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Fates: Create Your Own Unit


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Opportunist (Beruka)

Fierce Rival (Selena)

Competitive (Takumi)

Lucky Charm (Midori)

Class: Mercenary (Promotes to Hero, also promotes to Bow Knight)


>Fierce Rival (When Wendel is the supporting unit, if the front unit triggers a critical hit, Wendel is guaranteed to critical hit)

>Armsthrift (Attacks do not reduce weapon durability Luck x2)

>Good Fortune (At start of every turn, Wendel has a chance of recovering 20% of his hp based on his Luck(%))

>Sol (Restores HP equal to the amount of damage inflicted upon the enemy)

>Counter (Inflicts damage back to the enemy when Wendel is attacked)

>Swordfaire (Grants 5 additional damage when using a sword/katana)


HP 50%, Strenght 60%, Magic 0%, Skill 50%, Speed 30%, Luck 50%, Defense 45%, Resistance 25%


+4 Strength, -3 Magic, +2 Skill, +3 Luck, +1 Defense, -1 Resistance


Killing Edge (Increases Critical Chance)

Steel Axe (Ability to double -3)



>"So... Was that it?"

>"Come on! You can do more!"

>"Oh please... That was TOO easy."


>"Man... I almost pity you... almost."

>"Aaaaand another one gone."

When supporting another unit:

>(with female ally) "Hey, how you doin'?"

>"Looks like you need some help."

> (with male ally) "You know, I'd rather be with someone else right now."

>"Let's get this over with"

When Dual-Guarding another unit:
>"How about no?"
> Not on my watch!"

>"Do you REALLY think you can do that?"

>"Yooooo... nooooo..."


>"Bye bye~"

>"Off to the chopping block!"

>"This is what you get from messing with ME!"

>"*sigh* Let's get this over with."


>"Ow... my... my spleen..."

Deepest Sleeper in the army

Edited by Wendel
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Personals: Bushido (Ryoma), Noble Cause (Shiro), In Extremis (Scarlet)

Class: Myrmidon - promotes to Swordmaster / Weapon Master

(screw Samurai, I'll be the cooler counterpart of all the other games! ... seriously, why doesn't Nohr have a Myrmidon class?)


> Personal Skill: Bushido (When own level higher or equal to support partners -> Critical Rate +10, Damage dealt +2, Damage recieved -2)

> Sol (Restores HP equal to half the amount of damage done to the enemy - Activation Chance: Skill/2 in %)

> Death Blow (When user triggers the battle, Critical rate +20 - Passive)

> Leathality (Chance to instantly kill the enemy - Activation Chance: Skill/4 in %)

> Astra (Chance to strike the enemy 5 times with 1/2 of the normal damage [every single hit has a chance to be a critical hit] - Activation Chance: Skill/2 in %)

> Lancebreaker (Hit/Evade +50, when enemy equipped with a Lance)

[GOD it was so painful to choose... you know... if there was a reveres Duelist Blow (gain Evade when the ENEMY attacks), I would have chose that instead of Sol]


HP: 40%, Strength: 50%, Magic 0%, Skill 60%, Speed 60%, Luck 40%, Defense 25%, Resistance 30%


0 Strength, - 3 Magic, + 3 Skill, + 2 Speed, +1 Luck, 0 Defense, +1 Resistance


> Killing Edge (A highly potent and Lethal Sword. High Crit rate and increased Critical damage, -10 evade)

> Sunrise Katana (A Blade suitable for defensive Combat. low damage, high Evade)

[> Practice Katana (Light as a feather, and used in training. Additional bonus on speed)] - yeah I know only one side-arm... but I like my Practice Katana +2 in game :P

since everyone is adding quotes and such - I'll be adding quotes and such to mine now, too! (character in the spoiler tag above for reference)


A wandering swordsman, who fights for justice where ever it is needed! He might not be the strongest or toughest, but his swiftness makes up for it!



> Justice ain't gonna dispense itself!

> My Blade is yours.

> Justice smiles upon us.

> They won't see us coming.

Dual Guarding:

> Not today!

> Look out! (to Partner)

> Why are you even trying?

> YOU cannot judge us!

Dual Attacking:

> Not enough?

> For Justice!

> I'm not done yet!

> In the name of justice!

Assisted victory:

> Nicely done!

> He, you're not half bad.

> Swift like the wind.

> Hmmm...

Critical / Skill Activation:

> You're finished!

> Ha! Game Over, pal!

> Justice will be done!

> Through my Blade Justice is served!


> Justice is served.

> Gone with the wind...

> Verdict: Guilty!

> Hmpf...


> (Casual) Damn it! - Justice has to wait another day...

> (Classic) Is it... over? There is only... darkness before... me...

> (Voice Clip) I have been... judged?


Low: Injustice!

Normal: As expected.

High: For Great Justice!

Capped: Guess that's my limit...

Promotion: With this I can serve justice a lot better.

