Sutoratosu Posted July 16, 2016 Share Posted July 16, 2016 "Perhaps we aren't so different from the humans after all. Perhaps we never were..." Prologue: "Once, this world was ruled by the hairless inferapes- the ones called "humans". Once, pokemon and the hairless ones fought, lived, worked and played side by side. The Naive would've called our two peoples equals. Those with more sense in their heads however knew we were just glorified servants. But regardless, naive or cynical, it matters not. For it has been many a long year since the time of the hairless ones. Destabilized by a conflict of their own making, and finally brought to ruin by a power they should never have meddled with. It is only fitting that the world be left to us, the ones who they used as tools of war on one side, and who fought beside them under the crushing burden of war on another. Pokemon and Shadow. Those are the driving forces of this world, children. Never forget that simple fact, for our enemies surely won't. Never entertain the thought of peace- beasts cannot be reasoned with. Never turn your back on a shadow- beasts cannot be trusted to act with honor. And never leave a lightsource after dusk has fallen- for the night is dark, and full of adversaries." -Lore Master Draidon, High Priest of the Enclave at Sky Pillar Reveal hidden contents It has been 27 long years since the fall of the human race. Torn apart by a conflict named the Holy War, the world of men was rent in twain and pitted against itself; those who supported the continued reign of the Church of Arceus, and those who sought what they presumed to be freedom, but in was truth merely chains of another guise, by joining the ranks of the clandestine organization known as The Brotherhood. Though the Church had the advantage of countless Arcane Secrets and trained Spectra Manipulators at it's fingers, the heretics within the brotherhood held one far greater still; the art of twisting and warping living creatures into shadow forms of themselves. Their battle was valiant and unflinching, but what they had in raw power, the church waxed ever greater in numbers. Every engagement lost, more and more souls turned their allegiance to the Shade. At every turn most critical, their stratagems countered the instant they were even deployed. The crusade lasted a full year. In that time, humanity had easily driven itself to the brink of annihilation... until at long last... it was the brotherhood that triumphed- by virtue of sheer force of numbers and level of coordination, if naught else. For truly, despite their might, the church could not replicate a force anywhere near the size of their adversaries... men tossing the Rule of Six to the wind, commanding teams 8,12, even 20 strong at a time, all of them comprised of pokemon twisted and morphed passed the normal limits of their kind... stronger, faster, far more resilient, and with each one converted into darkness, one less for the Church's defenders to rely on. The world was at last theirs. But the Architects of the Brotherhood truly knew nothing in the grand scheme of things. They were mere pawns in a plan greater than they could fathom, drawing upon a black power that as easily as it delivered them victory, turned it's ugly maw and tore them asunder. All those countless Shadowed Beasts, turning on their handlers, and soon enough, on the piddling remainder of the human race as well. Until at last, there was nothing and no one... but those valiant pokemon allies of the fallen. Of course however, the gods could not turn a blind eye to this, not anymore... faced with the fact of the complete destruction of God's chosen race, and the consumption threatening to spread beyond the borders of the physical world, but to all of creation as well, they had little choice but to become involved. But too little, too late. They rallied those few uncorrupted who were left, forming enclaves within purified swaths of the wilderness, surrounded by the taint of God's Shadow... fought valiantly, unleashing their true forms and unbridled power... but still, they were not enough. One by one, the enclaves and the patron gods watching over them all fell... Except for one: The Enclave at Sky Pillar. Domain of Azauqyar, heavenly lord of the skies... watcher of the Primal Twins, guardian of the balance. One god, several angels, few soldiers... fighting a losing war against a foe greater than all of them. But though Arceus himself has withdrawn from the world, turned inward in his despair, and his sole surviving son and servants well on the way to joining his siblings... the war is not lost yet. For somewhere in the world, there still shines brightly the 18 Plates of Arceus. Still intact, left by a foe unable to destroy them but sure that regardless, none would dare brave the countless miles of vast, corrupted territory and even vaster, hive-minded armies of The Shade to recover them... and so our tale begins... or ends. Suicide mission or no... better to die on one's feet than on thy knees. World Info: The Pantheon: Reveal hidden contents since the original people evolved from pokemon millions of years ago, mankind worshiped a variety of gods over the eons. In many areas of the world, tribes of primitive humans established their faiths around one or two of the beings known to have a hand in the earth's creation, however, after interaction and exchange of ideas began among these people, and tribes became kingdoms, kingdoms became countries, and countries became Nations, the various religious views eventually melded into a single, cohesive faith. The Faith of Arceus. otherwise know as The White Faith. Though many legends and myths exist in the world, there are but 13 legendary Pokemon accepted as the canon gods of the world, and the lesser mythical beings are regarded as mere servants. Arceus Titles: Lord God, Lord Arceus, The White God, The White King, King of the Gods Significance: Creator of the universe, and the undisputed lord and master of the gods. The lord arceus is accepted as the original deity, the original force in existence, and the source from which all else flowed forth, time, space, life, death, afterlife, matter, anti-matter, good, and evil. His power is taught to be supreme in all ways. He is the alpha, and the omega. Though he has largely withdrawn himself from the world since it's creation The lesser gods are often regarded as either his children, and he has four servants or "Arch Angels"; 3 of which occupy themselves by fullfilling his will on earth, and the highest one by guarding the Gateway of God and keeping an eye on his brothers... Giratina Titles: The Spectral Warden Significance: The most powerful of the gods before Lord Arceus himself. It is unknown when or where the legends of him having been banished for misdeeds and misconduct among the mortals began, but in truth Giratina was never banished; he was created for the purpose of governing the afterlife in his father's stead. The Spirit World was his sacred domain, and as such he was responsible for the safeguarding of all souls, human and Pokemon alike, who make their way their upon death to await a new life in the cycle. He was the one who created the first Ghost types from his own flesh, intending to use them as servants to watch over the realm, however, a small variety of them managed to gain free will and disobeyed their lord, fleeing into the mortal world, thus giving rise to the specters as one of the 18 types. He made his ethereal throne in the deepest part of the realm, where the laws of the