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Little Red Riding Hood On Roids That Raise Epicness

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Yo, name's Tizara. I've been here for almost three years, but never made one of these, yet I was in Nations 1, PZA, & I'm in Nations 2. I'm a wallflower that glows when in bloom. Or spews molten fireballs of death. Wait, this is an introduction.

*Puts on suit and tie*

Good evening ladies and gentlemen. My name is Tizara Phoenix, or at least that is my preferred name. I am 27 years of age and I'm current completely batshit crazy and in need of mental help most likely. I have met a good amount of you during my time on the Pokemon Online server, may it rest in peace, and on the Pokemon Showdown server, totally not wishing Showdown gets murdered with a rusty spork and something that's actually better and more convenient comes along. I'm more or less going to be calm, hyper, or angry when you meet me, though I can not tell you which one as I myself do not know due to my random nature, but I do hope that won't stop you all from saying hello and possibly givin lil ol me a big ol hug!

I did not just run into a southern belle accent... I'm not even that far into the south. It'd make a bit more sense for me to have a British accent considering the settlers landed not to far from Suffolk, meaning I could be part British.


I'm normally in one of those neutral moods where the pendulum can swing either way depending on what you say. Favorite color is red, favorite element is Ice because I'm a cold hearted bitch(or so I've heard), I have a tendency to not care for filtering what I say, but I will fix that if asked politely and I'm not on some rampage of "grr" as Cain put it. Favorite food is Pretzel Crust Pizza from Little Ceasar's, I like almost all genres of music except country which is the devil's music, I'm kidding, Like a good roleplay that's not too strict with post length, Favorite anime is One Piece, Yu Yu Hakusho, Detective Conan, & Dragonball Z.

Not sure what I'm leaving out, I know I'm leaving something out, but I can not be assed right now because my brain is going hurty hurty hurty.


So in closing, you just lost the game. Praise the 2000's

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Wow, did not expect you to actually post this. I actually didnt know you even had a forum account!

Well, hello fellow partner-in-crime for our glorious nation (that broke avalon's win streak B) Welcome here!

(or not since you have been here for 3 years or so but still, glad to see you have made a welcome topic!)

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Yeah, going with Sini, I didn't even know you had a forum account lol.

Pretzel Crust Pizza is pretty fantastic, so good taste confirmed.

Three years late, but welcome!

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Jumping on the hello fellow Atlantis person train.

You're really friendly, so enjoy being back on the forums!

Even though you've been here for three years, welcome to Reborn!

Also Sini and Krim, how would she have posted in the sign up thread without a forum account ;)

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Welcome back(?) to the forums! Points for the creative title.

Also, that sneaky, sneaky game... It always strikes when you least suspect it...

I lost the game... not

Edited by Bewilderer
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Why is there an Atlantis party here and I wasn't aware of it?

Official Welcome from me xD You're an awesome person, and its lovely to have you part of Atlantis.

Hope you enjoy being on the forums.

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