Edited by Cepheus
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...wait, what did I do?

As for an explanation on the skills-

Icy Blood was because I married and have a new appreciation for Flora don't really like hot weather and am way more at home in colder weather; Supportive because I feel like I'm better off assisting people that do the things they do better than I do; Competitive for the same reason but at the same time, the opposite mentality- "someone is doing <thing> better than me but I want to be good at my own thing too grumble grumble"; and Gallant for the same reason as Supportive in a different form. I'm not especially confident in my own ability and therefore I feel like I would sooner be able to help someone else shine brighter.

[2:36:20 AM] [REDACTED]: fierce rival was pretty much directly calling inuki out

[2:49:49 AM] [REDACTED]: certain blow was so i could hint towards a bow preference without having a bow class

[2:49:57 AM] [REDACTED]: strong riposte because i don't pick fights, i end them

[2:50:01 AM] [REDACTED2]: LOL

[2:50:14 AM] [REDACTED2]: i stomp kids

[2:50:16 AM] [REDACTED2]: -ikaru

[2:50:34 AM] [REDACTED]: replicate tbh was because my flame preference in Reborn! was Mist and i thought illusions were the coolest shit

[2:50:42 AM] [REDACTED]: (they still are)

[2:56:12 AM] [REDACTED]: i picked solidarity because i would probably be a tactician type if that were in this game as not-DLC

[2:56:23 AM] [REDACTED]: and for a bit of replicate synergy

[2:56:33 AM] [REDACTED]: would have been inspiration but i don't especially consider myself one of those

[2:56:50 AM] [REDACTED]: and axebreaker because we already have weapon advantage but we're driving it home FUCK AXES

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Partner Seal/Friendship Seal options....(seriously if you're a girl and you play Fire Emblem, we're still recruiting....please...)

by process of who's already here.

Ame (Dark Mage) - Lots of disagreement - but easily the one who knows the most about me to start with. #2Deep5Mesupportchain

Zumi (Diviner) - Zumi is a liar, I'M the biggest coffee drinker in the army.

Tom (Sheep - Monk) - Theology for days. - Probably the male I'd most likely S rank with. (good on you, mate.)


Mael (Fighter) - Another argument driven support - but this time on the concept independent combat vs fighting alongside allies. Alcohol gets us on the right foot.

Jacob (Cavalier) - This has all the makings of a macho-contest. I'd wager we'd settle something in a horse race or a joust.

Cobalt (Ninja) - Cobalt seems like a Kaze all-routes character. Is easy-going incorrect? We'd get along after I got off my high horse.

Krim (Wyvern Rider) - "Riding a dragon can't be that difficult, right?" (Gives me access to Wyvern Lord anyway.)

Ikaru (Dark Mage) - I'd probably offer to coach him on confidence, and be overtly brash about it to the point where he gets angry - and then I praise him.

Inno (Archer) - I would get frustrated and perhaps jealous *never ever* over Inno's proficiency with a bow, and he would be kind and help me train.

Child (Ladies and distinguished others, you can have your own as well - it's not just locked to men in this thread.):

Nona (Hunter's daughter, a rebellious youth who like her father, enjoys dispute, but doesn't care for people all that well.)

Class: Outlaw (Promotes to Adventurer/Bow Knight) (Her father is a Bow Knight, therefore Adventurer it is. Dad isn't cool.)

Growths/Mods: Same as Mothers...(She'd better hope a Shining Bow exists at this point. Girls and magic, man...)

Personals: Sisterhood (Soliel), Opportunist (Beruka), Rose's Thorns (Camilla), Vendetta (Rhajat), Icy Blood (Flora)


> Vendetta (when Nona attacks a unit that she has already engaged in combat with previously, attack increases.)

> Locktouch (can open doors and chests without keys.)

> Strong Riposte (attack increases when counterattacking.)

> Mother's basic skill

> Life and Death (damage given and taken increases by 10)

> Mother's promotion skill

> Tomebreaker (Hit/Avoid +50 if attacked with a tome/scroll)

Nona picks up her cravings for argument from her father - who just so happens to be her favorite opponent, to the point where she becomes emotionally driven and the argument devolves into personal attacks and her own feelings being hurt. Hunter's emphasis on doing the right thing causes her oppositional personality to drive her into criminal activity, preferring those of the same sex over the opposite sex, atheism over piety, and perhaps the worst of it all, preferring fending for herself over helping others - making her a difficult ally to work with.

However, once won over, she becomes an absolute force to be reckoned with - and most of her supports will likely focus on people making strong appeals to her.

Nothing, Ikaru. I'm just calling people out because I want to. I thought Inuki and your avatar were the same last night and blamed him for double dipping, and I remembered why.

This thread is really fun. Good job me.

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I'll make myself a Nohrian class, I guess. I'll keep these ideas, though.

Personal Skills
Vow of Friendship (Silas)
Optimist (Setsuna)
Daydream (Nina)

Competitive (Takumi)
Pride (Hayato)



>#1: "I'm just too fast for ya!"
>#2: "Easy!"

