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Whoa, no love for Denmark ;_; *Sniff*... I bet you only like Sweden because they make good video-games...

But in all honesty, why isn't your favorite country in Europe Norway? They've the world's highest HDI, beautiful fjords, they're responsible with their oil money, have practically no unemployment, 99% of electric consumption is covered by hydroelectric plants... And did I mention the fjords? Seriously... Fjords.

Switzerland and Germany are nice as well. Why Sweden exactly?

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Was that as fun for you to write as it was for me to read?

  • possibly.

Do you ever plan on finishing dangan reborn? Because while the auth danganronpa was an interesting read, I'd still love to see that story continue.

Who do you think mirai-hen's killer is?

How hard did episode 5's murder hit you?

You get to decide who the 6 survivors are of the killing school life. Who do you choose?

You get to do the same with the five for the killing school trip. Who do you choose?

Seiko or Chiaki?

  • It would be nice to but I figured if I'm going to spend time on that I should just work on the actual game instead. Admittedly it's a bit embarrassing to get excited about starting that and never finish it... but I decided to just adapt the key plot points into the main game.

DR3 spoilers below:

  • Dunno, but whoever it is, I think it's not on their own will. Like, they have a forbidden action of not making a kill each night, for instance. Then again, what kind of leader of hope wouldn't just let themself die in that situation? Maybe there's an extra hidden motive for that person.
  • very. :C ii dont want to talk about it :C
  • this is too much power, and it's not like i'm not going to choose my favorites.
    • chihiro
    • celes
    • naegi (sort of mandatory tbh..)
    • kyouko
    • aoi
    • sakura (or... possibly mukuro. she's a sweetheart, i swear..)
  • sdr2:
    • CHIAKI.
    • and mikan <333
    • sonia
    • ibuki
    • hinata i guess... b-but only so that chiaki doesnt have to be alone!!
  • chiaki. seiko is fantastic and all. but.... chiaki is chiaki.

Whoa, no love for Denmark ;_; *Sniff*... I bet you only like Sweden because they make good video-games...

But in all honesty, why isn't your favorite country in Europe Norway? They've the world's highest HDI, beautiful fjords, they're responsible with their oil money, have practically no unemployment, 99% of electric consumption is covered by hydroelectric plants... And did I mention the fjords? Seriously... Fjords.

Switzerland and Germany are nice as well. Why Sweden exactly?

  • Sweden makes video games? idk. I like all of the scandinavian countries. Sweden just comes to mind first because I hear a lot about their social policies that I really admire. The things you mention about Norway I've also heard about Sweden, but as it is, Norway may be just as good.

What is the worst animated Film you have ever seen?

  • I can't remember the name, but I remember the conditions under which I saw it. When my sister and I were living with my dad we went through the better part of the anime section of our local movie rental place. We also went through the worse part of it, and although we didn't see anything that was traumatically bad (admittedly, our parents veto'd a few of them before we got a chance to see them), I very vaguely recall watching a very underwhelming anime film that was like... Dragon Slayer or Brave Hunter or... Dragon Hunter or something like that?? there was nothing particularly awful about it, it was just really super boring for a movie about fighting dragons.
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"It is far better to be feared than loved."

"When a man learns to love, he must bear the risk of hatred."

What do you think of these statements?

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  • The first one is spoken from what is itself a place of fear, and the Red Queen is a fool. I don't see any merit in it at all. That sort of thing will just chase people away. Bye.
  • This one reminds me of another line, something like "If no one can hurt you, then nobody loves you." There's probably some truth to those. In order to really carry out any kind of significant lasting attachment, communication is paramount. That also means making oneself vulnerable to their friends or partners. Hatred is just bad-end of that risk.
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I posted about this in a thread back in June, and kind of forgot about it, but I want some clarification and closure on this question I've had for a while.

Episode 5 of Reborn was released back in November 2012 and involved the events at the orphanage and the capture of Heather and her subjection to electroconvulsive therapy by Sigmund. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the order of events, but it was first through a forum post that came out late October 2013 that Saphira came out revealing that Sigmund had been doing ECT research on kids at his orphanage. A year after it being a part of the Game.

