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King Of The Hill

Sir Flash™

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The joke's on you! these Suits are Airtight! and they also have a Built-in Teleporter, so yeah.

*Teleports back to Earth's upper Atmosphere, and falls onto Notus' Head.*

~~~Notus was GoombaStomp'd by K_H~~~

*Absol is teleported next to me a few seconds later.*

Mind if i Drop In? :Kappa:

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I'm a wind caller, I felt your presence in the Atmosphere.

*steps aside*

*Kenny falls face first on the ground and goes splash.*

And I have another welcome gift for Absol.

*Modest Xerneas at +6 Sp.Attack holding a Life Orb Moonblasts both Absol and Kenny's remnants away*

Still King.

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Guess who respawned back in his Castle, still as a Shiny Lucario?

Me. :Kappa:

and i'll just use this handy little Lazer O' Doom that's on one of my Castle's Turrets to obliterate both you and the Hill, Ty.


And now the Hill is a Smoldering Crater. (Here's what it looks like from my Castle:)

So yeah. I'm a total Badass. King, too. B)

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"God what happened xD, it felt like a bunch of bats were cramping my style... Anyways we're kings again!!!

Or not...

Hmmm... "

*mega evolves and sucker punches*

"I get the feeling that won't do anything...."

Edited by Absol-lutelty awesome!
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*Sneaks up behind Notus, Mega-Evolved.*

Thanks for the Distraction, Absol!

*Initiate Battle Sequence against Notus, Rose, and Sylveon*

Kenny used Rock Slide!

It's Super Effective against the Foe Notus! (You're a Wind Caller, so you've got a Flying Typing on you.)

A critical Hit against the Foe Rosesong!

Notus Fainted!

Rosesong Fainted!

the foe Sylveon used Moonblast, but it missed!

Kenny used Bullet Punch!

It's Super Effective against the foe Sylveon!

the Foe Sylveon Fainted!

*End Battle Sequence*

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*Sand Storm appears out of nowhere*

"Hippowdon i don't like these peasants fighting and dancing over my hill, clean them up"

*Hippowdon use Earthquake killing everyone.*


Edited by typhlosionrulez
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Otto, FIRE!


Otto used Surf!

*Hippowdon and Typhlosion are blasted away by the Wall of Water*

Nice Shot!

It was easy!

Me, Otto, and Absol are all Kings of the Hill! :Kappa:

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whats a Oshawott's surf to an Defensive Impish Hippowdon under a sandstorm? :Kappa:

"I don't like this hill to many kings, destroy this hill."

*Hippowdon use Fissure, hill crumbles, burying absol, K_H, otto along with it.*

no king, no hill. just me and hippowdon chilling at the back. laughing at your lifeless bodies. B)

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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Volcanic Nation mate, fire is home to us.

That said...

*Mega Garchomp uses Earthquake!*

... Killing Temp and creating a new hill in the process.


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Fissure is inaccurate... you got lucky that time, Ty!

(By the way, the Earthquake missed me and Otto, while also freeing Absol, by some miracle of miracles.)

*Otto uses Dig to get me and himself under the new Hill, and spends both Turns doing so. when he finished, we were still underground, ready to make a move when the time is right*

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