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Platinum: suggest two members


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If I may bother you, I would like your aid on this matter.

I have 6 badges atm, and am a little stuck on how I should fill in the remaining two spots in my team.
It is currently:

Shaymin (I really wanted to start with one, planning to make it touch the sky)
Return, Growth, Magical leaf, HP fire
Dig, DClaw, Sandstorm, Crunch

TR, EQ, Gyro Ball, Extrasensory
Milotic (fair and square, man that was tedious)
Surf, Ice Beam, Recover, HP electric

I see I have no real way to counter Dark-types and Scizor (BP does quite a dent) amongst other things. Trading is probably no option.
Before you comment on the current movepools, I am only so far in the game, not everything is available yet.
Due to a very lucky Chansey capture (Lucky Egg), all my current mons are already overleveled for the next gym, some are (almost) ready for the league.

Any suggestions (with or without instructed implementations) would be very appreciated.

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I can't think myself playing gen 4 without using Lucario as soon as it becomes available!

But in case you don't want your whole team be OP (pretty strong as it is rn), I suggest to use mons you never used before. Frosslas (I think it is available before Candice), Abomasnow (I really want to see someone using this thing), Medicham, Drapion or Roserade are all some really nice options. Ofc there are always the very common options of Staraptor, Luxray, Toxicroak and Togekiss

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I should have been less cryptic and said I tried to have Shaymin-Sky (but that's probs for when national dex). So for suggestions, please consider I would have a grass-flying type on my team.

I basically have nothing to fight Lucian (if Crunch on Armada the Garchomp is seen as temporary. Plus Bronzong vs Bronzong could be quite the stalemate).

For information, Scizor could run Bullet Punch, Superpower, Bug Bite (I think), Swords Dance and some other less significant stuff (serebii or smogon for references).

Ghost-types aren't threatened by my team either, so that might need to be adressed, too.

Frolass and Lucario seem decent, but they can both be busted by a Scizor (which is terrifying, since that thing would already dent me quite hard). I also fear that Froslass doesn't have enough punch to take down stuff, it was mainly used in competitive as a spikes/destiny bond lead.
Maybe doubly unfortunate is that my Riolu was modest, so breeding or a special set are the options I guess. But since it's male, I doubt I'll get another for the time being.

I also thought about Heracross (caught a Rash one, breeding required I guess), but then I might fear my team would become a bit too slow (Bronzong is the exception, it is cool) if I can't find a fast sixth member to complement what's already there.

Weavile is also considered, but again who would work as a sixth? Same for Electivire. (And I need to be lucky to get an Expert Belt.)
Houndoom also wouldn't solve my Scizor-weakness either, even though it would have to (since Fire-type). Additionally, it might not be that strong either (middling speed).
I'm even considering Rapidash for Megahorn (Still, Flare Blitz does hurt itself, too).

Being OP would be nice, since I wouldn't have to level them so much for a second round of League-fighting then (it can be quite a pain). Suggestitons for movesets would be appreciated, too.

It is rather vexing, having so many choices but none that really seems to fit in my eyes. Maybe I'm wrong, but idk.

EDIT: I'm slightly gravitating to [Lucario or Heracross]/Rotom-H atm. Maybe eventually slapping a Choice Scarf on the latter would solve my speed problems. (Now how to get that key...) But maybe there's a better combo I haven't considered yet (Froslass/Rapidash/Magmortar? Weavile/Magmortar?...)

Edited by laggless01
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Thanks for all the suggestions, they really helped! I considered all of them to find out what would aid me the best.

In the end, I think I'll go for Heracross/Rotom-H. I got decent natured ones, and they seem to give me plenty coverage I don't have (never used them, either). I'll go with a Timid set for the Rotom (maybe I'll name it Arki), but I'm not sure what to run on Heracross eventually (besides Megahorn and Close Combat). What do you guys think would work best for moveset/EVs in a run? I can have either Adamant or Jolly.

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Heracross needs 252/252 att/speed and ability wise guts is prefered, although swarm is still good! For coverage moves you probably need Night Slash for psychic types and since you can't have Stone Edge yet (dunno about Rock Slide, can't remember where you get it) maybe Aerial Ace for fighting types.

I didn't know you had access to other Rotom forms other than the normal, otherwise I would have suggested it.

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Heracross needs 252/252 att/speed and ability wise guts is prefered, although swarm is still good! For coverage moves you probably need Night Slash for psychic types and since you can't have Stone Edge yet (dunno about Rock Slide, can't remember where you get it) maybe Aerial Ace for fighting types.

I didn't know you had access to other Rotom forms other than the normal, otherwise I would have suggested it.

Well, trickery is needed for getting that key, but the rest goes fairly well. Thanks for all the help!

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