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Do you know the Canadian national anthem?

Do you tried/enjoy stargazing?

If you could live in any other time period, what would it be?

Favorite Comedian?

Have you ever done one of those nifty coal walks/runs that you see people do on beaches in movies and TV shows?

Do you often come across posts either online or questions asked by people in the realworldTM that make you raise eyebrows and go "...Wha?" as you slightly shake your head in disbelief?

Fire or Ice?

Wind or Water?

Destruction or Healing?

How would you define Will? (not the document)

If you could be any fruit for a fortnight, which fruit would you be and why?

If a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich hurriedly made its way into the kitchen where you were preparing something that was only sort of delicious and plopped on the counter to explain why your toaster was evil and that you should get rid of it, what would you say? If it helps, the PB&J sandwich can cite diary entries of when the toaster's malice filled gaze was directed at it or when the sandwich was frozen in fear while the toaster did the unimaginable - toast bread. Also the sandwich wouldn't judge you whatsoever for your decision.

The counter was reached via jumping, if that is a concern or not.

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If a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich hurriedly made its way into the kitchen where you were preparing something that was only sort of delicious and plopped on the counter to explain why your toaster was evil and that you should get rid of it, what would you say? If it helps, the PB&J sandwich can cite diary entries of when the toaster's malice filled gaze was directed at it or when the sandwich was frozen in fear while the toaster did the unimaginable - toast bread. Also the sandwich wouldn't judge you whatsoever for your decision.

The counter was reached via jumping, if that is a concern or not.

A must watch.
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on one hand it's cool that they're finally doing this form that has apparently been foreshadowed in other media for years. on the other hand. i have no clue how i or anyone else is supposed to fit that beast into a 96x96 sprite.


here u go thank me later

What are your top 10 fire emblem characters- excluding the ones you know I'm already aware of?

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- I recently I went back and read a comment you made a few months back, and you used this expression about the next EP 16 of Reborn: "it's like reborn's gran pulse". I hadn't played FF13 at the time, so I didn't get the reference, but now. What are your thoughts on FF13, and why did you use this exact comparison?

- What did you study in college/university, I haven't seen this come up anywhere on these forums...

Now now... Feed me more info. Slowly and steadily I'll accumulate knowledge so that I can secretly assassinate you and replace you on these forums

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that tacked on eventually makes it sound like the tinternet is that one screw up that will eventually be productive.

i mean, 4chan exists, so..

Do you know the Canadian national anthem?

Do you tried/enjoy stargazing?

If you could live in any other time period, what would it be?

Favorite Comedian?

Have you ever done one of those nifty coal walks/runs that you see people do on beaches in movies and TV shows?

  • not remotely.
  • when i was younger i used to climb up on my neighbor's shed and try it, but i mostly just got bored.
  • even though it really sucked all around, the victorian era. i really like the victorian era.
  • still inuki.
  • im not 100% sure what you mean, especially when it comes to beaches, but you mean like walking over hot coals? it's actually not so difficult, i hear. the palms of the feet have a number of sweat glands in them so as long as the person is hydrated enough their feet actually form a small shield of sweat water between the coals which keeps it cool enough to get over without being burned.
    • anyway i haven't done that myself nor do i care to but i did get a friend of mine through a jam when i was coaching him on tactics to use in an underground wrestling ring and he had a field with that going on in it.

Do you often come across posts either online or questions asked by people in the realworldTM that make you raise eyebrows and go "...Wha?" as you slightly shake your head in disbelief?

Fire or Ice?

Wind or Water?

Destruction or Healing?

How would you define Will? (not the document)

If you could be any fruit for a fortnight, which fruit would you be and why?

