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  On 7/30/2016 at 10:08 PM, Ice Cream Sand Witch said:

How well do you think you would get along with a cheerful, energetic, talking bat shaped like an iphone?

What is your favorite thing and least favorite thing about Sceptile?

  • Fantastically I bet. Is that like my cutesy anime mascot character? I'm down. I mean, I already talk to myself, and I already save everything I need to remember in my phone, so something like that is sort of killing two birds with one stone. Or... one... phone.
  • Samurai style Pokemon is cool. I don't care much for its Mega design though. "hello i have faced the other direction and also am now a dragon type"
  On 7/30/2016 at 11:42 PM, Alice said:

why are you so accepting :/

  • because it is 2016 and we do not need to keep persecuting people who are not actually doing harmful things.
  On 7/31/2016 at 7:25 AM, Shadow Tack said:

Will you post rare spiders?

  • under no condition, get outta here
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How do you feel about Drumpf?

Kind of the political question of this time period. The 2000's had its time period. We are in another.

How do you expect this election to impact the future of... well everybody?

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Personal question: Do you have a Boyfriend or Girlfriend?.............................or both? o.O
Idiot Question: How do i put "spoilers" on topic mesages :P

Edited by DeathBoo
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- What is the most huggable Pokémon? And why is it Zorua?

- If you were to murder someone, how would your murder weapon be?

- What is the story of your life, in six words!

- What is the most expensive food/dish you've eaten?

- Do you consider yourself eccentric?

- What song would play at your funeral?

- Favorite quote?

- What random hidden talents do you have?

- What is the proudest moment in your life?

- Have you considered adding segments to Reborn where you play as other characters?

Edited by Tartar
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  On 8/1/2016 at 7:35 PM, Maelstrom said:

How do you feel about Drumpf?

Kind of the political question of this time period. The 2000's had its time period. We are in another.

How do you expect this election to impact the future of... well everybody?

  • I highly recommend the movie Idiocracy. It's a comedy. Anybody who hasn't seen it should watch it, or at -least- the first ten minutes. Anyway, I think he is one of the first steps down that path.
  • I assume you mean the election itself and not the unpredictable result. My fear is that it won't impact the future. My hope is that we will learn from the disaster both parties have been so far, and the bind we keep putting ourselves into, and finally change our system.
  On 8/1/2016 at 7:50 PM, DeathBoo said:

Personal question: Do you have a Boyfriend or Girlfriend?.............................or both? o.O

Idiot Question: How do i put "spoilers" on topic mesages :P


  • Nope.
  • [spoiler]secrets go here[/spoiler]
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  On 8/1/2016 at 8:10 PM, Tartar said:

- What is the most huggable Pokémon? And why is it Zorua?

- If you were to murder someone, how would your murder weapon be?

- What is the story of your life, in six words!

- What is the most expensive food/dish you've eaten?

- Do you consider yourself eccentric?

- What song would play at your funeral?

- Favorite quote?

- What random hidden talents do you have?

- What is the proudest moment in your life?

- Have you considered adding segments to Reborn where you play as other characters?

  • Zorua is pretty huggable, but I have to say Sylveon. I mean, it's so cute, just wanting to hold onto its trainer with its ribbons at all times... that's sort of like hugging, right? it kills me emotionally. precious baby
  • I think someone asked this before, but poison. It's easily homemade can be painless or torturing, and can mask time of death.
  • wait what just happened i forgot
  • My mom used to take us out for a $50 three course fondue dealie on special occasions. then i stopped eating meat so there wasn't much point to it though
  • me? eccentric? pfft..... i'm so normal.... im the normalest normie to ever norm normality.
    • maybe.
  • I don't want a funeral. Burn me and then forget about me. You have better things to do than fuss over what no longer exists.
  • Probably not an all-time favorite, but one that appeals to me right now:
    • I only sleep with people I love, which is why I have insomnia.

