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Pokemon Carousel - Version 0.4 BETA


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There is no plot.

It's you versus the leaders and elite 4.

Strive to overcome all challenges and reign supreme as the guy/girl/non-binary who overcame all challenges.


I have been working on this game since December and have decided that I have enough content that I ought to release it and find out what bugs I missed and, most importantly, what YOU as a community would like to see from this game.


  • Small File Size (43 MB), and will likely stay close to 50 MB throughout the development of this game.
  • Made in Unity3D with C# - No RMPX Essentials jump start. This was made from scratch with love.
  • NO PLOT! - Battle, battle some more, then battle again!
  • One Stop Shop - Buy your Pokemon and Items all in one place.
  • Amazing Save System - Backs up last 10 saves, Allows seamless version switching, and Auto Backup for your old save file when you start a new game!
  • Code System - Enter codes in the shop to unlock features and items!


  • Pokemon sprites are used under Fair Use law. These characters are trademarks of Nintendo. I do not take credit for these designs.
  • Pokemon is a registered trademark of The Pokemon Company.
  • Ringmaster Meloetta obtained from http://www.poke-blast-news.net/2013/02/meloetta-sera-distribuida-em-lojas.html
  • Generation 6 and Mega Pokemon sprites from Pokemon Reborn. (Therefore all those who helped make the Gen 6 and Mega Sprites get my gratitude)
    • --6th gen sprites:
      Amethyst, Noscium, Quanyails, Zermonious, GeoIsEvil,
      Kyle, Dove, dDialgaDiamondb, N-kin, Misterreno, Kevfin,
      Xtreme1992, Vale98PM
      --Mega Sprites:
      Julian, Amethyst, Gardrow, FlameJow, Minhnerd,
      The Cynical Poet, Greyenna, Brylark, Lepargon,
      Princess Phoenix, Gnomowladn, Bryancct, Tinivi
  • Fonts
  • Menu selection font - adam_gorry_lights from Sentinel Type.
  • Continue font - Ribbons and Banners by CMunk.
  • Audio
  • Intro - Beachfront Celebration by Kevin McLeod
  • Main Menu - Vivacity by Kevin McLeod
  • Battle - Chee Zee Lab by Kevin McLeod
  • Choose and Select from Reborn but not sure if Reborn or Nintendo or Essentials so ok.
  • Scripting
  • Pokemon Essentials for reference of implementation of features like Natures and Move Effects.
  • Save system idea from Pokemon Reborn
  • If I missed anyone/anything, please let me know and I'll add it.



Controls are Mouse (Left click, Right Click, Scroll Wheel, Mouse Movement) or Keyboard (Arrow keys, Enter key, X Key).


In an effort to build a trusted base of people, I have decided to create the Pioneer Club. If you take the time to fill out the Feedback Form and return it to me by uploading it and sharing the link (via posting in this topic or PM it to me), you will be added to the Pioneer Club. Anyone in the club will gain access to any future beta releases, as well as codes that aren't available to the public.



I am open to getting help in any form. If you're interested, post here or send me a PM stating what you would like to help with. If you have no specific area, state what you're good at. We'll chat and I'll see what I can give you.



These are your obstacles.


This is your toolbox.


And this is your cache of knowledge.



Regional Gym Battles - Battle enhanced versions of the basic gym leader. Each will feature a team of 6 consisting of Pokemon from the region the gym leader is from. In the case of Kalos, It'll be the first batch of Pokemon I have.

National Gym Battles - Each Gym will have a team of lv 100s featuring any Pokemon available.

AI - I plan to have a basic AI for Version 1, and then upgrade it into one that uses machine learning to make the best predictions possible by using your typical choices as the basis for its choices.

Abilities, Move Effects, and Items - I do plan to include all of them, but this will take some time.

Debug Mode - While there is one available in the game, I plan to increase it so there are more features. I just don't know what those features will be.

Options - Music settings most likely, but if I add in frames or fonts, you can change those here. I probably ought to add a shit/set mode too.

Ribbons - There will be ribbons given for more things, like beating the game using only a single type of pokemon, or not using any items. Also ribbons given for victories at 5, 25, and 100.

Multiple Save Files - I might make it so you can choose what save file you want to use from the continue screen, rather than needing to rename it under your folder.

TM/HM Restrictions - Any Pokemon can learn any TM/HM it wants to right now. I might restore the TM/HM restriction.

Tutor Moves - I don't have them right now, but I could.

Custom Pokemon Stats/Movepools/Type Chart - While unlikely, it's an idea.

Animations - I should add more of those.

Custom Keybinds - Rather than using Arrow Keys, Enter key, X Key, I might build something that lets you choose what key does what.

Fangame Gym Leaders - Once I'm done adding all the cannon gym leaders, I'd be open to adding in a fangame's leaders.

Player Characters - I can add in more.

Bonus Fights - Stuff like Team Rocket, Red, etc.

Shiny Pokedex toggle - Display the shiny/female form of a Pokemon via a toggle

Pokerus - I should probably enable that.

