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  On 7/19/2016 at 12:13 AM, Commander said:

Oh Strat you should know me well enough that I keep anything I am truly, truly terrified all to myself that and I'd honestly be surprised if you didn't think of something similar to that sadistic king ahead of time. One of these days we really need to create another Poke war.

  On 7/19/2016 at 12:24 AM, EXLink32 said:

Oh I remember that! I had my friend make an account just to be the other ruler of our nation. x3

I would totally do another one, though it'd have to be more elaborate in terms of rules kuz that thing could be exploited so hard.

*Chuckles to himself*

I was actually planning on setting up an RP for this myself.

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  On 7/19/2016 at 12:13 AM, Commander said:

Oh Strat you should know me well enough that I keep anything I am truly, truly terrified all to myself that and I'd honestly be surprised if you didn't think of something similar to that sadistic king ahead of time. One of these days we really need to create another Poke war.

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Who says I didn't? Shadows aren't the full extent of what's lurking in the dark...

@Typh- There's a bit of an Issue in the Backstory with the whole "Pokemon discovering the island and developing it before humans even existed" thing. Given that Humans were the first ones to reach true sentience and Mons followed only afterwards as they evolved away from their prehistoric forms, really doesn't work out like that. That said though, it Has been 27 years since humans vanished, so it wouldn't be unfeasible for some settlement or survivors to have formed... they just can't pull a Christopher Columbus situation where they take the credit for discovering an island that was most likely already developed by humans long before the end of the world and had intact ruins proving it. Basically any communities formed would have to be composed of Survivors who came together for safety in numbers, no illuminati conspiracy whatnot

@Shadow- eh, approved.

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  On 7/19/2016 at 2:27 AM, Shadow Sketches said:

Hmm? Is there something you don't like about my sheet, Strats?

If there was something I did not like, would I have approved it? Understand that I've looked at a bunch of these things over the past few days and still have to add links for half of them to the OP

And, Typh is approved, which brings the player count to 12... I must close regular sign ups now, I'm afraid. Sorry to anyone who still has a WIP sheet or something, but hey... I did give fair warning that shit was filling up much quicker than I thought.

Also, I think now would be the best time to lay down some very important ground rules...
In this RP, I will be requiring a minimum post frequency. A great many RPs have died far from their fruition on here, and seeing as how the plot for this tale is not terribly complicated or drawn out, I'd like to see this one at least make it to the end game. As such, I will require players get something up at least once a week if they are involved in a interaction or plot development- this is too keep us moving along at a half decent clip without becoming stalled for months at a time in the case of people dragging their feet. A frequency of 3 or so days would be preferable, yes, but I know there are some out there with IRL responsibilities such as work or summer classes, etc that eat up a lot of time... but I don't think just asking 20 to 30 minutes a week to sit down and write something up so that we aren't all stuck waiting forever is too much to ask, especially after seeing what long stalls can do to an RP, multiple times over the years.
Which brings us to the second ground rule: If a player disappears on me for more than a month without giving any prior notification or at least stopping in to let me know something is going on and they need to be bunnied for a bit, than I will kill the respective PC off and give the slot to another interested party. The issue with the original SoA RP was that I had a closed door Sign-ups rather than a revolving one- ergo, when people either resigned or vanished like Darvan did, there was no way to replace them and the RP slowly bled to death on the floor until I finally had to put it out of it's misery. This measure and the plot itself both account for this possibility and offers an easy solution- you are on a suicide mission to begin with, if need arises, it's entirely plausible that not everyone has to come back home in one piece or even at all. And as fucked up as the world is, there are plenty of individuals willing to step up and take over, just for a shot at making a better future; a little hope can be a powerful thing.
So, with those two out of the way, I must now ask this: Any and all players who feel they can not meet these two basic requirements, please speak up now. I'd rather deal with it sooner than encountering issues down the line once we've started.
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  On 7/20/2016 at 9:02 PM, Hukuna the Undying said:

I mean I'll try to keep up. No certainty though since man my track records with your RPs are awful. LOL>

Ya know what they say; Fourth time is the charm.

and all right... if no one will volunteer to step onto the sacrificial altar, then we are done here. I will get the names hooked up to the OP later and get started with work on the first chapter's opening.