  • usually im the one asking those kinds of questions
    • and usually dan is the one shaking his head in disbelief
  • ice
  • water
  • healing
  • the fact that that's capitalized... document aside, would make it a popular male name of English (?) origin often short for "William," "Willard," or "Wilhelm"
    • if you wanted it in terms of 'free will' i would say that it is the appearance or seemliness of intention in a given subject to produce a desired action or result
  • a durian, because being a fruit that nobody likes and is protected in a shell of spiky armor, i have the best chance of surviving the fortnight and becoming a human again

If a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich hurriedly made its way into the kitchen where you were preparing something that was only sort of delicious and plopped on the counter to explain why your toaster was evil and that you should get rid of it, what would you say? If it helps, the PB&J sandwich can cite diary entries of when the toaster's malice filled gaze was directed at it or when the sandwich was frozen in fear while the toaster did the unimaginable - toast bread. Also the sandwich wouldn't judge you whatsoever for your decision.

The counter was reached via jumping, if that is a concern or not.

  • i would say "hold that thought, i'm going to check myself into therapy"

A must watch.

*violent flashbacks of middle school*


here u go thank me later

What are your top 10 fire emblem characters- excluding the ones you know I'm already aware of?

  • f35e5e6311b54caa8b1d9a34514e4584.png

  • who the hecc are you even aware of, i'm pretty vocal about characters i like..... okay so "less obvious favorites". this is in no particular order, as usual.
    • ​casually makes a list of 28 from various games and now has to boil it down mrrrrrr
      • aversa
      • selkie
      • soliel
      • karel
      • maribelle
      • niles
      • florina
      • nyx
      • mitama
      • forrest

What type is Amethyst? What Type is Amethyst-Alola?

  • Fairy/Dark
  • I'm not sure how well it suits Alola, but if I had an alternate typing it might just be Poison.

Ground. Still Ground.


- I recently I went back and read a comment you made a few months back, and you used this expression about the next EP 16 of Reborn: "it's like reborn's gran pulse". I hadn't played FF13 at the time, so I didn't get the reference, but now. What are your thoughts on FF13, and why did you use this exact comparison?

- What did you study in college/university, I haven't seen this come up anywhere on these forums...

Now now... Feed me more info. Slowly and steadily I'll accumulate knowledge so that I can secretly assassinate you and replace you on these forums

  • i don't get all the hate to FF13. It's the only FF game I've actually enjoyed. Granted, a lot of that is because I can't stand the older FF battle systems (traditional turn based makes me want to gouge my eyes out, 12's was borderline but i didnt like the characters, 13 made it actually enjoyable). anyway, it has Pretty Line Syndrome as heck but the story was good, the characters were good, fang x vanille is my cup of tea and by the way i love vanille,
    • gran pulse in FF13 was... really not all that much story. and yet it had about a gazillion sidequests compared to literally every other chapter of the game. this isn't quite so dramatic in the less-linear Reborn but it's still the same with E16 where there isn't much plot but there is many city to re-explore and thing to do.
  • I started out as a theatre major, but realized that a theatre degree was approximately as useful as blank printer paper, so I switched to psychology, and graduated with a major in that and minor in women's studies.
  • i mean hey good luck that gives me more time to do other stuff if i can trust other-me has here covered
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- Favorite planet (besides Earth)?

- Star?

- Constelation?

- Galaxy?

- Favorite thing outside our solar system?

Oh and how do you feel when faced with the scale of the universe we live in?

Edited by Tartar
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what's your current job right now irl?? is it directly related to your psychology degree???

(semi-asking bc i'm shifting courses this semester and i'm considering shifting to psychology or programming)

  • I work at an independent living home for juvenile delinquents. We work with boys ages 16-21 transitioning out of jail and we teach them how to live normal lives in the community since many of them have been in the system for years and don't know how to do things like cook for themselves, fill out a job app, or regulate their emotional triggers.
  • So it is related-- although I got the job on the qualification of previous work with at-risk youth instead, since I hadn't finished my degree at the time.

If you could have a miniature version of any planet as a pet, which would you choose? They're around the size of a beach ball, they have adorable faces, and they're harmless. Pluto is an option.

  • Totally Pluto. It needs all the love it can get.

- Favorite planet (besides Earth)?

- Star?

- Constelation?

- Galaxy?

- Favorite thing outside our solar system?

Oh and how do you feel when faced with the scale of the universe we live in?