      ~ Emilie Autumn

  • uh
    • I have a really good sense of direction. Not so much in video games, but IRL it's really really hard for me to get lost even when I try to (and I do try, cuz being lost is fun!). So it's sort of annoying actually lol.
    • I'm decently okay at throwing stuff in a mid-air spin idly and catching it. I do that with pens, markers, flashlights both big and small... knives a lot. I usually don't cut myself even if I have to catch it by the blade.
    • I make a sick full drumbeat moving only two fingers on my mouse and keyboard. Hi-hit is my index finger tapping on the mouse. Knuckle comes down on the side of the keyboard for a kick drum. Thumbnail hits the side of the keyboard on the way back up for a snare sound. Successive snare hits are hard though.
  • Most of the times I've felt pride have not been correlated with any particular momentous event, but just little things, like learning a song that was challenging for me, efficiently breaking a bad habit, getting an awesome character design or map done, making significant progress in reading/understanding japanese.. stuff like that.
  • Nope. Not that sort of game. Would be weird with handling teams too.
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  On 8/1/2016 at 11:23 PM, Anthony810 said:

If you had one more time and have the time of your life would you Press Start To Begin?

One more time to what? Relive anything again? One event? Relive her whole life again? And have the time of her life as opposed to what?

Can't you be more clear? I ain't Ame's bouncer or anything but this isn't worded very well

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  On 8/1/2016 at 11:16 PM, ShadeStrider said:

Thoughts on Adventure Time?

Thoughts on Steven Universe?

Thoughts on Rick and Morty?

Thoughts on Star Wars: The Clone Wars?

Thoughts on Samurai Jack?

  • It has its moments. I hella support the bubbline shipping and have seen a few episodes but it never really caught me.
  • The only one of these I actually watch(ed) regularly. Lapis is precious and must be protected. There's not much negative I could say against it except how slow it is to pick up.
  • Had to google what it was. I've seen some gifsets of it on tumblr but the art style is sort of gross and makes me not want to watch it. The gifs themselves have yet to give me sufficient reason contrariwise.
  • Haven't seen that either, nor have I seen anything of it elsewhere.
  • Is that still relevant??? It looked sort of cool when I saw commercials of it as a kid, but I've never seen it. We didn't have cable growing up so I didn't have a way to watch it.
  On 8/1/2016 at 11:23 PM, Anthony810 said:

If you had one more time and have the time of your life would you Press Start To Begin?

  • Who wouldn't? There's really no reason not to, and I think everyone has lots of things they'd like to do over, or better, or something-- heck, even someone with basic understanding of current events and society could become rich through stocks alone.
  On 8/1/2016 at 11:27 PM, Maelstrom said:

Can't you be more clear? I ain't Ame's bouncer or anything but this isn't worded very well

ty cuz i was v confused

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Thoughts on the Alola-Exeggutor? For reference, here it is:

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Thoughts on the retyped Alola Sandshrew/Sandslash and Vulpix/Ninetales?

Thoughts on Z-Crystals and Z-Moves?

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Do/will you stream much more?

I'm aware that one may have been asked aaaaaaaaallready but I like your streams, just not been keeping pace with if they exist.

Also, if you had to pick from the 22 arcana what do you think would describe you best?

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Are you going to be there for me when I have to make the animations for the Z moves? Because I feel like they're going to be a pain.

If you could meet anyone on earth, dead or alive who would it be?

Did horizontal- chan and vertical-chan end up together?

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  On 8/2/2016 at 5:20 AM, IntSys said:

Thoughts on the Alola-Exeggutor?

Thoughts on the retyped Alola Sandshrew/Sandslash and Vulpix/Ninetales?

Thoughts on Z-Crystals and Z-Moves?

  • on one hand it's cool that they're finally doing this form that has apparently been foreshadowed in other media for years. on the other hand. i have no clue how i or anyone else is supposed to fit that beast into a 96x96 sprite.
  • coldsteel the hedgehog is an improvement but my impressions are too stained by its ground type counterpart for me to care greatly.
    • on the other hand, the ninetales... ohhhmygoddd the ninetales... yes please i will take 12, thank you. 7th gen will definitely happen just because of ninetales alone. i think it may have jumped up into my top 3 favorite pokemon.
  • my thoughts on z-moves are best summed up in an illustrious phrase i heard long ago. that phase is something like,


    • I'm concerned. I was concerned about Mega Evolutions too, and Megas turned out to be really healthy for the metagame, but not so hot for the in-game experience where- hey, you could already steamroll every gym leader with one pokemon easily, but now you can do it with a super-saiyan Pokemon! Anyway, Megas were not without merit so I'm hoping this will be the same way, but I am hesitant because I cannot imagine that Z-moves will be particularly significant for game balance unlike Megas since
      • 1- as far as I can tell it's not so worth it to team build around them, and
      • 2- it's probably just going to be relegated to a get-out-of-trump-card free move for battles even if it were ever necessary.
    • also i dont think its particularly compelling to just have superstrongmove on an enemy either like what's that gonna do hey check it out one (1) of your pokemon is probably going to get OHKO'd whenever this move is used. wow, compelling gameplay!!
    • I'll be the first to admit I have a lot of salt about Pokemon's battle system, but I am trying very hard to give them the benefit of the doubt here and I'm just not feeling it.
  On 8/2/2016 at 5:33 AM, Dobby The Elf said:

Do/will you stream much more?