How can this be? Did you already know beforehand that the Gym Leaders at the orphanage were being mistreated, and in turn decided to have Sigmund do ECT on them in the game (and for what purpose), or was this merely a case of you deciding to add him using ECT, due to him expressing that he was researching it, on the kids into the game, and then it ending up actually being true?

And how did Sigmund react to being portrayed as a villain and doing such immoral actions for the duration as a Gym Leader in the Reborn League?

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What would you say is your strongest attribute? Answer in terms of RPG stats or actual traits you as a human being possess.

If you weren't living in Colorado, what US state would you want to live in? Alternatively, what country?

Cats or dogs?

Why do you always set things on fire? Are you a secret pyromaniac or is it some cruel trick of the gods?

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That also means making oneself vulnerable to their friends or partners. Hatred is just bad-end of that risk.

Pls, Ame. Who are the last 5 people who you have made yourself vulnerable to? I have bets riding on this answer

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I posted about this in a thread back in June, and kind of forgot about it, but I want some clarification and closure on this question I've had for a while.

Episode 5 of Reborn was released back in November 2012 and involved the events at the orphanage and the capture of Heather and her subjection to electroconvulsive therapy by Sigmund. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the order of events, but it was first through a forum post that came out late October 2013 that Saphira came out revealing that Sigmund had been doing ECT research on kids at his orphanage. A year after it being a part of the Game.

How can this be? Did you already know beforehand that the Gym Leaders at the orphanage were being mistreated, and in turn decided to have Sigmund do ECT on them in the game (and for what purpose), or was this merely a case of you deciding to add him using ECT, due to him expressing that he was researching it, on the kids into the game, and then it ending up actually being true?

And how did Sigmund react to being portrayed as a villain and doing such immoral actions for the duration as a Gym Leader in the Reborn League?

  • We knew in the first place. The forum post may not have shown up until then, but it wasn't exactly a secret in the first place. Most of the league stuff happened on the server as is. ECT still exists and is used ethically today-- just there were allegations that his practice wasn't within the bounds of what is considered ethical. These accusations seem to have been validated. I dramatized this for the game since he was already a popularly disliked character.
  • He was doing what he thought he was best and was unsurprised to be disliked for it. I'll say, working in a youth care field myself (basically the equivalent of an orderly) since then, I get where he was coming from. It's expected for our clients to hate us, so we have to steel ourselves to it in the first place. If that was the sort of thing to get under our skin, we wouldn't be employed at places like these.

What would you say is your strongest attribute? Answer in terms of RPG stats or actual traits you as a human being possess.

If you weren't living in Colorado, what US state would you want to live in? Alternatively, what country?

Cats or dogs?

Why do you always set things on fire? Are you a secret pyromaniac or is it some cruel trick of the gods?

  • I have a five-star creativity stat which grants me access to the gamification skill, which firstly is really fun plus i can make stuff, but also keeps me entertained and moving forward in my daily life since i make challenges and sidequests out of habits and menial things.
  • Washington. Japan.
  • Cats
  • Look..... it just, it just happens... I don't -try- to, usually..

Pls, Ame. Who are the last 5 people who you have made yourself vulnerable to? I have bets riding on this answer

  • Good one. I'm sort of interested to know who your bets would have been.
    • Dan
    • Sazane
    • Ikaru
    • Aaron
    • My mother
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What was your favorite and least favorite Episode of Reborn to Develop?

Favorite and least favorite place(s) in Reborn to create?

Would you rather, die from being trapped out in a snowy tundra, or in a desert?

Favorite junk food?

What is something most people don't know about you?

Make some puns about this thread.

Probably already answered this here or somewhere recently, Myers Briggs personality?

What Pokemon would you like to see get an Alola form, and how would YOU make it?

What's your take on Capital Punishment?

What's your take on drug laws?

How do you manage to put up with my shit?