  • Still Pluto.
  • I don't really know any particular stars? Other than Polaris I guess? Let's go with that.
  • Never have been able to work out constellations personally.. Let's go with Ophicus, because like Pluto, it's forgotten about too much :c
  • I legitimately dont even know any galaxies besides ours so ours
  • the possibility that somewhere out there, cat-girls are real.
  • Indifferent, tbh. I think that theory about everything in the universe getting further and further away is about sad, but as far as how big it actually is, it's really unfathomable so I don't think I can get the full effect of it.

who's horo

  • Main female lead of Spice and Wolf. She's a centuries-old capricious and tsundere wolf goddess who more or less knows everything but travels around with the protagonist because she's bored and wants to go home. Also she's good at economics and reading people.
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"What is the Worst Movie You have Ever seen?

No I'm Not Talking about Transformers 2 or Grown Ups 2, I mean a movie So Bad, So Fundamentally Broken, That it leaves a pit in your Stomach or makes you Angry and Frustrated beyond any reasonable measure." - IHE,

Edited by ShadeStrider
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Do you like the Alien movies?

What do you think of the Space Horror genre?

What is your avatar of/from?

What is your favorite fire type Pokemon?

If you were transported out of reality and into a parallel world where Arceus needed you to save the world of Pokemon but you had no idea why, how, or from what. What region would you choose to start in and why? Also what is your starter?

Did you hear about Pluto? That's messed up.

If you could be any vegetable for a fortnight BUT one, what would that one be?

How often do you hear/see the word 'fortnight' being used?

Would you rather have a pet snake, pet turtle, or pet lizard?

What state in the US would you not want to visit and which would you want to visit?

Do you prefer seeing shooting stars or the arm of the milky way?

You are trapped in a room for as long as it takes you to master a skill. Once you master said skill, the exit appears. Do you pick a skill that you think would be the fastest or one you actually want to master? What would it be and why?

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top 5 favorite memes of all time?

  • i literally gave like 5 answers to this before but i see how it is, i'll be a bit more direct i guess and make sure to include approximately nothing i mentioned before:
    • crossing over cutesy anime openings with rap songs
    • MLG/iluminati stuff
    • various things from the misadventures of skooks
    • pretty much anything from Mean Girls
    • emoticon usage so gratuitous that it dissolves the line between real and ironic

"What is the Worst Movie You have Ever seen?

No I'm Not Talking about Transformers 2 or Grown Ups 2, I mean a movie So Bad, So Fundamentally Broken, That it leaves a pit in your Stomach or makes you Angry and Frustrated beyond any reasonable measure." - IHE,

  • I don't know if it was the 'worst worst' but definitely the first movie that comes to mind for this is uhhh Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer. Kitty and i saw that when we were at a goth nightclub on what apparently happened to be their 'bad horror movie night' and that in itself was pretty cool but the movie was just...
    • like basically what happens is there's a really stupid plumber guy and he has to go take some kind of a class or whatever but then the professor of the class turns into an alien-clown-tentacle-zombie-monster thing and starts tentacling clown-monster-zombie juice down his classmates' throats in such a fashion that you would probably see on 4chan's alternative hentai board, and that turns them into clown monster zombies too so stupid plumber guy (he's like, redneck mario) has to fight them all.
    • anyway it wasn't really scary so much as it was like 85% stupid and frankly, mildly traumatizing. i have no problem with clowns or tentacles alone (no comment on the zombies..), but i do not think these things need, under any circumstance, to be combined.

Do you like the Alien movies?

What do you think of the Space Horror genre?

What is your avatar of/from?

What is your favorite fire type Pokemon?

If you were transported out of reality and into a parallel world where Arceus needed you to save the world of Pokemon but you had no idea why, how, or from what. What region would you choose to start in and why? Also what is your starter?

Did you hear about Pluto? That's messed up.

