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King Of The Hill

Sir Flash™

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*Appears out of nowhere from a void portal* *Casts a dark spell around the necros, sending their spirit to rest in peace and happiness in the afterlife*

This chaos needs to stop! You have all been tainted by the corrupt greed and vanity, you foolish humans. This hill has been long in need of a new order and mankind has presented itself unworthy. Therefore, you shall be anihilated.

I am Telos, Ruler of the Limbo, Emperor of the Purgatory and Wielder of the Eternal Void.

And i hereby declare myself King and God of the new world hill.

Bow to me and worship me!

(( oops, i think i overdid it. ))

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"Telos, let me give you a bit of advice...

'Judge not, lest ye be Judged.'

and since you called yourself God, i think there's someone out there who would like a word with you."

*God Warps in on His own Decision*

"I Shall Smite Thee for thy Hubris of the Greatest Magnitude, Mortal."

~~~Telos Met His Maker~~~

*God warps out*

and here's the Lesson: Don't call yourself a God unless you really are a God.


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"Are you sure its a hill?"

*the hill turns into a volcano as it erupts and Rose was devoured in flames and buried in lava*


*the volcano turns into a hill again.((cause i said so :Kappa: )) and reclaimed it once more*


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*Unleashes a Fairy Type Pokemon on Tempest*

~~~Tempest and Midnight were Moonblast'd away~~~

King. :Kappa:

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Guess who just sent me back up to the Surface?


and now you've got an Angry Legendary to deal with.

~~~Notus was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting Groudon~~~

King :Kappa:

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Surprise! that was only a Clone of mine! AND I've got a little friend of mine as Backup...

*Unleashes Zekrom on Rosesong and Kyogre*

~~~Rosesong was struck by lightning~~~

I'm not taking Kingship, though.

*Declares Stratos as King*


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*Sits on hill reading the morning paper as I wait for another challenger to my claim to arise...*

"Come on... you greedy bastards... I know there's still more of you out there..."

*Continues reading paper*

Edited by Stratos
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*Shuckle at +6 Defense from Defense Curl uses Power Trick and makes it's fifth Rollout over Rose and Ethic.*

You guys are soo dead... XD

#Notus for King 2014 ^_^

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*while laying crushed on the ground...*

"damn you...No...tus..."

*Raises pistol and preforms the Dead man's ten seconds, however completely misses Notus and ends up hitting rose instead, killing her, yet still thinking I hit the intended target*

"There...Notus... If I'm going down, then.... you are too..."


and so the hill lay empty, awaiting the next usurper to the throne...

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"So I'll claim it and leave Kenny as the king." Byron says, leaving Kenny - still unconcious - in the ground. Then, he remembers he should be on the RP section and runs away.

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*This Thread's version of me implements a Tamper-proof Cloning Device in my Mountaintop Castle, and activates it*

after a while, a Massive Rumble is heard as a giant Army of my Cones approaches the Hill.

one of the Clones appears to be the leader, and yells out an order.


then, an Army ten thousand strong Bum-rushes the hill, yelling out war-cries.

~~~Rosesong was trampled to death by an Army of Clones~~~

As this happens, I watch from my Castle, extremely amused. I then abdicate Kingship to Absol, and give him a Pokeball-Proof set of Armor that I Custom-designed for him specifically, and it fits perfectly. (This Armor will block any kind of Pokeball, including Masterballs.)

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