>#3: "Well, that was boring."

>#4: "Aw, yeah!"

Assisted Victory

>#1: "Hey, I coulda handled that."

>#2: "Heh, thanks."

>#3: "That was useful."

>#4: "I guess I did need your help."


>#1: "I mean, if you need my help."

>#2: "I gotcha, friend."

>#3: "Try not to miss."

>#4: "They don't stand a chance."

Dual Guard

>#1: "Are you paying attention?!"

>#2: "You're more useful alive than dead!"

>#3: "It's not over yet!"

>#4: "Leave no opening!"

Dual Attack

>#1: "My turn!"

>#2: "Not enough!"

>#3: "I'll finish this!"

>#4: "There's an opening!"

Critical/Skill Activation

>#1: "I see a weak point!"

>#2: "Try and dodge this!"

>#3: "Who's the frail one here?!"

>#4: "I'd hope for a miracle, if I were you!"

Level up

>0-1: "Um... I just didn't want to make you all feel like you're lagging behind!"

>2-3: "Not bad, I'd say. But obviously not my best."

>4+: "Did you expect any less of me?"

>Capped: "Oh well. My best is amazing, anyway."

>Promotion: "I'm always learnin' new ways to impress ya."

On Death
>Retreating (Casual): "Gya, that hurt! I better get out of here before I lose anything important."

>Retreating (Classic): "Sorry, Corrin, but I can no longer help your cause. I'm out of here before these wounds get any worse."

>Death: "Was that really the best I could do..? Guess I'll be just as useful soon..."

Inno (A Nohrian bandit with narcissistic tendencies. His love for his allies is second only to his love for himself.)

Outlaw (promotes to Adventurer or Bow Knight)
>Promotion Preference: Adventurer

Personal Skill: Competitive (When user is the lead unit and their Level is lower than their support unit’s Level, Critical rate +10, damage +3 and damage received -1)
Skill #1: Locktouch (User can open doors and chests without requiring keys)
Skill #2: Miracle (Luck% chance of leaving the user with 1 HP when they have 2 or more HP)
Skill #3: Death Blow (When user triggers the battle, Critical rate +20)
Skill #4: Lifetaker (When user triggers the battle, recover 50% HP after defeating the enemy)
Skill #5: Bowfaire (When user is equipped with a Bow, damage +5 during battle)

HP: 30% | Str: 45% | Mag: 30% | Skl: 35% | Spe: 40% | Luk: 35% | Def: 20% | Res: 20%

HP: +0 | Str: +3 | Mag: +1 | Skl: +2| Spe: +2 | Luk: +0 | Def: -1 | Res: -2

>As Outlaw: Killer Bow (C Rank, 7 Might, 75 Accuracy, 25 Crit, -10 Avoid, 2 Range, Effect: Critical hits deal 4x damage)
>As Adventurer: Shining Bow (C rank, 13 Might, 70 Accuracy, 0 Crit, -20 Avoid, 1~2 Range, Effect: Magic weapon, cannot trigger critical hits or special skills)
>As Bow Knight: Killer Bow (C Rank, 7 Might, 75 Accuracy, 25 Crit, -10 Avoid, 2 Range, Effect: Critical hits deal 4x damage)

>As Outlaw: Mini Bow (D Rank, 7 Might, 75 Accuracy, 0 Crit, -10 Avoid, 1 Range, Effect: N/A)
>As Adventurer: Killer Bow (C Rank, 7 Might, 75 Accuracy, 25 Crit, -10 Avoid, 2 Range, Effect: Critical hits deal 4x damage)
>As Bow Knight: Armorslayer (D Rank, 9 Might, 95 Accuracy, 0 Crit, 0 Avoid, 1 Range, Effect: Effective against armoured units, Might and Hit rate reduced otherwise

Staff of Choice (As an Adventurer)

Rescue (D Rank, 1~10 Range, 2 Uses, Effect: Moves an ally next to the user)

Edited by InnocentBoy
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I'm doing a Hoshidan character this time. I may come back and do a child unit, but seeing as I don't want any kids I may not.

As for supports I may be interested in, for right now, I can say a support between Dmetri and Hunter would be amusing. And of course, my boys Ikaru and Inuki and Krim. :]


Personal Skill(s): Pride (Hayato), Forceful Partner (Gunter), Puissance (Muscles), Fearsome Blow (Hana), Playthings (Selkie)

Class: Samurai > Swordmaster or Master of Arms


  • Personal Skill: Fearsome Blow: When Amund triggers the battle and defeats an enemy, enemies adjacent to the Amund have their HP reduced by 20%
  1. Lethality: Skill x 0.25% chance of instantly defeating the enemy when dealing 1 or more damage
  2. Astra: Skill x 0.5% chance of triggering 5 consecutive hits with half damage
  3. Life and Death: During battles, damage +10, damage received +10
  4. ​Quixotic: User and enemy’s Hit rate +30 and skill activation rate +15% during battle
  5. Grisly Wound: The enemy’s HP is reduced by 20% after the battle