  • I haven't seen them. :c
  • I'm actually not sure I've seen any space horror stuff. Nothing comes to mind, anyway.. Horror movies in general are usually a miss for me though. Jump scares are cheap and movies like that are mostly just boring to me. Although as far as normal horror goes, the Saw series has a nice concept (see how it inspired Zero Escape and Dangan Ronpa) but doesn't have the time to expand on it and make it fulfilling. ...though admittedly, i cannot and will not deal with zombies...
  • My current avatar is Junko from Dangan Ronpa, and is clipped directly from DR3-Despair's OP.
  • Ninetales. This should not be surprising to anyone who's seen me fangirling over ice-ninetales.
  • Assuming every region speaks English or Japanese... maybe Kalos? It's pretty and has a lot of Pokemon I like even if its games sucked.
    • Am I limited to the usual starter choices, or anything? Assuming I'm limited, Froakie. Otherwise, like, Ralts?

If you could be any vegetable for a fortnight BUT one, what would that one be?

How often do you hear/see the word 'fortnight' being used?

Would you rather have a pet snake, pet turtle, or pet lizard?

What state in the US would you not want to visit and which would you want to visit?

Do you prefer seeing shooting stars or the arm of the milky way?

You are trapped in a room for as long as it takes you to master a skill. Once you master said skill, the exit appears. Do you pick a skill that you think would be the fastest or one you actually want to master? What would it be and why?

  • spinach because i'd almost certainly wilt and be gross long before i turned back
  • So far, three times in this topic and that's about it.
    • I remember I learned it from Arthur though.
  • I think Pet Turtle. I'm not much for reptiles, but Turtles seem like the lowest maintenance. And my best friend when I was young had a three-legged turtle as a pet. He was pretty chill iirc. Hard to imagine a turtle that isn't chill.
  • i do not want to ever go to texas again ever because i stayed there for one weekend and it was one hundred million degrees and i legitimately did not sleep at all because there were bugs literally fucking everywhere. the room i was in was crawling with so many different kinds of them i was so terrified i just holed up in the middle of the (surprisingly pristine) bed where i could see everything, and stayed on guard constantly all night only mildly freaking out whenever that spider moved or this cricket jumped or ugggggghhhhhhhhh
    • I've been to Washington and naturally it was completely sunny the whole time I was in Seattle. It didn't rain once. The heck is that?? Anyway Washington is cool, Oregon is cool, I enjoyed my time up in Wisiconsin too, Florida was fun. There's a lot of places I like.
  • The arm of the.. what. since when does it have arms??? b ut shooting stars anyway. ain't nobody get to wish on arms.
  • A fast one. Like, braiding my hair or something, I really need to learn to do that ... but I don't want it to be something I really care about because if I'm forced to do it I won't enjoy it and it'll ruin it for me, and also most things I care about would take forever and I might starve to death or something first.
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  • i literally gave like 5 answers to this before but i see how it is, i'll be a bit more direct i guess and make sure to include approximately nothing i mentioned before:
    • crossing over cutesy anime openings with rap songs
    • MLG/iluminati stuff
    • various things from the misadventures of skooks
    • pretty much anything from Mean Girls
    • emoticon usage so gratuitous that it dissolves the line between real and ironic


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In your personal interpretation, why do you think a raven is like a writing desk?

What's the most screwed up romance you've read, watched or heard about, ever?

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  • If you could have any power, but in order to master it you would have to dedicate your existence to said power, in other words, you wouldn't be able to learn or be anything else. What power you'd pick and why?

Thoughts on spirituality?

Thoughts about the possibility of life after death?

Our world is a decrepit house with collapsing foundations. Would you demolish it and then rebuild it or would you let it crumble and rebuild it afterwards?

If you could shapeshift into one creature, real or mithycal, what would it be?

Dusk or dawn?

General view on what life is?

Mountain, forest or beach?

How often do you meme?

Edited by Gh0stStark
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If you could tame any wild animal, what would it be and why? It would basically be your buddy and not eat you.

Favorite cereal?

Do you have milk or no milk with your cereal?

Do you like grapes?

Favorite sweet?

Do you like candy?

If so, what is your favorite?

If not, why not?

If you could visit any body of water in the world, which would you visit and why?

Do you have a favorite continent?

Would you live on Pangaea given the chance?

Do you like learning the history of areas/peoples?

Do you like Museums?

Do you expect a really weird question at the end of this post?

Do you like math problems?

Do you like story problems?

Which do you prefer, flip-flops or Crocs?

Do you like wearing socks or walking around barefoot?

