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I really feel like I shouldn't do this again. Therefore, I'm going to do it immediately.

As for the title, blame Jericho.

[5:19:02 PM] Jerry McBearpants: AMeAnything

[5:19:04 PM] Jerry McBearpants: do it
[5:19:07 PM] Jerry McBearpants: it's the only way

But as a caveat (and to shoot this in its god forsaken leg), this is an 'almost anything' thread, rather than an 'anything' one. The Reborn dev team AMA has been a thing for way more months than I ever intended or wished for it to be, but that being the case, I think it makes sense to contain questions relating to Pokemon Reborn to that topic instead. Give some of the other devs a chance, ya dig?

Aside from that, it's better to fire away than burn out. Or something like that.

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Favorite color?




Zodiac symbol?

Anime or Manga?

Top 5 Manga?


Blueberries or Coconuts?

Have you ever eaten Passionfruit?

Do you fall in love easily?

You see a glass on the table. It is filled halfway with water. Is it half empty or half full?

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Have you been to the Denver zoo? Definitely one of the nicest and best zoos I've ever been too. Can tell lots of money went into it.

Where the heck does your avatar come from? Why?

when is the next ep coming out?

Do you ever miss eating meat?

What do I have to do to get you back to the dark meat side?

On a scale from 1-10, how nurse Rached are you? =P

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1) Favorite comedian?

2) If you could save your favorite person/animal by letting another one die would you do it?

3) Do you have any hobbies considered "dangerous"?

4) Do you consider yourself clumsy?

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Most awkward moment of the past year?

Why do I have to breed golduck to get a psyduck in reborn?

If you could change one thing about this world what would it be?

Why purple?

thank you if you answer.

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Why do you listen to Mike?

  • Because I can't remember a reason not to.

Favorite color?




Zodiac symbol?

Anime or Manga?

Top 5 Manga?


Blueberries or Coconuts?

Have you ever eaten Passionfruit?

Do you fall in love easily?

You see a glass on the table. It is filled halfway with water. Is it half empty or half full?

  • Purple
  • Rasperrries
  • Artichoke
  • I'm Leo/Cancer
  • Anime
  • I honestly probably haven't read five Manga series all the way through... there are a lot that I want to read! but have i gotten around to doing it, absolutely not. instead, how about 5 manga i've wanted to read and have yet to do so:
    • Rozen Maiden (actually read most of this, just haven't finished it)
    • Pandora Hearts
    • Btooom!
    • Akuma no Riddle
    • No Game No Life

...basically all series that the anime either fucked up or will probably never continue on.

  • This one is easier:
    • Mirai Nikki
    • Rozen Maiden
    • Puella Magi Madoka Magicka
    • Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
    • Wolf's Rain
  • Blueberries. I really dislike coconut actually.
  • Passionfruit... Nope. I had to look it up. It looks revolting.
  • hahahahaahaa ahaa haaaaaaaaaa bye
    • no really i dont have a good answer to this question other than if it comes that easily it's probably not actually love.
    • but as far as getting into relationships quickly or not i seem to go back and forth with it.
  • Half full. But it's probably someone else's so better not touch it.

What was the silliest thing to happen to you this year?

Did you remember to feed the birds?

  • honestly zeta..... think i can remember things from earlier in this year?? im lucky if i can remember three days ago
    • um umm ummm
    • i got nothing
    • my life is plenty silly but can i think of a single example, no
    • the only thing that i remember finding really funny in recent memory is how i was laughing a lot at something and dan pointed out that my laugh is often like a chord progression on a scale or something and i found that funny and laughed at that but then my laugh was funny too so i started laughing even more so basically dan created an infinite loop of laughter and it became somewhat painful
  • i have been remembering to feed the bird almost daily lately, thank you

How many times have you banned yourself.

  • god who knows. at least 5.

What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?

  • depends. what flavor are you?
    • just kidding. blue moon. i had it in a dream once, looked it up and found out it was a real thing but very rare. so then i put it in reborn. a couple months ago a friend took me out to ice cream and they actually had some and it was so good it tasted like marshmallows and eudaimonia.
    • aside from that, strawberry (or raspberry) sorbet.

I have a question

Who is delta :^)

  • some bitch idk

what's your favorite thing I've introduced you to that you weren't aware of before?

