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King Of The Hill

Sir Flash™

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From inside the deep mist I watch the enemy's movimentation outside the base (What, you thought I would put up all that fog without me having a way of seeing through it?). Tamer was quicker to come back than I expected, and worse, he's made it through a time-space rip... So he actually has a way to get into our defenses!

Suddenly they all fly away on the back of the dragon Bahamaut and fly away from the hill.

A plan comes to my mind, and with can just outpredict our enemy, we may have a key advantage in hands.

"Rose, please get everybody out of here with your spells, I'm got an idea."

As we proceed to evacuate the base I go make some preparations for the welcoming comitee, setting up explosives on all the perimeter of the hill and the castle.

After everything is set up I myself abandon the hill and get hold of the Masterball on my pocket, preparing my ace.

The hill is still covered in mist, so our enemies are unaware that we moved out in their abscence, the rip opens again and...


Damnit! I thought they were going to invade, not blast the place up!

Tamer and his forces appear again just in front of me, luckily without noticing that I'm there. While I think of something to do, I hear a loud crack and than all hell breaks loose.

The barrier on the castle was made for attacks from the outside, not the inside. The detonation of both those missiles and our bombs was too much for it to contain. Everybody is engulfed in a storm of flames, and now I can't really see a thing while protecting myself.

I hear Bahamauts enraged roar from within the storm and realize that Tamers MSM is the only thing able to protect his armies now. So, time to proceed with the plan.

"Jirachi, I choose you!" I scream over the storm, while releasing the star shaped legend from it's pokéball.

"Jirachi, I've been keeping my wish for this moment. I wish Tamers Master Summon Materia is deleted from existance never to return again!"

Jirachi begins to glow and disappears, having acomplished my wish. At the same time Bahamauts mighty roar stops suddenly, and this time for good.

As the burning hell released from the hill begins to fade I fly over the terrain to check out for the results of all this mess.

Check-mate Tamer.

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*drops down from a HALO jump*

(MSF general)

"Absol, your mission, now that you've successfully landed on top of the castle, is to blow it up for absol-lutelty no reason, we already have a motherbase but we need this hill anyways, we've lost to many men fighting for it. Make sure you take Notus and Rose with the castle! You've been equipped with a M9 tranquilizer, plenty of explosives, and our famous recovery system, however we'll be bringing them to the terrorists at the Big Shell as hostages instead of bringing them to MSF headquarters.

Good luck, over and out."

*TOTAL stealth pro walks into the chamber and just like Fatman, places c4 in the most random places, then I tranq rose, and use the Fulton system to recover her to the escort chopper that dropped me off. I cover the rest of the castle in c4 in horrible places, and then I find Notus and his Jirachi at the top of the tower, a little bit to close for comfort from my

Insertion point.

I tranq Notus (and if you don't know how Absol's use guns, we use our mouths and tongues... Or our paws. Duh.)

Then as Jirachi goes over to inspect, I attack it with a night slash sending it to the floor dazed, I proceed to tranq it right between the eyes, and I use the Fulton recovery to get them out, I proceed to talk on the radio with the MSF general*

"General, start operation "fake out" "

"Acknowledged! Starting the operation Absol!"

*the MSF troops begin a very convincing retreat to our secret underground bunker near the hill*

"General, am I cleared to commence?"

"Yes, Absol, allow me to quickly consult Big Boss........ He says commence the final phase "big ass boom boom!"

*i push the detonator setting the c4 off, destroying the castle and killing all of Notus and Rose's army, MSF proceeds to seal off the hill, giving us the win.*

*meanwhile the terrorists at the Big Shell have received their new tied up hostages, Notus and Rose, Raiden is derping around the corners the whole time.*

"Absol! Mission is a success"

"Awesome, thanks General!"

*pulls off my patch that signals my allegiance, showing an ABSOLHOUND symbol.*

*then I proceed to secretly call 2 other people*

"Yes, the missions succeeded...

Of course the terrorists took the bait...



Thank you... President Johnson...

(BUM BUM BUM!!!!!! ABSOLHOUND was sent by the president! And someone else asked for Absol...)

"Hello, it's me Absol...

Yes we have the hill ready for you...

Of course I won't betray you sir...

I PROMISE we will have peace...

I appreciate it...



I secretly did all this junk to trick the president into thinking I had captured N and R and handed them to the terrorists...

However In the end, I captured the hill and secured it for Notus...

As a cover story...

And so we could attempt peaceful union...

I can see it...


Is so close...

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I really didn't see that coming.

I land on the top of the hill (or whatever is left of it) and send a telepatic message for Rose, Vinny and Tamer (if he's still alive) to come for a peace conference. I'm actually interested in knowing what everyone want's with this hill.