Would you rather visit Hawaii or the Galapagos Islands?

Do you prefer writing with pens, penicls, or quills?

Do you have any bird feeders or anything?

Would you rather read minds or have telekinesis?

Do you have a favorite European country?

Actually, what is your favorite country on each continent?

Penguins or Pandas?

Edited by drevance
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W​ho is your favourite British person that fixes bugs and stuff for Reborn?

What games consoles do you currently own?

First pokemon game?

First videogame ever?

Favourite pokemon spinoff or spinoff series?

Was Pokémon Meat/Rising Rainbow actually a collaboration between all the people that it was said to be or was it more one person made it and then got in contact with the others to all but their names on it for the joke? If you had any major part in it, what was said part?

How many games are currently in your steam library (assuming you have steam)?

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i don't think i've heard an answer for this, but if there is, feel free to not answer!!

have you watched madoka magica rebellion yet?

if so, what do you think about homura in the end? do you think her actions are justified? or not?

  • Yes, and Homura is still precious. I had no problem with anything she did and while I miiiight be a little bit biased given that she was already my favorite character from the original series, I thought it was a happy ending. They could all be together. Why would anyone have a problem with that? :C
    • and yet, some people do,
    • idgi,
    • hunter.

In your personal interpretation, why do you think a raven is like a writing desk?

What's the most screwed up romance you've read, watched or heard about, ever?

  • They both relate to Edgar Allen Poe.
  • i dont really know how to answer this because ive heard about so many screwed up relationships IRL that they can hardly even be called relationships.
    • but for some sort of answer at least, one time i carried on an entire relationship, including breaking up, with a person i had a crush on, completely oblivious to the fact that they thought we were dating



ok mean girls or not you sir can chill and you know it

  • If you could have any power, but in order to master it you would have to dedicate your existence to said power, in other words, you wouldn't be able to learn or be anything else. What power you'd pick and why?
  • Thoughts on spirituality?
  • Thoughts about the possibility of life after death?
  • Our world is a decrepit house with collapsing foundations. Would you demolish it and then rebuild it or would you let it crumble and rebuild it afterwards?
  • Not worth confining myself to one thing forever. I can go at my own pace.
  • People should just believe in whatever makes them happy.
  • I don't expect anything after death personally. It'd be fun though!
  • Death_note_delete.gif
  • If you could shapeshift into one creature, real or mithycal, what would it be?
  • Dusk or dawn?
  • General view on what life is?
  • Mountain, forest or beach?
  • How often do you meme?
  • still a kitsune. kitsune are best.
  • Dusk
  • it isn't anything inherently, so we should just do whatever we want.
  • Beach
  • A meme a day keeps the systematic deterioration of everything we know and love about society away

If you could tame any wild animal, what would it be and why? It would basically be your buddy and not eat you.

Favorite cereal?

Do you have milk or no milk with your cereal?

Do you like grapes?

Favorite sweet?

Do you like candy?

If so, what is your favorite?

If not, why not?

  • i want a pet fox >~<
  • i dont really eat cereal more than like twice a year anymore but.. uh... idk. cookie crisp. i'm a child.
  • you're cruel.
  • I like grapes when their fresh but if they've sat for a few days and just a few of them start getting questionable ill get paranoid about the whole bunch
  • raspberries!
  • yes. in fact,, i'm not allowed in candy stores. i get... way too impulsive.....
  • skittles. and airheads. and sour candies. and--
    • that said it's pretty rare that i actually have sweets or candy, i don't buy that sort of thing for myself except maybe like once a year or around halloween

If you could visit any body of water in the world, which would you visit and why?

Do you have a favorite continent?

Would you live on Pangaea given the chance?

Do you like learning the history of areas/peoples?

Do you like Museums?

Do you expect a really weird question at the end of this post?

Do you like math problems?

Do you like story problems?

Which do you prefer, flip-flops or Crocs?

