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Favorite restaurant to poop in?

McDonnalds. This one time I went to a McDonnalds in Lisbon ate a burguer and suddenly had some HUGE stomach issues. I had to hurry home though, so I got on the train (still with stomach issues) and when I got to Cascais (which is like an hour train ride away) I was looking for a bathroom. The only thing I found was McDonnalds so I decided I'd take revenge. Went in there, used their toilet and I fuckin' rekt that toilet. Trust me that whole zone became quarantined for sure.

Why do you like Tsubasa's bad costume? And that's a bad costume even before you realize that it was made as censorship during the localization.

Yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo

You takin' trash about best girl's best costume? I love it to death. I've never seen the original uncensored version, but I love the color scheme, design, hair style and the little blue star on her cheek.

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When did you start/join your band and what brought the decision on?

I joined my current band about a year and a half ago. One of my best friends plays guitar for that band, and they needed a bassist after the last one quit. They called me, helped them out for a concert and then joined permanently. As for why? I mean, it's my best friend so simply being in a band with him sounded like a ton of fun. I've become very attatched to the other members as well, and it's a great way to keep playing bass which is something I love to do, but don't always find a reason to do it.

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