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297 members have voted

  1. 1. How can it be reset?

    • Admins only
    • Moderators and Admins
    • Moderators after 100
    • Moderators after 500
    • Admins, or moderators for a number ending in 7

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3, it's just more to the challenge shing don't give up so easily. We've proven that it's possible, several times in fact. It just makes the thread more interesting :3

Challenging? How is it any challenging when whatever we do, the admins can reset AT ANY TIMES.

That makes it pretty unfair and one of the reasons i don't really post here a lot. I don't see this any interesting. It gives me no motivation and everything we "build" useless when admins just reset when they feel too. I see plotholes with the rules here.

Originally the auths could reset, but the rules changed a bit that auths can't reset. But one thing i don't like is the admins can still reset anytime. Which makes the mods useless. It's still broken and i'm have enough of it. I'm upset and complaining through it's a silly topic. Didn't the poll says ADMINS AND MODS.

(Edit)Alright i read the poll bit wrong. But my point still stands here. Admin reset is still broken.

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7, Oh, that's kinda not okay :|

It's not really. It makes the 7 thing useless like mods reset at 7.

I think the 7 rule will include every staff/mods/admins.

8 btw. Numbers thread is actually one of my favourite topics in past years and good memories now. So i'm complaining hard because unbalance here. I was going out, but that would left me really upset.

Editing so much dang.

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For the record, this thread used to be able to reset by any mod at any time. The rules were changed because people were upset by how easy it was to have to start over. I don't see an issue with the rules, honestly, and I didn't see an issue before the 7 rule was implemented.


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The admins have always had the ability to reset us whenever they post. In the time that that rule has been in affect, this thread has gained 22,907 posts, and the admins don't visit here as much as they used to either. If the rule was too punishing, or the majority of posters had an issue with it, the admins and mods would recognize that and fix it up. There's nothing obligating you or anyone else to post here though so if you don't wanna then alrighty

We'll miss you though, you and Morshu just steam-rolled all the way to 100 in the last 5 pages :') If anything I think the rule that lets mods reset at 7 specifically is kinda awkward. I'd imagine it's in place because the admins don't visit here much anymore, but both rules existing simultaneously is a lil' overkill

Either way, this is just an Arcade game-thread. Nothing serious. At core this is just a post-spamming thread (which is why its developed into more of a casual talk thread, with the numbers just sorta being there since a thread centralized around spamming doesn't really sound like it's following community rules... - that's how I'd describe it anyway). Personally I don't mind the rules it just makes the game more interesting, but nobody is obligated to post here and play the game. I like the casual atmosphere here and I don't take the numbers as seriously, but that's just me

aaaaand I just got ninja'd hard x_x 9 I guess

I know that. But i'm just calling out it because something is broken. Althrough numbers is a silly thing, i just think it's not really fair.

The admins almost never visit here unless someone call them out here and that's what some of the mods is going to do. Be cheap, asking the admin and just reset it that it makes the "challenge" not a challenge really. It makes the 7 reset rule pointless. It happends only if the numbers thread is going full active(Aka Me, Spine and Pine example).

I feel the admin rule just break the other rules. It's not "punishing", it's broken not in a good way.

I think people don't complain about it because they don't know the new rules quite and rarely see an admin reset whatever time. Think about it. No one had any experience seeing an admin really reset and knew about it well. People just randomly comes in and post.

People are allowed to post here still. I'm just pointing out something that i feel broken so much that it makes the other roles/rules useless.

We did it because Pine wanna have a nostalgia time lol. Me and spine joined with him posting to 100. It was pretty fun actually.

I think it's balanced. Because it can give a challenge for the guys so want the numbers and the mods to reset. Not super intense, but just if they want to have their goal like getting 100, it's possible and they do teamwork. Hell it's bit like how i got friends around in onyx arcade lol.

I didn't like really ranting on such non serious/for fun place. I know that this place is just for fun.

And i agree you there. The numbers thread ended up people just talking each other.

We have our different opinions on rules, through i gave reasons for the opinion.

I don't take the numbers thread so seriously myself until now for this rule ruin the fun for people so just want to get their number goal up.

For the record, this thread used to be able to reset by any mod at any time. The rules were changed because people were upset by how easy it was to have to start over. I don't see an issue with the rules, honestly, and I didn't see an issue before the 7 rule was implemented.


I even said that. Mods = auths kinda. Maybe bit wrong worded, if so my apoligize for that.

And that's basically me, being upset.

You don't see the issue before the 7 reset? It was easy to startover as you said, that's the reason.

It's like: "Why should i just post the number if it's going to fall anytime anyway. It's just feels unfair and easy to startover. Even through it's a silly thing, i wanna try to get the number(Mostly popular ones) i can. But it will be just impossible because they can reset anytime. I'm just not feeling it posting it anymore"

Not the best example honest since it can be grammar error. But yes, if the broken rule was there still. I'll guess very few people will post in numbers thread and it may die like the others topic in onyx arcade.