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@ Zephyr: Basically we almost turned this into an RP... Yeah, things are a bit confuse right now, let's go back to the game.

I turn to Absol and Rose. "You know what, forget about peace talk. While we fight over the hill the rest of the world will be safe from our battles, and if more people are drawn here by the fighting, better still. That said... GAAAAH I CAN"T BELIEVE IT WAS THE WRONG HILL ALL THIS TIME!"

* Flies over to Zephyr's hill and knock her down with a frying pan"

Sorry my wind sister, as much as I like your name I must say that the hill is mine!

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*As Bahamaut and I are flying towards his domain, suddenly the MSM flies out of my pocket. Cracks appear in the blood red orb, and spread throughout it until it shatters into nothing, not even dust remains. As the lifeforce over every summon creature in the world is tied to the existence of the MSM, I find my myself tumbling through the sky as Bahamaut falls to the Earth, dead, and already starting to fade from existance. Just as I'm about to die from the landing, a rift opens up beneath me, carrying me to Garitina's side in the distortion world. The Fearsome Wrym begins to speak to me telepathically.*

"Those inhabiting the fortress hath done a terrible thing, they hath used the power of Jarachi, the star child, to destroy the MSM and slay the lord of the wryms, his highness Bahamaut."

*Garitina opens a rift, showing me the events as the transpire. first I see Notus and that be damned creature Jarachi as the two conspire to destroy the Dragon King and the MSM. then Absol as he conducts his take over of the Fort*

"Well, looks like all isn't lost... yet"

"No, Ethic, Keep watching and see what the Devil's Advocate does next."

*I see absol pull out his phone and call the president, then someone else... I strain to hear the voice, but when I do...*

"Hello, it's me Absol...

Yes we have the hill ready for you...

Of course I won't betray you sir...

I PROMISE we will have peace...

I appreciate it...


*Notus. And Absol... But, why, how...*

"I have been betrayed.by everyone. Even Snake. All of them were in on it, Alligned to the one man who most stands in the way of my goal of ending this."

"Yes, Ethic, You have. But What do you intend to do about it?"

*I stand there and think about it for a few seconds, then I hear Notus' telepathic message. I am in utter disgust of how things have transpired*

"Ethic, what do you intend to do?"

*Garitina repeats the question several times, each one pushing me further into a dark place in my soul. I attempt to fight it, to run from the dark side, but when i turn, I see how much fighting for the Light has cost me. And how little I've gained from it. It is cold and uncompensating, but the dark feels so... Welcoming, Sympathetic even. I make my decision just as Garitina stops asking repeatedly.*

"What will I do, you ask?"

*I start laughing uncontrollably like a mad man*

"What will I do?! I Shall tell you. I'm Going to forsake the light, since it's already forsaken me! I Fought the good fight, I tried to stand for the right thing! But it cost me everything in the end! My allies, all of them, Except Stark, traitors! my dearest Freind, Now lying dead in a field, slain by the power of a creature not even a 1/100 of his size!"

*I turn to Face Garitina, looking it long and hard in the eyes, just as the last traces of the light Retreat from my soul. A dark and growing fire lights my eyes*

"I will piss on Notus's supposed peace! I will become a Shadow in the day, A Beacon in the night!! I will hunt down all of them, and I'll will put things to right. I will lie, cheat, steal, and murder in order to bring them to their knees, and then I shall strike them with Ferocity never before seen in this world, or the other!!!!! I will destroy everyone, and Everything that they have ever loved!!!!!!!"

*I walk towards Garitina, the utter darkness beings to transform my body and spirit*

"I will be the thing they see in thier night terrors. I will burn the Sorcerres Rose at the stake!! I Will call the Earth's wrath against the Wind-caller Notus!!! I will use Fairy type moves against the Traitor Absol!!!!! I will Rally the patriots and Cipher, and I will Set Fire to Mother Base And Outer Heaven!!!!! And I shall find and scrap every last one of the METAL GEAR MECHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

*I Step even further towards Garitina, and whisper in it's ear*

"And When I am done... The Hill shall Burn in an inferno more feirce than anything that all the circles in Heaven and Hell can produce working together."

*The Darkness' encroachment is completed as it reaches the place where the Tri Force is tied to my soul. The Hate and Fury travel the link. The accursed light attempts to hold it off, even tries to destroy itself to prevent it's transformation, but I hold it together with my will, until finally, the Tri-Force is transformed. Into the Aphotic-Force.*

"And I shall name you, Garitina, the one who was falsely banished so long ago, the new lord and sovereign over all dragons. Now, take to the field by my side, and let us begin."

