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Looks like I've finally hit "fuck it"


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Tacos... how could you do this... you were so strong... I feel so betrayed...

If you could change one thing about the world what would it be?

If you could change one thing about Reborn what would it be?

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What are your hobbies?

Absolutely nothing

where's the melee?

In my GameCube where it should be

What is your favorite mexican food that isn't tacos.

Quesadillas are pretty neat

Tacos... how could you do this... you were so strong... I feel so betrayed...

If you could change one thing about the world what would it be?

If you could change one thing about Reborn what would it be?

Equality for everyone ffs

Permanently alter ark's profile to only pertain gazelles

do you like senpai?

potato or tomato?

Idk maybe depends on who

Fuck tomatoes tbh

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  • 2 weeks later...

  • Do you feel as if you've matured any in the past 2 years?

Do you feel more confident as an authority figure now around these parts?

What are five things that cheer you up, and three pet peeves?

What inspires hope within you in this world? What inspires despair?

What kind of personalities are your favorite to hang around?

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  1. Which anime or game would you least like to be trapped in?
  2. What habit of yours do you most want to break? What's keeping you from doing so?

1. Danganronpa, definitely.

2.I hate that I keep chewing my fingernails, but my lack of drive to fix it really is the only thing stopping me.

Does calling you Tacps annoy you or can I keep doing it without actually being an ass for reminding you of a typo

It was annoying the first few months it happened, but now it's more of a joke that I appreciate.

  • Do you feel as if you've matured any in the past 2 years?
  • Do you feel more confident as an authority figure now around these parts?
  • What are five things that cheer you up, and three pet peeves?
  • What inspires hope within you in this world? What inspires despair?
  • What kind of personalities are your favorite to hang around?

1. Hell yeah. Just looking back at my old posts makes me cringe to the max.

2. Actually, probably less. I feel like there's a certain way people look at me now that I'm an authority figure, and being held to a higher expectation makes my confident demeanor shrink down to something more level-headed, if that makes any sense.

3. Someone willing to talk to me, being complimented, petting puppies, finishing a long commitment, making a new friend. People who smoke and blow it in your face, people who cut me off, being ignored in a conversation.

4. Hope? Just random acts of kindness really. Despair? Everytime I see a goddamn massacre on the news.

5. People who are just as self-deprecative as me and can make decently morbid jokes.

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1. Do you have a tumblr?
2. Which current auth member do you feel should be promoted?
3. What was the last YouTube video you watched prior to reading this post?
4. Are you liberal or conservative?
5. What game genre interests you the most?
6. Same but with movie genre.
7. Which user have you found yourself disagreeing with the most, and why?
8. Are you religious in any way?
9. What is your Myer-Briggs personality?
10. What is your favourite Pokemon?
11. Do you have/have you had any pets?
12. Do you smoke?
13. Coffee or Tea?
14. Is there any part of how Reborn auth deal with rules/punishments you disagree with?
15. Is there any non-staff member you feel should be promoted?
16. What is your favourite colour?
17. Boxers or briefs?
18. What do you think of memes?
19. Do you follow any celebrities?
20. Do you read any webcomics?
21. What about anime?
22. Would you consider yourself an "SJW"?
23. Do you prefer girls, boys, both, or does it not matter?
24. Where would you like to go on holiday?
25. What is your favourite meal?
26. What do you look for in a friend?
27. What do you think makes for good qualities in a leader?
28. Are you a superstitious person?
29. Is there anyone you feel should be demoted?
30. Do you play anything competitively?
31. What does "love" mean to you?
32. Where would you like to live?
33. What kind of job would you like to do?
34. Which tier do you play the most?
35. Is there any Mega Evolution you'd like to see most?
36. If you had to describe yourself with a League champion, which one would it be and why?
37. Is there anything you'd like to see added or re-added to the Reborn shop?
38. What question would you like to ask me?
39. What do you think is your most redeeming quality?
40. What is your favourite type?
41. Who on Reborn do you look up to most?
42. Do you feel any game has been overhyped this year?
43. Which Pokémon do you think is overrated?
44. What is your favourite emoticon?
45. What are your thoughts on religion?

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1. Do you have a tumblr?