universe begin to unravel and a great many oddities occur... In his world, the laws of time and space were eternally halted on orders of his father. He was also cited as having power over Matter and Anti-matter. No one has seen him since the Enclaves fell. It is unknown what his fate might have been... Palkia Titles: The Spacial Lord Significance: Alongside his twin, Dialga, and their elder brother Giratina, Palkia was responsible for safeguarding the basic components of the universe, with his assigned sphere of power being that of the very fabric of space itself. Due to his duties, he hardly spared time on the mortal world, instead focusing his efforts on monitoring the very foundation of reality itself. He like many of the other gods took a stand against the shade after the humans fell... and was slain following the destruction of his and Palkia's Enclave at Spear Pillar Dialga Titles: The Temporal Lord, The Watcher Significance: Like his brothers, Dialga was responsible for safegaurding the basic components of the universe itself. His domain was that of the infinitely branching time-stream itself, where he monitored the various futures and possibility awaiting the world, watching as events unfold and all their possible outcomes, cropping all those not... favorable, and determining which timeline shall become the knew "Canon" of the universe. Like his brothers, his duties were beyond that of Earth, and so he spared little time directly in the affairs of mankind. He like many of the other gods took a stand against the shade after the humans fell... and was slain following the destruction of his and Palkia's Enclave at Spear Pillar Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza Titles: The Lord of fire and Granite, The Lord of Seas, The Lord Azauqyar (respectively) Significance: The trio of gods who came after the original three. Groudon and Kyogre were created to form the earth and mold the continents and fill it's seas, while Rayquaza formed the atmosphere, and they did these task with ease. However, soon afterwards, Groudon and Kyogre began to clash over whose work was more deserving of their lord father's praise, and the only thing that stopped them was when Arceus presented the youngest of the trio of sons, Rayquaza, the power to defeat both his elder siblings. Soon afterwards, Groudon and Kyogre were sealed into deep slumbers, their powers restrained by their lord father, while Rayquaza was given the new task of safeguarding the world encase his older brothers should ever wake from their prisons... Since the fall of the Enclaves, Azauqyar has taken up the last stand for the survival of the world... all the while continuing to keep his brothers from waking. Regigigas Titles: The Great Mover, The Titan, The Builder Significance: Regigigas was created after the weather trio's completion of earth. unlike those before him, he was created as a lone god rather than sharing his responsibilities with any siblings. He was tasked with moving the continents back into place and rebuilding the landscape of the world after Groudon's and Kyogre's clash. Once his mission was done, he set about creating three types of sentinels from his own body to safeguard his repairs, Regirock, Regice, and Registeel. After creating several of these and dispersing them across the earth, Regigigas saw fit to venture deep into the earth and sleep, his long and arduous task complete... unless the day comes that Groudon and Kyogre awaken and damage the planet again with their violent pissing contest, that is... Infact, come to think of it... no one has seen him since then. Not even after the humans were all dead... Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde Titles: The Lady Birth, the Lady Death, The Lord of Spectra (Respectively) Significance: a trio of Gods created around the same time as Regigigas's labors. They were tasked with overseering the concepts of Mortality, with Xerneas becoming the Guardian of Birth, and Gate Keeper of the exits of the Spirit Realm, while her sister Yveltal, the Guardian of death, and the Gatekeeper of the entrances to the spirit world. Their elder brother Zygarde served as the embodiment and guardian of the planet's life force, and of mortal life itself, the delicate balance between birth and death. Out of all the gods, they had the most involvement in the mortal world due to their duties. They, like the others, tried to take a stand against the Adversary, but alas were struck down just like their siblings when their Enclaves were finally overrun. Ho-oh and Lugia Titles: The Lord of Sun and Sky and the Lady of Moon and Sea Significance: Ho-oh and Lugia were the last of the Gods to be created by Arceus. They were a duo responsible for being the guardians of the celestial bodies of the sun and the moon, respectively. Ho-oh was said to have the power to resurrect the dead, followed in his travels across the land by his 3 races of servants: Raikou, Suicune, and Entei. Meanwhile Lugia was said to have the power to regulate the weather of the world, as did her own 3 servant races: Zapdos, Articuno, and Moltress. They, like the others, tried to take a stand against the Adversary, but alas were struck down just like their siblings when their Enclaves were finally overrun. History: Reveal hidden contents Undetermined amount of time prior to present day: Arceus creates the Universe. Girtatina, Palkia, and Dialga are born and given roles in governing the universe. The Gods Rayquaza, Groudon, and Kyogre are created soon after and create the planet. Groudon and Kyogre proceed to battle and are quelled by Rayquaza before being sealed in perpetual slumber by arceus. Between 300 milion years to 200 million years prior to present: Regigigas is created and repairs the damage done to the earth by Groudon and Kyogre's conflict. Arceus finally finds the world fit to spawn life on. The first Pokemon species, Mew, is created, as well as several lesser species of animal. Arceus creates the Mortality Gods in order to govern the balance between the living world and the spirit world. 100 million years prior to present: The mew population thins as various mutations take place. The first few unique species of pokemon develop as a result, giving rise to prehistoric species such as Aerodactyl, Rampardos, Shieldon, etc. Between 50 million to 20,000 years prior to present: The Prehistoric populations of pokemon thin as yet again, mutations occur and give rise to a new and larger variety of pokemon. Between 20,000 to 15,000 years prior to present: It is theorized that somewhere in this time frame, the first traces of the pokemon which will later give rise to the human race begin to emerge from the population. Shortly before 10,000 years prior to present: The first genetically modern human beings appear according to data gathered from ancient findings and artifacts dating to this point in time; the human race has completed it's emergence from the pokemon population and has lost much of it's former power as a result. Between roughly 10,000 to 9,000 years prior to present: The "ice age" occurs, putting a quick and sudden halt to the development of mankind as Many prehistoric Pokemon species die out during it's duration, and the human population dwindles dangerously from the cold. roughly 9,000 years prior to present:Those prehistoric pokemon species who adapted and survive begin to mutate yet again, this time giving rise to many of the species present in the modern day world. sometime shortly after 9,000 years prior to present: Agriculture