"Yes, Ethic, my master!!"

*I hop onto Garitina's back and fly through a rift gate leading to what was once bahamauts domain, where his Army of Dragons is still alive despite their King's death. We rally them, and they fly under our banner*



*We fly of to the East, Eventually landing a few dozen miles away from the Hill. We see Notus Fly off suddenly. I order my army to stay as I and Garitina fly off after him, being sure to keep a distance that he can't notice us. We watch as he lands... at another hill, and then hits the girl standing atop it with a frying pan, then declares the hill to be his*

"Oh, this... this is just great. Two hills. and it was here all this time... well, I thing i'll take this one for my base of operations."

*Garitina uses Phantom Force, the two of us dissapear in a burst of shadows, Then reapear in front of Notus, Garitina strikes him with a vicious blow with it's tail, Sending Notus Flying off the hill and to God knows where.*

"To hell with peace, I'm king of this hill now."

*I call for my Dragon Army, they descend from the sky and form a defensive perimeter around the hill as I use the Aphotic-forces power to bring back Tamer2 and the False MSF troops*

This means war...

Edited by Legendaries tamer
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^^(I voted that up, it was epic)

One moment I'm on the top of the hill and the next I'm blasting off due to Giratina's blow. That hurt, by the way, but as I'm on mid air I can take advantage of this.

Turning around and using the extra impulse Giratina gave me I speed up even more in my flight and begin to circle the hill, bringing along the air mass around it. After a few moments...


After I make sure both Tamers and their armies are flying away I land on the hill again.

I'm the king of the hill.

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Garitina and I find ourselves swallowed by the twister, along with my resurrected doppelganger and my wrym army.

"Damn it, I forgot that he's a wind caller!!"

*I manage to find garitina in the twister, I call upon the Aphotic Force to try and put an end to the maelstrom, It takes a lot of concetration and physical exertion, but I manage to do it. Me and my forces are thrown through the air and onto an island in the sea as the Twister dies.*

"Garitina, watch over the troops, I've got some work to do!"

*Stumbling to the shore line, I point to Tamer2*

"You, you're going to help me."

"Yes, my lord, as you wish."

*I tear open a hole to the distortion world.we step through and come out another one in the armory room of mother base, we take several crates of C-4 explosives, then get back into the D.W.*

"come... I... Explain the plan to you."

*I Explain the plan to tamer2 and we go about our work, with me tearing open holes in the distortion world, and Tamer2 reaching through and planting C-4*

"Good, now come here and let's detonate these things.

*I close all the small holes and open a single large one high in the air for us to see, we've laid out C-4 packs systematically all around the Hill, while notus stands there, oblivious to us.*

"This, is a multi part bombing. one set of C-4 to take out Notus, another to kill whoever tries to claim the hill next, another for the next, and another, and another... We have enough for about seven people to try and take the hill after he's gone."

*I detonate the C-4, a ball of fire erupts. a few minutes later, notus is nowhere to be seen, presumably vaporized by the blast*

"Now let's get that hill back under my control"

*Enters unto the hill, carefull not to detonate any of the traps, calls my army, they again form a perimeter, I have FMSF difuse the C-4, to be reactivated in case of an attack.*

"Garitina, scout the area for hostiles, Tamer2, your in charge of the hill until I finish this task."

"Yes, my lord."

*With Garitina scouting the Area, and my new Loyal Servent, Tamer2, taking care of fortifying the edges of the hill, I go into a deep meditative state, drawing upon the A.F.'s power to mentally build a castle around the hill. The walls are up around the hill and finished before long and I begin on the interior, being sure to put up a dampening enchantment to render the walls indestructable, as well as laying several... Nasty traps.*

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Ah Zephyr, Zephyr... You have no idea why this hill is so special right? I'll try my luck on Tamer's castle, if you change your mind and decide to join me, another wind caller is always helpfull.

The explosion surely took me unaware, but as the south breeze caresses the hill again I am Reborn into it. I come in front of the castle gates, taking care of staying a little above the ground so I don't activate any explosives. I than break the gate into splinters with a wind blade and proceed to get into the castle.

Let's see what tricks Tamer's got up his sleeve.

In the worse case I'll serve as an distraction for Rose and Absol (if he's still on our side) to try something different.

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... But this is a mountain, and thus higher than a hill... And what, is there like... a pile of treasure buried in the hill or somethin'?

For now, I'll be a neutral force having tea on this mountain... But since you asked nicely, I suppose I'll consider your offer.