2. Which current auth member do you feel should be promoted?

3. What was the last YouTube video you watched prior to reading this post?

4. Are you liberal or conservative?

5. What game genre interests you the most?

6. Same but with movie genre.

7. Which user have you found yourself disagreeing with the most, and why?

8. Are you religious in any way?

9. What is your Myer-Briggs personality?

10. What is your favourite Pokemon?

11. Do you have/have you had any pets?

12. Do you smoke?

13. Coffee or Tea?

14. Is there any part of how Reborn auth deal with rules/punishments you disagree with?

15. Is there any non-staff member you feel should be promoted?

16. What is your favourite colour?

17. Boxers or briefs?

18. What do you think of memes?

19. Do you follow any celebrities?

20. Do you read any webcomics?

21. What about anime?

22. Would you consider yourself an "SJW"?

23. Do you prefer girls, boys, both, or does it not matter?

24. Where would you like to go on holiday?

25. What is your favourite meal?

26. What do you look for in a friend?

27. What do you think makes for good qualities in a leader?

28. Are you a superstitious person?

29. Is there anyone you feel should be demoted?

30. Do you play anything competitively?

31. What does "love" mean to you?

32. Where would you like to live?

33. What kind of job would you like to do?

34. Which tier do you play the most?

35. Is there any Mega Evolution you'd like to see most?

36. If you had to describe yourself with a League champion, which one would it be and why?

37. Is there anything you'd like to see added or re-added to the Reborn shop?

38. What question would you like to ask me?

39. What do you think is your most redeeming quality?

40. What is your favourite type?

41. Who on Reborn do you look up to most?

42. Do you feel any game has been overhyped this year?

43. Which Pokémon do you think is overrated?

44. What is your favourite emoticon?

45. What are your thoughts on religion?

  1. Nope
  2. When Rose comes back, definitely her.
  3. Watching episode 98 of a playthrough of super danganronpa. The conclusion of the chapter 5 trial.
  4. Liberal
  5. Mystery games are kind of fun.
  6. Comedy and Horror
  7. A specific user? There was one ages ago, but he's been banned. If anything, my position means I probably shouldn't disclose any disagreements with current users as it may bring discomfort and that would be irresponsible of me.
  8. I was born Jewish but my religious preference is more agnostic. I occasionally pray if I truly need some hope but I pray to no god in particular.
  9. INFP last I checked.
  10. Jirachi
  11. I had some fish, a few guinea pigs, and some hamsters. Now I currently have two dogs, named Carly and Ruby. Two adorable little yorkies.
  12. Nope
  13. Tea
  14. I feel like a disrespect moderate warning might be useful but that's the most I would really disagree with.
  15. I've mentioned how I think Xiri/Jiniri could make a nice server auth.
  16. Blue
  17. Boxer Briefs :]
  18. Inhale the m e m e s. Exhale the m e m e s. Inject the m e m e s into my b l o o d s t r e a m.
  19. I follow Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun and that's about it.
  20. nope
  21. I occasionally get a few months where I just watch a lot of anime and then go without it for more months. I like most animes though.
  22. I don't like preach social justice everyday in public, but when I see fit to correct someone's prejudice, I will.
  23. Boys
  24. Canada
  25. Steak and/or Spaghetti are all pretty good
  26. Someone willing to talk to me and to let me talk to them. Someone who is open to me about things and caring. Kind, compassionate, etc.
  27. A sense of responsibility and self-discipline, as well as caution and care.
  28. Sort of. Hard to explain my thoughts on it.
  29. Nope.
  30. I play ranked in league. I'm plat V currently. That's about it.
  31. Having someone you can always trust and be with, who will devote themself to you and you devote yourself to them.
  32. Canada
  33. Something in forensics, I still am not 100% sure.
  34. OU monotype
  35. Mega Jirachi giv pls
  36. Steven. I love my steel types, and I identify with that chill and dedicated personality. Also he's 100% husband material.
  37. Nothing necessarily.
  38. What do you desire the most in life?
  39. The incredible compassion I hold for those closest to me.
  40. Steel
  41. Jericho tbh
  42. Undertale was pretty neat but not like ultimate game tier
  43. Lucario
  44. :I
  45. It's cool to believe in something. As long as you don't force your religious ideals on anyone, it's fine by me.
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