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King Of The Hill

Sir Flash™

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*Calls homeland security in Shady seprpent.*

"Yes, that's right, he just blew up the castle."

*A bunch of FBI and CIA agents descend on the hill and take shady serpent into custody.*

"Have fun in Guantanamo!"

I climb back on the hill and begin watching the setting sun once more.

(King :Kappa: )

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*Rebuilds Mountain Fortress so that it's a lot better*

"well, i'm glad THAT'S out of the way. i've been meaning to improve my Castle for some time now."

*Watches as the craziness continues, leaving Ethic as King*

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*Uses Chronoshift*

*gets back up and sounds an air horn, then throws a pint of pig's blood on rose.

"Well, rose, I think I'll just sit back and let you deal with some of these..."

*Something approaches from the east...*


*It's a herd of walkers!!! they're looking straight at rose! must be the pigs blood...*

"Finish her."

*The walkers tear Rose apart and carry off her corpse as they leave the hill*

"Well, I do believe that I have attained kingship once more."

king :Kappa:

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*Suddenly, the walkers rush at Ethic! he forgot to take off the Blood-soaked gloves he was wearing!*

*Ethic was torn to pieces!*

"oh well, hope he's got Chronoshift on himself again... now, to Zombie-Proof my fortress!"

*builds anti-Zombie Gardens, filling them with Gattling Peas, Melon-pults, and Cob Cannons*

"MUCH better!"


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"Damn Walkers... Eat lead!"

*takes out assault rifle with a silencer on it. Opens fire, making sure that every shot is a head shot. The herd is destroyed before long.*

"That's better. Maester, Burn the bodies!"

"Yes, your grace."

*Maester builds a funeral pyre and burns the bodies.*

"Good, now... let the coronation begin!"

"God... I'm getting to old for this crap..."

'What was that, Grand Maester?"

"Er... nothing, your grace... let us begin..."

All hail his Grace, Ethic, Of the houses Morality and Alpha, The first of his name. King of the the hill and all it's outlying...

*Coronation continues*


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*LOLs at the Maester's remark of age*

"Well, Maester, if you're too old for that stuff, then let it be declared that you are Immortal!"

*Makes the real Maester, who is performing the Ceremony, Immortal, but not invulnerable*

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  • 3 weeks later...

Suddenly a south wind rises. Blades of air cut through the vegetables on the garden, get into the fortress and slice everything inside it (Kenny included) to shreds.

On the bare Hill the destruction goes on too. Ethic is sent blasting away and the only living being left there is the Maester, who looks up in awe as a figure on black clothing aproaches calmly in the midst of the raising storm.


"Shut the fu#% up you annoying character of fantasy story!"

*Kicks Maester Picelle to the stratosphere*

I'm king again, and now I have the ultimate defense!

*Summons the Host Gator to guard the hill*

*Laughs maniacally*

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Ame kicks the Host Gator to the curb. Wouldn't that mean Ame is queen??...Not unless I ask Ame to guard the hill for ME! Quickly dropping poisonous snakes on Notus, I then haul the snakes to the zoo and him to the morgue. I'm queen, Ame's guarding!

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YEAH, Ame rocks! Oh wait, I got killed too. :blink:

Sooo, as that is...

*Throws a Budew at Ame*

*Throws a Mamoswine over Rose*

Guess that's enough. Ma Hill fellas. B)

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I've figured out a way...

*Merges out of the shadows, stabs Rose in the back and throws her into the ocean, where she drowns.*

Now that your out of the way...

*Points out a bug in Reborn to Amethyst*

And you all have a new monarch...


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My Eeveelutions (see avatar) unleash a ultimate combo-attack, which is containing:

Eevee - Shadow Ball

Vaporeon - Hydro Pump

Jolteon - Thunderbolt

Flareon - Flamethrower

Espeon - Psybeam

Umbreon - Dark Pulse

Leafeon - Magical Leaf

Glaceon - Ice Beam

Sylveon - Moonblast

hitting Stratos with their combined force and send him flying!

I'm the new King!

And my Eeveelutions gather around me to protect me from all directions!

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But what about an attack from above? *Talonflame swoops in with Flame Charge, incinerating Notus and Steelix* I'm queen!

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*I send out my Swampert, named Deluge*

"Deluge! get these Usurpers off my Hill!"

Deluge uses hydro pump, and stone edge, effectively destroying Talonflame

"Friend... You know the drill."

*My Gardevoir uses Psychic and tosses Rose of the hill and high into the sky, where Deluge then uses Hydro pump, sending her flying off into the horizon.*

"And so it is as it should be...."