It's not safe to go alone take this lol. *gives you a huge vacuum cleaner*

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I'll use that! *vacuums up Ethic and his troops* Ok, so I'll first be installing this beauty *invisibility shield* Unless you have been given the castle imprint, good luck finding it! And to ensure no one except for myself and Notus know where it is *randomized teleportation* The hill will change location every 5 minutes. Good luck. Oh, I'm also queen on the hill

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Suddenly I hear a tremendous noise and the whole castle is gone in the blink of an eye. Only using much power I ain´t gone too, for Rose unleashed the power of...



After settling myself on the now moving hill (and wandering if Absol will find it too) I hear Zephyr´s voice coming from the neighboring kingdom of the mountain

though I see not the reason why you all want the hill so much, this war amuses me in a way.

Can´t you see? Can´t all you guys see? It´s so clear... [song for great revelation starts playing]

How many times did we all die in this fight for the hill? And how long did we stay dead?

Imortality, that´s what this hill is about.

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A kingdom where no one dies and everything is possible... Not a bad idea in my opinion. And either way, kicking ass for eternity sounds fun enough right now.

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*me and my army find ourselves once again involved in some wind related attack, this time by a vaccum cleaner, of all things>.>*

"This is becoming an old tactic, ya know" I shout to whoever it is that did this."

*Tears open hole to distortion world, flies through with my army, reenters the world on the same island that the Twister carried us to*

"Alright, new plan. We'll be building a fortress on this isle instead, it'll be much more easy to defend."

*Again goes into meditative state, builds a massive citadel, fort, and encircling wall on the isle, Enchanting each of them with the power of the Dark, which will turn them into anti-matter each time an attack is launched at it, effectively making the fortifications indestrutable to any attack, whether it be magick or physical.*

"Now, why don't I take a page from Rose, and set about some ellaborate trap..."

*Conjures up massive rock spires to rise form the sea, with guard towers on each of them, each of them are positioned in the eight cardinal directions, forming an octagon around the Island.*

"But these aren't enough, are they?"

Tamer2 replies

"Why make a clock out of them, m' lord?"

"Excellent idea!"

*calls forth four more towers and rearranges them in the waters around the isle to form an completely symetrical clock design. I then conjure up a thick mist that is only visible to anyone not on the isle or in one of the twelve towers (You can't see us, but we can see you clear as day)*


"M' lord, a clock face needs hands to tell the hour."

"Another good point."

*Uses the Aphotic force to conjure up a gargantuan minute and an hour hand out of dark energy, it hovers over the fortress and begins to show the current time.*

"Let's lay traps m' lord, like in the book "Catching Fire" By Suzanna Collins."

"Damn, your just full of good ideas today, aren't you?"

*Sets a trap for intruders in every sliver of the tower-clock system, each one will be activated when the hour for it approaches.*

"Shall we do a lord of the rings type deal with the tower, m' lord."


*A great ball of Black fire hovers over every tower, to set fire inturders in boats or attempting to swim.*

"sir, can we make the mist poison?"

"no, that's enough for the day, let's go see what my traps back at the hill have gotten."

*Walks to the citadel and ascends to the highest level, where Garitina awaits us infront of a table with a sphere of energy hovering over it.*

"Show us what they're doing."

*the sphere shows me as they usurp my castle*

"those traps I laid will come in handy, pits of magma under the floors, arrow dispencer in some of the halls, Gengars in the dungeons to steal the souls of whoever ventures down there, just to name a few. And most notably, my little self-destruct spell, laid into every brick and ounce of mortar in the building, into the very earth of the hill itself, so deep that it can never be removed by anyone by me, woven so delicately and discretely that the two-bit sorceress will never be able to detect it, even if she looked for ten thousand years. All I have to do to activate is speak one certain word of power and visualize the place erupting in a ball of darkness..."

"Sir, shall we dispatch troops?"

"No not yet, let's see just what they do, then we'll make our plans. but Double, I do want you to go to D.C. and deliver a message to Zero and the patriots."

*Gives him the scroll, he takes off on a dragon soldier flying farther out to sea. I decide to place another spell on the Isle, one that will give any invaders instant amnesia, or if their to strong of mind, saps their Strength and their will to fight (wont have any effect on me and my Army, of course)*

"and now I play the waiting game"

*Begins spying*

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Hmmm.... *stares around blandly* Something about the castle feels... Off. The teleportation spell is having to work harder than it should... Notus, Absol, Zephyr, we must check the castle. Something just isn't right

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*walks into castle normally*





*random assault team appears and aims guns at Tamer*


Dun't shuut bois...


Man... I didn't wanna feel like I betrayed you...

I tried to take the peace walk...

I'm sorry bra...

Are we still frends


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