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Well, yes, I have been busy as well. But the Forum being down for the near entirety of the day I specifically set aside a time and place to sit down and add everyone to the OOC then start writing the intro to chapter one definitely was a factor in why we're still sitting here now as well.

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BAM! Characters are all in order and the OP has been fixed up with a scroll wheel to make things a bit less clustered. Just as an FYI, whenever you go to update your character sheet in the future, it is highly suggested you use the link provided in the Accepted Player's post... since some of you have multiple profiles floating around here and I only bothered to include one.

Anyways, work on the IC thread will begin immediately after this message is sent.

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It is officially up! Our journey into Hell on Earth begins tonight! For the most part during this early introduction segment, I will let you guys have relatively free reign of you interactions after you get an introduction for your character up, though after a short while, I will begin to move things on to the meat of the chapter. Keep in mind that in the past few decades, Sky Pillar has become a massive complex of buildings and various shelters dotting the island, all radiating outward from the Tower at the center, which itself has also seen heavy modifications and renovations since the first refugees began to arrive and receive protection.

The economy is mostly self contained, though there was influence from other lands before the fall of the other gods began. The currency of Sky Pillar is the Poket. It should be noted that essential resources, such as food, water, and shelter, are all overseen by servants of Azauqyar and distributed evenly to all inhabitants of the Enclave, so not many vendors will bother selling them since rations are too precious to really forego eating just for the sake of extra money, but things such as attire, accesories, scrap materials for building or crafting, etc are all more or less free game and easier to obtain to any who can manage to barter for them from scouts and scavengers, or find them oneself.

There is also a Guard Schedule for patrolling the Enclave and manning it's wall every 24 hours of the day. The only time the Wall will not be manned is if everyone has been killed or the City is under siege and the barrier has been breached and thereby made worthless.

As stated in the OP of the Ic, anyone who fails to respond within a week will be poked by me to see if they are still game. I encourage any who have questions, or want to talk about special arrangements for their introduction scene, to ask them either on here or via PM

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And now, Sephtis' debut begins, and my return to RPing along with it.

Sincerest apologies and do forgive me if I've done anything wrong, Stratos. I understand it's rather long and that my writing style is...heteroclite, at best I put it. I hope it works out though.

Edited by YagamiNoir4896
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I'm actually quite new to this part of town, (thread? forum?) so I'm not familiar with the ropes here.

The premise of this story is quite interesting, so I am currently considering to make a character here, though I'm not quite sure where to start.

Is this a story driven by the creator, and use my character to see where he/she/xe fits? Or is this a community driven project that everyone participates in?

Also, how does the battles and levels work? How do you earn them, or change them? (I'm sorry if this is a question for some other part of the forum, but I'm not quite sure where to put this in)

Anyway, once I get the hang of it, I think I'll enjoy participating.

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Eh, sorry to burst some bubbles pal, but I'm afraid all the slots have already been filled, as announced in this previous post here:

  On 7/19/2016 at 5:11 PM, Sutoratosu said:

If there was something I did not like, would I have approved it? Understand that I've looked at a bunch of these things over the past few days and still have to add links for half of them to the OP

And, Typh is approved, which brings the player count to 12... I must close regular sign ups now, I'm afraid. Sorry to anyone who still has a WIP sheet or something, but hey... I did give fair warning that shit was filling up much quicker than I thought.

As for the other questions, most RPs around here are community driven affairs where the host sets up the conflict and lore of the world and story and players contribute to the plot through the events of their individual characters. Everything else has already been explained in the Front Page of this thread... but again, all the slots have been filled I'm afraid.

but thanks for the interest, and eh, you can still read along if ya want ;)

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Strat you picked what has to be one of the worst possible times to start the RP (well for me...) since there's something really, really major happening at work and I'm barely able to keep myself up trying to prepare for it. I can't post today and I'm not sure if I'll be able to Wednesday (depends on how sleep deprived I am) but come Thursday I should be able to post quite a bit more. Feel so bad but trying to do a post now would more or less be something super eligible. I'm going to go to sleep now before I crash on this laptop.

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