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King Of The Hill

Sir Flash™

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Lucario's HP is not insanaly high, your argument is invalid.

*Kenny is erased from existance due to the HP paradox*

*Absol randomly explodes*

Yay, using the randomness against it's own master XD

Soo king again.

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Suddenly, my voice comes from out of this plane of Existence!

"So, you thought you could beat me that way, huh? Well, i've got news for you: You're wrong!"

*Pops up in my Castle, because no one can Wipe anyone else out of Existence in this Thread.*

all of a sudden, The Hill gets turned into a Black Hole by Morgan Freeman, killing Notus. As it turns out, we were mistaken all along: that was the wrong hill!

*Morgan Freeman appears next to the Respawned Notus*

"Attempting to wipe others from the Fabric of Reality... do you realize the seriousness of that Crime? it's worse than what he did to get put on probation... much worse."

*MF makes Notus fly off to the North Pole, where he will live in Exile*

Me and Absol are Co-Kings again! B)

How's THAT?

Edited by K_H
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A phone rings, and Morgan picks up. "Just a moment Kenny." he says, walking away for a second.

Morgan comes back with a worried face. "Oh well, guess what, Notus was the one paying my cache to act in this game. Therefore, I think I'll need to get him back here."

*Notus respawns in front of Kenny.*

"Ok, thanks Morgan. Now, about this usurper..."

*kicks Kenny out of the window, watching as he falls down hill*

King of the Hill. (and Castle)

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sorry to disappoint you, but the Castle is on a MOUNTAIN, not a hill.

*Morgan Freeman warps out, leaving Notus wrongly thinking that he's King*

*I respawn back in the Castle*

*Warps Notus to the Topmost Spire of the Castle, coming along with him*

"Get Out Of My Castle, B&TCH!"

~~~K_H went Fus Ro, and Notus Dah'd~~~

Much better. now that i've cleared the air on the subject, I'd say that Absol and I are Kings of the Hill. Absol's already on the Hill, too. by the way, Stratos was the one who introduced MF, not you.

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hey, you critted me, but i made sure that it only did a glancing blow on you (Meaning half of what it would normally do), so the Damage we did to each other is roughly even.

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Pfft. I was in my Castle. You didn't get me. Ergo, you've got one freakin' huge Aura Sphere flying right at your face.


yup, just as i thought, you died in that explosion. Me and Absol are Kings.

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