develops among humans. Hunter and Gatherer societies end as longer term, permanent settlements begin to be created. Tribes develop as towns and villages form. Those humans who survived the ice age begin to repopulate. It is believed that the first instance of pokemon and man living and working together rather than competing for resources and food appears in this time period. Tribes again form and Towns and settlements are built anew. Sometime after 7,000 years prior to present: Tribes give way to kingdoms as certain groups grow more powerful than their neighbors and succeeds in conquest. It is believed that the pokemon Aegislash had some role in this occurrence... Roughly 3000 to 2000 years prior to present: Kingdoms give way to Countries as monarchies begin to lose their former political powers in favor of citizens becoming more involved in governing themselves in many parts of the world. It is beleived that around this time, the first peices of spectracite were also discovered due to the Kalos War records in which a king attempted to utilize a massive weapon powered by life force inorder to end the conflict threatening his people's safety. The Unovan Civil War also occurred sometime during this period, though the country reunited shortly after. 327 years prior to present: Democracy is developed as a political philosophy. This is the final nail in the coffin for many rulers. Countries turn into nations as the people become more involved in their government and the concept of national identity develops. 177 years prior to present: The first protoypes for pokeballs are created. The balls are somewhat faulty however, and prone to malfunctioning randomly and even being fragile during drops or while being thrown, not to mention costly due to materials, particularly the Spectracite needed to create the lenses, as well as the work needed to hone them. The use of pokeballs is largely restricted to the wealthy or scientist and engineers due to this factor of both poor functionality and cost. 165 years prior to present: After 12 long years of toil and trial and error, Pokeball technology has finally been streamlined and advanced past their innitial quarks and are more reliable than their early prototypes, resulting in less labor being needed to create them, which In to new and improved methods of locating the needed materials being developed, help to improve the cost enough for the common person to afford easily. The modern day, basic pokeball design is published and goes into production, and the use of Pokeballs begins to spread beyond just the intellectuals, the wealthy, and the elite 160 Years prior to present: Given the rise in usage of pokeball, some individuals have begun experimenting with the convenience they provide of being able to easily carry multiple pokemon of any size simultaneously. No one knows for absolute certainty where the concept of "Training" pokemon for matters other than everyday work or defense was born, but it is theorized to have been teenaged boys being... well, teenaged boys and duking it out alongside their superpowered companions in a way that was not possible before. Either way, regardless of who created the phenomenon of Competitive training, it has taken off in the past five years, and the Pokemon League is born 146 years prior to present: The League passes the rule of six after seeing that trainers take advantage of being allowed an unlimited number of party members to fight with, an issue which has resulted in more than a few incidents over the years. enough is enough however, the association is taking the final action- instituting a life-long ban against all those who dare to use more than a party of six pokemon for any official league affair, be it gym battles, league tourneys, etc. The rule soon becomes deeply engrained in many national cultures and even individuals who aren't trainers begin to hold themselves to it. 145 years prior to present: The PC Storage System is created. 67 years prior to present: The technology to resurrect fossilized prehistoric pokemon is developed. 42 years prior to present: A series of Heretical, Terrorist actions occur in many nations, commited by armed groups such as "Rocket", Magma and Aqua, Plasma, and Galactic. Their true ulterior motives are unknown, whoever it has been theorized that the groups may have all been connected to how simultaneously they all struck, and how they all attempted to exploit or control the gods in some manner. The Armed Forces of many nations moved against them in their territories, as well as a great many trainers working in the name of the Church of the White Faith. Most members of the groups are killed in combat or executed for treason and in some cases, Tangible Heresy against the gods. Their leaders however manage to avoid capture and disappear. 29 years prior to present: Rumors of the land of Arcadia begin to circulate as surviving explorers return. 27 Years prior to present: Humans go extinct Breeding: Reveal hidden contents Pokemon breeding in SoA's world work differently than in traditional pokemon settings. Rather than defaulting to the mother's species, an egg has a 50/50 chance to be either the mother or the father's species. Egg groups still stand however, and two pokemon of differing egg groups cannot produce offspring with one another. Combat Related: Leveling and Strength Referencing: Reveal hidden contents We will be using a leveling system. However, like in the anime, it will be a lite system rather than an exact one, with three classes used to determine a pokemon's general power range, and then three sub classes within those classes to get a more specific reference. from time to time, the word "Experience" will be used instead of strength. That is because that both strength and experience increase in direct correlation to one another, and as such, the two essentially mean the same thing. As a pokemon trains and gains experience through using it's abilities in battle and practicing (Or grows older, whichever comes first), the amount of spectra which surges throughout it's body increases, and for some pokemon, it is necessary for their bodies to take on new forms when a certain amount is reached in order to more efficiently handle the energy. This is the cause for the metamorphic process known as "Evolution". As a Pokemon rises in strength and experience though, one should obviously note that it takes a greater amount of training and experience to allow it to grow even further along the path of development. Reveal hidden contents Weak -The combatant is weak in terms of overall strength, capable of the occasional triumph or fluke, but oft times unable to save themselves when push really comes to shove. (Equivalent to levels 1-33) Sub Classes: Beta Class- Levels 1-11 Delta Class-Levels 12-22 Alpha Class-Levels 23-33 Formidable -The combatant is moderately powerful, capable of holding their own through many situations. (equivalent to levels 34-66) Sub Classes: Beta-Levels 34-44 Delta-Levels 45-55 Alpha-Levels 56-66 Fearsome -The combatant is a powerful individual who should be both feared and respected. Grovel at their feet, you pathetic heathens. (equivalent to levels 67-100.) Sub Classes: Beta-Levels 67-77 Delta-Levels 78-88 Alpha-Levels 89-99 Omega Class- Level 100 ??? -God help you all...if he was still even listening to your desperate prayers Again though, like the anime, this system will be used purely for reference reasons and only be used very loosely as an actual, active part of the plot. As with the