Do you still feel the move to Showdown was for the best?

What do you miss the most about Pokemon Online?

How do you feel about the various competitive competitions that have popped up since the departure of the Reborn League?

What time is it?

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What was your favorite and least favorite Episode of Reborn to Develop?

Favorite and least favorite place(s) in Reborn to create?

Would you rather, die from being trapped out in a snowy tundra, or in a desert?

Favorite junk food?

What is something most people don't know about you?

Make some puns about this thread.

Probably already answered this here or somewhere recently, Myers Briggs personality?

  • It's not a strong favorite, but if I have to choose one, maybe 3. That's when I realized that I probably wasn't going to drop it, and so I went through and laid out a story for the rest of the game and started to work that into the project.
    • least favorite is 16 just cuz of length and the shit that's happened during it tbh
  • Least favorite might be that six-layer-bean-dip-of-bullshit area in E16 where it was on like five different tile sets, two sets of maps, i had to do it all twice, and then i had to redo it twice more ... it was just... not fun.
    • Favorite might be Ametrine City/Mountain because that came together almost exactly how I'd imagined it.
  • Snowy. Duh.
  • I don't really ever buy junk food, but when i was younger it was cheez-its.
  • I have a tendency to self-sabotage and isolate myself even when that's the last thing I want to do. I'm really good at disappearing and convincing myself I'm toxic to other people.
  • I'm pretty sure you already ame-d the ame-n pun in this thread's ame-zing title (heavy sarcasm intended). But puns on demand are lame anyway.
  • INFJ

What Pokemon would you like to see get an Alola form, and how would YOU make it?

What's your take on Capital Punishment?

What's your take on drug laws?

How do you manage to put up with my shit?

Do you still feel the move to Showdown was for the best?

What do you miss the most about Pokemon Online?

How do you feel about the various competitive competitions that have popped up since the departure of the Reborn League?

What time is it?

  • alola alomomola just for the name
    • no uhh idk, someone mentioned shellder, i want shellder to actually look like the thing that bits on slowbro's tail just so we can lay that mystery to rest
  • hell yea, the capitals need to be punished!! down with the system!!
    • I don't actually have a strong opinion on the matter.
  • i support legalization of marijuana despite not being interested in smoking myself. the pros outweigh the cons, especially economically.
    • for harder things... i've heard things i'd like to confirm about centers that provide drugs on request to their cleints. the idea with these is that by allowing them a legitimate source and offering options for recovery, addicted people are less likely to get sick from something like an infected needle and so on, and so it works much better in the end. I think that's worth exploring.
  • People make mistakes. Everyone requires forgiveness. And frankly your amount of 'shit' is a lot less than i deal with on a daily basis at work.
  • Yep.
  • Everything I miss about PO is less about PO and more about having Nyu there to make PO awesome. So I miss Nyu.
  • If people have fun, that's all that matters. And they seem to, mostly. I'm sometimes a bit critical, though I'm trying not to be.
  • f5df4217343c4642b54c48b50ef3f7b8.png

How do you feel about the terms mansplaining and manspreading?

  • I think their existence is probably warranted, but I notice them less often than I hear about them.
    • then again I 1) don't get out much, and 2) am not known for my ability to notice things.

Oh, I've been wondering this for a while and just now thought about it again. In-game Ame has white hair, but real Ame doesn't. Was there a specific reason you gave in-game Ame white hair, or is it just aesthetic?

  • I've wanted to dye my hair white since I was like 14. however, that requires bleaching it, and my hair is in not-great-condition because i flat iron it like all the time, so I have never tried to do so. In the last year or two though I realized red hair was speaking to me from a number of other angles, and I found about a natural dye (henna) that's only for red color. Since it doesn't damage my hair at all, I went for that instead.
    • Maybe when I'm older. And I don't mean like, senior-citizen white, but both my parents had curly hair when they were young, and it became straight when they were adults. If that happens for me then I won't have to flat iron it, and I can do whatever I want.
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Do you like Delphox?