  • maybe like one of those cool underground lakes you see from time to time on the internet where only rich people can go
  • not really. europe's cool though.
  • i dont think pangaea had wifi, so pass
  • It's not a particular passion, but it can sometimes be interesting. I'm not about to seek it out though.
  • pretty much the above. though im usually pretty bored at museums regardless.
  • well now i do.
  • nty
  • what, like, the word problems where teachers try and fail to put math problems into practical situations? they're just slightly more tedious so not really.
  • flip-flops. who would like crocs??

Do you like wearing socks or walking around barefoot?

Would you rather visit Hawaii or the Galapagos Islands?

Do you prefer writing with pens, penicls, or quills?

Do you have any bird feeders or anything?

Would you rather read minds or have telekinesis?

Do you have a favorite European country?

Actually, what is your favorite country on each continent?

Penguins or Pandas?

  • barefoot. i dont wear socks much. especially since i have pets and wear mostly black socks, they pick up fur like nobody's business.
  • that one's tough. i remember i really wanted to go to the galapagos when i was younger. i guess it'd be more difficult to do that than hawaii, which i'd mainly be interested in for traces of japanese culture, but at that point i might as well just go to japan. so, galapagos.
  • quills are cool, but pens. or mechanical pencils. however i cannot and will not use wood pencils it just feels disgusting.
  • i feed the bird quite regularly myself thank you...
  • a younger me would -definitely- have said telekinesis after being completely infatuated with Sabrina in the anime. but reading minds is a much better power.
    • i'm sort of afraid that the ability to read minds would make me hate people. at the same time, it could just as well make me love everyone. it's such a huge risk.
    • the ring of gyges posits that it would also be too tempting to resist abusing. how easy would it be to get someone's password and access private information or finances for my own benefit?
    • ah well. even if it's a huge risk it sounds fun. like an opportunity like that is too good to pass off. so let's go with reading minds.
  • Sweden.
  • Canada. Sweden. uh, Antarctica? Australia??? Japan. Egypt, I guess. Brazil.
  • Pandas. They cute and go kill things.

Dangan Reborn Auth happened,

List everyone who dies, in what order, and how they die.

oh dear.

The cast:

  • Ame, Ikaru, Dan, Jerbear, Kyoyo, DD, Rose, Zumi, Godot, Hukuna, Murdoc, Sheep, Swimming, Simon, Ark, Mde, Tacos

Everyone is locked inside the Grand Hall. There are plenty of resources provided to survive, but there is no escape.

