Brave Posted July 11, 2016 Share Posted July 11, 2016 Heyooooo! So a little bit before we start: For those of you who are new or don't remember me, I used to go by the names Nirvash and Brave Soul and I'm a bit of an old one when it comes to Reborn. I'm 22 years old, I have one cat, my favorite food is quesedillas and anything Mexican in general (ladies ), and I really like science and teh vidya gaems. That being said, I invite any and all questions (within reason) as an exercise in getting to know me better while also becoming more acquainted with you lovely psychopaths people of the Reborn community! Remember to have fun with it and try not to be rude (I'm looking at you, Erick jk ily). Now then. Ask me anything! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~ Posted July 11, 2016 Share Posted July 11, 2016 Can I still call you Honeybear? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brave Posted July 11, 2016 Author Share Posted July 11, 2016 On 7/11/2016 at 8:36 PM, Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~ said: Can I still call you Honeybear? Of course you can! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cyanna Cyril Posted July 11, 2016 Share Posted July 11, 2016 What has been your favorite video game growing up? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brave Posted July 11, 2016 Author Share Posted July 11, 2016 (edited) On 7/11/2016 at 9:44 PM, Cyanna Cyril said: What has been your favorite video game growing up? That's actually sort of a tough question to answer but if I had to pick a favorite on the spot, I'd have to say Kingdom Hearts. That series has held a special place in my heart for over a decade now and my brothers and I really bonded over that game. We'd take turns passing the controller off sometimes, but we mostly had our own files where we could each play how we wanted. I was the kind of guy who rarely switched keyblades so I would do a good 80% of the game with just the Kingdom Key. The combo system was fun, too, especially when you got higher level magics. Edited July 11, 2016 by Kurohada Raiga Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArmoredGuardian Posted July 11, 2016 Share Posted July 11, 2016 Turtles or Lizards? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrators Ikaru Posted July 11, 2016 Administrators Share Posted July 11, 2016 as promised,"who tf r u"also, why can't I find any of the super old AMAs that Phoenix blasted people with 100 questions in, as divine punishment? ;-; Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maelstrom Posted July 11, 2016 Share Posted July 11, 2016 what's with the new weeb name, buddy? also, where have you been hiding this whole time? I had my men comb the countrysides and deserts but I don't think they were doing it right. Reveal hidden contents Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted User Posted July 12, 2016 Share Posted July 12, 2016 Will you marry me? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pbood2 Posted July 12, 2016 Share Posted July 12, 2016 OK first of all BlackWarGreymon is AMAZING and adorable in the series so checkmark to you lol. I'm 23 almost 24 so it's cool you're close to my age. What's your ideal career and why? Digimon or Pokemon or both for anime and games wise? Triumphant or adorable moment in your life or that you witnessed? I hope I can get to know you better over time. You seem like a cool dude. Have a great day/night. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brave Posted July 12, 2016 Author Share Posted July 12, 2016 On 7/12/2016 at 2:04 AM, Jericho said: Will you marry me? Sorry, I'm flattered but: A) We don't know each other well enough and I'd rather not end up like Romeo and Juliet I don't have the means to support myself, let alone the two of us and any potential kids we might have and C) The booty isn't phat enough On 7/11/2016 at 11:38 PM, Maelstrom said: what's with the new weeb name, buddy? also, where have you been hiding this whole time? I had my men comb the countrysides and deserts but I don't think they were doing it right. Reveal hidden contents The first answer actually has several parts to it, but you're right: one of those parts is due to my being a fucking weeb Firstly is that "Raiga" is a screen name I've been using since I first started really using the Internet and it's stuck with me ever since, though I haven't always used it as my "default" name. Those who know me know that I'm famously indecisive and have used many screen names over a period of years. I was 14 when I thought up the name and, originally, I just wanted something that sounded close to my actual name; Raiga fit the bill and I liked the sound of it. Then I got older and started to understand more of how the Japanese language functions, and that one of the readings of this kanji [雷], meaning 'thunder', is usually read as "kaminari" but can be read as "rai" when paired with another kanji which I thought was bitchin'. Then I learned that the 'ga' sound in Japanese can translate into 'is' [が] or 'fang' [牙] depending on the kanji used. So 'Raiga' can be written as [雷が] which means 'lightning' (somehow the 'ga' kanji makes the entire word read that way lol Japanese) or [雷牙] meaning 'thunder fang'. Because I'm a huge nerd, I thought it was cool that there were different meanings to this name in Japanese so that just made me want to keep the name