If so, do you prefer regular or shiny?

What kind of birds do you have?

Do you have any hummingbirds around where you live?

Do you have a favorite type/breed of bird? Macaw, Woodpecker etc

Have you ever seen the graceful [prehistoric, reminds me of a pterodactyl] creature that is a Pileated Woodpecker?



Are you interested in Black Holes?

Do you have a favorite color that cats have?

Would you rather be in a room with 1,000,000 watermelon sized grapes or 1,000,000 grape sized watermelons and why?

Edited by drevance
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What does you think is going on in this gif?


And on that note, let's go for some Higurashi questions.


- How would you feel if Rika suddenly turned evil and became a omnipotent sadist?


- Have you ever thought to yourself, "Hau~ Omochikaeri~!" in real life?


- How do you feel the arbitrariness of hand gestures in various cultures?


- Once more, what do you think is going on in this scene?


- What's the better ship, Keichi and Shion, or Mion?




-How did you first stumble upon Higurashi, and why did you chose to watch it?


- What was the scariest moment in Higurashi for you?



- And finally... Which of these pictures is the cutest?

... How do you feel about the fact that I merely posed these questions as an excuse to post gifs of Higurashi?


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1. Ever been to a rainforest?

2. What do you think of elephants?

3. Do you like gardening or plants in general? What kind of plants, and any specific reason for your choice?

4. Coffee?

5. Crabhammer, Crabhammer or Crabhammer? Or are you one of those people who actually use Waterfall on their Crawdaunts!?

6. What would you say are your favourite and least favourite attributes about your culture and/or way of life?

7. Very important question: odd numbers or even?

8. On that note, do you have a preference for any number in particular, and if so, why?

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Pls, Ame. Who are the last 5 people who you have made yourself vulnerable to? I have bets riding on this ans

  • Ikaru

<3 ? <- a question mark so this is on topic

What does you think is going on in this gif?


It took me until Rena to realise she probably knows exactly what's going on in this gif.

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tfw i got through almost all of these and then accidentally hit the back button.

Do you like Delphox?
If so, do you prefer regular or shiny?
What kind of birds do you have?
Do you have any hummingbirds around where you live?
Do you have a favorite type/breed of bird? Macaw, Woodpecker etc
Have you ever seen the graceful [prehistoric, reminds me of a pterodactyl] creature that is a Pileated Woodpecker?
Are you interested in Black Holes?
Do you have a favorite color that cats have?
Would you rather be in a room with 1,000,000 watermelon sized grapes or 1,000,000 grape sized watermelons and why?

  • no. not really. i adore fennekin. it was my sole saving grace when X and Y were announced. and braixen is beautiful. but delphox is just like.... why
    • delphox is like the unattractive adult version of that girl who was the prettiest in school. it's like, what happened?
  • regular-- or reborn shiny.
  • we have a solomon islands eclectus parrot and 5 chickens. i don't really know the breeds of the chickenry.
  • I think we have hummingbirds in the mountains here, but not in the city.
  • not really. if i have to pick something, probably crows or ravens because im that kind of unironic emo kid
  • in person, not that im aware of
  • they're cool. i'm interested in throwing them at people who try to harm my trainer.
  • do you mean like, a favorite colors for cats to be, or a favorite color that appears on cats?
    • if the former, calico. if the latter, black.
  • assuming the room is big enough to comfortably fit everything and myself, the grape-sized watermelons. because watermelon tastes much better, and i think that would be less messy.

What does you think is going on in this gif?


And on that note, let's go for some Higurashi questions.


- How would you feel if Rika suddenly turned evil and became a omnipotent sadist?


- Have you ever thought to yourself, "Hau~ Omochikaeri~!" in real life?


- How do you feel the arbitrariness of hand gestures in various cultures?


- Once more, what do you think is going on in this scene?