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If the intro screen played its animation, you can find the error log in the same spot as your reborn file, except it's under Pokemon Carousel folder instead of Pokemon Reborn. It should be called Error.Log or Error.Txt

If you DID NOT get an intro screen animation, you can find the error log in the PokemonCarousel_Data folder, located next to the exe. titled OUTPUTLOG

Copy the contents of it and send it to me and I'll see what the issue is :)

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It's so simple and at the same time well made that i'm now considering you a god, and i'm not joking lol

Rly tho i haven't played much but it looks awesome, ggwp

However, when i enter the Training the game freezes at the second Audino (i picked Snover as Starter) so what should i do?

EDIT: Apparently, this happens everytime i defeat a Pokémon (tested even against the First Gym)

Edited by AndSoThereIsSt3ffo
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Yes it is

Plus, i restarted and tried to pick another starter (Noibat), Screech and Supersonic don't work, but everything else is fine and the previously mentioned problem doesn't manifest itself in the Training and Gym Battles (i battled Viola already)

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The game got stuck when an Audino hit itself in confusion.

You should also make an exit confirmation. A "Are you sure you want to quit?" button. Since you don't have autosave, it's likely that someone (me) will click it by error and lose their progress.

Fire Spin doesn't damage at the end of each turn


Either Surskit is OP and I didn't know it or that Night Shade didn't do 15 damage.

I haven't seen a single secondary effect in all the time I've played. I don't know if it was a coincidence, but taking into account that Smog has a 40% chance of poisoning and that I used it several times I think there might be something wrong.

Edited by Lugruf
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Ya, most moves do not have a secondary effect in the game at the moment. Only the leader attacks and TMs have their effects properly implemented (at least as well as I could do without extensive testing). It's best if you put all the issues you see int he feedback form and send it to me, that way I would be able to prioritize what needs to be fixed first.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I believe enough time has passed that I have received all the feedback I can expect (I got 2 forms). SO starting today I'm going to continue working on the game and will show what I plan to have in place for V1. If you want to join the Pioneer Club, you have until 1 week before V1 releases (so you have about 2 months probably).

Code Changes
Debug Functionality
  • Points Modifier
  • Ribbons
PPReamaning under Pokemon to ppRemaining
Synchronize for Thunderbolt etc. and Yawn
Clamp PP to 0
Fix ability description to align with background (create best fit function by finding ratio of font size to box size)
Fix pokemon and move switching to move smoother (while mouse is within a box rather than outside and moving)
Add Spinda Spots
Shedninja should have 1 hp
Mouse cursor not being detected
Mouse click only within the box
PC Box should only change when arrow is clicked, not just hovering
Heal Team as seperate menu choice and not under Gym Battle
Ask for save before exiting
Confusion status breaks the game
Display stats like Pokemon Showdown
Show full move change information, not just choice menu
Show effect of item (Miracle Seed boosts grass type attacks by 1.2x)
Show full TM information on purchase
C Key or Spacebar for Confirm
Change location evolution to proper text
Put M and KG for height and weight in Pokedex
Check for null Pokemon in CheckMegaPossible
Kalos Regional Teams
Kalos National Teams
EV Training
Random Battles
Scaled XP (Not just Lv 6 Audino)
Create Training field effect (reduced damage to own team)
Ability Effects
Move Effects
Options Menu
Change trainer card badges to page
Round Start choice should change box color and not just text (Fight Bag Pokemon Run)
Search, filter, larger skip options for Pokedex
Number for stats and not just bars
Battle Animations
Display points in Shop
While these are not going to be in V1, they may be added in future releases
Future Improvements
Multiple Saves
Game Modes
TM/HM fix
Custom TM/HM/Tutor moves
Custom pokemon stats/movepools
Custom gym leaders
Item Storage Categories
Player portrait choices
Gen 5 and Gen 3 leader changes
Bonus Fights (Rocket, Aqua/Magma, Red)
Custom Keybinds
Services (Breeding, Training)
Extra Ribbons, Markings
Custom weakness/resistance/immunity type chart
Allow Pokedex to show female/shiny forms via toggle
Different fonts (Battle Scene)
These are bugs that I'm aware of, but I don't have a solution in place.
Cannot Find Windows Smartscreen - Ask it to run anyways
In-Between battle states (Places where game gets stuck after things process)
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  • 4 weeks later...

Status Report -

Things are moving slowly. I've been distracted by interviewing for a job and making an app for an internship I'm in. My current task is to fix all the team screens (Main Game, Battle, and Inventory) so that the mouse motion only changes the selected pokemon when the cursor enters as opposed to while the mouse is outside and moving. I have finished the Main Game and Battle versions of this, and plan to have the Inventory done by this week. It's been a hell of a challenge because I had to make use of the Unity "Selectable" component, which has its own way of handling key presses. This has caused issues when viewing team summaries, ribbons, and move details. However, I solved all but some odd ones during ribbon viewing. I'm not sure what's happening, but it starts looping between the first 3 pokemon, even if there are 6 pokemon. I also still need to figure out a way to handle the key presses for when there are less than 6 pokemon in a team. I'm thinking I'll just black out unused panels and redirect highlighting to the nearest reasonable area (so either leave it where it was previously, or move it to a button or a previous panel)

Also, I updated the link for the Feedback Form, since I saw it went down. Make sure you fill it out if you want access to the Pioneer Club. You get a special code when I get your finished feedback form,

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