I'm aware that one may have been asked aaaaaaaaallready but I like your streams, just not been keeping pace with if they exist.

Also, if you had to pick from the 22 arcana what do you think would describe you best?

  • I don't think I've streamed since Dylan and I dropped the Tales thing. I sort of struggle with it. As a theatre kid, I'm not exactly stage-shy, but I seem to have a tendency to put off streaming a lot, never really feeling like it, never really feeling up to it, so forth. It's a little stressful for me tbh. Kinda the same with Youtube videos actually, but those can be done on a whim at 3am where as streaming at 3am is sometimes less effective. So I figure between the two I should put my energy towards videos since those will last longer than one night and also probably take less time.
    • In regards to games, I feel like when I'm streaming something new to me, I can't really take the time to enjoy it. Like with Undertale, for instance. I haven't played anymore of Undertale since streaming it, but I don't really feel like I got a good feel for it before between watching chat + trying to keep moving so it didnt stall out. I play things at the speed of dirt usually, and that might be because I often take time to savor or analyze elements of them.
      • YouTube videos are a bit better for me there too since I can cut out the ten minutes of down-time where I was chasing my tail or staring off into the distance looking up a kanji compound or something.
      • League is also something I've streamed in the past and that was fun-- but my default position towards that is that I should get better first.
    • In regards to development... I may try and do more of that (especially since if I ever did get on through Patreon or something like that I'd want to feel comfortable doing that sort of thing for patrons regularly). But I wrestle between energy levels, focus, and also not wanting to spoil parts of the game for people-- then again maybe if players are concerned about that they would just not watch.
    • A lot of this probably sounds like reasons for me not to, but I'm not saying I wont do it again. Streaming is still something interesting to me, and something I'd like to be able to do. I'm just not quite there yet.
      • On the plus, I got a webcam for my birthday meaning if I did stream again, I could have a face if I wanted. I dunno if that's gonna mean anything or not.
      • I am very open to feedback on the above conflicts, by the way, if anyone has any tips for mitigating those sorts of problems from their experience, or what kind of things you guys would most want me to be streaming, whatever. This might not be the topic for it so feel free to shoot me a PM or something if you have words for me.
  • The Hermit, probably. A certain other person has described me as such anyway, and I'm inclined to believe it's accurate.
  On 8/2/2016 at 7:22 AM, mde2001 said:

Are you going to be there for me when I have to make the animations for the Z moves? Because I feel like they're going to be a pain.

If you could meet anyone on earth, dead or alive who would it be?

Did horizontal- chan and vertical-chan end up together?

  • Always.
    • However, I'm not yet convinced they need to be in Reborn, so we'll see.
  • My first impulse is always to say "Emilie Autumn" but, I don't really know what I would say to her, and based on past experiences, I have a lot more to lose in that scenario than I do to gain. So I dunno. Maybe Nikola Tesla. I'm not really invested in the matter, but I hear he took some significant advances to the grave with him.
  • Always.
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I didn't expect your thread to ever die. Did you? And do you think that it's going to get spammed to hell and back with more questions now that I brought it back to the frontpage?

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Between this thread dying and having it gain 15 new entries every 24 hours for the rest of the year, what would you prefer?

- What are your thoughts on Botan (The boar from my signature)

- Why did you dislike Serial Experiments Lain and Spice and Wolf?

- What do you think about my new avatar?

- What would you do were Nintendo to send you a cease and desist letter asking you to halt development of Reborn and take any existing version of the game down?

Edit: Wow... This AMA just got REIGNITED... Can you make a haiku about this thread's rebirth?