  • im assuming this is from Kira, so i mean, considering how the first episode of Rei went, it could be like, anything. whatever it was, keichi probably deserved it, but takano didn't.
  • if rika becomes evil ill enlist takano to deal with it in every timeline until she breaks.
  • not really, no. im not that bold.
  • i think it's kinda interesting how similar some things are, yet how different others can be. is there like, an etymological archive for hand gestures?
  • looks like keichi got his ass caught, and is probably still deserving it. where is takano tho


- What's the better ship, Keichi and Shion, or Mion?


-How did you first stumble upon Higurashi, and why did you chose to watch it?


- What was the scariest moment in Higurashi for you?


- And finally... Which of these pictures is the cutest?

... How do you feel about the fact that I merely posed these questions as an excuse to post gifs of Higurashi?

  • hecc do you mean which is the better ship? obviously mion. shion can wait for satoshi.
  • i originally heard of higurashi back from my first girlfriend when i was like 15. it was her favorite show, so i watched a little bit, but it's such a slow start i didn't really get into it.
    • after i kept hearing good things about it and it continued to seem like all of the characters were right up my alley, i decided to try it again, but went with the VN. however the VN was an even slower start, so i switched back to the anime and finished it recently
    • the anime is better imo tbh
  • idk if its necessary "scary," but i had to look away from the fingernail scene
  • mion's. but mostly cuz she has the most dynamic pose.
  • that's fine. i'm going to save half of them anyway.

1. Ever been to a rainforest?
2. What do you think of elephants?
3. Do you like gardening or plants in general? What kind of plants, and any specific reason for your choice?
4. Coffee?
5. Crabhammer, Crabhammer or Crabhammer? Or are you one of those people who actually use Waterfall on their Crawdaunts!?
6. What would you say are your favourite and least favourite attributes about your culture and/or way of life?
7. Very important question: odd numbers or even?
8. On that note, do you have a preference for any number in particular, and if so, why?

  • no, it seems like it would be cool though!
  • they are very large and very smelly but i appreciate the fact that they exist in places that are not around me
  • i had a minor interest in gardening when i was younger, and that might have blossomed into something more if i hadnt been more taken with other things. the flowers i like best are roses and irises, both of which we actually have here, so i'd mostly want to home grow food and such.
    • we have actually tried to do that several times here but the squirrelfleet digs up everything we plant q~q
  • my favorite-- is a tough one, good question. i think if anything i appreciate the capitalist ideal that everyone is entitled to the same goods or service so long as they have the money to pay for it.
    • my least favorite is the aforementioned toxic masculinity thing.
  • even.
  • my lucky number is 4. i don't really remember why. i just remember that it is, and has been for a long time.

<3 ? <- a question mark so this is on topic

It took me until Rena to realise she probably knows exactly what's going on in this gif.

  • <3
  • actually i don't, there's a certain higurashi spin-off i haven't watched, Kira, which is unrelated to the plot and just some light-hearted episodes with the characters. i may double back and watch those at some point if i need a mood boost, but in the mean time i'd rather watch certain other things
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When do you think people will realize that by keeping this thread alive they are taking away the time you slavedriving the dev team to work on E19? taking up your precious time that you use to harass Ikaru??

  • they might now. but it's no one's job to police my time except mine, and there's no guarantee that whatever i'd otherwise be doing would involve reborn at all. I don't mind having a reason to interact with the community more.

Who wins a Reborn battle royal? No rules, just kill or be killed, 24 hours to prepare.

  • maelstrom probably tbh
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Have you ever played any of the following;

  • Star Wars Battlefront I or II
  • Donkey Kong Country
  • Porky Pig's Haunted Holiday
  • Crash Bandicoot Racing
  • Megaman X series

Have you ever played Dungeons and Dragons?

Did you have a favorite book/book series as a child/growing up?

If you had to choose to master one of the following instruments, which would it be?

  • Violin
  • Viola
  • Cello
  • Bass
  • Banjo
  • Harmonica
  • Harp
  • Piano

If you had to pick, would you rather live above sea-level or below sea-level?

Have you ever seen a Tornado?

Do you think that the Super Volcano under Yellowstone will erupt in your life time?