Reset 7 just gave people more motivation and actually a cool challenge that was pretty fun. It made that it could be possible to people getting the number they wanted without mods/admins can reset in random times. I actually liked the reset 7 because it gave a fun challenge.

Here's the thing too i'll repeat once. Not everyone know the admins could reset anytime and people didn't notice because of admins never actually post except someone calling them out to reset here, which happened. So, people didn't know the admin reset because admins isn't here like never and the rules isn't told well.

So if people knew the admin reset which is never told really, more people would complain maybe. That's pretty dependable, but still.

I made a big word of text here as for response, sorry for that.

If you guys wanna have the admin reset rule, it's okay even through i don't respect it.

If you want to talk or argue about it, just pm me please. I feel that i killed the thread when writing this.

And 15 for the last one.

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For the record, this thread used to be able to reset by any mod at any time. The rules were changed because people were upset by how easy it was to have to start over. I don't see an issue with the rules, honestly, and I didn't see an issue before the 7 rule was implemented.



js the previous time I reached 100 was when all authority was still able to reset

theres nothing wrong with the rules you just #gottagofast

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Darn, 18

I'm with Bibs; I've reached 100 before the rules change, and it's so much more fun having to figure out how to work together and keep teamwork going to reach the goal

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I know i wasn't going to post, but i'll post it for sake.

It is possible to get 100 even the rules was same in the past. But i think it was for luck tbh and you the mods didn't follow or were there. Posted super fast through. It was more on right timing where no admins/mods where. Teamwork was basically, just fucking post fast as fuck. It's good with previous rules, but when the admins or mods even see and they reset, welp rip. Can't hold it in a day.

And with reset at 7, we got 1000 and OVER and more teamwork actually. Can hold more than a day, you mods don't need to recklessy reset anytime and it gives a easier, fair goal. Just sayin, if the previous rules wasn't there and the mods was active as now, you guys wouldn't get into 100 or and not in near in 1000 unless it no mods around on that time or none of them really cares. Just saying, i can argue back as much i can.


Found out that it started originally up to 100. That explains a bit now with speed up.

I guess things changed around here so that's why i'm heated up.

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So what, it's getting more difficult to reach higher numbers. It's getting frustrating but, that's the fun of the challenge.

Like Eterna said, there would be no point of this if we just counted to the highest number and nothing happens. That'll be pointless as well.

The rules haven't changed since the 2 years I've been here, now we just have 4 mods frequenting the thread that's all.

I will see #5000 though

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^Nope Rose :3 19 wow I must just be taking forever to post or something. 22.

Also if my other post^ sounded forceful sorry I really didn't mean it to D: Also I was waiting for the 16 so I could get the next post before rose or mde:3

By "If the rule was too punishing..." I meant if everyone felt it gave certain members (mods, admins.. whoever the rules cater to :')) too much power/made it too easy to be resetted and too hard to progress then the rule would change. So I meant the same thing as you Shing just rather than saying its outright broken I talked about how nobody else (or only a handful of other members) seems to mind the rule, or comment on any issue with it.

For members that frequent the thread I know it's easy to feel "what's the point if all of the number progression will be reset to 0 anyway" but imagine the alternative; imagine if the sole aim of the thread was for everyone to post a number and to reach the highest digit you can, without the existence of any rules to reset the numbers. What would be the point? We'd all just be counting to no end (and it would also make the thread appear more blatantly to be a post-spamming thread). Posting numbers isn't the only point of the thread (imo at least). The casual atmosphere lets us talk about whatever, and the rules add extra spice to the game that we play while talking - In fact the game would likely be made even more interesting if there was an additional rule provided it isn't any member mod or standard user can choose to reset all of the progression that everyone else has amounted to lol:') but that's just me jesting :P The rules (and when we're resetted after reaching a big number) gives us more to talk about too

Anyway... it's simply a game at core, and if you don't wanna play that's okay:c

ninja'd x 3 ;_;

I don't think your post was forceful, just i'm really argue bit differently like harshly.

Ah i see. I got bit confused really.. Lack of english so i misunderstood. Thanks for clearing up there. And talking i have explained. Because no one knew so much about admin rule and since it very rarely happened. And i haven't seen people minding it or talking to it until i took it up right now. I think many of them don't know the admin reset rule. But i can see what you mean, it is people so don't mind it.

That's why reset 7 is there, so it can fully prevent posting highest digitally number without being too easy. It gives also teamwork for the people so want to get high up at the number goal. It was pretty cool. Also the mods can do teamwork and plan for getting reset 7 at the same time. I saw it when mde and rosesong had bit of teamwork, which i liked a lot! I like the reaction when the numbers got reset actually, it's fun. Just i don't like resetting on anytime. That makes reaction just dissapointing.

And i even agreeing you in last post: "And i agree you there. The numbers thread ended up people just talking each other."

I can see what you mean through, resetting makes you guys just getting rage and talk up no matter whatever rules it.

I actually want to play Eterna. But i'm just really don't like admin reset, that's it. Only that. And i gave enough reasons for that thing.

Also rip Eterna. Ninja'd like in predict the next person lol.


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