HP: 45%, Str: 45%, Mag: 20%, Skl: 45%, Spe: 50%, Lck: 20%, Def: 35%, Res: 25%
As Master of Arms:
HP: 65%, Str: 60%, Mag: 20%, Skl: 55%, Spe: 60%, Lck: 30%, Def: 45%, Res: 25%

Str +3, Spe +2, Skl +2, Res -3, Mag -4, Lck -2

Venge Katana: Might is doubled when enemy initiates the battle
Fuga's Club: Speed +3, Defense/Resistance -3; after battle, Strength/Skill -2 (stats recover by 1 each turn)
Spear: Cannot double attack, enemy's ability to double attack +5

Roster description:
A hot-headed Hoshidan warrior, always covered in wounds and bandages. A strong believer in the saying "If you want something done right, do it yourself." Prides himself in his strength, and prefers to fight his battles alone. Tends to get a big head. The most likely to hurt themselves in the army.


"...Was it worth it?"
"You were in my way."
"There's no room for 'mercy' in war."
"Sorry, but... I did what had to be done."

Assisted Victory
"Oh... didn't see him there."
"Damn. Now I owe you one."
"Man, you're strong... almost as strong as me!"
"Appreciate the help, but you didn't have to do that."

"I've got your back."
"Watch yourself."
"Right behind you."
"Don't get yourself killed."
"If you die, I'll kill you!"

Dual Guard

"It's not your time yet!"
"I said watch yourself!!"
"I've got this one!"
"Get your head out of the clouds!"

Dual Attack
"I'll take 'em!"
"Trying to get yourself killed, I see!"
"Rookie mistake!"
"You're gonna lose it all!"
"Sorry, but this is the end for you."

"End of the line!"
"Why don't you sit this one out... Permanently."
"That's enough back lip."
"Give me strength!"
"Time's up."

Retreating (Casual) - "Huh... suddenly my body isn't moving the way it's supposed to. I'll fall back here, for now.."
Death - "Haha... What's the point of having friends if you never depend on them.... This is what happens when you try to do everything by yourself..."

Level Up
0-1 growth(s) - "...C'mon..."
2-3 growths - "Please be strength, please be strength, please be strength...."
4-5 growths - "Thaaat's more like it."
6+ growths - "Where is all this strength coming from?"
0-1 growths, most stats capped - "Looks like this is the end of the road."

Promotion/Class Change
"As long as the path keeps extending forward, I will walk it."

To explain myself

Ok so this time I went with another personality I sometimes exhibit, but this character really doesn't share that much with me. I don't find myself strong, and I certainly don't find myself strong enough to fight my own battles. Hell, I'm overwhelmed with the prospect of work and college that I can't help but lean on Ikaru and Miguel and Krim and others, or otherwise run the risk of having a panic/anxiety attack. But this is a part of me that's very small but close to home. The idea to want to do everything by myself, and to run away from everything I don't want to deal with. I don't know how well I drove the point home but, that's what it was supposed to be.

Amund means something like "protected by the sword," but it can also mean "sword's edge," and that is really what I was gunning for.

Personal Skill Selection: I choose Puissance for him because he takes great pride in his strength. It's something I do too, granted, I don't have as much of it.
Pride, because he has a lot of it. I have a tendency to be testy when my pride is on the line.
Forceful Partner, because he's the type of person to be like that, and he's not opposed to helping his allies in the slightest. Receiving help back is what he doesn't like.
Playthings, because of how strong he is. Everything around him might as well be his playthings, in his head.

Finally, Fearsome Blow for the same reason. I was thinking something like, the damage he causes can't be contained within a single person, and he darts from enemy to enemy. If that makes sense.

I chose his class as Samurai because it's a fast class, and when it promotes to Master of Arms, he'd get a very high Strength cap, as well as good weapon ranks, making him a well versed, but at the same time, simple character. Strong and fast, but squishy on the res side, and decent on the def side, with a lot of HP.

For skills, the reason I chose Lethality as his first skill was because... it's cool. It's a flashy skill to start right off the bat with, and it establishes him as someone who's strong enough to take out any enemy in one blow. In his case, it's less about striking certain points, but more blowing them the fuck away.
Astra, because, like aforementioned above, it's flashy. It's a good skill, and in the Samurai line, and it's strong. And Amund wants to be really strong.
Life and Death, because all fights are like this. It's in the Samurai tree, and he fights with all he's got. If it wasn't enough, then it wasn't enough, and he's okay with that result.
Quixotic, for the same reason as life and death.
Grisly Wound, to compliment Fearsome Blow, to an extent. He's really strong, right? So if you sustain a big injury from him, it's definitely gonna leave a mark. Also, while he's not exactly depending on others, he's setting it up so that, worse case scenario, they can come behind him and clean up. It also makes for good strategy, as he doesn't mind following a plan, so long as they win in the end.