*Climbs to the top of hill and gives myself a coroantion seeing as how that worthless old maester pycel is nowhere to be found*

"I, Ethic, of the houses Morality and Alpha, the first of my name, hereby proclaim myself King of this hill and all it's outlying territories, Lord of the Kingdom of Truth, Defender of the Realm, and Retainer of immortality"

*Crowns myself*

"May all who challenge my claim be met in battle by the Order of the Twilight."

*a small army of OOT members descend from the sky and assemble around the hill, forming a perimeter around it as a rain begins to fall in sheets... almost as if the sky is weeping in Fear of the Sky Slayer's ascent to the throne.*


"Long may I reign!"

the OOT echoes back. in a thunderous chorus


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Hmm, Twighlight sounds like darkness. Those OOT soldiers all must have a Dark Typing. Guess what's strong against Dark Types?

*pulls out the Pokeball of Ryu, my Lucario, and has him use Aura Sphere on the OOT troops, knocking them over like Bowling Pins.*

Ethic was Aura Sphere'd away!

"Now, to deal with Deluge..."

*prepares a SolarBeam on the top of the mountain, which is above the clouds, then pops up behind Deluge and uses the SolarBeam i'd stored up at point blank range*

It's super effective! (X4 damage)

A critical hit!

Deluge Fainted!

*i use Curse on Gardevoir*

It's Super Effective!

A Critical Hit!

Gardevoir Fainted!

I am now King! :kappa:

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^(Kenny... that's not how the mechanics for curse work exactly...)

I come back by phasing into the sunlight to find...

Deluge sprawled out in the dirt, covered in thrid degree burns... they look suspciously like they were caused by an extreme amount of light...

Friend clutching her head rocking back and forth beside deluge...

and the OOT army laying sprawled in the mud, trying to get up...

*Comes down and stands amoung the OOT troops*

"Men, you have shamed our great and ancient order this night." I say, my voice rising to a crescendo over the wind and howling rain.

"What would the Grand Master, the great explainer, the destroyer of misunderstanding, Morgan Freeman..." I pause, taking out a picture of him for effect.


"Think if he knew that you were wiped out by... him, of all people..."

*I point to Kenny*

"But yet... you may redeem yourselves... Slay this latest usurper, and get me my throne back, and I'll keep this between us. so how about it?"

*The OOT troops are rallied by this, and again echo in a thunderous chorus.*


*They surge forward and the top of the hill is engulfed in fighting. Kenny is dragged away before long, and several OOT soldiers strap him to for horses facing opposite directions.... then they startle the horses... what happens to K_H as the all run in opposite directions... ain't pretty.*

"Good. We have an understanding."

*I ascend the hill once more. the rain grows heavier.I snapp my fingers, and Nurse joy appears beside me, along with a blissey*

"Nurse joy, if you would be so kind as to tend to Deluge and Friend's wounds. And don't say that crap "We hope to see you again" line after your done, because I swear to freaking God that every time you do that, somewhere in the world you jinx a trainer to experience horrible defeat. now get to it."

*Joy tends my party's wounds as I pick up the crown and place it on my head once again...*

"And it is as it should be."

king :Kappa:

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A sniper shot was fired from the distance as a warning shot coming from a mount far away from the hill...

It was me! as i look through the scope... along with my companion Cyndaquil giving firing orders who to shoot next while looking at his cute tiny binoculars.

"Quil!" Reloading! Blissey?! you got it boss... boom! HeadSHOT.you tanky mofo..

"Quil!" Reloading!That Guy with the crown?...boom! HEADSHOT.. bye king cyndaquil sends his regards

"Quil!" Reloading! Nurse Joy? hmmm... i don't know boss shes kinda hot.. maybe we should spare her..

"Quil! quil!" quil!"

*The hill is vacant*

while i look at Nurse Joy through the scope like a perv..

"thats right you sexy little thing, you like healing balls don't you? you naughty nurse you.. turn around for daddy."

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*Respawns next to Otto, my Oshawott and closest friend*

suddenly, Ethic is taken out by Typhlosionrules.

*Warps in just behind him*

"Hey, King Cyndaquil, You forgot to get rid of your nemesis, Emperor Oshawott!"

*Otto uses Razor Shell*

it's super effective!

a critical hit!

Cyndaquil fainted!

~~~ Typhlosionrules was FusRoDah'd by K_H ~~~

*Typhlosion hits the ground just in front of the OOT troops, who weren't on the hill when he Sniped Ethic*

"OOT troops! this person is charged with the Latest Usurping of the Hill! Do as you will with him!"

*I Warp Ryu, Otto, and myself to my mountain fortress, where we watch as the OOT troops messily get rid of Typhlosionrules*

"Well, i'd say that means Ethic is King. Is that right or is that right, Ethic! Maester, Begin the Ceremony!"


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