  • Given my inclination to these games, I get immediately suspected. I plead innocence, but it's super tense. After a conflict with Jericho, I'm found bludgeoned to death.
  • Suspicion naturally falls onto Jericho. Further evidence reveals that Kyoyo killed me to try and save everyone, but used the circumstances to try to frame Jerbear instead, stacking the odds in his favor if the game continued.
    • Kyoyo is executed by being fried alive in an oversized skillet.
    • he is still not wearing a shirt.
    • the pan is still under-seasoned.
  • Some time later, Murdoc is suddenly found dead, KO'd and repeatedly stabbed in the back by some sort of sharp cylindrical object.
  • The trial commences. Hukuna excuses himself because it has nothing to do with him. This leads to him being obviously outed as the killer. He had become torn over sharing responsibility over the writing section with Murdoc. Conflict lead to violence.
    • Hukuna is taken away to be executed via being tied onto what amounts to a large printing press. The machine slowly draws him into it. The mastermind tells Hukuna that on the other side of a glass window is a lever that will shut down the execution and save Hukuna. Anyone may pull it. However, no one is present to see the execution. Hukuna concludes that he wasn't important enough for anyone to care to even watch him die. He is killed with this belief.
    • In reality, the rest of the players were never afforded a chance to watch the execution at all, nor did they ever know about the lever.
    • Because they couldn't see him die, some of the auth suspect Hukuna was the mastermind and had taken himself out of the game so he can focus on administering it.
  • Things seem to settle down in the facility for a spell. Godot only just realizes that anybody died. Eventually the auth notice Tacos comes up missing. A few days later, a traumatized Mde finds him cut up and jammed inside a large monitor. The smell is universally revolting.
    • Evidence is scarce in the trial until someone realizes that the announcement of the time of death, was referring to a certain time almost a full week ago. By hiding the body, the killer obscured the time of death and created an alibi for themselves. They trace the events back and find out the only one who wasn't accounted for at that time a week ago was Mde!
    • Always kind, cheerful and hard working, it wasn't hard for him to keep up the facade. But inside, the pressure, the killings, were getting to him. He panicked, decided he had to do something to get out of there. Tacos was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and Mde's unbecoming nature made it easy to lure him into a trap. Then he hid the body and waited for time to pass before "accidentally" finding it.
    • Mde is thrown into a digital chamber that brings to life every single animation he's ever worked on. They all fire at him, one by one, slowly whittling away at him long after he still draws breath.
  • Rose, Sheep and Ark try to keep the peace over the next few days, but Dan and Jericho keep arguing and creating conflict. The next day, a certain room in the basement is found to be sealed shut, and Rose and Arkhi are missing. Dan and Jerbear each accuse the other of killing them. Sure enough, when the door to the room is finally busted open, both of them are laying collapsed on the other side of the door, dead.
    • The trial mainly consists of Dan and Jerbear flinging evidence at each other, and various people taking sides. Eventually it comes to light that in order to settle their conflict, Jericho and Dan agreed to meet in a certain location the next day and have it out. This is the same location that the bodies were discovered.
    • Sheep provides evidence that makes it clear that Arkhi and Rose learned of the impending fight, and went there to stop it. The pieces begin to come together. Arkhi and Rose arrived at the location of the fight and fell into a trap that one of the two competitors had set for the other. They were sealed into the room and a noxious gas filled it, killing them.
    • Both Jericho and Dan adamantly deny coming up with such an idea, but as the trial hashes on, the evidence stacks up against them each:
      • Dan set a gas trap to weaken Jericho enough to win the fight. He had a mask he would wear to be immune to it.
      • Jericho set the door to seal itself shut. He planned to trap Dan in the room without killing him, so as to end the conflict without violence.
    • Unfortunately Rose and Arkhi, playing peacekeeper, wandered into and activated both of these traps, neither of which were meant to kill alone. Together, they were lethal.
    • Because each of Dan and Jericho contributed to the plans that lead to the death of their friends, they are both executed. Puppet strings are drawn through their bodies, and they are forced to live out the fight they had originally planned until they are both dead.
  • A few days later, Ikaru is found dead, his hand firmly around the knife lodged in his throat. Zumi is frantic and completely shuts down. A suicide note is discovered in what is unquestionably Ikaru's handwriting.
    • There does not seem to be much to discuss in the trial. The note itself says as well, that there is no need for one, and that he killed himself because of how the game has gone, and how he isn't able to keep going. There are a number of apologies to Zumi.
    • The trial is just about to conclude for a vote when Zumi speaks up and confesses that she killed him. The evidence is stacked against her claim, given the note and a strong alibi in her defense. She claims she forged the note with her artistic ability, and that even though the timing was off, it was her idea and she should be held accountable for it. The other players are unconvinced.
    • The group remains divided, and it comes down to a vote. Zumi votes for herself. Of the six remaining players, three vote for Zumi and three vote for Ikaru. They discuss further and vote again. The same thing happens. They go again. It's a repeat. After going in circles for a while it's clear that nobody will budge. Eventually frustrated, Zumi changes her vote to Ikaru.
    • Ikaru is accepted as the killer. A rule exists in Dangan Ronpa that whoever came up with the killing plan is the guilty one. Ikaru originally had the idea some time ago to have Zumi kill him. He would help with framing it as a suicide so that she would get away with it and survive. Initially Zumi adamantly declined, but later she mentioned the idea in passing. Ikaru read between the lines and understood that this was as close as she would ever get to accepting it, so he went for it. Zumi felt entirely responsible for his deciding do that, so she blamed herself and sought retribution. Nonetheless, even though Zumi honestly thought she had pushed him into it, the fact that it was his idea in the first place made him the guilty one.
  • Zumi is rather steamed about how the whole thing went down, with nothing whatsoever being gained. She begins to resent the mastermind and sets upon figuring out exactly who it was. Swimming proposes the logical conclusion of Hukuna based on his lack of an execution. The remaining five members tear through the Grand Hall looking for anywhere Hukuna could be running the game from.
  • Eventually, they find Hukuna's execution chamber. It's not clear based on the splattered parts of his blood and body laced through the printing press that it's exactly his, but there is some manner of assumption, and much more suspicion towards him.
  • The group sees the lever that could have saved Hukuna. DD suggests that someone pull it. Everyone is hesitant, but they eventually draw straws. Swims gets the long straw, but still adamantly refuses. An exasperated Simon steps up to pull it instead. The lever is trapped, and electrocutes Simon, killing him on the spot.
    • Another class trial begins. At first it seems clear that, in suggesting to pull the lever, DD is the guilty one. DD denies that he could have known it was trapped, and he becomes accused of being the mastermind who laid the trap in the first place. After further debate, it's decided that that manner of creating a murder would be far too obvious for the mastermind to use.
    • Instead, they decide the lever was trapped to prevent anyone who would accidentally find the execution from stopping it. The group is then given the context of Hukuna's execution, leading them to believe it was solely a decoy lever for the point of making Hukuna's execution all the more painful for him. There was never any way Hukuna could have been saved.
    • This idea is challenged with the opposing theory of Hukuna being the mastermind. This prompts the group to take an intermission and go find out what the level actually did when pulled. Using a rubber seal to avoid any danger, they pull it. A clanging noises is heard above, and outside. The group rushes upwards to discover the door to the exit has been opened.
    • The hidden, trapped lever was the key to escape. They were never meant to find it, but it was double-purposed as the game mastermind's way out. They could leave now-- but who was the mastermind? And what if that person were still among them?
    • Debate sparks up again. Hukuna is the only potential lead on who the mastermind could be. Swimming argues if that weren't the case, why should it be in what would have been his execution Chamber?
    • Unfortunately, he pushes this point a little too far. The others get the idea that Swimming is trying to frame Hukuna. This adds up with Swimming's earlier refusal to pull the lever, since he would have known either he would die, or end the game.
    • All suspicion falls hard onto Swimming and he cracks. He confesses that the game was a set-up he'd been working on between code for a long time behind the scenes. He was tired of always been forgotten, sick of being excluded, and he was afraid of being replaced. Therefore, he created a way to get rid all of the other Auth and claim Reborn for himself. With his access to the back end of everything, it was no problem to do this quietly. And so, the killing game was created.
    • And so, the killing game came to a close. Swimming fled through the newly opened door, and the surviving staff, Zumi, DD, Sheep and Godot, gave pursuit.