anime, the Base Statistics for each Pokemon species will have somewhat less significance here than in the games. As often portrayed on screen, Fights will come down more to skill, experience (which directly correlates to strength here), creativity, and strategy rather than a complicated numbers duel involving countless mathematical equations that are never even seen by the player. The stats are more or less to give a general idea of what the species is best suited for (IE, Greninjas are great in speeding about unseen and striking from the shadows only to fade away again, while Aggrons can't hope to ever match that speed, but are absolute tanks against physical brawlers and don't really need to rely on dodging too much to begin with) What this means is that if 2 pokemon are at or near the same level of the above mentioned strength scale, and neither of them has an inherent type advantage or disadvantage to the opponent, then the fight can theoretically go either way. Of course though, given the fact that Shadow Moves hit all types in existence for super-effectiveness... well, good luck with that. Shadow Pokemon: Reveal hidden contents Shadow Pokemon are individuals who have been corrupted by the being known as "the shade" and have had the doors their hearts and souls sealed, warping their minds and turning them in ruthless, unmerciful killing machines. Shadow Mons have access to Shadow Type Moves, which hit all types other than other shadows super-effectively In addition to shadow moves, Shadow Pokemon receive the following traits: A Second Ability slot unique to shadow types A dark, black/grey/blue coloration, accompanied by empty, pupiless black eyes A sizable boost to their base stats (Approximately 20%) The ability to become perfectly camouflaged when in darkness, as well as perfect night-vision An aversion to strong light; light-based moves such as Dazzling Gleam, Moonblast, etc. deal extra damage, and Flash drops more than just their accuracy stat. Moves and Movesets: Reveal hidden contents A normal Pokemon will be able to know up to four standard moves at a given time. These can include natural level-up, TM/Tutor Moves, or Egg moves. Players will be largely responsible for forming their own path to learning new moves, and as a general rule, moves can be learned in any order, instead of on a fixed path like Natural Level-up sets. What this means is that yes, you can have a Weak-class Charmander who starts out with ember but over time works hard to upgrade it to Flamethrower/ Inferno, even though both those moves would only be learned as the final available level-ups in-game. Rumor has it though... that certain individuals who meet certain requirements can acquire a 5th move slot, one filled with a move unique to them and them alone- a Signature Move... Signature Moves: Reveal hidden contents As the time approaches, more will be filled in here. Signature Moves occupy a special, 5th move slot, and are marked by being significantly more powerful than common moves as well as taking a certain toll on the user in order to activate them in battle. Creative Limits: Reveal hidden contents In the past, I've gone on long tirads about this. But, I don't feel like it now, so... here's a TL;DR version of the rant from SoA's thread I'm going to let you guys get away with some pretty creative shit here. So as long as you don't bullshit something or start delving too far off the deep end with things/ abusing it, I'll not say a word if you figure out a creative way to use an old move for a new application. If you played Ymora or Pokemon Academy under Chimchain back in the day, then you'll have a good idea what I'm getting at here. You could use an offensive move like rapid spin to, instead of inflicting damage, defend against an incoming attack.... just to name one example out of the many that exist. Spectra, Spectracite, and Technology: Spectra: Reveal hidden contents Spectra, also known as Azoth is the source of all life on the planet; it is a vast energy constantly flowing through the world at all times, the planet's very own raw life force, which it lends to organisms in order to allow them to sustain their own functions. When living organisms are born, such as plants, pokemon, and even people, their soul enters the mortal world from the gates of the spirit world, and are infused with some of the planet's life force to use as their own. When they die, their souls return to the spirit world to be born again some day, and the life force they were given at birth returns to the earth, to be given to a new soul, thus completing the natural cycle. Pokemon are creatures which are naturally imbued with a far higher level of Spectra in their bodies than ordinary organisms, and as such, this grants them not only a far higher vitality, but also the capability and power to preform feats which seem to defy reality itself and that are utterly impossible for lesser beings to mimic. Spectracite: Reveal hidden contents Though somewhat rare, there are instances in which Spectra, while flowing through the planet, pools and become traps in pockets within the planet. Over time, said pockets, exposed to the pressure of the planet's innards, condenses itself and takes on a physical manifestation in the form of Crystals and Gems. These crystals come in many unique varieties, with a variety of unique properties and powers, given that a number of variables affects the process of how they form, such as the amount of metals and other periodic elements present in the surrounding crust, the amount of pressure, moisture, heat, etc. and are known by many individual names varying for type to type, however, They are collectively referred to simply as "Spectracite" or "Azothite" Items such as Evolution Stones, Mega Stones, and Key Stones are all simply examples of Spectracite Peices that have been cut and polished. There were many pieces of technology which functioned thanks to Spectracite in some way or form, making the strange stones a virtual cornerstone of all advancement in the world long ago. Character Sheets: (Please note that players will be responsible for maintaining their own PC sheets, which will be hyperlinked in the OP upon approval) Name: (what is thy name?) Species: (What species are you? keep in mind that those who start at higher evo stages will be more heavily targeted than usual...Also, Dittos and Legendary pokemon are not allowed. Anything else though is fair game.) Gender: (if applicable to species) Ability: (what ability do you have?) Level: (What is your starting level? the max is 55, lowest is 10) Starting Moveset: (The four moves you start out with. I hold the right to reject a starting set if I feel it's too lacking in development for the evo stage/ level) Appearance: (What do you look like? Keep in mind that it is more acceptable for pokemon to wear cosmetic accessories such as scarves or hats, etc. than it was when the humans were around...PS- pokemon who are colored completely differently from their base species normal or shiny will be denied...) Personality: (Self-explanatory. If you need me to tell you what to put here, you really shouldn't bother signing-up at all) Personal History: (Your character's Backstory) Discord Link: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted July 16, 2016 Author Share Posted July 16, 2016 Approved Player Characters Tres, Porygon2-- IntSys "Discount Java" Genis, Sneasel-- Exlink "Bruce Wayne Incarnate" Poppy, Chikorita-- Jory "The Medic" Sephtis, Banette-- YagamiNoir "A Puppet among Shuppets" Sansa, Tranquil-- Swampellow "Winter is Coming" Arthur, Wartortle-- Ragnar, AKA- Typhlosion "A Navigator without a crew" Cinder, Quilava-- Kenny "I still question this decision..