  • Mirai Nikki. appreciate it ty <333
    • if you want an answer you won't be ostensibly disappointed by, the first other thing that comes to mind is Veela.
    • But there's probably a lot of things that I don't even remember connect back to you.

How many times have you started your food on fire?

Any story behind your name?

What made you want to start Reborn?

  • Just the one time the toaster caught on fire. The food was fine.
    • or at least that's all I can remember.
  • Amethyst is my first name, so I'm not particularly creative. But I like it. The only story really attached to it is that when I was born my parents gave me a large amethyst crystal. So I still have that, and I collect smaller ones, and I also give them out to my closer friends. Amethysts have dream-purifying properties, so if you suffer from nightmares, just sleep with one under your pillow! ^~^
  • I assume you mean the community and not the game. The game was just impulse. The community was a place I made after 4th gen came out. I wanted somewhere I could collect all my friends from various online communities to play and do wifi stuff. It accidentally grew from there.

Tomato on a sandwich or no tomato.

  • Verrrry smol bitty tomato. If that's not an option, then no tomato. Too easy to go overboard with those. Gotta tomatone it down.

Team Mystic, Instinct, or Valor?

  • #MysticWithItTilTheEnd

what sort of impact do you think "epic memes" have had on this community

  • That's a great question, and an important one. "epic memes" have had an impact on this community, but let's take a step back and answer a broader question. What impact have "epic memes" had on us as people? As a society? As the digital world? Memes have the power to change and transform us, and they always will. They always have.
    • When it comes down to it, "epic memes" have had three main effects. First, they leave people with amusement; Second, they leave people with a sense of wonder; Lastly, they pave the way for memes of future generations to come in, and refresh our dankness. You all are the dank of the future. Four years ago, they said memes would die out. But have they? No! And neither will ours.

lasagna or spaghetti

  • S'ghetti. ...But mostly because it's much easier to tell if spaghetti has meat in it than it is to tell if lasagna does. can never trust lasagna...

Have you been to the Denver zoo? Definitely one of the nicest and best zoos I've ever been too. Can tell lots of money went into it.

Where the heck does your avatar come from? Why?

when is the next ep coming out?

Do you ever miss eating meat?

What do I have to do to get you back to the dark meat side?

On a scale from 1-10, how nurse Rached are you? =P

  • I've been to the zoo here lots of times. Mostly on field trips and such with school, but still. I suppose I take the place for granted. On the other hand, the last time I went was when I was with Kitty, and the two of us ran into an ex of mine who was working there. Awkward...
  • I dunno who made it, but this is a sprite edit of Junko from Dangan Ronpa. I found it while I was looking up pastel goth stuff. Because pastel goth is sooo my aesthetic and I love it a lot.
  • gosh, never?
  • Not really, no. It's pretty annoying when I go out to eat and there's only one thing I can get, or like when there's leftovers or food at my work that's free to me, but I can't eat it because it has meat. But I don't see that as a reason to start eating it again. It's still gross to me anyway.
  • I think the only condition under which I might start eating meat again (keyword: might) is if I ever actually move to Japan.
    • From what I understand, the concept of vegetarianism doesn't really exist there like it does here (it does, but usually only with a religious context, and that's both very rare and and implies a lot of other things that wouldn't be applicable to me), and even then it still sometimes includes seafood. So I imagine it might be hard, be it for lack of options, or lack of clarity about what all is in a meal (a lot of things are cooked with dashi that uses bonito fish flakes, for instance) to maintain that diet there.
    • Additionally, it might be nice to experience a variety of their dishes that I wouldn't have had the chance to have here, even if they do have meat.
    • In that case, it also might just be temporary until I am no longer inclined to said new experiences, and until I have a strong enough grasp on the language and their cuisine to be confident that I wouldn't be getting meat accidentally anyway.
  • Confession, I haven't actually seen that movie, just clips of it. But from what I have seen, probably a 5. I can be stern and straight-faced when I need to. However, I'm probably also more patient than she appears to be. Also a lot more soft spoken and casual. I try to speak more sympathetically to clients, laugh with them, so on and so forth.

1) Favorite comedian?

2) If you could save your favorite person/animal by letting another one die would you do it?