even more. I absolutely LOVE the sound of thunder and the science behind it so why wouldn't I keep this name? DISCLAIMER: Any use of the pronoun "you" during the following explanation is meant in the general sense and only directed towards people whom I no longer associate with/have said shit like this to me. The other half of this name is Kurohada [黒肌] meaning 'black skin'. This is a fairly simple answer: I'm black and I'm proud of it. I and countless other black people in America (possibly over in Europe, too) have been told that we aren't 'black enough' by a bunch of skinny white kids trying to emulate a degrading stereotype that they think is what it means to be black. Because I have a wide vocabulary, because I am well-spoken and intelligent, dress like I was raised in the suburbs for most of my life (which I was), because I don't speak African American Vernacular English (but I can understand it) or sell drugs or say "nigga" every other word, I'm not black. "lololol ur so white rj even i'm blacker than u" I have heard that phrase and its derivatives ad nauseum; I cannot begin to express how fucking insulting and annoying it was to hear this shit from people who can't spend more than 8 minutes in the sun without burning and who have never experienced for ONE SECOND the life of the average black person. No, motherfucker, you aren't blacker than me because YOU'RE NOT BLACK. I am. And I don't appreciate you or anybody else trying to dictate my identity just because I don't fit your egregious and insulting stereotype of blackness. It's a point of pride for me, especially considering the history of my people and the problems that have and still affect us to this day. Kurohada Raiga [黒肌 雷牙] 'black skin thunder fang'. The name itself invokes the image of a black tiger whose stripes are lightning; a living thunder cloud whose roar shakes the sky and brings all to heel. I've been told my actual name is pretty badass, and maybe I watch too much anime but this one sounds pretty badass, too. It's a name I'm trying to live up to as time goes by, and one I chose for myself. As for where I've been: Away. That's pretty much it; I didn't go anywhere else, physically or digitally to a new forum. I just wanted to take time for myself to figure myself out. I was hanging out with some people and I recently came to the realization that they weren't good for me. It really is true that the people you surround yourself with impact who you are as a person and what you do, and I wanted to do more than I was with them. They weren't all bad people (except for Jessica; I firmly believe that she's a bad person who shows no remorse for her actions) but they weren't the best, either. Whenever we hung out, we just smoked and drank and did nothing until like 10pm, and the conversation wasn't what I'd describe as riveting. Plus, whenever I brought up any topic of substance (science, world news, interesting TV shows or concepts or books), we'd brush right past them in favor of talking shit about other people or drama or euijwon,ugmwujenfm bleeeeeh. That and they never understood why I didn't like racist jokes because "we're not making black jokes, why are you offended?". Because racism isn't cool, fuckwit. Ever. In any form. For context, I was the only black person in that circle of friends so you can imagine how alienating this felt. I remember once when yet another unarmed black man was gunned down by police, I was pissed about it and they asked what was wrong, so we got into it about the police and Megan, who has half her family in law enforcement took it personally. Like I was saying all cops are bad and that, specifically, her family members were bad people. She was essentially just sucking the long dick of the law without pausing to consider that the 'good cops' her family members were a part of often don't say shit when this happens. They either clam up or protect the murderers just because they're wearing a badge, too. If you don't say anything or actively defend your colleagues who commit atrocities, you are almost if not just as culpable. But, like, maybe a week to a month before this incident, she was telling gleefully us a story about how she got pulled over for speeding and the cop let her off because he recognized her as being related to his superior officer, who would've punished him for giving his niece a speeding ticket she rightly deserved. But that's as political as I'm gonna get here moving right along now. tl;dr, I got sick of their bullshit and decided that I'd rather have no friends than those friends. It was high time I started thinking of myself, so I embarked on a solo journey of self-reflection and restarted therapy and now here I am again. I plan to stick around this time; y'all are cool. On 7/11/2016 at 10:07 PM, ArmoredGuardian said: Turtles or Lizards? Both are sick as hell, bruh. Reptiles rock. First of all, they're both fucking ANCIENT like their species existed WAY before we ever started walking upright. Second, turtles got that sick shell thing going on while lizards come in all shapes and sizes and all of them are hard as fuck, even the cute little ones. You wanna grab my tail, bitch? You can have it; that shit grows back suck my OG diiiiiick~ On 7/11/2016 at 11:04 PM, Ikaru said: as promised, "who tf r u" also, why can't I find any of the super old AMAs that Phoenix blasted people with 100 questions in, as