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Toss another one on the stack: Drymus's AMA


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What would you like us to know about you?

Good question... I suppose the basics are a good place to start.

I live in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, where I'm attending my third year of university to study Computer Science. I'm somehow always in the top 25% of the class, even though I usually have no idea what's going on until finals season.

What does your name mean?

Haha... Funny story about that one...

Once, I was creating a character for Maplestory. I got to the naming screen, and had no idea what to name it. So I just typed and deleted a bunch of random letters, and I've been too lazy to find a come up with a new username for anything.

Then, one day, I googled my username.


That's what showed up...

Will you marry Jericho?


Next question.

Apples or Oranges?

Apples all the way.

Favorite Anime?

Right now, probably Re:Zero.


Akame ga Kill has been interesting so far.





Why are playing Pokemon?

'Tis my addiction...

Pokemon or Digimon?

Pokemon, hands down.

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