Do you have a favorite mountain/volcano?

Do you prefer winter or summer?

Rain or sunshine?

Do you ever lose track of what day it is/think that it is a different day than it actually is?

Do you like Fairs or Amusement Parks?

Do you have a favorite word?

Do you like the metric system?

Do you know the Quadratic Formula?

Out of the four suits, Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, and Spades do you have one you like better than the other?

Out of a standard deck of playing cards, is there a card you like better than others?

Do you have any interest in ARGs? (like Marble Hornets)

Did you have to raise a butterfly in school at some point?

Do you have a favorite type of tree?

How about flowers?

How do you feel about AMAs?

Do you prefer a clear blue sky, mostly clear sky with some clouds, mostly cloudy, or overcast?

Have you seen a sugar glider or flying squirrel IRL?

Would you rather have bonfires or a lit fireplace?

Have you ever flown in a plane?

Have you ridden on a train before?

Do you prefer walking, running, biking, or driving somewhere?

Would you like to be on Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, or any other game show like that?

Do you like movies that are based on true stories?

Do you like the Planet Earth documentaries?

Do you think that space travel will be viable in your lifetime?

If so, would you travel?

Did you ever watch zoboomafoo?

Have you ever purchased something from an infomercial?

I really like reading your responses. Thanks for answering all the questions I've asked up to this point, including the stranger ones.

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Have you ever played any of the following;

  • Star Wars Battlefront I or II
  • Donkey Kong Country
  • Porky Pig's Haunted Holiday
  • Crash Bandicoot Racing
  • Megaman X series
Have you ever played Dungeons and Dragons?

Did you have a favorite book/book series as a child/growing up?

If you had to choose to master one of the following instruments, which would it be?

  • Violin
  • Viola
  • Cello
  • Bass
  • Banjo
  • Harmonica
  • Harp
  • Piano
  • Impressively, I have not played a single one of those :c
  • I have played D&D several times, however I have never particularly enjoyed it. Granted, two of those times was just me with a like, 10? year old kid as the DM. I was babysitting him and he was teaching me how to play so I imagine that's not the best scenario.
    • The other time was Pathfinder with a group of friends which was okay but it was sort of obtrusive, like we kept trying to just get through it or whatever. I think we would have had more fun doing other things.
  • The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings. My father read me The Hobbit when I was 5-6ish, and then afterwards, I fell asleep every night to a narrated version of it on vinyl.
  • Violin is my favorite instrument, so let's go with that. Runners-up are Cello because it's always felt the most natural to me, and Piano because that's actually what I play most often.

If you had to pick, would you rather live above sea-level or below sea-level?

Have you ever seen a Tornado?

Do you think that the Super Volcano under Yellowstone will erupt in your life time?

Do you have a favorite mountain/volcano?

Do you prefer winter or summer?

Rain or sunshine?

Do you ever lose track of what day it is/think that it is a different day than it actually is?

Do you like Fairs or Amusement Parks?

  • Uh well I've grown up well above sea level... I can't imagine what kind of place is below sea level but not underwater but it sounds cool so let's go with that.
  • Just funnels. I was like eight and super scared.
  • There's a what? No, probably not.
  • No, not really. But I do have some fond memories of driving up a 14'er here with my father at sunset one day. It was snowing, and there were lunar moths everywhere, so it was just sunbeams through a flurry of white. Really really pretty.
  • Winter. What's even like about summer. Too hot, no snow... yuck.
  • Rain.
  • Frequently. Possibly daily.
  • With the right people only. Unfortunately, I've had a lack of those. But I recongize they can still be cool places.

Do you have a favorite word?

Do you like the metric system?

Do you know the Quadratic Formula?

Out of the four suits, Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, and Spades do you have one you like better than the other?

Out of a standard deck of playing cards, is there a card you like better than others?

Do you have any interest in ARGs? (like Marble Hornets)

Did you have to raise a butterfly in school at some point?

Do you have a favorite type of tree?