divine punishment? ;-; Who am I? Who am I?! Motherfucker, who you is?! In all seriousness, I am myself; a smart kid trying to find his way through life being as nice as I can while also not taking anyone's shit. Someone who likes reading and vidya gaems and intelligent conversation and learning; someone who enjoys the company of other animals as opposed to most of my own kind; who has way too chaotic of an imagination; who meows at his cat in an attempt to get her to converse (WHY WON'T YOU RESPOND TO ME, TIGER LILLY ;^; someone who is empathetic and kind but can switch to cold and harsh when the circumstances are right; who hates injustice, stupidity, and evil and tries in his own small way to challenge these forces and put some good out into the world. On the flip side I can be: angry, apathetic, a bit short-sighted, antisocial, lazy, pessimistic, combative, and stubborn, and unyielding in his convictions which can be both a good and a bad thing. But I'm changing and learning new things every day. I'm just a human, after all. You can't find any of Pheonix's 100 questions because the universe is a cruel and capricious being that cares not for the plights of men outside the context of sustaining itself through our suffering. Ask more questions! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brave Posted July 12, 2016 Author Share Posted July 12, 2016 On 7/12/2016 at 4:03 AM, pbood2 said: OK first of all BlackWarGreymon is AMAZING and adorable in the series so checkmark to you lol. I'm 23 almost 24 so it's cool you're close to my age. What's your ideal career and why? Digimon or Pokemon or both for anime and games wise? Triumphant or adorable moment in your life or that you witnessed? I hope I can get to know you better over time. You seem like a cool dude. Have a great day/night. My ideal career is something in the scientific field, preferably doing lab work, research, or teaching at a university. Maybe all 3; we'll have to see where that goes. All fields of science have interested me from a young age and I figure since I'm going to school to learn all this shit, I want a job putting that knowledge to use. If I have to work a desk job for the rest of my life to survive, I'll do it but I'mma be fuckin PISSED. I want to be making breakthroughs, not pushing paper. Digimon for the anime ESPECIALLY Tri, Pokemon for the games. The Pokemon anime's best seasons were probably the Advanced Generation and Diamond and Pearl; it fell apart after that point IMO. Meanwhile, all the seasons of the Digimon anime were best, my personal favorites being Season 3 (Tamers) and Season 5 (Savers). I really like the Digimon World games but not enough of them have been localized and not enough had that spirit of "raise this monster to be the best it can be glhf" that the original games had. If I were to have a digimon partner, the line would go something like Botamon - Pagumon - Tsukaimon - Devidramon - Black Megalo Growmon - Black War Greymon and he would be the most baller digital monster to ever ball though I would want another partner because 2 of anything good is always better. I can't think of any big triumphs that I've witnessed others achieve, or anything like that. But when I think of "adorable" I think of the first time I saw my cat. I walked into the puppy store (yes there were cats in a puppy store oh the humanity) they tell me someone dropped off a litter of 6 and that she was the only one who hadn't been adopted yet. They were keeping the cats in what could only be described as a modified birdcage with a hammock on the upper level and she was sleeping in it curled in a little kitty ball. When I approached, she put her head up, yawned, and looked me in the eye and I was like "I MUST HAVE HER" and so I did. Same here, dude, feel free to talk to me Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted User Posted July 13, 2016 Share Posted July 13, 2016 So, what brings you back here sport? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrators Amethyst Posted July 30, 2016 Administrators Share Posted July 30, 2016 A drug is made publically available that prolongs life indefinitely, effectively creating immortality. Do you take it? When do you start? How long do you take it for? A trolley speeds down a rail with a person you like, and all of the people you hate most, tied to it. You have access only to a lever which shifts the trolley onto a second rail with an equivalent number of people, none of whom you know. In regards to the person you like, for what kind of person would you -not- pull the lever? The dimensions have collapsed and you are the sole human survivor. You can freely choose what kind of world you live out your days alone in. What do you want your new planet home to be like? Referring to the group of people whom you recently met up with, what about each of them betrayed your expectations the most? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brave Posted August 15, 2016 Author Share Posted August 15, 2016 On 7/13/2016 at 1:37 AM, Jericho said: So, what brings you back here sport? I missed this place and I feel like I'm missing a sense of community in my life. I know I could probably find that IRL where I live, but I'm not very fond of where I live or the people living in it. For context, I live in New York (on Long Island) and its fast-paced, "me first, everyone else can go die" mentality is really not sitting well with me. This 'bubble effect' is by no means unique to NY; the same phenomena occurs everywhere and is unique to each location but the vibe here in particular is really selfish, generally uneducated, and REALLY boring. There aren't many people I can hold a conversation with or who think about anything other than what concerns them and their puny human routines. Reborn's community is (mostly) made up of a variety of different people who share my interests or offer a differing viewpoint I'd never considered. I think Amethyst did a great job with this and the community members are, for the most part, pretty cool people. On 7/30/2016 at 12:35 AM, Amethyst said: A drug is made publically available that prolongs life indefinitely, effectively creating immortality. Do you take it? When do you start? How long do you take it for? A trolley speeds down a rail with a person you like, and all of the people you hate most, tied to it. You have access only to a lever which shifts the trolley onto a second rail with an equivalent number of people, none of whom you know. In regards to the person you like, for what kind of person would you -not- pull the lever? The dimensions have collapsed and you are the sole human survivor. You can freely choose what kind of world you live out your days alone in. What do you want your new planet home to be like? Referring to the group of people whom you recently met up with, what about each of them betrayed your expectations the most? 1. Once I turn, like, 30 or have a physical appearance I can see myself having for the rest of eternity, I take the drug immediately and continue to take it for the next few millennia. Immortality has its downsides like outliving everyone you've ever known or loved but at some point, they were going to die anyway and I wouldn't be too far behind. Not to say I don't care about these people but I want to witness firsthand the course of human events and see if I can influence them in any way. Maybe we live long enough and advance far enough to see an era of true peace. We're eventually gonna develop interstellar travel and that's gonna be baller as fuck but my natural lifespan will run out before that point. There's just so much to do and see on this planet alone that I think immortality will be worth it. I might find someone to spend eternity with; I might have multiple partners but either way, I get to experience love in a way no mortal being can. Immortality also allows me to come to my own conclusions to burning philosophical and existential questions that have plagued humanity for eons. What is the true nature of humanity; destructive or benevolent? Do we have souls? Is there an objective truth that all sentient life should know and adhere to, or is it all really up to interpretation? Once I feel that I've gotten everything that I can/want out of life, I stop taking the drug and wait for my life to end. 10,000 sounds like a good age to die at. 2. I wouldn't pull the lever for a shitty person. By that I mean a person who is willfully ignorant or bigoted or can otherwise be described as "scum of the earth". If you go about your miserable existence bringing pain to others for the sake of it or to make others as miserable as you are, you're getting run over. Assuming that all life is sacred, I would be committing a sin either way so it comes down to who you would want to save. But then it comes down to the value of an individual life; whether or not value goes up or down in accordance to how one lives or whether it's the same no matter who you are or what you do.... I'd personally save the person I like even if it meant my most hated enemies get to live. Like I said, the weight of a number of lives is on your shoulders regardless so you might as well go with your gut. 3. I would love it if the world was like an RPG that I could freely choose to adventure in and explore. I want rolling hills of grass and clean air and a vibrant ecosystem to observe. I want to be able to chill out in a pasture feeding sheep and then go off into the badlands and engage monsters in epic combat. Assuming I'm immortal on this world, it would be cool to watch the process of evolution in real-time. Or as close to real-time as an immortal being can get; 5 years must pass by in like, a week for someone like that. 4. I honestly didn't expect Diana to be so smol. I knew she was smaller than me (most people are) but I never expected her to be THAT smol. Morgan is pretty much exactly as I expected her to be but I never knew she reads manga laying down with book above her face like she's the protagonist of a shoujou anime lmfao weeb trash (jk morgan ilu). I don't believe I'd actually seen Dan's face until the moment we met and he's quite a handsome lad. I guess I never expected him to be about as skinny as me. For some reason, I felt like he was built like a football player. Not an American football player, I mean like a real footballer. IDK I don't really go experiences like that expecting anything of anyone; I have a picture of them in my head based on our interactions and I've found them to be fairly accurate aside from a few physical details. Diana did say she didn't expect me to look the way I do or for my voice to sound the way it does. I guess that's a good thing??? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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