W​ho is your favourite British person that fixes bugs and stuff for Reborn?

What games consoles do you currently own?

First pokemon game?

First videogame ever?

Favourite pokemon spinoff or spinoff series?

Was Pokémon Meat/Rising Rainbow actually a collaboration between all the people that it was said to be or was it more one person made it and then got in contact with the others to all but their names on it for the joke? If you had any major part in it, what was said part?

How many games are currently in your steam library (assuming you have steam)?

  • It's YOU :DD ☆*:. o(≧▽≦)o .:*☆ ヽ〳 ՞ ᗜ ՞ 〵ง (✿ ◕ᗜ◕)━♫.*・。゚ (つ◕౪◕)つ━☆゚.*・。゚ ԅ໒( ☯ ᗜ ☯ )७ᕗ
  • I have a PS2, a Gamecube and a PS3
  • Blue.
  • I think it was Tetris Attack for Gameboy.
  • Explorers of Sky was pretty great.
  • Rising Rainbow?? What's that?
    • It was actually a collaboration. I think there were a couple people who were name-only, but most of everyone put in work. Jan got the domain for us while I hosted it and did a bit of work on the website. I also made the protagonist sprites for the fake screenshots.
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Do you ever plan on finishing dangan reborn? Because while the auth danganronpa was an interesting read, I'd still love to see that story continue.

Who do you think mirai-hen's killer is?
How hard did episode 5's murder hit you?
You get to decide who the 6 survivors are of the killing school life. Who do you choose?
You get to do the same with the five for the killing school trip. Who do you choose?
Seiko or Chiaki?

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