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted July 16, 2016 Author Share Posted July 16, 2016 NPC record Azauqyar, The Sky Lord Reveal hidden contents Species: Rayquaza Gender: Male Ability: Air Lock/ Strong Winds Level Class: ??? Moveset: ??? Stratos, Captain of the Guard Reveal hidden contents Species: Salamence Gender: Male Ability: Intimidate Level Class: Fearsome-Omega Moveset: Hyper Beam, Dragon Rush, Shadow Claw, Fire Blast Signature Move: Draconid Requiem Appearance: A giant among Salamence's, Stratos stands nigh double the height of an average member of his kind with a gargantuan wingspan to match. He bears around his neck a tattered, collared cloak of beige obviously woven to fit a being of far smaller stature, held in place only by a tarnished, silver choker bearing his race's mega stone in it's center, though the likes of mega evolution have not been used in the world for over a full generation now. His wings are noticeably tattered, riddled with small holes suggesting a fierce engagement long ago. Personality: Born with a sense of justice as strong as his body and will, Stratos' loyalties lie with his lord Azauqyar and the surivors of Sky Pillar above all else. Serving as the High Champion of the Guard since the earliest days following the end of humanity, some among the enclave would claim it is by the Giant's ever vigilant eyes and ears alone that they have survived where all others have fallen. Known to harbor a hatred for Shadows greater than perhaps any other being alive, mercy is not a trait he displays readily when engaged with his sworn foes, regularly torching and blasting any and all denizens of the night back into oblivion. Rumor has it the cloak he vehemently forbids anyone from touching, even those only offering to repair or resize it, is a final token from whatever master he knew before the world ended and the ways of old were torn asunder... as are the mega stone and chocker he sports. He will not tolerate disrespect of his Lord from anyone, nor would he tolerate those who use their power to pummel and subjugate the weak and defenseless... he's even been called a "Pangoro wearing Salamence skin" multiple times in the past, infact. Backstory: Once the loyal Ace of a trainer long since dead, just as many others left behind. He has been a boon to the defenses of Sky Enclave since the very beginning, and will remain so until the very bitter end. Serving as both the Captain of the Guard and for all intents and purposes, the highest officer of the Enclave's warriors, he is surpassed in rank and authority only by the Sky Lord Himself. Even before the fall of the other Enclaves, his name was known and feared by shadows across the world. He is one of the few beings who have access to a signature move, and his is said to take the form of a dreaded song which spells the end of the world for those unlucky enough to hear it... Whatever more to his history than this there might be, only Azauqyar and the highest ranking members of the enclave might have any clue. Lore Master Draidon Reveal hidden contents Species: Druddigon Gender: Male Ability: Rough Skin Level Class: ??? Moveset: ??? Signature: ??? Appearance: Draidon's most defining features though are easily his abnormally large wings and the various scars and broken spikes and scales on his body, telling a story of harsh odds and great tribulation at some point in the far past. The rough skin of his head has begun to wrinkle with old age. Backstory: The lore master and head librarian of Sky Pillar. Draidon effectively serves as both the highest adviser to the sky lord, and the head of all the Enclave's archival intelligence. In fact, he has served in that position for so long that nowadays very few denizens even recall how or when he actually arrived on the island, or where he came from for that matter. His love for knowledge and the preservation of documents and tomes seems to only be rivaled by his desire to help keep the slivers of the remaining Mon civilizations alive and guide them into future prosperity. Freya Reveal hidden contents Species: Flygon Gender: Female Ability: Levitate Level Class: Formidable-Alpha Moveset: Sand Tomb, Steel Wing, Dragon Pulse, Giga Drain Appearance: A bit on the short side for her kind, and bearing a few scars here and there. Aside from those features though, Freya for the most part resembles any other member of her race Backstory: One of Draidon's Librarians. It is said that she and temperance are the closest apprentices the lore master has, and whatever his story before the enclave may be, apparently only they truly know. Curiously though, Freya herself seems to have a rather high oppinion of the Sky Lord, Azauqyar, even going so far as to call him "Father" on accident from time to time... Temperance Reveal hidden contents Species: Togekiss Gender: Female Ability: Serene Grace Level Class: Formidable-Alpha Appearance: Much like a typical togekiss, besides the oft condescending glint in her eyes. Backstory: A priestess to the Sky Lord, often found wandering the halls of sky pillar and attending to its more... spiritual faculties. Her adoptive father is Draidon, and apparently however the lore master came to reside in the Enclave, she was present with him at the time, even if as only a mere child. Whether due to the position of her father or her own talent and abilities, she's seems to have developed a haughty nature, much to her adoptive father's Chagrin... Salam Reveal hidden contents Species: Arcanine Gender: Male Ability: Flash Fire Level Class: Fearsome-Beta Moveset: Flamethrower, Extreme Speed, Thunder Fang, Close Combat Edurr Reveal hidden contents Species: Alolan Ninetales Gender: Male Ability: Snow Warning Level Class: Fearsome-Beta Moveset: Auroral Veil, Blizzard, Dazzling Gleam, Hidden Power-Fire Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted July 16, 2016 Share Posted July 16, 2016 Reserving my spot. Will jsut post later. Also, thaaaaaaaaaaank you for locking the Interest CHeck so I didn't have to, saves me time my good man. ANyway, I can't write up a haracter right now because like... I'm way to fuckin tired and loopy to do it right now. LOL. I'll jsut post my sheet later on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted July 16, 2016 Author Share Posted July 16, 2016 On 7/16/2016 at 10:41 PM, Hukuna the Undying said: Reserving my spot. Will jsut post later. Also, thaaaaaaaaaaank you for locking the Interest CHeck so I didn't have to, saves me time my good man. ANyway, I can't write up a haracter right now because like... I'm way to fuckin tired and loopy to do it right now. LOL. I'll jsut post my sheet later on. Yeah, saw you going on about that in the past and figured I might as well go ahead and do it right then and there since I was posting in the topic anyway... Also, as a general note, Players will be responsible for maintaining their own sheet. I will keep a master's log for my own on-the-fly reference, but it's on you guys to handle your own affairs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Veterans Azeria Posted July 16, 2016 Veterans Share Posted July 16, 2016 Registration Sheet Reveal hidden contents Name: Basil Species: Drapion Gender: Male Ability: Keen Eye Level: 46 Starting Moveset: Night Slash, Toxic Spikes, Confuse Ray, Venoshock Appearance: Basil is a Drapion of about average height