relatively safe for work.
  • There've been a few though I can not think of them off the top of my head. In any sort of team, one should know that they'd be better off picking and choosing their battles for when it's more important and when it's winnable.
  • I'm bringing back my own daughter. Call me selfish. Why was no one watching them in the first place? I have a hard time believing I'd be so careless with people who matter so much to me.
  • Nope, if you haven't already realized family and friends are very important to me. I couldn't bring myself to do it.

can you sing me cotton eye joe one day

if no then why

whats yur favorite food

can u give me a recipe

  • I can, but probably won't.
  • Because I don't want to?
  • I'm not very picky but, I really enjoy New York Strip Steak

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Where is the Red Stone of AJA?

I don't follow.


but also,

are you kawaii??

what exercises can you recommend for me? just some lightweight ones you can do at home with some dumbells and a yoga mat please

i'm also a beginner, but i do have some experience with exercising but it's been months since i have

do u like me???

do you still listen to breaking benjamin??

would you rather drink soda or eat a very greasy burger?

  • Once in a blue moon I can be.
  • I'll get back to you on this one, because I've been away from lifting for 3 months or so now.
  • Yes I like you Shia. I like almost anyone in moderation. (No pun intended)
  • Lately? Not really.
  • Burger. I at least can enjoy a burger. I hate soda.
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Why didn't you ask serious questions in my AMA? :( I thought what we had was special

1. because you never asked me anything

2. Because what we have is special I didn't bother to ask anything serious. but I suppose I will, tomorrow after I've had some time to come up with a couple of good questions.

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What is my Honest Trailers name?

What is your Too-Early Top 25 College Football Rankings?

If you were to ever have to play League of Legends to save your own life or someone you loved, which Champion would you use?

Using only the power of memes, describe how you feel about the satisfying sizzling flavor of Tabasco sauce?

If you were to write fanfiction about two users on this site, who are your unlucky muses?

Paper or Plastic?

What is your favorite Bible verse - if you have one?

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What is my Honest Trailers name?

What is your Too-Early Top 25 College Football Rankings?

If you were to ever have to play League of Legends to save your own life or someone you loved, which Champion would you use?

Using only the power of memes, describe how you feel about the satisfying sizzling flavor of Tabasco sauce?

If you were to write fanfiction about two users on this site, who are your unlucky muses?

Paper or Plastic?

What is your favorite Bible verse - if you have one?

  • I can't do them this early because I don't follow enough teams in the off season to really get a feel for things all around, but I'll do a top 5.
  1. Clemson
  2. Oklahoma
  3. Ohio State
  4. Alabama
  5. Michigan, yes michigan, we saw the progress they made in Harbaugh's first year, I expect them to continue to trend upwards with even better recruiting and feel for Harbaugh's system.
  • After phoning a friend(s), I have decided it would be Udyr. I expect you to answer this same question in turn though Hunter.
  • Not a meme per se, but a favorite gif of mine:


  • Fan fictions are a blight on this planet, but..... Probably Ame and Dan to be honest. I'd like to make them both mildly uncomfortable to see their reactions.
  • Plastic, gotta have those handles.


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