Edited by Tartar
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If you had to pick one, based on what you think are currently the most valid traits for the general populace, would you describe the internet as its mainly being used as A. a wonderful invention that made people able to connect with eachother, information more widely available and put more power in the hands of the people, or B. a cancer on our society that makes us forget more and more about eachother, brings out the worst in people and destroys its own purpose of an information highway by bombarding the general populace with useless info which ultimately destrpus are capacity for intellectual thought.

Or C. Bring joy to the world in the form of dank memes

Remember, you can only pick one; are its virtues most apparent, or is it becoming a threat to the human condition as we know it.

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  On 8/8/2016 at 1:18 PM, Kurotsune said:

I didn't expect your thread to ever die. Did you? And do you think that it's going to get spammed to hell and back with more questions now that I brought it back to the frontpage?

  • I did... I still do. I have faith. It died before, and it will die again.
    • but it might still be reborn :///
  • As for the second part, it seems that answer has already been determined.
  On 8/8/2016 at 1:40 PM, IntSys said:

Considering this thread's popularity, would there ever be a chance of it being stickied forever?

  • nope no way nobody needs that much attention
  On 8/8/2016 at 4:16 PM, Tartar said:

Between this thread dying and having it gain 15 new entries every 24 hours for the rest of the year, what would you prefer?

- What are your thoughts on Botan (The boar from my signature)

- Why did you dislike Serial Experiments Lain and Spice and Wolf?

- What do you think about my new avatar?

- What would you do were Nintendo to send you a cease and desist letter asking you to halt development of Reborn and take any existing version of the game down?

Edit: Wow... This AMA just got REIGNITED... Can you make a haiku about this thread's rebirth?

  • nobody needs that much attention either
  • i hope he can evolve into piloswine soon
  • what? what? what?? I like both of those shows! In fact Lain used to be my favorite anime (when i was like 12 lol, mael could probably tell you Lain was my go-to avatar choice back then). maybe you think i disliked them because they have average scores on my MAL? but that's just sort of a more analytic take on them. If I am going to criticize them:
    • Lain's mindfuckiness is a strength, but also a weakness. However philosophical it may be, it's not exactly solid story-telling even if it is entertaining.
    • Spice and Wolf's first season is really dry to anyone who isn't interested in economics. Horo has to carry the show, but there's still not a ton of character development in it regardless. I think the second season was a lot better in that regard.
      • don't get me wrong, I still really like that show too-- though, mostly for Horo
        • even if she does remind me of kuro in a lot of ways.
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  • Then I'd just be direct with everyone about why the project was cancelled, and probably ask for everyone's support as I try to jump right into Starlight.
  • Like flowers in spring,

    Questions bloom with abundance

    why why why why why

  On 8/8/2016 at 7:20 PM, Jericho said:

Where would you want to live:

  1. Anywhere in the United States?
  2. Anywhere in the world?
  3. Within a fictional world?
  • I'm pretty content here in Denver, but the Oregon/Washington area seems nice too.
  • Japan. I don't have a preference for city, but not Tokyo. Maybe somewhere north.
  • There's a place I've visited a couple times in my dreams. It's a beach where the sand is pearly white and crumbling marble columns reach hundreds of feet into the air, intermixed in a forest of palm trees. The sky is always overcast, the beach is always covered in a fog so thick you can hardly see ten feet away, and it is always quiet, empty, and isolated. Cyclones form on the horizon. It begins to storm again. I take cover under the balcony of a small cabin on the wood's edge, and repeat quietly to myself a certain poem about love, the rain, and why I am still alone.
  On 8/8/2016 at 7:30 PM, colers25 said:

If you had to pick one, based on what you think are currently the most valid traits for the general populace, would you describe the internet as its mainly being used as A. a wonderful invention that made people able to connect with eachother, information more widely available and put more power in the hands of the people, or B. a cancer on our society that makes us forget more and more about eachother, brings out the worst in people and destroys its own purpose of an information highway by bombarding the general populace with useless info which ultimately destrpus are capacity for intellectual thought.

Or C. Bring joy to the world in the form of dank memes

Remember, you can only pick one; are its virtues most apparent, or is it becoming a threat to the human condition as we know it.

  • A. The internet will save the world, eventually.
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  On 8/8/2016 at 11:37 PM, Amethyst said:
  • A. The internet will save the world, eventually.

that tacked on eventually makes it sound like the tinternet is that one screw up that will eventually be productive.

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