for his species and possess a large gash on his back that he gained shortly before evolving. Basil has trouble seeing clearly from his left eye due to an injury and holds but a single piece of accessory given to him by his late trainer; a black eye patch to cover his injured eye. Personality: A creature of many regrets, Basil finds himself to often look the past, before any of the recent destruction had happened, with nostalgic feelings. Generally Basil sticks a bit farther away from others than he'd like to, finding it hard to make bonds when it'd only take one mistake, one failure for it to end all over again. Regardless of that, he would fight to the ends of the world and back if only to save those very bonds. Personal History: Caught as a Skorupi by an up and coming trainer in Unova, Basil quickly rose to be a cornerstone of the team before the trainer decided to retire, only a single badge short from being able to compete in their native league's yearly conference. Regardless, Basil, never held it against the person he had begun to consider a close friend and they traced back their steps, all the way back to Lentimas Town. The place where it all began. They remained there for a few years, appreciating the heavy contrast the peace and quite the town on the foot of Reversal Mountain brought compared to the constant battling they did on the road. Great things were simply not meant to last however. One day, a swarm of wild, ravenous creatures with colorations that were way beyond the norm of their species charged into the town. The few trainers in there tried to fend them off, but there were simply too many of them and they were quickly overwhelmed. As the remaining citizens tried to flee, an attack was fired in Basil's direction as he and his trainer tried to escape the town. As he dodged the attack however, the attack instead hit the person in front of him. His trainer. The attack killed him immediantly and in his shock, he didn't notice the feral Zangoose that had crept on him. The Zangoose performed a powerful slash that cut a large gash onto his back, though nowhere near fatal. Basil hastily threw the Zangoose off of him before it could perform another slash, presumably in the same spot and quickly fled into Reversal Mountain where he'd remain for many, many years to come. One day, a stray Spoink wandered into the little hideout he made for himself. As the Spoink didn't seem to have the odd coloration that the feral Pokemon that ravaged his town had, he quickly asked what the Spoink was doing in there. The meek Psychic type bounced back slightly but then told slowly started telling him the enclave at Sky Pillar and how there was a Wailord at the coast of what was once Undella Town that offered passage to Sky Pillar. Taking the Spoink with him, Basil sneaked out of the mountain, knowing it's hidden passages after years of residing in there and managed to make his way to the Wailord at Undella who took them and a few other Pokemon across the sea and towards Sky Pillar; Azauqyar's Enclave. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted July 16, 2016 Author Share Posted July 16, 2016 On 7/16/2016 at 11:47 PM, Azeria said: Reserving this post for my sign up post.... Also I'm pretty sure that I'm wrong on this(Or I misinterpreted the lore..since i kinda skimmed through it.)... but 'the shade' you're talking of reminds me of a certain megalomaniacal bastard from a certain other mystery dungeon series....but it couldn't be......... Lols, nah. I've got other plans for darkrai... The Shade is something far worse... it's not like I've already given away several very obvious spoilers or anything... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IntSys Posted July 17, 2016 Share Posted July 17, 2016 (edited) Reveal hidden contents Name: Tres Species: Porygon2 Gender: Genderless Ability: Trace Level: 30 Starting Moveset: Shock Wave, Trick Room, Signal Beam, Recover Appearance: Tres has a white scarf around his neck, with their codename 3D2549 printed on it. Their creator said its for aesthetics, but Tres is fully aware that it's just a name tag. They still keeps it as a reminiscent of their past. Personality: Tres picked up their creators' personality through consecutive tests. Willing to listen to others' problems and is eager to learn more about the world. Ever since their creators' death, they've been looking for a goal to achieve, and now, taking on the hopes of the survivors in Mt. Silver's Pokemon Center, they are determined to find the fabled plates of Arceus. Personal History: Created in Silph Corporation's headquarter in Saffron City by a team of programmers 50 years ago, whose goal is to achieve Space Travel. However, Tres failed, only being capable of levitating one meter off the ground.Their creators were scolded and told to delete Tres, but they hid them in a secret computer, and kept them as a friend. Whenever their creators are feeling stressed, they will talk to Tres to ease their mind. Eventually, Tres picked up their creators' personality and achieved Artifical Sentience.One day, a group of savage Shadow Pokemon raided the Silph Co. Building. Tres's creators insisted to not release them into battle against the Shadow Pokemon, and died protecting their computers. After the bloody massacre, Tres escaped the computer that held them. Curious about the world outside of 0 and 1s, they left the Silph Co. Building, only to find Shadow Pokemon roaming on the streets, with human blood splattered along the lanes. Realizing the danger, they traveled through cyberspace to reach the Pokemon Center at Mt. Silver, the last Pokemon Center left intact in Kanto, and took residence there. They found several surviving Pokemon there, and updated themselves on the current state of affairs. From the survivors, they've heard in the Union Cave there's a Lapras offering transportation to the Sky Pillar, Azauqyar's Enclave. Through a rigid journey, they managed to reach Lapras and set sail for the holy sanctuary. Edited July 17, 2016 by IntSys Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted July 17, 2016 Author Share Posted July 17, 2016 On 7/17/2016 at 12:16 AM, IntSys said: Reveal hidden contents Name: Tres Species: Porygon2 Gender: Genderless Ability: Trace Level: 30 Starting Moveset: Shock Wave, Trick Room, Signal Beam, Recover Appearance: Tres has a white scarf around his neck, with his codename 3D2549 printed on it. Their creator said its for aesthetics, but Tres is fully aware that it's just a name tag. They still keeps it as a reminiscent of their past. Personality: Tres picked up their creators' personality through consecutive tests. Willing to listen to others' problems and is eager to learn more about the world. Ever since their creators' death, they've been looking for a goal to achieve, and now, taking on the hopes of the survivors in Mt. Silver's Pokemon Center, they are determined to find the fabled plates of Arceus. Personal History: Created in Silph Corporation's headquarter in Saffron City by a team of programmers 50 years ago, whose goal is to achieve Space Travel. However, Tres failed, only being capable of levitating one meter off the ground.Their creators were scolded and told to delete Tres, but they hid them in a secret computer, and kept them as a friend. Whenever their creators are feeling stressed, they will talk to Tres to ease their mind. Eventually, Tres picked up their creators' personality and achieved Artifical Sentience. One day, a group of savage Shadow Pokemon raided the Silph