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King Of The Hill

Sir Flash™

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fuck it

Abra used teleport

Abra brought a angry dragonite

angry dragonite sees exlink

Cornerman yell's: exlink run dude

dragonite grabs exlink and fly's away

Bye bye exlink

Abra used teleport and brought absol back

I'm king and absol is safe and sound near.......... here.......... somewhere.....

(I lost him out of sight, Where is he)

Edited by Cornerman
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lol Absol

though I assume that you're allowed to be violent here; just not in other places XD this is KOTH after all

on that note I shall make this hill tree over here my kingdom. Don't mind me, I just want to watch the carnage.

and don't any of you dare steal and/or destroy my cookies

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*A cloaked man mystically appears from the shadows*

"Be warn Zephyr, for tis not a safe place for your cookies, some man will take those cookies, others might destroy it. you only put yourself in danger entering and introducing those fine delicious treats in this place, now if you'll excuse me i have some unfinished business to attend to."

*pulls a 44 magnum against Cornerman's head and blow his head off*

"There is no king"

*fades into the shadows while eating one of Zephyr's cookies*

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*Flys back to hill on Dragonite*

I am Dovakin

*Looks down at Absol then pushes her back down the hill but gives her a Sanic Cookie*

*flys back to the top with a song playing in the background*

Edited by EXLink32
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Thats painful dude getting mah head blown-up, luckily it grew back

So Exlink is the king now hhhmmmmm.....

idea, abra do -whisper-whisper-whisper- alright.

A little while later exlink dies of to long exposure to very bad music

as he screamed in agony and had a headset stuck on his head

Srry buddy, pushes exlink body of the hill

I'm King now

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-Beam comes straight for Lonk-


-beam hits lonk-

"I'm finished... LOL jk!"

-Lonk floats down and light rays surround him-

"Thanks Palutena, If it wasn't for you I'd be finished."

"No problem Lonk now go Super Lonk!"


-Chaos emeralds surround Lonk-

-Chaos emeralds go into Lonk-

-Lonk is now Super Lonk-

"Time for Lonk's ultimate move!"

-Lonk uses Super Manly Hug then stares into Absol-

-Absol becomes a Lonk-

-Does same for Corner-

Lonk is love Lonk is life

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  • 2 months later...

You don't threaten me!

*removes Kenny's oxygen mask*, *uses it*, *stabs Kenny in the throat just to make sure*, *swims back up to the surface*, *gets naked so clothes can get dry*, it starts raining, *blames his luck*, *gets dressed quickly and runs up the hill*, luckily door still open, *enters*, *kings himself officially*

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You were wearing an oxygen mask, due to the chemical warfare I had unleashed against you weeks ago...
Bury me into the ground or throw me in the deepest part of the ocean, I shall still find a way to the surface. My armor gets no residual damage

*throws massive heavy arrow towards your castle* *it breaks through walls and lands just above your head, slicing your hat in half*

Consider this a warning.

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