  • "Lollipop" is really fun to type. go ahead. try it. no one's goona know. it's cool, right? here's some more: million, popplio, opinion, onion, minion. go nuts. i find they're good stress relief.
  • Although I am not intimately familiar with it, I think American just needs to get on the same page as everyone else. Temperatures too. Chop-chop.
  • By memory? No. I could probably figure it out if I saw it again. But I do not wish to. In fact, I wish not to.
  • Hearts
  • Not really, but Queen of Hearts has some strong thematic ties I can appreciate
  • I was not previously aware of Marble Hornets or that abbreviation, but I think stuff like that was really cool. Recently a friend visited from out of state and she was telling me how there was a sort of murder-mystery game running large scale throughout her series where players had to piece together clues, talk to actors, etc, all in real time. Then at the end, a vote decided the fate of the city. I'd totally love to be able to do something like that.
  • Not that I remember.
  • Not particularly a 'favorite' but willow trees are neat if nothing else.

How about flowers?

How do you feel about AMAs?

Do you prefer a clear blue sky, mostly clear sky with some clouds, mostly cloudy, or overcast?

Have you seen a sugar glider or flying squirrel IRL?

Would you rather have bonfires or a lit fireplace?

Have you ever flown in a plane?

Have you ridden on a train before?

  • Roses. Especially when they're uncommon colors.
  • uggggh, this one's a can of worms. speaking about the ones around here anyway:
    • firstly, most of how i feel about them is "why." but that's not so much "why do they exist," as it is "why would anyone presume that other people want to ask them enough questions to justify a topic for it"
      • being that we're 9? pages into this one there is some degree of irony-- or maybe even hypocrisy-- there. but opening this topic i actually thought people wouldn't have much to ask me if not about reborn. rest assured i have been thoroughly proven wrong.
      • this also probably sounds rather cynical. it's not my intention to imply that anyone "shouldnt" make these things. rather, being that that's my first thought, it baffles me that they do anyway. as i believe i said in the first post, i mostly made this topic because i felt like i shouldn't, and i 'should' myself into or out of things far too often.
    • so it's kinda like those question lists on facebook, or tumblr or wherever. someone's like "ask me things!" or just fills one out of their own volition despite not being tagged. that's fine-- but because i've always felt like that's something i shouldn't do, and therefore i assume others feel like that, and therefore it impresses me that others approach it regardless.
      • this probably sounds super back-handed... and that's fine. but really not what i'm going for.
  • Overcast, please thanks. I don't like the sky. It's too big and empty.
  • Mmmnope. I don't think they live around here. Maybe at a zoo? but idr lol
  • Fireplace. We actually have a fire pit in our backyard so my mom frequently has bonfires back there with her friends. It's too hot to even get close to though so it's like, whatever.
  • Yep.
  • Double yep.

Do you prefer walking, running, biking, or driving somewhere?

Would you like to be on Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, or any other game show like that?

Do you like movies that are based on true stories?

Do you like the Planet Earth documentaries?

Do you think that space travel will be viable in your lifetime?

If so, would you travel?

Did you ever watch zoboomafoo?

Have you ever purchased something from an infomercial?

  • Biking.
  • When I was younger, I really wanted to. I used to watch a lot of gameshows when I could cuz we didn't have cable and then at our vacation house there was a Gameshow Network with some pretty wacky ones. Anyway, I'm sort of apathetic to it by now.
    • Ninja Warrior in particular always looks super fun-- though I probably stood a better chance when I was younger, rip.
  • Not particularly, but I'm sure some are okay. Like I enjoyed Braveheart. But it's not like I seek them out or anything.
  • I don't think I've seen them.
  • At least to the Moon or Mars? yeah, probably
  • Not unless I had a good reason to. I kinda like this place.
  • I have no clue what that is but it sounds very silly.
  • Nope.

I really like reading your responses. Thanks for answering all the questions I've asked up to this point, including the stranger ones.

  • Hey, if you're taking the time to ask, it's the least I can do. So it's nothing. ^~^
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