Co. Building. Tres's creators insisted to not release them into battle against the Shadow Pokemon, and died protecting their computers. After the bloody massacre, Tres escaped the computer that held them. Curious about the world outside of 0 and 1s, they left the Silph Co. Building, only to find Shadow Pokemon roaming on the streets, with human blood splattered along the lanes. Realizing the danger, they traveled through cyberspace to reach the Pokemon Center at Mt. Silver, and took residence there. They found several surviving Pokemon there, and updated themselves on the current state of affairs. They took on their hopes and left the Pokemon Center to look for the Plates. Only one small issue mate... nowhere in the backstory does it mention how xe got to Sky Pillar and joined Azauqyar's enclave. Everything else is more or less fine though. Don't expect to go cyber-hoping from place to place too much here though. The backstory bits are fine since, well, a P-center and the silph building are both likely to have backup generators to last for a while... but it's been nearly 30 years, so... unless the shadows haven't wrecked it and there's an electric type powering the whole system, you're unlikely to find a working computer network still intact Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
K_H Posted July 17, 2016 Share Posted July 17, 2016 (edited) I'm up for this.Signup Sheet: Reveal hidden contents Name: CinderSpecies: QuilavaGender: MaleAbility: Flash FireLevel: 30Starting Moveset: Flame Wheel, Ember, Smokescreen, Quick AttackAppearance: He wears an orangey-red cape that's completely unsinged, thanks to its' flameproof composition. Other than that, he's basically your average Quilava, although his flames are always active to some extent, even if they're just barely there. Additionally, they tend to flare up when his temper is being worn thin.Personality: He's a bit mischievous, and somewhat brash and passionate, although these are tempered by years of having needed to hide in plain sight to avoid confrontation with any Shadow Pokémon. He's quite patient, although he's a bit hot-headed at times. However, he knows not to overestimate his own capabilities or to underestimate his opponent, mainly thanks to how he got completely curbstomped when he was younger. He also gets a bit of a thrill from fighting, although he's fine with taking the peaceful option as well.Personal History: As a Cyndaquil, he was one of the Starters that were handed out to trainers in the Johto Region. At least, he would have been given to a trainer had the Shadow Pokémon Incident not occurred. When the Lab was attacked, he wanted to help defend Professor Elm. However, the Shadow Pokémon was too strong for him, and merely swatted him out of the way like he was nothing. As a result, he was knocked into a corner behind the professor's machinery and fell unconscious.When he woke up, the Lab was nothing more than a pile of rubble and ruins. Stuck in the middle of a less-dense area of Shadows, he knew that he needed to move, and quickly. He knew that any Pokémon he'd encounter would probably end up curbstomping him in the same way that had happened when the Lab was attacked, so he tried keeping out of sight as he fled. He was successful in getting out, and eventually ended up finding a small nomadic group of uncorrupted Pokémon, which he joined. Through constant sparring matches with the others, which never went so far as to KO either participant, he was able to hone his fighting skills to a point where he felt safe in going out on his own. However, he knew that he wouldn't be safe for too long, and planned ahead for it, getting the more recent rumors in the process. However, he and the other Pokemon in the group were soon forced to disperse when the masses of Shadow Pokémon came through, and the shadows ended up destroying the Enclaves of Ho-Oh and Lugia. With no safe place left in Johto, Cinder's goal once more turned to getting to a safe location so that he could further refine his skills, and decided to head to the Sky Pillar Enclave. Acting on his decision with utmost haste, he headed out, managing to get safe passage to his destination from a Water Type that was ferrying Uncorrupted Pokemon to and between Enclaves once he got to the coast of Johto. Edited July 19, 2016 by K_H Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurorix Posted July 17, 2016 Share Posted July 17, 2016 Character Sheet: Reveal hidden contents Name: Genis Species: Sneasel Gender: Male Ability: Keen Eye Level: 12 Starting Moveset: Icy Wind, Scratch, Pursuit, Hone Claws Appearance: Other than the black and white, checkered scarf and silver cross he wears around his neck, he looks just like an ordinary Sneasel. Reveal hidden contents Personality: Genis seems to be happy and energetic when around the other pokemon in his group, however, he’s still mourning over the deaths of his parents but he never has shown it to the group thus far. Genis is also gets frightened while in combat, he can barely keep himself from curling up into a ball at the sight of danger. But it’s his goal to overcome his fear and become strong like his mother and father. Personal History: Genis was born to an Absol mother and a Weavile father after all the humans died. Both pokemon being owned by a mysterious trainer named Lloyd Rengal. Genis never learned much about his parent’s trainer and he never asked, but apparently his name meant something very special to their trainer so he felt honored to have it. Genis didn’t get to train much with his parents since they were always on the run from these strange shadow pokemon. They’re goal was to try and find a safe place with other non-corrupted pokmon. It wasn’t long, however, until a swarm of them caught up to them. It was then that Genis was given a silver cross by his parents, the same one their trainer used to wear, and told him to run towards the sanctuary. This was obviously a suicide mission for them, protect their son at the cost of their lives. Genis was hesitant at first but quickly fled, leaving his parents behind as he tries to get to safety. His parents put of a good fight, they held up long enough for Genis to get away before being crushed by the sheer strength of these shadow pokemon. But trough their sacrifice Genis was able to find a group of pure pokemon that helped him cross the seas get to Sky pillar. Now he is a member of their group and wants to help in whatever way he can. Please, let me know if anything needs to be adjusted Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
K_H Posted July 17, 2016 Share Posted July 17, 2016 Quick question: are we able to make our PC differ from the base normal or shiny coloration at all? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted July 17, 2016 Author Share Posted July 17, 2016 On 7/17/2016 at 1:48 AM, K_H said: Quick question: are we able to make our PC differ from the base normal or shiny coloration at all? No. Infact, I already answered this exact question in the OP about how oddly colored mons will not be accepted. Too much of a hassle with people making rainbow magikarps and that type of crap... plus, making your character unique through coloration is the easy way out. I'd rather you guys do it through personality and whatever apparel you choose to sport. @Exlink, nothing screams for immediate rejection, but I would appreciate it if you added a bit on the personality and the whole "Still grieving but trying to hide it" thing... perhaps be more specific. All I'm getting right now is that he's a happy go-lucky coward who, when alone and with no one to put on an act for, spends many a night crying over his parent's death just like a young bruce wayne... actually, if that's the epitomy of what you're going for, nevermind, you don't have to add anything, I get it. Nice little easter egg, btw... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