For weapons, I chose the Venge Katana, because while he may be a hothead, he's very experienced in battle, he knows what he's doing.
Fuga's Club, because it's a very good club weapon, without a real bad downfall, and, finally,
The Spear, because it's nice to have a ranged weapon, especially a lance, as it has high accuracy. I decided it was better than its sword counterpart because it was stronger, and better than it's axe counterpart because it's more accurate.

Also if you only looked at my last post once, I recommend rereading it, I've been adding more and more to it (granted, due to forgetfulness, but still--), and it's worth the reread if you care anything about my character development.

Edited by Spade
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1. Personal Skills:

Veteran's Intuition (Ike/Vanguards)- critical evade +15

Fierce Mien (Benny)- Avoid -10 to all enemy unit within a 2 tile radius of this unit.

Puissance (Ellie)- When Mael’s Strength is 5 or more points higher than the enemy’s, damage increases by 3.

Pragmatic (Leon)- When enemy’s HP is not full, damage +3 and damage received -1 during the battle

Fierce Rival (Selena)- When Mael is the support unit, if the front unit triggers a critical hit, he is guaranteed a critical hit (if his attack connects).

So first things first, I'd probably be a Frederick type character in that I already come promoted. Considering my age and actual training for combat, as well as some training in aikido, judo, fencing, grappling, and wrestling, it just makes sense. So yeah, I'd be a hero with sword and axe mastery as opposed to a berserker with just axes. The question is whether I'd join at the beginning of the game or later on.

Fierce Mien because I look like the opposite of an easy target. I walk down dark alleys unaccosted and perhaps frighten anybody else walking through it too.

Puissance- it means "great power, influence, or prowess." I have a lot of power and weight, and I know how to use it. And if I am that much stronger than an opponent, then I'm just gonna go in and manhandle that person and break some things.

Pragmatic- I'm not about all that self-doubt. I came up with my own morals and reasons for them long ago. And so I'm more decisive than the usual protagonist at the beginning of their stories, where they wonder about certain things and are unsure of where they stand or what they would be willing to do or not do. If my interest is ending the fight so we can move on and suffer fewer casualties, I'm gonna be pragmatic about it. Like if I get into a fight with someone at a bar and they pull out a knife because they're losing, the first thing I'm gonna do is grab a chair and beat them down with it. Pragmatic. ^_^

Fierce Rival- If any of you all think you can outpower and outstrike me, Imma show you how to do it. If you crit and they survive, I'm definitely gonna use that opening to show you what a critical looks like. And with my heavy hand, you know it's gonna do some damage.

Description- My style and temperament lend me a tendency to attack enemies from a far side by myself so I can pull more enemies towards me and away from allies. Or I'll just outright try to assassinate enemy leadership because I believe I can stand toe to toe with them while disregarding their underlings. I almost chose Pass as a skill for this purpose. Anyways, heavy damage dealing tank is me, but without some of the really heavy armor.

3. Skills

A. [Personal] Veteran's intuition- critical evade +15

B. Vantage- Strike first during an enemy attack when HP is under half

C. Sol- Recover HP equal to half the damage dealt to the enemy

D. Death Blow-When user triggers the battle, Critical rate +20

E. Counter-When an adjacent enemy triggers the battle, user deals the full damage back at the enemy.

F. Tomebreaker- Hit rate and Avoid +50 when the enemy is equipped with a Tome or Scroll

G. Agressor- when unit initiates battle, Damage +7 [Dread Fighter]

Vantage- I know enough from fencing and other martial sports that if I'm starting to dip in health, I'm gonna be the one moving to control the tempo of the fight and strike first.

Sol- that rib looks scrumptious, lad.

Death Blow- when I fight, I'm going for that KO. I don't fox around with speedy little jabs and combos. Stun set up or speed in, I'm gonna step in and lay you out. Or do something else that will make you stop fighting right away.

Counter- Ask Godot, I can take hit so I can hit you back even harder with the opening your own attack just made. Call it the No Guard of Fire Emblem/fights. Also, you CAN'T close the distance with me and have me NOT use my size and strength in really close quarters to my advantage.

Tomebreaker- Being the aware fellow that I am, I know that my resistance will probably leave a lot to be desired (besides speed) so I will have come to learn how to anticipate magic attacks. You know, like seeing you hooded hooligans standing there mumbling your spells or making those big readable gestures before launching them magics.

Agressor- see pragmatic and death blow. if I sidequest and choose to go an even darker, brutal path, I will be pulling no punches and will not just going for ko's, but as many ko's/deaths in as little time as possible.

Character #2

If I had to make another character, I'd probably end up as a bowknight (swords, bows) and either get Point Blank (can hit enemies one square away with bows) or make up a new personal that would let me retaliate attacks from one square away with a sword from my held items even if I'm currently equipped with a bow. I'm pretty sure I'd know when to switch from a bow to melee.