3) Do you have any hobbies considered "dangerous"?

4) Do you consider yourself clumsy?

  • Inuki.
    • No really, I don't pay attention to any comedians well enough to remember their names, and I'd really probably rather listen to Inuki anyway.
    • If I have to pick someone else, I vaguely recall liking Bo Burnham when I was younger.
  • Without question. Someone has to die either way. I'll feel guilt either way. People will be sad either way. There's no reason for me to not pick the option that I care about more. Having that person is worth more to me than the paper-thin sense of martyrdom otherwise.
    • casually has played through that scenario repeatedly in ZTD anyway
    • But taking the question a step further... Reality is subjective. So is morality. At the end of the day, all we're left with is our own beliefs and feelings. So, if the situation required it, and I felt strongly enough, I don't think I'd hesitate to slaughter even a hundred people if it meant I could stay with the one I care about most.
      • But before anyone gets scared, that's really just hypothetical. For the world we're in, I'm a pacifist. There's no reason we have to resort to violence to solve our problems. And I'm smart enough to know the consequences if I were to get caught. Also, finding someone who I can care about that strongly is its own challenge.
  • I talk to strangers on the internet. Oooh, spooky. But no, not really anymore.
    • I used to be interested in learning fencing, parkour, fire poi / fire staves, and butterfly knife tricks. But I never really got that far into any of them. I still think it'd be super cool to do any of those, but I gotta budget my time, ya feel.
  • Certain people on this forum would strangle me if I said no.

Most awkward moment of the past year?

Why do I have to breed golduck to get a psyduck in reborn?

If you could change one thing about this world what would it be?

Why purple?

  • god this whole remembering things thing again.....
    • probably when I had to tell a client that I was keenly aware he had been watching porn on our computer. 8 hours of porn-- not consecutively, but over about three days. he denied it, so I had to read him some of the things I knew he was searching for and watched. I also had to explain the same searches to my coworkers, supervisor, boss, his client manager, and the company executive director. Imagine reading porn titles to all of these people. It was a trip. Some of it was incest. Some underage porn. Lots of blackmail contexts. Especially blackmail in an office setting. Oddly specific.
  • now sir, what did I say about reborn questions? :/
    • I wanted some Pokemon to be available only by breeding, at least for dex completion. It's something different to do besides just catching and training. Also who cares about psyduck anyway
  • I'd want to do something about this whole toxic masculinity thing. It's the root for not only a lot of sexism/homophobia and violence, but a huge amount of emotional problems many men have (in terms of feeling like they cant show weakness, talk about their feelings, etc etc)
  • I mean, have you seen it? It's just so pleasing to look at. It's calming, vibrant, magical, royal, and really just objectively the best. Also it's totally in my name. Gotta live up to that, ya heard it?

I am your best friend, Right?

  • Honestly, I sort of hope not, because I seem to have a tendency to date all of my best friends, or at least see them naked. And no offense, but I'm not about that.

Where's the melee?

  • I mained shiek, gotta make those carnival jugglers look like amateurs.

Why so serious?

  • Because the Joker is an abusive fuckwit and Harley deserves Ivy someone who will Poison Ivy treat her right and Pamela Isley love her forever Ivy x Harley best ship DC please let them stay together forever thanks bye
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Who're your OTP in Pokemon Reborn, and on that note, who else do you ship in Reborn?

Do you have any siblings? And if so, how have they (and your family) reacted to your involvement in this community?

To which extent has TvTropes engulfed your life?

And a side-question what is your "worst" experience on TvTropes (as in clicking onto one page and suddenly its 4 AM in the morning and you've been browsing the site for the past many hours?)

Edited by Tartar
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How could you do this???? Why did you give in???


What's your favourite video you've made on youtube?

I know the next 2 are game related but it is kinda weird if I post them in the dev AMA in which I'm supposed to answer questions.

Favourite animation I've made?

Favourite animation Smeargle made?

How would you kill Isunn if you could?

If you had to spend a year with a budew or a year with isunn which would you chose?

What is your plot to get revenge on Dan for banning you from discord?

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Who're your OTP in Pokemon Reborn, and on that note, who else do you ship in Reborn?

I can make an official statement on that front- she ships myself and Titania.


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