K_H Posted July 17, 2016 Share Posted July 17, 2016 You said "Completely", which confused me a little. I was referring to minor details, but thanks for the info. Now to get on making my PC... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurorix Posted July 17, 2016 Share Posted July 17, 2016 On 7/17/2016 at 2:03 AM, Sutoratosu said: @Exlink, nothing screams for immediate rejection, but I would appreciate it if you added a bit on the personality and the whole "Still grieving but trying to hide it" thing... perhaps be more specific. All I'm getting right now is that he's a happy go-lucky coward who, when alone and with no one to put on an act for, spends many a night crying over his parent's death just like a young bruce wayne... actually, if that's the epitomy of what you're going for, nevermind, you don't have to add anything, I get it. Nice little easter egg, btw... Yea that's about what I was going for. Also It seemed too good not to add that egg in. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted July 17, 2016 Author Share Posted July 17, 2016 On 7/17/2016 at 2:22 AM, K_H said: You said "Completely", which confused me a little. I was referring to minor details, but thanks for the info. Now to get on making my PC... I meant what I meant. If you make a rainbow scaled magikarp with eyes that shine like the gold of the sun itself, I will reject that and tell you to try again. However, that said, I am willing to accept very slight variations that have reasons pointed to in backstory or by the physical state of the character. Such as a Stoutland whose coat has started to go gray at the edges due to age, or a Druddigon whose eyes are slate grey/ white due to blindness resulting from an old combat injury, etc. I just didn't want folks to pull crap like that Magikarp above. And yes, I did see this happen before- not with a rainbow magikarp, but close enough- in the old PMD RP on here... some bloke wanted to make a black/violet ninetales or something... I don't even know. On 7/17/2016 at 2:25 AM, EXLink32 said: Yea that's about what I was going for. Also It seemed too good not to add that egg in. then it looks fine. I trust you will not screw this Bruce Wayne Look-alike up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shamitako Posted July 17, 2016 Share Posted July 17, 2016 ...I haven't done a PKMN RP in a while. And even though Sneasel has been stolen, I shall persevere! Reveal hidden contents WIP Name: Sunrise Species: Swadloon Gender: Female Ability: Leaf Guard Level: 22 Starting Moveset: Sunny Day, Razor Leaf, Struggle Bug, String Shot Appearance: Her leaf-blanket-thing was largely destroyed and before she had a chance to gather another, she found an old green handkerchief which she now wraps herself in. She's become quite attached to it, and even given the chance to craft a proper leaf-blanket she likely wouldn't Personality: (Self-explanatory. If you need me to tell you what to put here, you really shouldn't bother signing-up at all) Personal History: (Your character's Backstory) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted July 17, 2016 Author Share Posted July 17, 2016 Hmmm, swadloon eh? Not something I expected anyone to run with, but, I'm kinda interested to see what you'll make of her... especially knowing you and all Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurorix Posted July 17, 2016 Share Posted July 17, 2016 On 7/17/2016 at 2:28 AM, Sutoratosu said: then it looks fine. I trust you will not screw this Bruce Wayne Look-alike up. You can count on me! Besides, I think I've made enough mistakes to know what not to do so I won't screw up. x3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IntSys Posted July 17, 2016 Share Posted July 17, 2016 On 7/17/2016 at 1:38 AM, Sutoratosu said: Only one small issue mate... nowhere in the backstory does it mention how xe got to Sky Pillar and joined Azauqyar's enclave. Everything else is more or less fine though. Don't expect to go cyber-hoping from place to place too much here though. The backstory bits are fine since, well, a P-center and the silph building are both likely to have backup generators to last for a while... but it's been nearly 30 years, so... unless the shadows haven't wrecked it and there's an electric type powering the whole system, you're unlikely to find a working computer network still intact I fixed the backstory to connect Tres to the Sky Pillar. Yeah I'm not really expecting to do quick cyber-transportation a lot because everywhere else is pretty much out-of-power. What I would expect is charging a PC temporarily with an Electric-type move to access its data quickly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted July 17, 2016 Author Share Posted July 17, 2016 Hmm, alright, it all checks out now. Approved, along with Exlink Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shamitako Posted July 17, 2016 Share Posted July 17, 2016 On 7/17/2016 at 2:37 AM, Sutoratosu said: Hmmm, swadloon eh? Not something I expected anyone to run with, but, I'm kinda interested to see what you'll make of her... especially knowing you and all I wanted the second stage of one of the "early game Bugs" and Leavanny is one of the ones that peaks latest, plus it isn't a butterfly/moth Just need to double-check, would it be plausible for a TM to still be intact? I wanted to write a Sunny Day TM into her backstory Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted July 17, 2016 Author Share Posted July 17, 2016 On 7/17/2016 at 2:59 AM, TACHIBANA SYLPHYNFORD said: I wanted the second stage of one of the "early game Bugs" and Leavanny is one of the ones that peaks latest, plus it isn't a butterfly/moth Just need to double-check, would it be plausible for a TM to still be intact? I wanted to write a Sunny Day TM into her backstory Eh, I don't see why not. It's not really that hard to find loot on a human corpse or merchandise on a long abandoned shop shelf or something...especially for as common a TM as Something like Sunny Day also, the accepted pcs have been added to the OP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Noir Posted July 17, 2016 Share Posted July 17, 2016 (edited) Before I provide my OC, am I to assume that acquisition of say, moves through breeding, Heart Scale level one stuff of a certain degree have a degree of limitation in the beginning? I'm not entirely certain on that aspect. Edited July 17, 2016 by YagamiNoir4896 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted July 17, 2016 Author Share Posted July 17, 2016 Just don't make a perfect/semi-perfect moveset on a weak/ un-evolved mon and you should be fine. What I'm looking for is that there's still some room for development at some point So, for example... if you made a level 10 Charmander with Fire Blast, HP Grass/ Thunder Punch, Dragon Pulse, and Iron Tail... I would reject that immediately. A level 55 Charizard with a similar moveset consisting of something like Fire Blast, Thunder Punch, Dragon claw, and Air Slash though... I will likely be more accommodating towards Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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