Character support

Cepheus- there'd probably be some competitive rivalry and arguments about the pros and cons between my style of deliberate, overwhelming force and his speedy, flashy style (astra, assassinate)

Hunter- as he has already mentioned above.

Victor- Hard to say with his choice of skills and lack of character description. I'd probably joke around, calling him a lucky charm. Or I'd have him distract the enemy magic flingers so I can decimate them with a flanking maneuver.

Cobalt- probably start off with me telling him to go help the people who need help- ie, not me. then it would probably change into a mouse and the lion type scenario.

Krim- I'd be interested in his undead wyvern. And I also dislike the heat. I'd also like to learn how to fight from a mount. I hate traveling distances on foot, but I'm more comfortable fighting on foot than from a mounted position. But then later reveal that I hate heights.

Inno- could be one of those ones where he's trying to be friendly or ask about stuff and I'd be put off by his over-friendliness. Perhaps overcome by sharing notes on weak points of the human anatomy or something. idk.

Jacob- probably wouldn't get along well. I'd probably try to take him down a peg or two, especially since getting close and breaking down defenses is kinda my thing. I almost went with Seal Defense instead of counter.

Sheep- I'd probably rib on him for not having the stomach for killing/doing what needs to be done. You know those scenarios, like in iZombie where the main character hesitates to kill someone she knows is murdering homeless kids for their brains because she feels it would make her a murderer (soldiers and cops say hi, fuck you), and that person kills her bf an gets away to kill many more people? Those scenarios. Yeah. No. With me, he would have been dead and shit would have worked out fine. I would either try to help him overcome it but we just come to recognize that our differences make him better for after the war and preventing them- and mine is for ending things when his way doesn't work with some people. Like a flock of sheep with a lead ram (sheep) and a wolf (me) instead of a sheepdog for dealing with other wolves. Meet the enemies' ferocity in kind without becoming the enemy.

Ikaru- it would probably be me trying to get Ikaru to step up more often, and with more confidence. Which would probably be like the awakening convos where someone is trying to help Olivia get over her shyness.

Ame- I'd ask her the secret to her countermagic ability and find out that she's just bonkers. And I'd surprise her by not being afraid of her or her violent mood swings, prompting her to attempt hexing me at every chance.

Inuki- probably just convos where we share a dislike of heights and enjoying the rain. And me pointing out that I prefer my feet and not having to muck out the stalls after an animal. =P

Spade- there might be some mutual admiring, me of his easygoing way with the others in camp and his bemusement at my jumping in close to enemies and fighting my way clear of encirclement instead of fighting from a distance. Probably some borrowed themes of solitary vs group fighter chat between myself and hunter.

Ex-Link- I'm sure it'd be a back and forth between me telling him to be more serious and him telling me to lighten up.

Zumi- I'd probably tease her that all her battlefield cursing distracts the enemy and allows me to get more good hits in. And voice concern about her being in battle despite being somewhat frail. To which she responds by throwing a lot of proud cursing and magic my way. And then offering to heal me after she manages to clip me. And then we decide to work together more on the battlefield.

Wendel- Wendel, being another hero class would spark some small rivalry, with me telling him to go fight on the other side of the field. And then I reveal to him that I prefer to fight alone since A. I'm not really used to teaming up and B. I can make really wide arcs with my armorslayer or axes and I'd rather not have to worry about accidentally decapitating allies. Then I get used to fighting side by side and taking advantage of fighting an enemy that has to split their attention between the two of us, leaving all sorts of openings... as long as I'm careful and/or use more vertical strikes.

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i mean at this point, I can't blame you spade because they'd all be magic based or you wouldn't be able to have the kid at all.

....I don't wanna be alone though.


Nona (Quotes)


"Do I -have- to help out?"


"You're lucky this one actually looks tough."

"Need a hand?"

"Let's get this over with."

"I get to keep the loot."

Dual Guarding:

(to ally) "You owe me one!"

(to ally) "What's your problem?!"

"That was just terrible!"

"No, no, no."

"No cigar!"

Dual Attacking:

"...Oops, string slipped!"


"I want a piece!"

"Thanks for the target!"

Assisted Victory:


"I don't -need- your help."

".....What do you want, a medal?"

"Color me slightly impressed."

"You're almost as good as me."

Critical/Skill Activation:


"Right, between, the eyes!"

"On the money!"


"See ya~"


"Of course..."

"I bet Dad couldn't even do that!"

"I -always- win."

"Were you not entertained?"

"Someone get me another target."

"Is that all you got?"


(Casual) - WHAT!?... I'll go for now, but you'd better believe I'll have it out for you next time!

(Classic) - I refuse....to accept this outcome....must......retreat.

(Voice Clip) - This isn't....happening...

Level Up:

0-1: Give me a break! I need more than that!

2-3: Definitely could be better...

4-5: Now we're talking.

6-7: Ooooh yes.

Cap: What can I say? I'm already amazing.


I can't wait 'till the girls see me now!

Preferred Weapons: Killer Bow, Shining Bow

Staff of Choice: Hexing Rod - because she actually hates people.

Paralogue X1: Master Debaters (I like puns, alright?)

Hunter's daughter Nona is in the middle of an argument with her caretakers when he arrives to her Deeprealm. The army is followed by unwelcome guests.

Battlefield: Amphitheater In A Deeprealm

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  • Veterans
i was writing this before but then i accidentally backspaced out of the tab and i lost all my progress and motivation BUT I STILL WANTED TO DO THIS so here's attempt 2 at a nohrian unit because a bunch of people are double dipping anyways

Kerra - "A young, impulsive but capable Nohrian mercenary. She cares deeply about her allies who she knows she can trust, much more than about herself, and as a result is quite reckless with trying to help them on the battlefield. Has an extreme dislike for slugs. Born on October 8th."

Personal potential skills:

  • Supportive (Avatar)
  • Lily's Poise (Elise)
  • Miraculous Save (Kaze)
  • Healing Descant (Azura)
  • In Extremis (Scarlet)
Unpromoted class
  • Mercenary (Promotes to Hero or Bow Knight)
  • In Extremis (When Kerra's HP is under a quarter, Critical rate +30.)
  • Vantage (Strike first during an enemy attack when HP is under half.)
  • HP +5
  • Sol (Recover HP equal to half the damage dealt to the enemy. (Activation rate = skill%)
  • Life and Death (Adds 10 to damage dealt and taken.)
  • Swordfaire (Adds 5 to damage dealt when equipped with a sword.)
Stat growths
  • HP 50% | Strength 50% | Magic 0% | Skill 45% | Speed 35% | Luck, 50% | Defense 35% | Resistance 10%
  • Primary: Steel sword (Makes follow-up attacks more difficult to perform (-3 effective SpD.)
  • Sub 1: Steel bow (Makes follow-up attacks more difficult to perform (-3 effective SpD.)
  • Sub 2: Killing edge (Deals 4x damage on a critical hit.)
  • Item: Concoction (Heals 20 HP.)

  • "I'll protect you."
  • "...Hm."
  • "I'm here for you."
  • "Need assistance?"
Dual Guarding
  • "I won't allow you to do that!"
  • "No!"
  • "Too slow."
  • "Please be more careful!"
Dual Attack
  • "Strike two!"
  • "Don't overlook me!"
  • "Don't think you're done yet."
  • "Missed me?"
  • "​Au revoir!"
  • "That's enough!"
  • "No more taking lives for you!"
  • "I'm the one dishing out pain this time!"
  • Casual: "...Ugh. How did I manage to get myself in another sticky situation again? I-I must fall back..."
  • Classic: "...If it means that I protected someone... Then I will die without any regrets."
Partner Victory
  • "Sorry."
  • "Good teamwork."
  • "I appreciate it."
  • "...Hm!"
  • "It's only natural."
  • "You will hurt no more."
  • "As expected."
  • "It's the least I can do."
Level Up
  • ​0-1 stats: "...You're joking, right?"
  • 2-3 stats: "It's not enough."
  • 4-5 stats: "I'm getting somewhere, at the very least."
  • 6+ stats: "I will use this power for the greater good."
  • 0-1, most stats capped: "There's only so much a person can do, sadly."
Class Change
  • "Well, I'm open for new things."


This unit is a bit more based on a side of me that I showed much more often when I was younger and didn't have a lot of friends. I cherished those who I held dearly, but I was very much impulsive and did things without thinking ahead and what the repercussions could be, so I often ended up getting hurt in the process, but I would heal over time and come out as a stronger person as a result. As this was something that happened quite often, I also wanted to put a bit of emphasis on the HP recovery/depletion skills as they would fit with the theme with "being powerful but reckless, but healing afterwards" theme that I wanted for this unit.
The skills chosen for the unit would be a good balance between bulk and strength, and would fit within the theme that i mentioned above.
  • Supportive (Avatar) - Chose this because Kerra is a very supportive person of her allies, as explained in her short bio.
  • Lily's Poise (Elise) - Chosen for the theme of "being protective of her allies".
  • Miraculous Save (Kaze) - Fits in with both the reckless theme and the protecting theme, although this is more for the unit she'd save rather than herself.
  • Healing Descant (Azura) - Fits with the protecting theme by healing people around her, but Kerra isn't exactly a healer for others.
  • In Extremis (Scarlet) - Fits very well with the reckless theme, getting a high crit rate at a low percentage of HP. Now combine this with a killing edge...
  • In Extremis - I chose this personal skill over the rest, mainly because it simply fits more with the "being very reckless in order to protect her allies" theme Kerra has going on. Goes well with vantage.
  • Vantage - Fits well with the reckless theme, and is mostly needed because of the Life and Death skill.
  • HP +5 - Fits better with the healing theme.
  • Sol - Fits with the healing afterwards theme. Dealing damage while taking a lot of damage is a bit more fair if there's a chance for Kerra to heal herself, so she doesn't immediately die, especially to mages as they can hurt her pretty badly because of her low resistance.
  • Life and Death - The pivot point of the reckless theme. While dealing more damage, she also takes more damage. She can escape getting hurt badly through Sol, and vantage/in extremis help with getting threats out of the way if Kerra is in a pinch.

also i really really really hate slugs too so that's where that's from LOL

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Youthful Zumi is somewhat similar to Generic Me....look at that even the same classes. Trade in her impulse for being ....toxic however.


Since Mael came through with a potential game explanation for himself - I'm not a pre-promote at all - and certainly not Frederick (or in Mael's case a more handsome -slightly- less young Gunter.) tier.

I'm probably more associated with Selena (minus being who Selena is as a backstory) than anyone else. Someone who's existence is largely founded by loyalty to someone - so definitely a retainer type character - or someone like Silas or Kaze.

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Sounds like fun.

Description: A Nohrian mercenary. Though kind and often peaceful to most people, getting on his bad side is both a difficult and dangerous task. Prone to using sarcasm when nervous or upset. The loudest sleeper in the army. Born 2/15.

Potential Personals:

Miraculous Save (Kaze)

Chivalry (Xander)

Capture (Orochi) (Eh. I'd probably try sparing people.)

Reciprocity (Kaden)

Noble Cause (Shiro)

Class: Mercenary -> (Hero/Bow Knight)

Personal Skill:

Chivalry (When enemy's HP is at maximum, damage +2 and damage received -2 during the battle)


Strong Riptose (When enemy triggers battle, damage +3)

Shelter (Select the 'Shelter' command to make an adjacent ally the user's support unit)

Luna (Skill% chance of ignoring enemy's Defense or Resistence)

Defender (When user is the lead unit while paired up, all stats +1)

Swordfaire (When the user is equipped with a sword, +5 damage)


HP: 30% Strength: 60% Magic: 5% Skill: 20% Speed: 40% Luck: 30% Defense: 50% Resistence: 25%


+3 Strength, 0 Magic, -2 Skill, +1 Speed, -2 Luck, +2 Defense, -1 Resistence



"Good luck."

"Don't get killed on me."


"Awwwww yeah."

Dual Guarding

(to ally) "Watch out!"

(to ally) "Are you okay?"

"Not on my watch!"

"As if!"

Dual Attacking

"Lemme help!"

"Me too!"

"Need some help?"

"Eat this!"

Assisted Victory

"Thanks a bunch."

"Don't worry about me."

"I owe you one."

"Heh... You're pretty good."

Skill Activation/Critical

"It's no use."

"Oh THAT's it!"

"This is probably gonna hurt."

"Get of my way."


<nervous laughter>





(Casual) "I... I can't take this pain much longer. I have to get out of here..."

(Classic) "I die as I lived... So... So powerless..."

(Voice Clip) "Forgive... me..."
Level Up:
0-1: "Oh no. Watch out guys. I'm getting too strong."
2-3: "Fine by me."
4-Aptitude: "Dang. Where did this luck come from?"
Capped: "I hope I'm strong enough now."
Promotion/Reclass: Whatever.


(Mercenary) Silver Sword (Critical Evade -5; after battle, stats are reduced *2.)

(Hero) Silver Axe (Critical Evade -5; after battle, stats are reduced *2)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since I have a child unit, and I just watched Pheonixmaster1's three videos of encounter conversations between the child units and their fathers...

(who have been killed and are being used as puppets by Anankos in Heirs of Fate's final chapter)

- I was inspired to give said kid a similar Shakespearean soliloquy.


Nona: Dad?....Why in the blazes are you pointing your blade at me? - "Dad?"

Hunter: ...

Nona:....Not gonna talk? What, did you actually lose to those invisible clowns? - "Tch..."

Hunter: ...

Nona: ...I guess that means I'm better than you at saving the people I love right? I mean, the difference is obvious even though both of us were successful. I'm here to tell the tale... Why are you standing there? WHERE IS YOUR REBUTTAL? - "I guess that means I'M better than you."

Hunter: ...

Nona: ....I see. Listen here Old Man. If there's one thing you wouldn't let me forget, it's that I should fight for what I believe in. I've done so ever since you helped me escape. I've fought for my friends here. I've fought for the hope you would be alive......I-.....I WILL fight to bring you back. I truly believe you will come back to me, and if you don't I will drag your half-invisible carcass home and I won't stop fighting. - "Listen here!"

Hunter: ...

Nona: Hahaha.... I guess that means I have to beat you in single combat and not an argument this time. I won't remember the outcome, but I bet you will. When you do and you come back to me, let me know I won....and give me a hug if you feel like, alright? - *laughter*

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